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British And American Teachers Found Dead In Thai Home


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The Diazepam found in the room mixed with alcohol gives a strong high. If the body is a bit dehydrated it is very easy for clogs to form in veins. Although the report don't say if they found alcohol in the room.

Even mixed with alcohol that wouldn't create the reaction that they had. It's more likely with that mix their heart would stop beating not puking. A females weapon of choice is poison. That's my guess but of course I'm not an expert.

Edited by Markaew
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You don't usually hear of a double suicide, since a feeling of loneliness is usually a contributing factor and a second person would likely talk the first out of such a ridiculous idea. If it was a double suicide from drug overdose you would expect them to be on the ground in pain unless they had something that worked fast and was painless. If it was something accidental how likely is it that it would kill them both at exactly the same time so neither person had the chance to recognize that something was wrong?

Why did the woman who was living there with one of the men, and I also read she was married to him, leave for the whole night with no key on the same night that this rare occurence happened? How easy is it to put an empty packet of pills in the room and plan to have someone else open the door for you later to confirm that you were not in the room?

There are a lot of important details missing from the story that should be easy to get and it is either bad journalism or the police already have their suspicions and are not ready to come out with it yet until more information is obtained.

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If they had been poisoned/taken drugs, etc, they would have stumbled around for a bit and been found dead on the floor, not sat bolt upright in a chair. They would have tried to phone somebody for help.

BIB, check their mobiles/landline for any outgoing/incoming calls, that's your first line of inquiry (after the girlfriend).

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Carbon monoxide poisioning is most distinctive as the victims would have red lips, tounges and an overal skin discolouration.

However, the fact that they were both found sitting in from of the TV gives credibility to this as the victims of CO inhalation would first become unconsious and often suffer from reactive vomiting. Very strange indeed. RIP

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The Diazepam found in the room mixed with alcohol gives a strong high. If the body is a bit dehydrated it is very easy for clogs to form in veins. Although the report don't say if they found alcohol in the room.

Even mixed with alcohol that would create the reaction that they had. It's more likely with that mix their heart would stop beating not puking. A females weapon of choice is poison. That's my guess but of course I'm not an expert.

...And a conveniently empty bottle with the poor soul's name on it ,would be an appropriate place to administer any poison . Hope the CCTV cameras were not unexpectedly out of service .
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If they had been poisoned/taken drugs, etc, they would have stumbled around for a bit and been found dead on the floor, not sat bolt upright in a chair. They would have tried to phone somebody for help.

BIB, check their mobiles/landline for any outgoing/incoming calls, that's your first line of inquiry (after the girlfriend).

We only have an unreliable report.

In addition to the woman who found the bodies, we have police, rescue workers and journalsts all possibly altering the scene of the deaths.

I know you will find this hard to believe, but the police will rearrange the position of the bodies to make the photo taking easier.

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I agree that this is highly suspicious. People don´t just die like that. People have different physiology, which would usually cause any sort of poisoning to act slower on one Person and faster on the other, except the very strongest poisons like cyanure. Roger so far? So then, if one Person gets hit by the symptoms, surely the other would have time to call the ambulance, and would not just sit there "like watching TV" ? It is time to do a little research on the backgrounds of the two. Perhaps the photographer took pictures that he shouldn´t have...? But then again, in the case of murder, the whole scene seems rather too peaceful for that. It is difficult to fake this air of serendipity that seems to permeate the whole room. Kill these two in some violent way and then arrange them like puppets. No. it can´t have been done. Were is Horatio Caine when we need him ...?

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I think the lady mentioned had nothing to do with the unfortunate and untimely deaths of these two men. If she wanted to get rid of her partner, certainly she would not run the risk of harming another person unnecessarily.

My condolences to the family, friends colleagues and students.

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Carbon monoxide poisioning is most distinctive as the victims would have red lips, tounges and an overal skin discolouration.

However, the fact that they were both found sitting in from of the TV gives credibility to this as the victims of CO inhalation would first become unconsious and often suffer from reactive vomiting. Very strange indeed. RIP

I know the apartment well, as I have a friend who lives there. I have stayed there on various occasions, and it is not a lower class apartment. It is well maintained, relatively expensive, has excellent security and is a rather well rated placed to live in Rangsit. CO poisoning I would rule out altogether. a person or people entering would have to know security well to pass through or be permitted through.

First place is not the mobile phones of theses guys, but was the woman seen to enter and leave during the 10 hours she says she was absent!

The thing I must question is that if she lived with one of these guys fro 14 years then I just can't imagine her being a culprit. I would point any finger of foul play, if indeed foul play becomes relevant, to another person who rents in the same building, and floor!


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Sat down in a comfortable position watching TV? Two of them?

