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Where To Treat Warts?


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Hi all, where can I treat warts (not genital) in BKK? And how do they treat it there? I have a few of them pop out recently, one is on a bottom on my foot, which I'm treating now with OTC patches, but another one is inside my nose, right on the boundary where the mysious membrane starts. I can't slap the same patch into my nose as there's simply not enough room for it and the insert from the bog with patches says not to use on mysious membranes. I looked at other OTC wart treatment meds and pretty much all of them say not to use it there. I think it may also hurt like mofo to freeze it in there, any other known way to treat the warts?

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Laser removal is often used and any hospital should be able to do that. It is painless using either a pin prick shot or numbing cream but does require 24 hour dry period after removal so a cover patch would have to be applied so likely would not feel great for first day (being in nose) but otherwise very easy process.

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Is laser now used for plantar warts, as well? Twice, in the past I had to have a surgeon dig them out, including large/deep anaesthesia shots that hurt a bit. Laser seems "cleaner."

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Not sure what type of wart he has but according to Mayo it is used for plantar warts:

Laser treatment. A type of laser treatment called pulse dye laser treatment burns closed (cauterizes) tiny blood vessels. The infected tissue eventually dies, and the wart falls off. This treatment can cause pain and scarring.


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Interesting summary of treatment options in that Mayo web page, but none of them sound ideal. I've been tolerating a plantar wart for a while now -- it's my third one -- and it's at the point now where I think I need to have it treated. It hurts a little at times, and plain uncomfortable at others.

I'll review that Mayo list and maybe even take it with me when I see my doctor. Thanks!

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Laser treatments cost about 3 times more than cryogenic ones in Pattaya, and are more painful. If you are in DIY mode you can buy a Podophillyn tincture in maybe every pharmacy, they burn warts off as well. For the love of God, don't. This stuff really is tenuous, and must not come in contact with healthy skin.

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Actually laser is painless for me (for normal wart/skin cancer type removal) as it seals itself and after effects are nil Cryogenic would be preferred on possible cancer but is a mess and some pain for a much longer period and in my experience often not properly performed (as done blind - a shot in the dark and hope for the best as it is like an atomic bomb attack on a pill box gun). Laser is much more precise and less destructive in my experience (at the consumer end) and much less visually upsetting. But as said for possible cancer the liquid nitrogen would likely be a better choice for most.

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With a plantar wart, which is basically embedded, rather than say a surface wart that protrudes, what is the state of the site after a laser treatment -- is there a crater like after a surgical removal, or does the tissue remain until all wart completely dies and is rejected/falls out later?

@Potosi: I'm curious which part of the laser treatment process you think would be painful: The actual treatment itself, or the after effects? My understanding is that before using the laser, they would numb the area either with an anaesthetic cream or injection. But, I'm not sure how long that lasts, and what happens after it wears off.

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Can not answer on that type of wart but from Mayo report it would appear to die and fall out as with liquid treatments. For surface it is like a pin size eraser movement that they use to remove top layer of skin a little at a time so very precise and laser seals the blood at same time. For normal laser treatment for surface warts have never experienced much more than pin prick type pain (except in a multi hour session when numbing cream wore off) and no pain at all after procedures (and had about many dozens removed from back in one session). It is cost effective to have many done at one time.

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  • 2 months later...

Had my wart removed, don't remember how much was it but real cheap, couple hundred baht.

Regarding pain, the worst pain (in my case anyway) was being injected with 1cc of anesthesia drug into my nose, didn't think it would fit and thought my eyes would pop out. There was no pain during or post treatment.

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Ouch! An injection in your nose??? Where was the wart?

LOL, as I mentioned in my opening post, it was right inside my nostril, right on a boundary where the mucous membrane starts. I'm telling you it was the worse pain I ever experienced when I got jabbed into the inside of my nose, I still have no idea where that 1cc if the drug went. :o

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