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At Least 27 Dead In Connecticut School Shooting - Cbs News

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The first few minutes of Fox News coverage mentioned: this isn't about guns. Funny. Guns were used. It's OK for them to bring up the gun control issue moments after one of the worse cases of gun violence in American history, as long as the comment is AGAINST gun control. Later they suggested that now every American school should have a full time guard, armed with ... GUNS. Amazing.

American logic ! just look at how they handle other situations around the world !

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Over the last decades, it seems the stereotype of the typical mass murderer has shifted to become young adult males.

- Columbine school

- Virginia tech

- Colorado theater

- Portland mall

- Today's Newtown school

+ Several others involving younger males as the shooters.

I've been wondering if there is any correlation of this trend with video games. Today's video games are extremely realistic. Many players are immersed in this simulated world where they assume the role of the mass murderer. Scoring higher points as the numbers of those slain increases.

I can't help but think when the REAL LIFE carnage is acted out, it parallels a hyper-violent video game.

It seems that before video games, killing sprees were far less common and would more likely involve older males.

(Of course this is not based on scientific data, but only my personal recollection of news events. However, I would be surprised if real data did not prove this to be true.)

No there is NOT and it has been proven a hundred times over!

And before you start asking: that evil Rock'n Roll music has not led to more teen pregnancies!


Seems the 2nd amendment is more important than school children... sad.png

freedom comes with risk.

and i am pretty sure that those who wants that freedom and the right do not insist on that right because it is their plan to kill children.

its against the law to kill children. did it stop the culprit? so would anti gun laws stop any other mad killer?

Maybe not ! but it sure as hell would make it a hell of a lot more difficult.

The very reason there are amendments is that things change. Look at the Eighteenth and Twenty First amendments, for example.

It's time to start looking at whether or not there is any point in the public being armed to the teeth. It sure won't protect you against a Blackhawk or a nuke, will it?

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I would point out, at 20 years old, you are not allowed to purchase a handgun under United States Federal law. You have to be 21 years old to purchase a handgun.

But obviously....Someone was able to purchase it !


I would point out, at 20 years old, you are not allowed to purchase a handgun under United States Federal law. You have to be 21 years old to purchase a handgun.

Does not make a difference, they should still be banned.

I hate to go into a gun control discussion on this thread. I do feel terrible for the victims and their families and do not feel now is a good time to get into it while others are grieving.

However, in the United States they will not be banned because there alot of people (me included) who will fight it tooth and nail. There's too many of us to defeat. And frankly if any such laws were introduced, then many would choose to be criminals rather than turn the guns over to the government.

Handguns should not be banned, or new laws implemented. The existing laws simply should be enforced to prevent those who should not have handguns from getting them.

Single round small bore shotguns only would be a start

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Is it to much to ask that the US goes the same way as the UK , apparently so.

Let's hope something positive can come from this tragedy such as a ban on gun ownership in the USA.

The Yanks really need to follow the UK's example and end these needless massacres.

No can't do that. It's all about the constitution. The Right to Bear Arms. That's how we were able to defeat England in the War of 1812.

The French had a lot to do with that !

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I can understand the history of the US right to bear arms but I don't think people would ever rise up against a corrupt government. If you actually read the constitution, the Second Amendment was supposed to be for deterring tyrannical government; repelling invasion; suppressing insurrection; participating in law enforcement; enabling the people to organize a militia system. But seriously folks, when has that ever happened? Is it likely to ever happen?

The way the shadow government in America is moving I wouldn't discount it completely either.


There is a lot of nonsense about guns and the Revolutionary War, etc. Most of the people had a gun to protect themselves from all kinds of things--including hostile natives and a whole host of animals. Most people at the time were also dependent on hunting to some extent to survive.

Even now, most of the people I know who own a gun, have one for hunting or as protection of their livestock from things such as coyotes, wolves, bears and the occasional large cat.

Obviously over time the culture of protection has taken on a different perspective. As we see in this very sad situation.

Oh thank you, now i know why guns are needed in NYC !


Over the last decades, it seems the stereotype of the typical mass murderer has shifted to become young adult males.

- Columbine school

- Virginia tech

- Colorado theater

- Portland mall

- Today's Newtown school

+ Several others involving younger males as the shooters.

I've been wondering if there is any correlation of this trend with video games. Today's video games are extremely realistic. Many players are immersed in this simulated world where they assume the role of the mass murderer. Scoring higher points as the numbers of those slain increases.

I can't help but think when the REAL LIFE carnage is acted out, it parallels a hyper-violent video game.

It seems that before video games, killing sprees were far less common and would more likely involve older males.

(Of course this is not based on scientific data, but only my personal recollection of news events. However, I would be surprised if real data did not prove this to be true.)

what an original idea, did you come up with it all by yourself?


