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British And American Teachers Found Dead In Thai Home


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Sorry my last attempt to reply went astray, it somehow got embedded in the original comment. Apologies.

...how do you even ADMINISTER CO2 (or any other gas-) poisoning unless the victims live in a CELLAR ? You would have to airtighten windows, shut off and block air ducts from aircon and then of course, not the least of obstacles, bring the gas in and disperse it, the victims already there, you yourself wearing a gas mask ! In one of the INSPECTOR FRENCH books, if I may swing my specialized knowledge around (...) this was done by a hose from outside a bullseye, this method might work because the victim slept in a ship´s cabin that was welded throughout and tight except for the bullseye. But in an apartment...?

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The Thai press has a couple of extra details -- the woman said she went to the room, which was locked, and heard snoring coming from inside.

Also. the police discovered 4 bottles of what they describe as 'medicine to cure narcotics addiction', which came from the Thanyarak Institute. They didn't specify empty or full.

From the photo, they could indeed be sleeping; room looks perfectly ordinary, there's even an open laptop next to one of these unfortunate people.

Condolences to their families and friends.

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The Diazepam found in the room mixed with alcohol gives a strong high. If the body is a bit dehydrated it is very easy for clogs to form in veins. Although the report don't say if they found alcohol in the room.

What a load of crap! Diazapam is well know as Valium. It's not a strong drug. There wasn't any mention of milligram dosage. Yellow are 5 mg and blue are 10mg. Unless they took a lot of blues and drank a liter or more of whiskey each, there's no way they died from an over dose of valium.

I know what diazepam is as I had taken it for 15 years. The drug itself it's not dangerous and almost impossible to die by overdose. However when you mix it with alcohol you lose control and do things you normally wouldn't. I had a psychiatrist some time ago who had a heart attack and almost die because of taking diazepam and drinking whisky (and it was just a few glasses not a litre)

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Sitting in front of tv ,was it on?, the best Thai police cause of death I heard,

Hypothermia !! on 2 Swedes found lying dead on floor of the kitchen,case

closed.Come on I thought they run about nude in the snow.

The longer you live here,the unbelievable becomes the norm.

regards Worgeordie

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The Diazepam found in the room mixed with alcohol gives a strong high. If the body is a bit dehydrated it is very easy for clogs to form in veins. Although the report don't say if they found alcohol in the room.

What a load of balls ..... and that's being kind. Firstly because you are presuming the alcohol when you admit none mentioned. Secondly because Diazepam and alcohol are both "downers", they don't produce a strong high. And how many people die from Diazepam "poisoning" each year? There are huge numbers of people that mix Benzos with alcohol, it just happens. And they don't end up as a pair in a room dead ...... no idea what they died of, but I bet they both didn't die of mixing Diazepam with alcohol

Edited by pete66
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I believe someone mentioned this earlier. Check out Facebook page Rangsit Apartments. The second picture down is interesting and the timing of it fits. Or you can just go on with your nonsense speculations with no evidence.whistling.gif

This is really a strange coincidence you stumbled upon. The photo showing the guys with full bottles of insecticide happened to be taken yesterday. Maybe their work started even days earlier.

FB link:


On the other hand it sounds like they could have overdosed on Methadone, which would be extremely dangerous in combination w alcohol.

Let's hope we get an update after pölice investigations this time. Somehow there are lots of strange deaths reported but rarely if ever a follow up on the cases ...

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There was a similar situation to this reported in Vietnam a few years back. Two British journalists mistook China White (Heroin) for cocaine and snorted some. They were found dead where they were sitting.

A similar scene was also portrayed in the Movie Pulp Fiction by Uma Thurman

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Anyone that tries to use the reasoning that they saw it in a movie as to why it could have happened in real life needs to have their head examined.

I've read that same excuse now several times in this thread. "It was in a movie"

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drugs kill everywhere, but many are unaware of the dangers

Dual suicide of course.

That are also my thoughts. No other possibility that 2 people sitting next to each other and awake can die at exactly the same time without the other one noticing anything strange going on.

Downtown Inn people and those Canadian girls both died in similar circumstances.

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drugs kill everywhere, but many are unaware of the dangers

Dual suicide of course.

That are also my thoughts. No other possibility that 2 people sitting next to each other and awake can die at exactly the same time without the other one noticing anything strange going on.

Downtown Inn people and those Canadian girls both died in similar circumstances.

They died in their sleep as far as I'm aware.
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You don't usually hear of a double suicide, since a feeling of loneliness is usually a contributing factor and a second person would likely talk the first out of such a ridiculous idea. If it was a double suicide from drug overdose you would expect them to be on the ground in pain unless they had something that worked fast and was painless. If it was something accidental how likely is it that it would kill them both at exactly the same time so neither person had the chance to recognize that something was wrong?

Why did the woman who was living there with one of the men, and I also read she was married to him, leave for the whole night with no key on the same night that this rare occurence happened? How easy is it to put an empty packet of pills in the room and plan to have someone else open the door for you later to confirm that you were not in the room?

There are a lot of important details missing from the story that should be easy to get and it is either bad journalism or the police already have their suspicions and are not ready to come out with it yet until more information is obtained.

So what you're saying is that from now on I should always to my key with me if I leave my gf at my condo alone. Because if I don't take a key and she happens to die, you will accuse me of poisoning her and not having my key so that I have an alibi. Do you realise how ridiculous you are being. Even with a key, CCTV would have recorded the coming and going, and the guards would most likely have seen her, so not having a key doesn't prove anything, except that she was expecting them to be at home when she got back. Perhaps she's away often. Why is it odd that she wasn't there when they died? If she was there she might have been able to call for help, so it's obvious that people are more likely to die when there is no-on available to call for help.

What you say is so ridiculous that it's laughable.


So if you gf decided to go shopping, or go for an appointement, or go to anywhere - you expect here to be at home to let you in?

This has nothing to do with anything in this thread. If you if you go out, and she locks her self in, as you tell her to - ............ oh wait a minute... I know your type! Forget it.. I have little more to add! If she had an accident, or slipped over and injured herself, you'd just go out and find your next gig, mai na? No key, couldn't help her - sorry BIB.

What you write is so ridiculous, and laughable.

-mel. sad.png

Don't be so stupid. If I pop out and she says she's staying in, why would I take the key? I don't ask her to lock herself in; she does it because she feels safer. I don't expect her to stay in. If she says she may go out I take my key.

You don't know my type at all. We're in a long-term relationship and I don't have any intention of finding anyone else. If she died I doubt I stay in Thailand and certainly wouldn't be looking for another woman. Maybe you can jump from relationship to relationship quickly, but not all of us want to live like that. So good luck with that.

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About 8 years ago, there was a story out of Chiang Mai, where two farang men, in their late 30's/early 40's, ordinarily healthy, were found sprawed together on the ground floor of an Apt - dead. They were only in their underwear shorts. Upstairs was found some drug paraphanalia (can't recall what type?. Both their gf's/wives just happened to be out together at the time. Of course, no real investigation was done by authorities, and it was ruled drug overdose. Who's next?

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