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Duchess Of Cambridge Hoax Call Nurse Found Dead


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The DJs made the call, their bosses approved it's broadcast.

Both must bear the responsibility for the consequences.

And lets not forget anyone who found it funny!!

Do you mean the hundreds of thousands that listen to 2DayFM?

Sent from my HTC phone.

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The DJs made the call, their bosses approved it's broadcast.

Both must bear the responsibility for the consequences.

And lets not forget anyone who found it funny!!

Do you mean the hundreds of thousands that listen to 2DayFM?

Sent from my HTC phone.


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In reality, I doubt any civil action would be successful, the poor girl obviously had far too many mental issues. No one of sound mind commits suicide just because they transfer a call.


The eggshell skull rule is a legal doctrine that says the wrongdoer takes the victim in the condition he/she finds him. There is no allowance for an already weakened state of the injured party. If a defendant negligently injures someone, the defendant is responsible for all the consequences, whether they were foreseeable or not. The rule is applied in civil and criminal cases involving a plaintiff in a vulnerable, weakened state or suffering from a mental condition.

Edited by Phronesis
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Not sure what law some posters are quoting but it not Australian law which I think is confusing the aussies.

In short...

The DJ's will not be charged with a criminal offence because none was committed against the poor dead girl. The Director of Public Prosecutions determines if there is a case to answer, there isn't. I have worked for the DPP and there is no way they would touch this with a barge pole as there is just no case to answer. In rare occasions the state govt can bring the case though I would think it unlikely as no offence was committed. End of story for that.

As for civil suit. The DJ's are employed by 2Day FM. Therefore they are not agents, they are employees and as such there is vicarious liability. So any talk of agents or agency is way off the mark.

A lawyer MAY decide to sue both the station and the DJ's but in reality it would be a waste of time going after the DJ's and there is no need to add them as defendants anyway.

Simply file a suit against the station. The station can then add the DJ's as 2nd Defendants if they wish to try and apportion blame. In reality, go after the hip pocket, go for the station. I doubt there would be much money to be had from the DJ's anyway, it isn't even a national station.

Some on here are going on as if the poor dead girl was actually the main subject of the prank. All she did was put the call through. If the switchboard girl at 2Day FM have died for dialing the number would that give her family a claim? I don't think any reasoned person would think so.

Again, if it was the subject of the prank that died then it would be a different story.

There is also another option in this. If the girl's parents sue the DJ's and/or the station, don't be surprised if the DJ's in turn sue the station.

In reality, I doubt any civil action would be successful, the poor girl obviously had far too many mental issues. No one of sound mind commits suicide just because they transfer a call. Too many variables.

May be a civil case for show, nothing will come of it.

I agree with what you say.

Despite my sympathy for the woman, were I on the jury, I would not need to think long before saying "not guilty".

I hate those "candid" pranks, but I loathe "ambulance chasing" lawyers even more.

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Not sure what law some posters are quoting but it not Australian law which I think is confusing the aussies.

In short...

The DJ's will not be charged with a criminal offence because none was committed against the poor dead girl. The Director of Public Prosecutions determines if there is a case to answer, there isn't. I have worked for the DPP and there is no way they would touch this with a barge pole as there is just no case to answer. In rare occasions the state govt can bring the case though I would think it unlikely as no offence was committed. End of story for that.

As for civil suit. The DJ's are employed by 2Day FM. Therefore they are not agents, they are employees and as such there is vicarious liability. So any talk of agents or agency is way off the mark.

A lawyer MAY decide to sue both the station and the DJ's but in reality it would be a waste of time going after the DJ's and there is no need to add them as defendants anyway.

Simply file a suit against the station. The station can then add the DJ's as 2nd Defendants if they wish to try and apportion blame. In reality, go after the hip pocket, go for the station. I doubt there would be much money to be had from the DJ's anyway, it isn't even a national station.

Some on here are going on as if the poor dead girl was actually the main subject of the prank. All she did was put the call through. If the switchboard girl at 2Day FM have died for dialing the number would that give her family a claim? I don't think any reasoned person would think so.

Again, if it was the subject of the prank that died then it would be a different story.

There is also another option in this. If the girl's parents sue the DJ's and/or the station, don't be surprised if the DJ's in turn sue the station.

