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Once Again, I'm Confused About Visa's, Please Help.

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I have problems getting my head around all these visa issues, especially as my situation keeps changing.

Here is my current situation.

I am in India on a 6 months visa that expires on Jan 26th 2013.

I will then need to leave India for at least two months before I can re-apply for another 6 month visa.

I also have a Triple entry Thai Visa that I got on 21st May 2012.

It says it must be used by November 21st?

Does that Mean I cant use it to enter Thailand?

I thought it was Valid until Beginning of Febuary 2012, But I guess they wont let me in later than november based on the 3 month entry period or something?

if that's so, Would it be easier for me to just get on a plane to Thailand without a visa,and get the 1 month visa issued at the airport, then try to get a longer Visa when I'm in Thailand?

But because I've just had a triple entry Visa(That unfortunately I hardly even used), would they even issue me with a 3 or 6 month visa right away anyway?

Would they take into account that I hardly used it as I was in India for 6 months?

But am unsure how to go about getting/applying for a 3 to 6 month visa in Thailand anyway now, given my new, confusing situation.

Help would be appreciated, Thanks smile.png

Edited by theVenerable
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Fly to Thailand, you will receive 30 days permission to stay provided you are from a qualifying country e.g. UK, USA, etc.


yes, I'm from UK.

So after receiving my 30days visa and while I am in thailand using it, I can apply for a single or double entry tourist visa? or do i have to leave the country again etc? camobidia, laos. etc?

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Providing they let you on the flight without a Visa or an exit ticket within 30 days you will get a Visa Exempt 30 days.

You will then need to visit a Thai Consulate in a neighbouring Country and apply for a Visa.

It would probably be a better idea to apply for a Tourist Visa in India.

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Ah, thanks very much for clarifying.

You may have saved my life.

I'm not rich enough to book a flight, only to be told I'm not allowed on board because I have no exit/entry visa.

I'll head to Bangalore or the nearest Thai visa office here in India.

As I've only just had a triple entry visa for Thailand,(that was mostly wasted) Is there a chance I wont get a visa?

Or If I explain that I didn't even use the bulk of my last visa, will they take that into account?

Also, if I apply for a double entry visa, but fail to get it, will I be charged just for the application?

( I wont be applying by post, but directly at the office, if that makes a difference.)

In my circumstances, is it safer to just go for a single entry visa?

Many thanks :)

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I met a guy in your situation, was happy to live in India forever then a new law that foreigners must exit India for 60 days every 6 months, or somesuch...

He flew into Thai on a 60-day return ticket, got 30-day visa exempt on arrival at airport, toured around for a while, had a ball for 30 days, went overland to Malaysia for a couple

of weeks (UK citizens get 90-day visa on arrival at any border {except Sarawak/Borneo, 30 days}), came back overland to Thai (getting a 15-day visa-exempt)

entry permit. He toured around ~ two more weeks, then flew back to his sanctuary in Rajhistan/wherever.

So, as Lop3 says you can apply for a tourist visa, or just fly in for 30 days (visa exempt) then scoot to Malaysia for a couple of weeks, then come back to

Thai on a further 15 day visa exempt.

Err, it being Sunday night (no-news day, I'm into me cups) and this post is probably clear as mud, but as a UK citizen needing to be outside India

for 60 days, many ways to kill the cat, Cheers, AA

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Thanks, I can relax a bit now,

All I need to do is find the nearest/Best visa office in my area in India.

Travelling around sounds great, But I'll probably stay put in thailand as its cheaper for one.

So, with that in mind, IF I did apply for a 6 month double entry, and it was refused, would I have to pay money for just applying, then pay all over again when I apply for a single entry?? or will they just say 'no, heres a single entry instead' ?


I'm not on the brew, and my questions are harder to decypher than your answers!

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They would provide the single entry AFAIK - but normally they will not accept unless expect to approve and in the odd case of not approving have only seen reports of return of extra money (although they clearly say otherwise in rules).

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Thanks :)

This site is a goldmine of information.

I did of course Google 'Thai embassies in India' myself.. but for some reason, i didnt find what you found.

There is a Visa application center in Bangalore, but they just post the Passport etc over to Chennai anyway..

Not wanting to risk loosing my passport in the post in India, I'll go direct to Chennai myself, stay over a few days & pick up my Passport when its ready.

Plan sorted.... will put it into action after xmas.

Thanks :)

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As said you need a tourist visa before you board aircraft to be sure of making flight - and as you will need to stay two months anyhow it makes sense to obtain. As you have deduced your old visa is no longer valid.

Sorry, just want to clarify this...

Are you SURE i need a visa before boarding the flight?

In january 2011 I just got on the plane, and was issued a 30 day visa that way.

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You received a visa exempt entry of 30 days which if you have travel during the period of time is not a problem - but if airline tickets do not show outward travel within 30 days you may not be allowed on the flight without paying for a ticket out within that period of time and as you plan to stay longer than the allowed 30 days a visa would easily solve that issue.

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You received a visa exempt entry of 30 days which if you have travel during the period of time is not a problem - but if airline tickets do not show outward travel within 30 days you may not be allowed on the flight without paying for a ticket out within that period of time and as you plan to stay longer than the allowed 30 days a visa would easily solve that issue.

Ok thanks

So unless I have a tiket booked back to India within the 30 days, I may not be allowed on the flight to thailand?

Again though, in 2011, I had no such return ticket back to India, and was allowed on the plane to thailand without a problem.

I'm not actually sure of the exact date im travelling back to india.. so its hard to book early.

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You received a visa exempt entry of 30 days which if you have travel during the period of time is not a problem - but if airline tickets do not show outward travel within 30 days you may not be allowed on the flight without paying for a ticket out within that period of time and as you plan to stay longer than the allowed 30 days a visa would easily solve that issue.

Ok thanks

So unless I have a tiket booked back to India within the 30 days, I may not be allowed on the flight to thailand?

Again though, in 2011, I had no such return ticket back to India, and was allowed on the plane to thailand without a problem.

I'm not actually sure of the exact date im travelling back to india.. so its hard to book early.

You cannot predict what any airline will do on any given day. Traveling to Thailand from all around Asia I have never been asked about onward travel or visas, but from the UK and USA I am asked frequently. And the onwards travel does not have to be back to India, a hop to any neighboring country will do. Nevertheless, getting a visa before you leave would be by far the best option.

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Yes, the news about India relaxing the two month return policy is one reason I'm considering just the 30 day entry visa.

The other reason is that I dont fancy travelling all the way to Chennai to get a tourist visa before leaving India.

There is an office in Bangalore... but they just post off my passport etc to be processed at the office in Chennai anyway.

I don't want my passport in the Indian post system... I may not see it again.

I'm British, caucasian, born and bred there.

So.. That leaves me with the 30 day entry visa...

IF I can get it when i try to hop on the plane...

Otherwise I don't know what to do.

Am I being over cautious about the Indian postage system?


Am I worry to much about not getting issued a 30 Day visa if I just try to hop on a plane?

What is the best route?


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Regarding the link about the scrapping of the 60 day cool off period..UNLESS you are of pakistani origin etc..

I think its a great idea

Its a shame other countries (Like UK) cant single out problem areas in the name of common sense without being labelled racist or islamophobic.

Good on you India.

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