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Women Dies After Eating Bbq


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Strep can be caught from food directly but normally people with a prior condition are more vulnerable,what was the restaurant?

It should be closed down for tests and staffing tests also......sorry i forget we are in Thailand.

Very sad for the lady and her family.

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If it is one of the cook yourself bbq places the food might not have been cooked adequately, transference of the raw meat by using the same chopsticks to cook and eat.

And as you cook it yourself ......it could be down to personal negligence by the looks of it. sad.png

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If it is one of the cook yourself bbq places the food might not have been cooked adequately, transference of the raw meat by using the same chopsticks to cook and eat.

And as you cook it yourself ......it could be down to personal negligence by the looks of it. sad.png

Could be. As you said in your previous post, sad for the family of the lady.

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It would be unusual to get Strep from food wouldn't it?

More likely someone coughing or sneezing saliva on to you. That of course could happen in a crowded restaurant setting

I was in Sizzler Airport Plaza on Wednesday. I saw a kid about 10 years old sneeze all over the desserts while he was grabbing a couple of chocolate mousses.

From the paper breaking the news..."Dr Surasing advised moo krata diners to ensure their meat is thoroughly cook before eating it and not use chopsticks which have touched the raw meat."

I tell Thais this all time about the chopsticks and the majority of them don't listen. This is exactly how you get sick.

It is just a surprise it doesn't happen more often(or maybe it does?) especially in the villages where mostly rice and the bowls of food are shared with just fingers as eating implements.

I would of like to have been privy to the authorities inspection at the place to see what standards are expected.

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It would be unusual to get Strep from food wouldn't it?

More likely someone coughing or sneezing saliva on to you. That of course could happen in a crowded restaurant setting

I was in Sizzler Airport Plaza on Wednesday. I saw a kid about 10 years old sneeze all over the desserts while he was grabbing a couple of chocolate mousses.

From the paper breaking the news..."Dr Surasing advised moo krata diners to ensure their meat is thoroughly cook before eating it and not use chopsticks which have touched the raw meat."

I tell Thais this all time about the chopsticks and the majority of them don't listen. This is exactly how you get sick.

I see this all the time at the moo kata places...people using their chopsticks to pick up raw uncooked meat (pork liver, shrimp, whatever), turn the cooking food with same chopsticks, then eat the food with same.

It is a wonder dozens a week aren't dying from such unsanitary food practices.

There are dozens of kinds of streptococcus, some strains extremely nasty and resistant to antibiotics.

In a country where any 12 year old can walk in a pharmacy, and buy 3rd tier antibiotics only dispensed in hospitals in the developed world, it is no mystery why there are so many virulent strains here..

Edited by mcgriffith
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It would be unusual to get Strep from food wouldn't it?

More likely someone coughing or sneezing saliva on to you. That of course could happen in a crowded restaurant setting

It can result from infected pork (usually under cooked) but usually occurs for those workers directly handling infected pigs and their products. See http://www.who.int/foodsafety/micro/strepsuis/en/

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It would be unusual to get Strep from food wouldn't it?

More likely someone coughing or sneezing saliva on to you. That of course could happen in a crowded restaurant setting

I was in Sizzler Airport Plaza on Wednesday. I saw a kid about 10 years old sneeze all over the desserts while he was grabbing a couple of chocolate mousses.

From the paper breaking the news..."Dr Surasing advised moo krata diners to ensure their meat is thoroughly cook before eating it and not use chopsticks which have touched the raw meat."

I tell Thais this all time about the chopsticks and the majority of them don't listen. This is exactly how you get sick.

How about people who eat laap? I've never heard of anyone got sick of that. rolleyes.gif

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Please read forum rule 31) Bangkok Post do not allow quotes from their news articles or other material to appear on Thaivisa.com. Neither do they allow links to their publications. Posts from members containing quotes from or links to Bangkok Post publications will be deleted from the forum. Please note that this is a decision by the Bangkok Post, not by Thaivisa.com and any complaints or other issues concerning this rule should be directed to them. Quotes from and links to Phuketwan are also not allowed and will also be removed. In special cases forum Administrators or the news team may use these sources.

I can hardly wait for the Nation to come out with this breaking news item so we can get the facts on a certain death that probably happens all over Thailand. As several posters have pointed out it dosen't have to have any thing to do with the food preperation.

Come on Nation give us the straights on this.

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It would be unusual to get Strep from food wouldn't it?

More likely someone coughing or sneezing saliva on to you. That of course could happen in a crowded restaurant setting

I was in Sizzler Airport Plaza on Wednesday. I saw a kid about 10 years old sneeze all over the desserts while he was grabbing a couple of chocolate mousses.

From the paper breaking the news..."Dr Surasing advised moo krata diners to ensure their meat is thoroughly cook before eating it and not use chopsticks which have touched the raw meat."

I tell Thais this all time about the chopsticks and the majority of them don't listen. This is exactly how you get sick.