Wow. Every member here seems to be posting. Nothing new. And will continue until drastic measures are taken. USA has to amend the constitution since the .u.s Supreme Court gave the NRA a huge victory not too long ago. The second amendment controls all laws and the Supremes agree, Scalia said so and that is that.


Seems the 2nd amendment is more important than school children... sad.png

Man, the second amendment has nothing to do with this. If someone really wants a gun he can get one regardless if guns are illegal for the general public in that country or not. And that's true for any country on this planet.

I agree with you. But it should be made difficult for ownership of fire arms.

No money to look at insane people.


Does gun control prevent gun crime?

Data out [on 11 Dec 2012] from the UK, where guns are banned, shows gun crime has soared by 35 percent.

Figures showed the number of crimes involving handguns had more than doubled since the post-Dunblane massacre ban on the weapons, from 2,636 in 1997-1998 to 5,871.

The Government's latest crime figures were condemned as "truly terrible" by the Tories today as it emerged that gun crime in England and Wales soared by 35% last year.

Criminals used handguns in 46% more offences, Home Office statistics revealed.

No...it doesn't. Yes the shooting was horrific but lets be honest here...the USA has it's own laws regarding

guns and who can own them and who cannot own them. However if guns were banned...full stop...

then the illegal market for guns will soar and people will always find the way to get the money to

buy an illegal weapon. Yes...there are many gun deaths in the US each year...but that's NOT mainly

caused by legal gun owners who are actually responsible citizens. All you read in the papers and

see/hear on TV & radio concerning gun related deaths is just that...somebody died because they got

shot with a gun...whether or not the gun is illegal is not relevant...the media will sensationalise the

story because a gun was used. In the case of the Connecticut shootings the guns were legal and

purchased by the shooters mother. Odd that' but that's the way it is. And on that bit...new reports

by various news organisations say that the shooter used a 5.56 weapon along with 2 pistols

(Glock & Sig Sauer)...odd again since the Commander of the Connecticut State Police stated

earlier in the day that the 5.56 was laying on the back seat of the shooters car. I tend to believe

what the CSP CO says than some news report.

The fact is...is that a weapon will not kill a person all by itself...it has to operated by a human

in order for the killing to take place. And of late...in the past few years...the mass murderers

in the USA have all been young men who are clinically whacko...so the question remains;

how did these kinds of people get the weapons in their hands. There's enough gun control

in the US....it's the people control that needs some severe looking into. Then again...if a

potential murderer goes and looks around a bit...he/she will find an appropriate firearm to

accomplish their devilish deed...they'll just have to pay a heap more money to get that

weapon...and that they will do...with relative ease.

Shit what's next...banning archery equipment (long & cross bows)? Butchers knives?

Axe's and hatchets? Chainsaws? Ice Picks? Screwdrivers? Kitchen chemistry stuff

(bombs)? Large heavy hammers? How about banning the automobile...more people

die each month because of those than any gun related killings ever...save for wars.

America is in a sorry state of affairs these days...not because of guns but because of

successive government administrations massive cockups. Unemployment has never

been higher save for the Great Depression (there were many guns back then too) so

why not put police back in the schools? Not enough cops? Hhire the unemployed, train

them and put them into schools and walking the beat. Many schools in the US have

metal detectors at each doorway to the outside...the school in Connecticut didn't have

that since it was a primary (elementary) school but perhaps it's past high time these

detectors are installed in ALL schools including universities. Although it was reported

that the school had just installed a new "security system"....whatever.

If the new Obama administration wants to tighten gun control and surely they will,

they should start by making it illegal to buy and sell a firearm via the internet, along

with ammunition. That way if one wants to buy a weapon they have to do what we did

in the good old days....go to the gun shop, select a model you wish to own, fill out the

required paperwork and submit a few photos, wait till the background check is completed

and if said background check returns positive (in the prospective buyers favour) you get

your gun. If it comes back to the gun store not in your favour there will usually be a cop or

two in the store to politely detain the purchaser and ask many questions of that person

if not facilitate an arrest if need be.

All things considered...the US has good gun control laws...it just lacks resources to

ensure guns do not end up in the hands of criminals and whacko's...that's what

needs to be changed.

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People always have a knee jerk reaction to terrible things like this that happen. Cun control is not the answer. The answer is to identify those sick people who would do this kind of thing.

Man stabs 22 children at China primary school

· Published: 14/12/2012 at 06:46 PM

· Online news: Asia

A man stabbed 22 primary school students in a knife attack in China on Friday, officials said, the latest in a series of assaults.

A Chinese policeman stands guard near a court in Hefei, Anhui province, in August 10, 2012. A man has stabbed 22 primary school students in a knife attack in China, officials said, the latest in a series of assaults.