In reality, I doubt any civil action would be successful, the poor girl obviously had far too many mental issues. No one of sound mind commits suicide just because they transfer a call. Too many variables.

May be a civil case for show, nothing will come of it.

I agree with what you say.

Despite my sympathy for the woman, were I on the jury, I would not need to think long before saying "not guilty".

I hate those "candid" pranks, but I loathe "ambulance chasing" lawyers even more.


A finding of "not guilty" would only arise in the case of criminal proceedings.

Any such proceedings would be prosecuted by the Crown.

Are you suggesting the Public Prosecutor is an Ambulance chaser?

Those proceedings would be

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In reality, I doubt any civil action would be successful, the poor girl obviously had far too many mental issues. No one of sound mind commits suicide just because they transfer a call.


The eggshell skull rule is a legal doctrine that says the wrongdoer takes the victim in the condition he/she finds him. There is no allowance for an already weakened state of the injured party. If a defendant negligently injures someone, the defendant is responsible for all the consequences, whether they were foreseeable or not. The rule is applied in civil and criminal cases involving a plaintiff in a vulnerable, weakened state or suffering from a mental condition.

Transferring phone calls is such a stressful job.

Good luck with finding anyone that will charge the DJ's and good luck in a civil court.

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Not sure what law some posters are quoting but it not Australian law which I think is confusing the aussies.

In short...

The DJ's will not be charged with a criminal offence because none was committed against the poor dead girl. The Director of Public Prosecutions determines if there is a case to answer, there isn't. I have worked for the DPP and there is no way they would touch this with a barge pole as there is just no case to answer. In rare occasions the state govt can bring the case though I would think it unlikely as no offence was committed. End of story for that.

As for civil suit. The DJ's are employed by 2Day FM. Therefore they are not agents, they are employees and as such there is vicarious liability. So any talk of agents or agency is way off the mark.

A lawyer MAY decide to sue both the station and the DJ's but in reality it would be a waste of time going after the DJ's and there is no need to add them as defendants anyway.

Simply file a suit against the station. The station can then add the DJ's as 2nd Defendants if they wish to try and apportion blame. In reality, go after the hip pocket, go for the station. I doubt there would be much money to be had from the DJ's anyway, it isn't even a national station.

Some on here are going on as if the poor dead girl was actually the main subject of the prank. All she did was put the call through. If the switchboard girl at 2Day FM have died for dialing the number would that give her family a claim? I don't think any reasoned person would think so.

Again, if it was the subject of the prank that died then it would be a different story.

There is also another option in this. If the girl's parents sue the DJ's and/or the station, don't be surprised if the DJ's in turn sue the station.

In reality, I doubt any civil action would be successful, the poor girl obviously had far too many mental issues. No one of sound mind commits suicide just because they transfer a call. Too many variables.

May be a civil case for show, nothing will come of it.

I agree with what you say.

Despite my sympathy for the woman, were I on the jury, I would not need to think long before saying "not guilty".

I hate those "candid" pranks, but I loathe "ambulance chasing" lawyers even more.


A finding of "not guilty" would only arise in the case of criminal proceedings.

Any such proceedings would be prosecuted by the Crown.

Are you suggesting the Public Prosecutor is an Ambulance chaser?

Those proceedings would be

No, I just dislike ambulance chasing lawyers.

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She was hell bent on killing herself.

I left this thread alone days ago but having returned to read the recent posts I must say I'm pretty disgusted at the lengths some are going to in "proving" their opinions. Most accept that there were a variety of contributing factors to this tragic suicide but that the prank call acted as the obvious catalyst.

I understand those that don't accept this but not when you go to the lengths of depicting the deceased as someone hell bent on killing themselves. It's just appalling and shows the same lack of sensitivity and bloody mindedness that caused this stupid prank call to be aired in the first place. Give it a rest and realise that this poor woman and her grieving family are actually real people with real emotions and not simply fodder for your internet jousts.

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  • 5 weeks later...

The CPS is based in the UK. They have no jurisdiction over Australian citizens. This is a non-story.

The CPS annouced yesterday 30/1/2013 just as Australian authorities did, no offence committed and no charges to be persued.
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  • 2 months later...