How about people who eat laap? I've never heard of anyone got sick of that. rolleyes.gif


Pay special note to this part of the above:


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Very sad for her family, and realistically being Thai she has had a life time to develop a caste iron stomach to food poisoning, so must have been something pretty nasty.

I agree with you. Even for my wife and me, having lived in Thailand for a long time and eat street food often, seem to have stronger immunity to the so-called unsanitary food. The only time I got bad diarrhea was after eating at a fancier restaurant but my wife and our son were unaffected. I suspect it was some piece/pieces in the hor moak that I ate.

Feel sorry for the girl and my condolences to the family.

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Very sad for her family, and realistically being Thai she has had a life time to develop a caste iron stomach to food poisoning, so must have been something pretty nasty.

I agree with you. Even for my wife and me, having lived in Thailand for a long time and eat street food often, seem to have stronger immunity to the so-called unsanitary food. The only time I got bad diarrhea was after eating at a fancier restaurant but my wife and our son were unaffected. I suspect it was some piece/pieces in the hor moak that I ate.

Feel sorry for the girl and my condolences to the family.

Same, same.

We have eaten in places where rats have been running under the tables and the cockroaches roam free, dirty, filthy, greasy tables with flies everywhere, and the cooks use their bare hands while preparing and cooking the food.

At one time while eating some noodles at a stall in the Hang Dong market, an old lady was cooking something in a pot and as I was watching her, she sneezed full blast directly into the boiling hot pot of whatever it was she was cooking.

Never been affected by food poisoning while living in Thailand, but I think it`s a miracle that my family and I haven’t.

The only incentives that I can see for the owners not to give their customers food poisoning is because they work by reputation and if the word got round that they were making customers ill, than they would lose business. As for the legal side, I doubt if there are any strict enforcements on the hygiene front.

We really do take our chances here, dining out in eating establishments is like a lottery and we never known when our turn is next.

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It would be unusual to get Strep from food wouldn't it?

More likely someone coughing or sneezing saliva on to you. That of course could happen in a crowded restaurant setting

I was in Sizzler Airport Plaza on Wednesday. I saw a kid about 10 years old sneeze all over the desserts while he was grabbing a couple of chocolate mousses.

From the paper breaking the news..."Dr Surasing advised moo krata diners to ensure their meat is thoroughly cook before eating it and not use chopsticks which have touched the raw meat."

I tell Thais this all time about the chopsticks and the majority of them don't listen. This is exactly how you get sick.

How about people who eat laap? I've never heard of anyone got sick of that. rolleyes.gif

I did, or from the fermented raw fish in somtam. One or the other caused me to get a liver parasite (flash fevers, felt like $hit, hospitalised for 4 days), which can lead to fatal cancer of the bile duct if not caught early. Kills thousands in Issaan, the residents of which are blithely ignorant about opisthorciasis.


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City News

23 Year-Old Sudent Dies from Bacteria Poisoning - Uncooked Meat at Korean BBQ thought to be to Blame

Dec 7, 2012


CityNews – A Masters Degree student studying at a university in Chiang Mai has died after eating at a Korean BBQ (moo kata) restaurant in Chiang Mai, reported the Chiang Mai public Health Office. The student, whose name has not yet been released, died after a two day ordeal in hospital.

1354894968.jpgA moo kata grill

Dr. Surasingh Witsarutrat, the deputy president of Chiang Mai Public Health Office, revealed that the girl’s relatives believed that she became sick after eating at a moo kata. The relatives said she was a strong and healthy girl.

The hospital revealed that bacteria, called Streptococcus, was to blame for the girl’s death. The bacteria, doctors say, had started to destroy parts of her brain and it was not possible to save her life.

Dr. Surasingh said it would be difficult to say where the bacteria that killed the girl came from, though it was likely it came from eating uncooked meat, possible at the moo kata restaurant. He warned people that they should always cook the meat well to ensure bacteria is killed. He also pointed out that many Thais use the same chopsticks to pick up the raw meat and then use those chopsticks for eating. He expressed that this should not be done as bacteria is carried this way.

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City News

23 Year-Old Sudent Dies from Bacteria Poisoning - Uncooked Meat at Korean BBQ thought to be to Blame

Dec 7, 2012


CityNews – A Masters Degree student studying at a university in Chiang Mai has died after eating at a Korean BBQ (moo kata) restaurant in Chiang Mai, reported the Chiang Mai public Health Office. The student, whose name has not yet been released, died after a two day ordeal in hospital.

1354894968.jpgA moo kata grill

Dr. Surasingh Witsarutrat, the deputy president of Chiang Mai Public Health Office, revealed that the girl’s relatives believed that she became sick after eating at a moo kata. The relatives said she was a strong and healthy girl.

The hospital revealed that bacteria, called Streptococcus, was to blame for the girl’s death. The bacteria, doctors say, had started to destroy parts of her brain and it was not possible to save her life.

