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Abhisit, Suthep Could Face 700 Charges Of Attempted Murder: Tarit


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I think that it is the best news I have read in a long while. Heads of state should be held accountable for their acts. If this was done more often then there would be far fewer dead people in the world. The protests in Bangkok were peaceful, there was no danger, except from the military. As for the military in Thailand, Australia or anywhere else involving itself in civil affairs—this should never be done. The military are responsible for carrying out the actions of the psychotics who run the world.

If anyone is interested in reading a book on this subject, Geoff Robertson "

Peaceful protests? Were you actually here then? Did you not see what was going on?

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AV is guilty of taking a leading role in siding with Army Chief Poajinda to force a coalition of the unwilling, that he knew would be widely despised and cause serious social unrest, but for the sake of power (and it was his only way to power) he underhandedly carried through with the undemocratic deed. He, the elite backers and the army are responsible for the consequent mayhem. He shouldn't have done it in the first place, but certainly at the first sign of serious civil unrest, for the sake of his country he should have dissolved parliament immediately. Shame on his greedy lust for power and efforts to pervert democracy for the sake of those who he and his privileged associates see as being worthy.


Sighs too . . . Rich teacher and Ferangled are off on another rant again . . .

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Try putting away your "loyalties" and actually discussing the issue and points raised without personal critique.

Take a page out of your own book then Ferangled . . . your "discussions" constantly are very biased in one direction only.

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Good to see the usual suspects resorting back to branding rather than discussion. It must have taken some real independent thinking to come up with that gem of a post. You talk of enlightenment but you post aims to achieve the exact opposite; insult, discredit, detract from the actual content, the usual TV mantra.

Does the term "usual suspects" not qualify as "branding" and leave you open to a charge of hypocrisy? I hope nobody reports you to Tarit!

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect App

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PTP (along with all of its supporters) have made it very clear from the start that they don't acknowledge convictions brought about from the junta installed AEC. Therefore they do not consider him a "convicted criminal".

Yes it's funny that isn't it? They don't consider him found guilty of abusing his position to help his wife buy land, but they do consider him found innocent of hiding his assets. How awfully convenient.

The NACC also didn't consider him guilty 'of abusing his position to help his wife buy land'

The best thing I can find to say about your posts is that they amount to a phallussy rather than a set of true beliefs.

Red is good

Thaksin is good

PTP is good

Anything else is bad

Try some independent, unsponsored thought. It might enlighten you!

You want "independent, unsponsored thought" try this it might enlighten you but somehow I doubt it judging by your throwaway comments with no justification or backup.

You may even reason that there is merit in the assessment of the case as "trumped up by the Junta". Most normal unbiased individuals would find the goings on quite laughable if they didn't have such serious consequences.


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I'd love to but difficult when you choose to ignore them. Are you maintaining that the military budget didn't double from the 2006 coup to the end of Abhisit's turn at the trough?


Did I ever deny that the military budget doubled from 2006 to 2010?

Are you maintaining that Abhisit doubled the military budget?

I take it that you've retracted that statement then.

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It all started in 2000/1 when Thaksin lied about his assets & his wife & Sanoh made sure that the 'right' judges let him off. Thai politics went downhill after that.

extraneous guff removed for sake of boredom

"It all started in 2000/1 when Thaksin lied about his assets & his wife & Sanoh made sure that the 'right' judges let him off. Thai politics went downhill after that."

As easy as that, Thai politics went downhill with Thaksin.....Good Grief! Everything was rosy until then?

Do you know why Chuan Leekpai was known as "the painter" or why? And before him?

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You want "independent, unsponsored thought" try this it might enlighten you but somehow I doubt it judging by your throwaway comments with no justification or backup.

You may even reason that there is merit in the assessment of the case as "trumped up by the Junta". Most normal unbiased individuals would find the goings on quite laughable if they didn't have such serious consequences.


I'm well aware of Thaksin's cases my sniggering pixelated canine friend.

In most countries in the world he would be incarcerated on countless convictions.

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"It all started in 2000/1 when Thaksin lied about his assets & his wife & Sanoh made sure that the 'right' judges let him off. Thai politics went downhill after that."

As easy as that, Thai politics went downhill with Thaksin.....Good Grief! Everything was rosy until then?