I know that if i was feeling unwell i would not just sit in a chair and let it happen and because the two of them are involved in exactly the same way unmoved sitting comfortable like watching TV.

Something tells me there was an another person involved.

So please tell us how a third person killed them while getting them to sit quietly watching TV. Sounds to me like either a suicide pact or both died from drugs overdose. It is not common, but does frequently happened that two people die at the same time from a drugs overdose. The drugs would have meant they weren't capable of reacting to anything. Someone said why didn't the call for help on a mobile phone. The answer is that you can't do that if you're unconscious.

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Very bizarre.......almost reminds me of the British double heart attack victims in CM.......they both died sitting upright in a chair with signs of vomit?!

If I was chucking my guts up, I would not be calm and relaxed, sitting in an upright position, as if watching TV.

Can you picture it, the two blokes looking at each other vomiting and not doing anything about it?

Something not adding up here!

You've obviously never seen someone who's been sick while overdosed or drunk. They aren't calm and relaxed; they are more or less paralyzed That's why there are many deaths in the UK from drunk people choking to death on their own vomit. I don't think many of you understand this at all. You seem to think they were vomiting while relaxing and watching TV. They probably passed out and then vomited, and maybe choked to death. There are easy explanations for all of this. It's a little odd, but happens a lot more than many think it does. I've read plenty of stories like this in the UK over the years.

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You don't usually hear of a double suicide, since a feeling of loneliness is usually a contributing factor and a second person would likely talk the first out of such a ridiculous idea. If it was a double suicide from drug overdose you would expect them to be on the ground in pain unless they had something that worked fast and was painless. If it was something accidental how likely is it that it would kill them both at exactly the same time so neither person had the chance to recognize that something was wrong?

Why did the woman who was living there with one of the men, and I also read she was married to him, leave for the whole night with no key on the same night that this rare occurence happened? How easy is it to put an empty packet of pills in the room and plan to have someone else open the door for you later to confirm that you were not in the room?

There are a lot of important details missing from the story that should be easy to get and it is either bad journalism or the police already have their suspicions and are not ready to come out with it yet until more information is obtained.

So what you're saying is that from now on I should always to my key with me if I leave my gf at my condo alone. Because if I don't take a key and she happens to die, you will accuse me of poisoning her and not having my key so that I have an alibi. Do you realise how ridiculous you are being. Even with a key, CCTV would have recorded the coming and going, and the guards would most likely have seen her, so not having a key doesn't prove anything, except that she was expecting them to be at home when she got back. Perhaps she's away often. Why is it odd that she wasn't there when they died? If she was there she might have been able to call for help, so it's obvious that people are more likely to die when there is no-on available to call for help.

What you say is so ridiculous that it's laughable.

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The Diazepam found in the room mixed with alcohol gives a strong high. If the body is a bit dehydrated it is very easy for clogs to form in veins. Although the report don't say if they found alcohol in the room.

What a load of crap! Diazapam is well know as Valium. It's not a strong drug. There wasn't any mention of milligram dosage. Yellow are 5 mg and blue are 10mg. Unless they took a lot of blues and drank a liter or more of whiskey each, there's no way they died from an over dose of valium.

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Sat down in a comfortable position watching TV? Two of them?

I know that if i was feeling unwell i would not just sit in a chair and let it happen and because the two of them are involved in exactly the same way unmoved sitting comfortable like watching TV.

Something tells me there was an another person involved.

So please tell us how a third person killed them while getting them to sit quietly watching TV. Sounds to me like either a suicide pact or both died from drugs overdose. It is not common, but does frequently happened that two people die at the same time from a drugs overdose. The drugs would have meant they weren't capable of reacting to anything. Someone said why didn't the call for help on a mobile phone. The answer is that you can't do that if you're unconscious.

Make up your mind!

Most people who die from a drugs overdose take a lot of drugs from initial reports it doesn't appear to be the case here.

35 and 40 it will not be a suicide pact.

I am allowed to have a key for my house and take it out with me even my Mrs does just in the off chance i pop out.

Your assumption that most people are not capable of anything after taking an overdose is far from the truth IMO and experience.

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Very sad to hear the passing of two farangs R.I.P and condolences to all those families concerned The Thai authorities need to get answers and not let this one be swept under the carpet which always seems to be the done thing in the land of smiles !!!

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You don't usually hear of a double suicide, since a feeling of loneliness is usually a contributing factor and a second person would likely talk the first out of such a ridiculous idea. If it was a double suicide from drug overdose you would expect them to be on the ground in pain unless they had something that worked fast and was painless. If it was something accidental how likely is it that it would kill them both at exactly the same time so neither person had the chance to recognize that something was wrong?

