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Hello All! 30Yo Male Just Moved To Cm, Looking To Make Friends!


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Honestly, you are going to have difficulty making friends here your own age. Most of the people in Chiang Mai that are about our age are either short term English teachers/ NGO workers that only stay for a year or two, tourists/ backpackers, or randoms (e.q. "online poker players" who are only here until the money runs out).

Your absolute best bet is to visit the Reggae Soi regularly. Yellow Club and Yellow Patio tend to be more of the tourist crowd, but if you venture into the other bars like Roots Rock Reggae, Babylon, or Yellow Corner, you are bound to meet some regular long term expats our own age (as opposed to the primarily over-the-hill grumps that inhabit TV).

Hope this helps,


You are most likely right, but I am happy to hang with older people that have similar interests (I find it easy to talk to people of any age about sports for e.g.). And I'm more than happy to make friends with people who are here for 1-2 years.. just not keen on "investing time" on people here are here for a week or two, if that makes sense?

I've been to the yellow area once and was soured by an experience (2nd date with a girl who then propositioned sex for $ out of the blue).. it's the sortof place I'd be happy to go with with friends, but meeting people.. it seems like a bit of a mixed bag.. I'll give it a shot maybe. but thank you so much for your advice :)

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I'm 30 also and from the US, not sure where you're from. It's pretty impossible to meet people here who actually live here and are your own age, nationality let alone have similar interests. I basically program and bike ride with all my time (quit drinking) but you can email me if you want (or do I need to post my address?).

I lived in the US for 5 years. A PM will be heading your way :)

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we are members of the same gym im there at about 6.30 every morning till about 8 look for the bloke getting very angry with the idiots that are not there

to train but to get in peoples way buy sitting on a machine playing angry birds on there iphone or reading a book on a tread mill lol

god i hate them

Hi mate, I go at night. All 8 treadmills were taken last night, and every single person was WALKING on them. One woman did about a 20 minute warmdown at 2km/h (not even half walking pace), what's wrong with them???

dont get me started the amount of times iv nearly tripped over things that have been left on the floor like wights and so on if you can can pick it up 30 times then why cant you but it back grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr lol

Why are athletic people always so moody and aggressive?

Just lay around and be fat, its more peaceful.

generally we're not, the opposite in fact. but it's akin to being a full bar with nowhere to sit and everyone sat down nursing the dregs of their drink whilst they know you're waiting lol

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It's called Facebook.

Make some friends, and meet their friends.

Dear guyswai.gif ,

Looking for gf in Thailand? Many many women here use black magic/ love spells giggle.gif to hold on to their bfs/husbands. Of course you guys won't know whether you yourself is spelled, unless you have your own trusted acharn whom you visit often.

Trust me on that. Meanwhile good luck in finding true love.whistling.gif

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It's called Facebook.

Make some friends, and meet their friends.

Dear guyswai.gif ,

Looking for gf in Thailand? Many many women here use black magic/ love spells giggle.gif to hold on to their bfs/husbands. Of course you guys won't know whether you yourself is spelled, unless you have your own trusted acharn whom you visit often.

Trust me on that. Meanwhile good luck in finding true love.whistling.gif

Quite true Choonpon.

But when black magic fails to hold the guys, the gals sometime resort to cutting off their penises.

When you go to your "own trusted acharn" holding your severed penis in your hand you'll know that black magic has failed you all.

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It's called Facebook.

Make some friends, and meet their friends.

Dear guyswai.gif ,

Looking for gf in Thailand? Many many women here use black magic/ love spells giggle.gif to hold on to their bfs/husbands. Of course you guys won't know whether you yourself is spelled, unless you have your own trusted acharn whom you visit often.

Trust me on that. Meanwhile good luck in finding true love.whistling.gif

Quite true Choonpon.

But when black magic fails to hold the guys, the gals sometime resort to cutting off their penises.

When you go to your "own trusted acharn" holding your severed penis in your hand you'll know that black magic has failed you all.

You are funny CMHomeboy78!thumbsup.gif

Guys out there, just be cautious. Being cautious is not even enough as you won't know when you will be 'marked'.w00t.gif Another note: don't flaunt your wealth. Usually $$ is the main reason they use love spell.sick.gif

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Welcome to Chiang Mai.

You come on a flood-tide of visitors to a city that is growing and changing very fast.

After you get your bearings here, you might want to learn something about the history and culture of a city that was founded over 700 years ago.

In so doing you will meet Thais with similar interests who take pride in their traditions.

If it hasn't become obvious to you already, you should realize that most of the Thais who contact foreigners provide goods and services of one kind or another.

All of them, from the hooker sitting on the barstool to the kid who drives the tuk-tuk, they want to get as much out of us as possible for what they provide.

A metaphor might be made with the city itself which has changed out of recognition since I first came in the late '70s.