This is ONE case, where someone in CHINA killed 22 people with a knife!

I guess, if you search long enough, maybe you will find a case from Outer Mongolia where someone killed 7 people with a lawn- mower!

It means that crazy people will always find a way to kill.


Has anyone here talking about America's second amemdment actually read it? It's not exactly crystal clear on the right of the individual to bear arms. If it were, none of the current gun control laws would stand up to a court challenge.

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.


People always have a knee jerk reaction to terrible things like this that happen. Cun control is not the answer. The answer is to identify those sick people who would do this kind of thing.

Man stabs 22 children at China primary school

· Published: 14/12/2012 at 06:46 PM

· Online news: Asia

A man stabbed 22 primary school students in a knife attack in China on Friday, officials said, the latest in a series of assaults.

A Chinese policeman stands guard near a court in Hefei, Anhui province, in August 10, 2012. A man has stabbed 22 primary school students in a knife attack in China, officials said, the latest in a series of assaults.


This is ONE case, where someone in CHINA killed 22 people with a knife!

I guess, if you search long enough, maybe you will find a case from Outer Mongolia where someone killed 7 people with a lawn- mower!

It means that crazy people will always find a way to kill.

Yes so let's make it HARDER for them by limited access to efficient tools of mass murder.

In addition to that: ...which neither knifes no lawn mowers are! Guns are indeed!

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I would point out, at 20 years old, you are not allowed to purchase a handgun under United States Federal law. You have to be 21 years old to purchase a handgun.

CNN has just reported that the two hand guns and the semi automatic rifle were all owned by the mother of the killer

Gees ! Assuming this is true, what a crazed society it is generally over there in the US! A middle-aged female kindergarten teacher possessing several guns !!! Words fail me !

  • Like 2

Is it to much to ask that the US goes the same way as the UK , apparently so.

Let's hope something positive can come from this tragedy such as a ban on gun ownership in the USA.

The Yanks really need to follow the UK's example and end these needless massacres.

No can't do that. It's all about the constitution. The Right to Bear Arms. That's how we were able to defeat England in the War of 1812.

You're right, and that 200 year old amendment applied to the situation at that time. 'Minute men' were needed at a minute's notice to band together and fight the redcoats and whomever else was threatening. The writers of the 2nd Amendment had no inkling of automatic weapons and would be aghast to think their legislation (applying to flintlocks) would be twisted in the future, to apply to sickos with automatic weapons killing babies. Perhaps the gun control nutzoids would recommend kindergardeners strap pistols to their waists, in order to protect themselves in the future. After all, that's one of their main excuses/arguments for enabling sickos to get guns: that if everyone has a loaded gun, then gun wielders will be too trepidatious to use their gun in a crime.

  • Like 1

I would point out, at 20 years old, you are not allowed to purchase a handgun under United States Federal law. You have to be 21 years old to purchase a handgun.

Does not make a difference, they should still be banned.

I hate to go into a gun control discussion on this thread. I do feel terrible for the victims and their families and do not feel now is a good time to get into it while others are grieving.

However, in the United States they will not be banned because there alot of people (me included) who will fight it tooth and nail. There's too many of us to defeat. And frankly if any such laws were introduced, then many would choose to be criminals rather than turn the guns over to the government.

Handguns should not be banned, or new laws implemented. The existing laws simply should be enforced to prevent those who should not have handguns from getting them.

Single round small bore shotguns only would be a start

Yes, a start. And it won't stop there will it?:

We don't let them have ideas. Why would we let them have guns? - Joseph Stalin


Of course, I can't know if Stalin actually said that, but there has unquestionably been some very horrific activities by some governments over the past 100 years or so:



People always have a knee jerk reaction to terrible things like this that happen. Cun control is not the answer. The answer is to identify those sick people who would do this kind of thing.

Man stabs 22 children at China primary school

· Published: 14/12/2012 at 06:46 PM

· Online news: Asia

A man stabbed 22 primary school students in a knife attack in China on Friday, officials said, the latest in a series of assaults.

A Chinese policeman stands guard near a court in Hefei, Anhui province, in August 10, 2012. A man has stabbed 22 primary school students in a knife attack in China, officials said, the latest in a series of assaults.


This is ONE case, where someone in CHINA killed 22 people with a knife!

I guess, if you search long enough, maybe you will find a case from Outer Mongolia where someone killed 7 people with a lawn- mower!

The children were not killed, and it is not one case. Even accounting for per capita, China has more violent attacks on primary school children than any other country. I posted a link to a list a page or two back, read through it and you'll see that attacks are more common than probably any of us believed. It's just that when the attack/killing is done with a handgun in a western country that's when you see it all over the international news.

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