Why did the woman who was living there with one of the men, and I also read she was married to him, leave for the whole night with no key on the same night that this rare occurence happened? How easy is it to put an empty packet of pills in the room and plan to have someone else open the door for you later to confirm that you were not in the room?

There are a lot of important details missing from the story that should be easy to get and it is either bad journalism or the police already have their suspicions and are not ready to come out with it yet until more information is obtained.

So what you're saying is that from now on I should always to my key with me if I leave my gf at my condo alone. Because if I don't take a key and she happens to die, you will accuse me of poisoning her and not having my key so that I have an alibi. Do you realise how ridiculous you are being. Even with a key, CCTV would have recorded the coming and going, and the guards would most likely have seen her, so not having a key doesn't prove anything, except that she was expecting them to be at home when she got back. Perhaps she's away often. Why is it odd that she wasn't there when they died? If she was there she might have been able to call for help, so it's obvious that people are more likely to die when there is no-on available to call for help.

What you say is so ridiculous that it's laughable.


So if you gf decided to go shopping, or go for an appointement, or go to anywhere - you expect here to be at home to let you in?

This has nothing to do with anything in this thread. If you if you go out, and she locks her self in, as you tell her to - ............ oh wait a minute... I know your type! Forget it.. I have little more to add! If she had an accident, or slipped over and injured herself, you'd just go out and find your next gig, mai na? No key, couldn't help her - sorry BIB.

What you write is so ridiculous, and laughable.

-mel. :(

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drugs kill everywhere, but many are unaware of the dangers

Interesting indeed!

Me, I cannot see any reference to the use or presence of any drugs. Oh well, it appears the case is solved without the necessity of getting Maigret involved.

The BiB will have to sharpen up their act due it seems to the fact that they have some serious competition passifier.gif

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If they had been poisoned/taken drugs, etc, they would have stumbled around for a bit and been found dead on the floor, not sat bolt upright in a chair. They would have tried to phone somebody for help.

BIB, check their mobiles/landline for any outgoing/incoming calls, that's your first line of inquiry (after the girlfriend).

We only have an unreliable report.

In addition to the woman who found the bodies, we have police, rescue workers and journalsts all possibly altering the scene of the deaths.

I know you will find this hard to believe, but the police will rearrange the position of the bodies to make the photo taking easier.

the report is extremely reliable and is the same source now being used by national newspapers, FWIW

As you may not know, we NEVER post pics of dead bodies, but of course we end up seeing them. so, for the TV forensics experts.. here ya go. ... two men, both in comfy armchairs in a room with all furniture in tact, nothing knocked over or untoward. Both men sat as if frozen in normal seated upright postion. if they were dead for 10 hours before discovery. rigo is in full efect at 12, so by thte time they were found they would have been, to say the least, difficult to manipulate. there is no sign of anyone flailing around in agony. it is, if anything, a "peaceful" pic.

so there ya go :)

all the best


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It is ,of course, possible that the guys were actually making the most of the woman's absence to indulge in some activity that they didn't want her party to. She may also even have known ,which could be why she left overnight.

If misadventure through drug taking is the case , let's hope that proper forensics , not speculative based on circumstantial evidence (ie empty medication bottle ) are undertaken by the Authorities , so that this particular tragic loss of life is not permanently clouded in mystery and intrique as many others before it .

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Two men have died in unusual circumstances and out come the amateur sleuths. I cant be bothered to read all the comments but wonder if anyone has got around to "spies" and "secret service asassinations" yet

Whatever I hope they rest in peace and my concern goes out to their family and friends

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So what you're saying is that from now on I should always to my key with me if I leave my gf at my condo alone.

I didn't say that.

Because if I don't take a key and she happens to die, you will accuse me of poisoning her and not having my key so that I have an alibi.

I wouldn't accuse you, but it is certainly an easy alibi that should be investigated.

Even with a key, CCTV would have recorded the coming and going, and the guards would most likely have seen her, so not having a key doesn't prove anything, except that she was expecting them to be at home when she got back.

Correct, and like I said these are easy things to obtain, but were somehow left out of the story.

Perhaps she's away often. Why is it odd that she wasn't there when they died?

It is not odd, but obviously she wouldn't claim to have been there.

I never said she did it, but the whole thing is too suspicious to not investigate her further.

I think the word you were looking for was "reasonable" and not "ridiculous". It is frustrating to be misunderstood.

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An acquaintance of mine died about three years ago; cause of death: mixing Valium and alcohol.

He was in his mid thirties, fit, just did the wrong combo.

It is common knowledge in the UK that this is a dangerous mixture so please be careful if you use this drug.

Both depress the nervous system. Can cool you out a bit too much. As to what happened here, can only wonder given the sparse details.

A toxicology report should reveal any untoward substances.

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