What now resembles some concrete-jungle in California has everywhere the remains of chedis, wats and historical sites; some in a very good state of repair, others no more than a pile of bricks and rubble.

The traditions of civility and refinement that characterize Lanna Thai culture exist like the historical remains among the flashy modern city that seems to overpower them.

Enjoy your stay.

thank you. in the few weeks I've been here.. it seems if you don't want the naughty stuff, it's easy to stay away from it. I've done a few cultural things, but still got a lot on my list. I've learnt most of the tourist traps but the colour of your skin is a detriment no matter what in some cases here, TIT lol

thanks mate

You're dead wrong young Bro.

White skin [if that's what you mean} is no detriment here.

Quite the opposite as a matter of fact.

Those who have light skin in Thailand enjoy numerous social advantages.

Attitudes that we have been taught to shun are ingrained here.

And it's nothing new. It goes back thousands of years; at least to the conquest of most of Northern India by the Aryans who introduced the caste [caste is varna in sanskrit, meaning colour] system from where it spread far and wide along with their culture. Indo-China included.

As part of your language studies you might watch a little Thai television. You will be surprised at how many of the ads feature skin whiteners and cosmetics promising to make you look several shades lighter. Some are even aimed at men.

Beauty contests - wildly popular, especially in rural Thailand - almost always have a category for "Nong Peu-Kow" Miss White Skin.

Excuse me if I've somewhat misunderstood your post.

Perhaps you meant that your light skin-colour is subjecting you to being overcharged for goods and services.

That's not only possible, it's probable.

My advice is this: learn Thai as soon as you can and use it to bargain with courtesy and humour.

Choke Dee... Good Luck.

you did misunderstand my post, and actually I agree with what you say :)

I'm not looking for love btw in reply for the other posts, far from it really. I prefer Western women but not opposed to Thai women at all. Really just looking to make friends :)

Thanks for all the input though!

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Probably not so many 30 somethings living here permanantly - I was but now I'm 42 :(

A few years back I'd have said wander off to the Guitarman or Tuskers, but both sadly gone.

Depending where you are, there are still some expat haunts around - most frequented mostly by older men though. Warm Up will have more people your age, but most will be tourists or Thai (hard to socialise with if you do not have Thai) - also loud music so not so easy to make friends. You could also try Yummie Pizza on a Wednesday night or last Sunday of every month.

The Olde Bell in Loi Kroh gets some younger guys in from time to time (most days but out numbered by the older variety), Mad Dog is OAP land. No. 1 Bar (side street off Loi Kroh - follow the signs) also gets some in, but also lots of tourists find it this time of the year.

Get a copy of Chiang Mai Mail and look at the Happening page http://www.chiangmai-mail.com/current/social.shtml and the cluibs and society pages too to see if anything tickles your fancy. Chosing something like cycling, 5-a-side or running clubs stands better chance than Bridge, Photography and Chess clubs for your age range (to state the obvious).

It is not hard to make friends here - when I first arrived I met mostly people ten years or so older than me, but this was fine. As I learned the expat bars that one could sit, relax and listen to good music without the bar-scene hastle, I met more and more people my own age.

One thing to remember is that a lot of under 50's do not stay here for more than a year or so - usually teaching or doing a rotation abroad type job (or NGO) - so expect freindship in your age bracket to be transient. My current closest friends are younger than me - mid 30's - but are jet setters and spend much of their time travelling around the world (musicians).

If you just want some company in the meantime, do what I did and find a nice expat bar and get chatting - just join in with any open conversation (or one the bar man is involved in - presuming its not personal). You will make friend easily - though age bracket may be wider than you expect.

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Good luck, boss. I golf regularly, but would be up for some tennis if it fits logistically. PM me if you're interested.

Good tennis group wends, sat, and sun.......8am - 11am.......700 courts.......some folk who play in your age group.....good fun and excersise!

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we are members of the same gym im there at about 6.30 every morning till about 8 look for the bloke getting very angry with the idiots that are not there

to train but to get in peoples way buy sitting on a machine playing angry birds on there iphone or reading a book on a tread mill lol

god i hate them

LOL So it's not just at my gym?? A lot of people here do seem to forget that there are other people on the planet, same as driving at 40 mph in the outside lane.
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  • 5 weeks later...

we are members of the same gym im there at about 6.30 every morning till about 8 look for the bloke getting very angry with the idiots that are not there

to train but to get in peoples way buy sitting on a machine playing angry birds on there iphone or reading a book on a tread mill lol

god i hate them

Hi mate, I go at night. All 8 treadmills were taken last night, and every single person was WALKING on them. One woman did about a 20 minute warmdown at 2km/h (not even half walking pace), what's wrong with them???

laugh.png They give you the shits hey, i call them retards..i cant stand them. I am using hillside 4 gym, its ok except sundays when the retards arrive.

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