Dr. Surasingh said it would be difficult to say where the bacteria that killed the girl came from, though it was likely it came from eating uncooked meat, possible at the moo kata restaurant. He warned people that they should always cook the meat well to ensure bacteria is killed. He also pointed out that many Thais use the same chopsticks to pick up the raw meat and then use those chopsticks for eating. He expressed that this should not be done as bacteria is carried this way.

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In other words she was the cause of her own death.

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City News

23 Year-Old Sudent Dies from Bacteria Poisoning - Uncooked Meat at Korean BBQ thought to be to Blame

Dec 7, 2012


CityNews – A Masters Degree student studying at a university in Chiang Mai has died after eating at a Korean BBQ (moo kata) restaurant in Chiang Mai, reported the Chiang Mai public Health Office. The student, whose name has not yet been released, died after a two day ordeal in hospital.

1354894968.jpgA moo kata grill

Dr. Surasingh Witsarutrat, the deputy president of Chiang Mai Public Health Office, revealed that the girl’s relatives believed that she became sick after eating at a moo kata. The relatives said she was a strong and healthy girl.

The hospital revealed that bacteria, called Streptococcus, was to blame for the girl’s death. The bacteria, doctors say, had started to destroy parts of her brain and it was not possible to save her life.

Dr. Surasingh said it would be difficult to say where the bacteria that killed the girl came from, though it was likely it came from eating uncooked meat, possible at the moo kata restaurant. He warned people that they should always cook the meat well to ensure bacteria is killed. He also pointed out that many Thais use the same chopsticks to pick up the raw meat and then use those chopsticks for eating. He expressed that this should not be done as bacteria is carried this way.

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In other words she was the cause of her own death.

A tad unwarranted and insensitive.

One report suggested that she may have had an underlying condition (not her fault). Another advised that there were three others who got ill at the same time and we do not know if they were all of the one party and hence all had undercooked food, or at different parties in which case they all managed to have undercooked food at the same time, or perhaps the food itself was off and others more resilient (not her fault). It is not uncommon to have one or two people cook while others sit around and graze or have food placed in their bowls (no more her fault than eating at any restaurant).

Either way, 23 years old a uni grad and her whole life ahead of her. Tragic loss for her family at such a young age, thought you would have more sympathy Hellodolly.

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I don't we all die. When I go I hope people care more about the people who were close to me. I will be gone and it will be a waste of time to have sympathyfor me.

Put it where it belongs.

I feel for the people who cared for her they will miss her.

The origanal post said a Chiang Mai women died it was taken from an article in the Bangkok post. Many speculations and some facts. Could have been from some thiing she had eaten for breakfast.Don't even know what city she died in.

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City News

23 Year-Old Sudent Dies from Bacteria Poisoning - Uncooked Meat at Korean BBQ thought to be to Blame

Dec 7, 2012


CityNews – A Masters Degree student studying at a university in Chiang Mai has died after eating at a Korean BBQ (moo kata) restaurant in Chiang Mai, reported the Chiang Mai public Health Office. The student, whose name has not yet been released, died after a two day ordeal in hospital.

1354894968.jpgA moo kata grill

Dr. Surasingh Witsarutrat, the deputy president of Chiang Mai Public Health Office, revealed that the girl’s relatives believed that she became sick after eating at a moo kata. The relatives said she was a strong and healthy girl.

The hospital revealed that bacteria, called Streptococcus, was to blame for the girl’s death. The bacteria, doctors say, had started to destroy parts of her brain and it was not possible to save her life.

Dr. Surasingh said it would be difficult to say where the bacteria that killed the girl came from, though it was likely it came from eating uncooked meat, possible at the moo kata restaurant. He warned people that they should always cook the meat well to ensure bacteria is killed. He also pointed out that many Thais use the same chopsticks to pick up the raw meat and then use those chopsticks for eating. He expressed that this should not be done as bacteria is carried this way.

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In other words she was the cause of her own death.

A tad unwarranted and insensitive.

One report suggested that she may have had an underlying condition (not her fault). Another advised that there were three others who got ill at the same time and we do not know if they were all of the one party and hence all had undercooked food, or at different parties in which case they all managed to have undercooked food at the same time, or perhaps the food itself was off and others more resilient (not her fault). It is not uncommon to have one or two people cook while others sit around and graze or have food placed in their bowls (no more her fault than eating at any restaurant).

Either way, 23 years old a uni grad and her whole life ahead of her. Tragic loss for her family at such a young age, thought you would have more sympathy Hellodolly.

It is the sort of inane comment you come to expect from Hello Dolly. He just has to say something whether it is relevent, insensitive or just plain inane.

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Let's try to keep it on track here...no tit for tat between members.

What we can take away from this topic IMHO is that although many have luckily not gotten sick here, it still is necessary to observe basic food hygiene where ever you live in the world.

I am very sorry this young girl died; I have a son who is a uni student and it is every parent's worst nightmare to lose a child....

Oh, and remember to switch chopsticks between cooking chopsticks, and eating chopsticks at moo kata restaurants.

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