Do you know why Chuan Leekpai was known as "the painter" or why? And before him?

The difference is Leekpai was not hell bent on creating a dynastic kleptocracy as Thaksin is, that is what has pushed this country downhill. Thaksin won't accept anything but Thailand under his and his family control.

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Did I ever deny that the military budget doubled from 2006 to 2010?

Are you maintaining that Abhisit doubled the military budget?

I take it that you've retracted that statement then.

Sorry, matters to attend to outside of TV... can't maintain a 24/7 vigil I'm afraid!

The military budget doubled under Abhisit from the level it had been pre-2006 military coup. Rather than mincing words let's all look at the graph here...


...and we can form our own ideas on the trend of Thai military budgets under what some would deem to be military installed/ influenced Governments...coffee1.gif

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It all started in 2000/1 when Thaksin lied about his assets & his wife & Sanoh made sure that the 'right' judges let him off. Thai politics went downhill after that.

extraneous guff removed for sake of boredom

"It all started in 2000/1 when Thaksin lied about his assets & his wife & Sanoh made sure that the 'right' judges let him off. Thai politics went downhill after that."

As easy as that, Thai politics went downhill with Thaksin.....Good Grief! Everything was rosy until then?

Do you know why Chuan Leekpai was known as "the painter" or why? And before him?

No, it's never been "rosy" here (other than the spectacles some people wear), but it does seem to have gone even further downhill in many regards since mid-90's onwards.

He got the nickname "Chang Tha Si" (which means painter in Thai) because he always "whitewashed" or "brushed over" corruption within the party.

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It all started in 2000/1 when Thaksin lied about his assets & his wife & Sanoh made sure that the 'right' judges let him off. Thai politics went downhill after that.

extraneous guff removed for sake of boredom

"It all started in 2000/1 when Thaksin lied about his assets & his wife & Sanoh made sure that the 'right' judges let him off. Thai politics went downhill after that."

As easy as that, Thai politics went downhill with Thaksin.....Good Grief! Everything was rosy until then?

Do you know why Chuan Leekpai was known as "the painter" or why? And before him?

If you are going to reply to a post, don't garble it - it's against the TV rules.

Did I say everything was rosy before Thaksin? So you twist opinions as well.

FYO, the current farce has it's beginnings with Thaksin & I couldn't give a sh*t about your diversionery remarks about Chuan.

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The military budget doubled under Abhisit from the level it had been pre-2006 military coup. Rather than mincing words let's all look at the graph here...


...and we can form our own ideas on the trend of Thai military budgets under what some would deem to be military installed/ influenced Governments...coffee1.gif

OK ... I'll refer to this post whenever I tell everyone that the military budget doubled under Yingluck.

Or we can talk about how it doubled under Thaksin ... from 1988, but what has the time frame got to do with it?

It's also interesting to know that the PPP government was military installed, since the increasing trend followed on during their tenure.

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"It all started in 2000/1 when Thaksin lied about his assets & his wife & Sanoh made sure that the 'right' judges let him off. Thai politics went downhill after that."

As easy as that, Thai politics went downhill with Thaksin.....Good Grief! Everything was rosy until then?

Do you know why Chuan Leekpai was known as "the painter" or why? And before him?

The difference is Leekpai was not hell bent on creating a dynastic kleptocracy as Thaksin is, that is what has pushed this country downhill. Thaksin won't accept anything but Thailand under his and his family control.

We have not seen what would happen if Thaksin was defeated at the polls, because it has never happened to a party he was leading. I'm sure if he was dealt a savage beating like AV was last time, he would admit defeat.

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"It all started in 2000/1 when Thaksin lied about his assets & his wife & Sanoh made sure that the 'right' judges let him off. Thai politics went downhill after that."

As easy as that, Thai politics went downhill with Thaksin.....Good Grief! Everything was rosy until then?

Do you know why Chuan Leekpai was known as "the painter" or why? And before him?

The difference is Leekpai was not hell bent on creating a dynastic kleptocracy as Thaksin is, that is what has pushed this country downhill. Thaksin won't accept anything but Thailand under his and his family control.