Nurse Jacinta Saldanha 'blamed Australian radio DJs from 2DayFM in suicide note', The Sunday Times reports

Charles Miranda and Colin Vickery

  • From: News Limited Network
  • April 29, 201311:13AM

RADIO 2Day FM DJ Mel Greig is set to appear at the inquest into the death of UK nurse Jacintha Saldanha.

The British nurse died after taking a hoax call from Greig and 2Day FM host Michael Christian who posed as the Queen and Prince Charles last December.

Lawyers Slater & Gordon issued a statement this morning saying that Ms Greig will appear at the inquest later this year.


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Nurse Jacinta Saldanha 'blamed Australian radio DJs from 2DayFM in suicide note', The Sunday Times reports

Charles Miranda and Colin Vickery

  • From: News Limited Network
  • April 29, 201311:13AM

RADIO 2Day FM DJ Mel Greig is set to appear at the inquest into the death of UK nurse Jacintha Saldanha.

The British nurse died after taking a hoax call from Greig and 2Day FM host Michael Christian who posed as the Queen and Prince Charles last December.

Lawyers Slater & Gordon issued a statement this morning saying that Ms Greig will appear at the inquest later this year.


Exceptional reporting . . .

Pity the lady and her family . . . finding blame with the DJs or the station is simply ludicrous, as is asking them to pay her mortgage

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Why is that "DJ" even going? To "clear her name" or make herself feel better?

A statement from law firm Slater and Gordon, who is acting on Ms Greig’s behalf, said she is determined to address any questions surrounding her role in the tragic events.

"Ms Greig fully understands their (Ms Saldanha’s family) need for answers, which is why she has taken this step to appear as an individual at the inquest," the statement said


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It is obvious that no one of sound mind would commit suicide for simply answering a phone and transferring the call.

nor would they request that the person/s who made the call pay off her morgage after she has topped herself

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  • 1 month later...

Christian obviously has no remorse; neither do his employers.

Not only is he back at work, at a different station but one owned by the same people, but his employers have given him an award!!!

Australia minister calls award for prank DJ 'bad taste'

He's party to a 'prank' call which probably tipped someone over the edge into suicide and that call is broadcast illegally; and he gets an award from his employers for it!


If he had any shame or remorse at all he would have refused it, but instead

Mr Christian said that winning the network's internal award - which selects from Southern Cross stations across the country and comes with a trip to Los Angeles - felt good.

"From the start I felt like I had something to prove to myself," he said in a statement. "That regardless of all that's happened in the past few months I'm still at the top of my game."

Bet that's a comfort to Jacintha Saldanha's family; not!

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Christian obviously has no remorse; neither do his employers.

Not only is he back at work, at a different station but one owned by the same people, but his employers have given him an award!!!

Australia minister calls award for prank DJ 'bad taste'

He's party to a 'prank' call which probably tipped someone over the edge into suicide and that call is broadcast illegally; and he gets an award from his employers for it!


If he had any shame or remorse at all he would have refused it, but instead

Mr Christian said that winning the network's internal award - which selects from Southern Cross stations across the country and comes with a trip to Los Angeles - felt good.

"From the start I felt like I had something to prove to myself," he said in a statement. "That regardless of all that's happened in the past few months I'm still at the top of my game."

Bet that's a comfort to Jacintha Saldanha's family; not!

Saw this on BBC news today, how absolutely disgusting, the radio station and all australians should be ashamed for this

shameful disgraceful award being given to this excuse for a human being. out and out jerk.gif s

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The award was for being the 'next top jock' not for the stupid prank, just in case anyone hasn't read the link.

I am not sure what people want him to do, wear sack cloth and ashes for the rest of his life, or apologise for a stupid mistake, not even a criminal act, and get on with his life.

Made any serious mistakes anyone? Still wearing your sack cloth blouse?

I agree with you. He hasn't committed any offence or been charged with anything.

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The award was for being the 'next top jock' not for the stupid prank, just in case anyone hasn't read the link.

I am not sure what people want him to do, wear sack cloth and ashes for the rest of his life, or apologise for a stupid mistake, not even a criminal act, and get on with his life.

Made any serious mistakes anyone? Still wearing your sack cloth blouse?

I agree with you. He hasn't committed any offence or been charged with anything.

Ditto - I doubt any of the knee-jerk hang-em-high brigade here are lily white

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Christian obviously has no remorse; neither do his employers.


Not only is he back at work, at a different station but one owned by the same people, but his employers have given him an award!!!


