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Berlusconi Outraged At European Reaction To His Comeback


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Berlusconi outraged at European reaction to his comeback

ROME: -- Silvio Berlusconi has lambasted as insulting the response of some European politicians and the media to his announced decision to run for re-election.

"The excessive and inappropriate response of some European politicians and foreign media to news of my return to politics is offensive, but not so much in regards to me personally, as in relation to the Italian people’s right of free choice," said the politician.

Italy is going through a governmental crisis following the withdrawal of Berlusconi’s "People of Freedom" party from the parliamentary majority that supported Mario Monti’s technocratic cabinet for a year.

New parliamentary elections, scheduled for April, will probably be held as early as late February.

Voice of Russia, TASS

Source: http://english.ruvr....o-his-comeback/

-- THE VOICE OF RUSSIA 2012-12-11


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A certain odious and controversial convicted criminal politician in Asia, seeking his own return, comes to mind. Two peas in a pod.

Yeah there certainly are similarities, both have a neck like a jocky's b0l0x, and really do not give a flying duck what the international opinion of them is. They both see themselves as above the law, and allegations of corruption are plentiful. They share vanity, enormous wealth and a refusal to let go the reins of power.

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Silvio Berlusconi. Showman, bon vivant, not a bad tenor, loves beautiful young girls - elected by a majority of Italian people.


Mario Monti - aka- "Rigour Montis". Technocrat. A grey man. Appointed to run Italy by Angela Merkel.

Now Monti is "feeling his Italian side" and doesn't want to play Germany's games any more. Closing German car dealerships in Italy are only outmatched by those in Greece.

Democracy is the principal enemy of the EU and its corrupt Commission.

Berlusconi vs Monti? Better an elected clown than a traitor.

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Luckily the press agency involved is Russian. They used tow tell people what their own Tzar Putin wants. Berlusconi is a clown on par with Putin and the King of Swaziland.

No, Berlusconi and Putin are quite different. Berlusconi is an oligarch of the sort that staged the holy mess that Russia was during the nineties, and he believes a country should be run like a corporation. Putin exiled pr jailed them all, and returned the resources to partly to largely state controlled enterprises. As a result, the incomes of ordinary Russians have more than doubled for the last ten years, maybe China can rival this, but no Western nation. That's why so many more can now afford a holiday in Thailand. There is a far larger percentage of the Russians in love with Putin, than Italians with Berlusconi.

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I think it's disgraceful that Politicians from other European countries or any country fir that matter would comment negatively towards the Democratic process of a Sovereign Country.

What's the difference between a Crook and a Politician

The Crook got caught.

They're the same everywhere people, get off the high horses.

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What a dick. He has a go at other EU politicians who rightly are concerned that Italy's Thaksin could make a comeback.

Of course he didn't comment on Italy's stockmarket dropping over 2% on the news.

As compared to Montri, Berlisconi is a good argument for an appointed leader.

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I think some of you are just jealous you were not invited to the Bonga Bonga parties.

Relax. Mr. B only has a core vote of 10-15%. His posturing will encourage the other parties to form a working coalition.

All will be well, and Italy can continue to teeter on fiscal insolvency for years to come.

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Berlusconi's myopic outburst is an affront to the people of Italy. Not long ago, he was reported as saying how he wanted out of "this shitty country" (quote). Now he talks of the will of the Italian people. The only way that odious wee man was elected and subsequently held on to power was ny controlling the majority of italian media, and by sheer corruption. Anyone who believes that he could possibly be voted back in a fair election needs to change their meds urgently

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I see he is now engaged to some botox-filled 27-year old former shop assistant.

Seriously, the bloke is such an anachronism even his own MPs are planning to vote against him.

Yes, i saw a picture of his intended today, quite easy on the eye if i may say so. Can't imagine what attracted her to the aging, short, fat multi billionaire Silvio Berlusconi!
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