We have not seen what would happen if Thaksin was defeated at the polls, because it has never happened to a party he was leading. I'm sure if he was dealt a savage beating like AV was last time, he would admit defeat.

Of course NOT

He is not the kind to admit anything that is not in his favor.

Edited by saltandpepper
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We have not seen what would happen if Thaksin was defeated at the polls, because it has never happened to a party he was leading. I'm sure if he was dealt a savage beating like AV was last time, he would admit defeat.

Of course NOT

He is not the kind to admit anything that is not in his favor.

I think that's kind of the point though - while the people favour him, and in his experience they always have, why would he admit defeat?

If there was a clear indication that the people rejected him I'm sure he'd have no choice. Having the people of Thailand elect his sister as PM was hardly a definitive sign of his waning popularity was it?

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It seems that DSI have sold their souls...to the criminal fugitive in Dubai.

No justice in Thailand.

Money talks BS walks. It appears that show me the money and I am your whore bitch is the current MO of the DSI.
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The police were there while the 'peaceful protestors' god violent. The police did nothing even though they had the numbers and the equipment to handle the crowd. That's a fact.

The 'peaceful protestors' had firearms and grenade launchers. That's a fact.

You have 'peaceful protestors' with weapons and the police doing NOTHING, of course you send in the Army to handle these rebels.

That's as rational as you can get. There is no baseless assertion here. Tens of thousands of rebels, some armed to the teeth, with supposedly quite a few with gasoline. Do you as a government let them to as they hell please and overthrow you? Of course not, you send in your troops to knock some heads. But it's obvious you're one of those red apologists so what's there to discuss? The reds crap smell good to people like you.

I asked some fairly simple questions and raised some points pointing out the inconsistencies of some of our more zealous counterparts on here. I'm sorry that reason escapes you and rather than actually respond to these points you feel the necessity to call me names and speculate as to my motivation.

It would be refreshing to know one can actually take part in discussion here without being branded a "red apologist" but unfortunately if anyone questions anything on here regarding Abhisit or the Dems it's brought out as a way to discredit what they are saying. It's playground politics and reflects more on those that use such terms than it does those that are labelled with such childish dialogue.

What is abundantly clear is that this childish behaviour is the recourse of a certain group of people here that fail to assert their points with facts, prefer wild speculation and mud slinging to reasoned discussion. Try putting away your "loyalties" and actually discussing the issue and points raised without personal critique. The deliberate use of language like "thugs", "rebels", "armed uprising" makes a mockery of your stance. To debate in a reasoned fashion one must try some semblance of impartiality; wild generalisations add no merit.

Your post again, has done nothing to answer or even discuss the points I raised, well done.

I don't speak for the more zealous counterparts here. You have an issue with what they post, take it up with them. Don't try to hoodwink us and act smart by trying to divert away the points I raised. What I've written is very easy to understand, even for a simple minded red apologist. What is clear is this. Reds rebel and try to overthrow the government. Reds fire at soldiers. Soldiers fire back. Reds die. Simple as pie.

You try to be 'adult' by evading the simple fact that these reds were there as rebels, not peaceful protestors. I'm sorry so many got killed by the soldiers but then, when you raise arms against your government, you can expect to shed blood. Don't cry about bloody murder after the fact when you started it. Of course, reds like you ignore that. It's easier that way.

You try to belittle my 'language' when there's nothing wrong with it. When you pick up weapons and try to overthrow the government, its called a rebellion. Pray tell, which country in the world calls an act like that a 'peaceful protest'? And if other people want to call these reds 'thugs' then just take a look at how they behave. How they storm buildings and threaten people. Yeah lets ignore these facts and call the language used 'generalisations'.

Anyway, what do you care? You're a red apologist and sympathiser. These people can burn down Bangkok and it's still not their fault. Oh wait, they did try that didn't they?

Is there any evidence, any at all, to the effect that the "reds" burnt down Central Zen plaza ???

It's generally accepted but where is the evidence, where are the convictions, why were the two accused acquitted ????

How come none of the 80 or so people shot dead by army fire have been proven to be carrying arms and a threat to the army ???

How come of the alleged 500 heavily armed men in black, none have been arrested, identified and charged ??

Who shot the people in the temple ???

Yes, there is evidence that the red shirts burnt down central world, just not enough evidence to convict individuals.