Australia minister calls award for prank DJ 'bad taste'


He's party to a 'prank' call which probably tipped someone over the edge into suicide and that call is broadcast illegally; and he gets an award from his employers for it!




If he had any shame or remorse at all he would have refused it, but instead

Mr Christian said that winning the network's internal award - which selects from Southern Cross stations across the country and comes with a trip to Los Angeles - felt good.


"From the start I felt like I had something to prove to myself," he said in a statement. "That regardless of all that's happened in the past few months I'm still at the top of my game."


Bet that's a comfort to Jacintha Saldanha's family; not!

By your reasoning he should be a martyr for life

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Christian obviously has no remorse; neither do his employers.

Not only is he back at work, at a different station but one owned by the same people, but his employers have given him an award!!!

Australia minister calls award for prank DJ 'bad taste'

He's party to a 'prank' call which probably tipped someone over the edge into suicide and that call is broadcast illegally; and he gets an award from his employers for it!


If he had any shame or remorse at all he would have refused it, but instead

Mr Christian said that winning the network's internal award - which selects from Southern Cross stations across the country and comes with a trip to Los Angeles - felt good.

"From the start I felt like I had something to prove to myself," he said in a statement. "That regardless of all that's happened in the past few months I'm still at the top of my game."

Bet that's a comfort to Jacintha Saldanha's family; not!

By your reasoning he should be a martyr for life

By definition a martyr is dead so it is difficult to see how he could be one "for life"


A person who is killed because of their religious or other beliefs.

But you could be right, do you think he should be dead or do you all think he deserves an award for his part in this ????

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Christian obviously has no remorse; neither do his employers.

Not only is he back at work, at a different station but one owned by the same people, but his employers have given him an award!!!

Australia minister calls award for prank DJ 'bad taste'

He's party to a 'prank' call which probably tipped someone over the edge into suicide and that call is broadcast illegally; and he gets an award from his employers for it!


If he had any shame or remorse at all he would have refused it, but instead

Mr Christian said that winning the network's internal award - which selects from Southern Cross stations across the country and comes with a trip to Los Angeles - felt good.

"From the start I felt like I had something to prove to myself," he said in a statement. "That regardless of all that's happened in the past few months I'm still at the top of my game."

Bet that's a comfort to Jacintha Saldanha's family; not!

By your reasoning he should be a martyr for life

Well, 'reasoning' and changing of facts: "He's party to a 'prank' call which probably tipped someone over the edge into suicide and that call is broadcast illegally; and he gets an award from his employers for it!"

But then if he can't read/comprehend what is written . . .

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But you could be right, do you think he should be dead or do you all think he deserves an award for his part in this ????

Yet another shining star who thinks the DJ received his award for the call . . .

. . . why, oh why is it so difficult for some to understand simple facts . . . is it the so inappropriately named 'comprehensive' education you people receive?

Edited by Sing_Sling
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Christian obviously has no remorse; neither do his employers.

Not only is he back at work, at a different station but one owned by the same people, but his employers have given him an award!!!

Australia minister calls award for prank DJ 'bad taste'

He's party to a 'prank' call which probably tipped someone over the edge into suicide and that call is broadcast illegally; and he gets an award from his employers for it!


If he had any shame or remorse at all he would have refused it, but instead

Mr Christian said that winning the network's internal award - which selects from Southern Cross stations across the country and comes with a trip to Los Angeles - felt good.

"From the start I felt like I had something to prove to myself," he said in a statement. "That regardless of all that's happened in the past few months I'm still at the top of my game."

Bet that's a comfort to Jacintha Saldanha's family; not!

Saw this on BBC news today, how absolutely disgusting, the radio station and all australians should be ashamed for this

shameful disgraceful award being given to this excuse for a human being. out and out jerk.gif s

Why should all Australians be ashamed of this award? What part have "ALL" Australians played in this. The guy hasn't done anything illegal or been charged with any illegal activity and simply worked for the radio station. Pedophilles, rapists and murderers are allowed to get on with their lives so why do some on here want to see someone who hasn't committed a crime be tortured for the rest of his life.

You have to love the humanity of some people. I believe that the Network has also been exonerated. If you do not agree with anything it is election year so take it up with your local M.P and press them to make up something to charge him with.

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