Does the fact that individual soldiers can't be identified mean that the army didn't kill anyone?

Sent from my HTC phone.

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Will Taksin be charged for the thousands killed in his war on drugs?

Will Yingluck be charged for all of the deaths in the south in her war against the Muslims?

Belling the wrong cat! There is still an international warrant out for Thaksin... The police chief is known to have met him on his birthday. How come the seriousness of this is not followed through? Wake up you ' men in brown' DO YOUR Duty!!!!

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Is there any evidence, any at all, to the effect that the "reds" burnt down Central Zen plaza ???

It's generally accepted but where is the evidence, where are the convictions, why were the two accused acquitted ????

How come none of the 80 or so people shot dead by army fire have been proven to be carrying arms and a threat to the army ???

How come of the alleged 500 heavily armed men in black, none have been arrested, identified and charged ??

Who shot the people in the temple ???

AFAIK there are still trials going on over the burning down of Zen, Carrafour etc. Did you not see Arisman's incitement to burn Bangkok?

No one knows whether any or many of the 80 dead you mentioned were armed or not. The red-shirts were very quick to remove any incriminating evidence from those killed & march around displaying their bodies.

The same applies to the MIB.

The culprits of the temple deaths have not been identified.

All the so-called justice efforts have been carried out by the BIB & sub-agencies. They have an abysmal record of carrying out any form of justice in non-political cases. Given their political bias, it's not had to understand that their 'efforts' here are less than abysmal.

You are just repeating the red propaganda of innocent unarmed peaceful (etc) protestors being savagely attacked by the army. Which is a lie.

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Is there any evidence, any at all, to the effect that the "reds" burnt down Central Zen plaza ???

It's generally accepted but where is the evidence, where are the convictions, why were the two accused acquitted ????

How come none of the 80 or so people shot dead by army fire have been proven to be carrying arms and a threat to the army ???

How come of the alleged 500 heavily armed men in black, none have been arrested, identified and charged ??

Who shot the people in the temple ???

AFAIK there are still trials going on over the burning down of Zen, Carrafour etc. Did you not see Arisman's incitement to burn Bangkok?

No one knows whether any or many of the 80 dead you mentioned were armed or not. The red-shirts were very quick to remove any incriminating evidence from those killed & march around displaying their bodies.

The same applies to the MIB.

The culprits of the temple deaths have not been identified.

All the so-called justice efforts have been carried out by the BIB & sub-agencies. They have an abysmal record of carrying out any form of justice in non-political cases. Given their political bias, it's not had to understand that their 'efforts' here are less than abysmal.

You are just repeating the red propaganda of innocent unarmed peaceful (etc) protestors being savagely attacked by the army. Which is a lie.

".......You are just repeating the red propaganda of innocent unarmed peaceful (etc) protestors being savagely attacked by the army. Which is a lie..........."

No I am not, please answer the questions, if you can.

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Is there any evidence, any at all, to the effect that the "reds" burnt down Central Zen plaza ???

It's generally accepted but where is the evidence, where are the convictions, why were the two accused acquitted ????

How come none of the 80 or so people shot dead by army fire have been proven to be carrying arms and a threat to the army ???

How come of the alleged 500 heavily armed men in black, none have been arrested, identified and charged ??

Who shot the people in the temple ???

AFAIK there are still trials going on over the burning down of Zen, Carrafour etc. Did you not see Arisman's incitement to burn Bangkok?

No one knows whether any or many of the 80 dead you mentioned were armed or not. The red-shirts were very quick to remove any incriminating evidence from those killed & march around displaying their bodies.

The same applies to the MIB.

The culprits of the temple deaths have not been identified.

All the so-called justice efforts have been carried out by the BIB & sub-agencies. They have an abysmal record of carrying out any form of justice in non-political cases. Given their political bias, it's not had to understand that their 'efforts' here are less than abysmal.

You are just repeating the red propaganda of innocent unarmed peaceful (etc) protestors being savagely attacked by the army. Which is a lie.

".......You are just repeating the red propaganda of innocent unarmed peaceful (etc) protestors being savagely attacked by the army. Which is a lie..........."

No I am not, please answer the questions, if you can.

I just did if you would look properly.

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