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Your Mouse


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Yes tried all that on my old Microsoft trackball mouse, it is old ? says 2003 on the bottom, of course with my memory maybe the old Microsoft trackball mouse did not work and that is why I put it in the junk room ? think it was about 2005 I last used it............

My old about 12 + years but good Canon scanner had the same problem with drivers, fine in Win 2000 and in Vista, looked every so often, over 2 years,, then 2 weeks ago found a driver installed and works perfect.!

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I agree scanners and printers - I have had to buy new ones simply for lack of drivers. But a generic mouse from that age... I don't have a clue why it doesn't plug and play unless the ball or rollers are dirty or there's something in there like a dead bug.

I certainly haven't seen it all though, LOL, so I just don't know.

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My best mouse ever, expensive but amazing quality and ease of use.Great for Photoshop and gaming.



What makes it good for photoshop? I'm a big fan of photoshop, and always looking for something better. I did find I liked getting away from a cord for fine work such as selecting things. What do you like about it?

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I don't want anything fancy with a lot of buttons and I'm not a gamer. I just wanted a simple mouse that would last longer than most of what is available in the local shops. I bought this one and so far, so good. I have probably bought a half dozen that failed within a year.


I don't want anything fancy with a lot of buttons and I'm not a gamer. I just wanted a simple mouse that would last longer than most of what is available in the local shops. I bought this one and so far, so good. I have probably bought a half dozen that failed within a year.


I have had three that have given me problems in the last year, that is on my desktop. On my laptop, I have had the same mouse for the last 3 years with no problem.
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Microsoft does stand by its warrantee which can be three years for mouses /mice however not one of mine has lasted that long here and I have been too lazy to claim from them. If the dealer will not replace they say to contact them.

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Always buy a higher end Logitech, My current mouse is getting on to four years now, never a hint of trouble, and a very good gaming mouse too.

What is a high end mouse ? No not need wireless, my present Logitech was a little over 700 baht !! last week/10 days getting worse, click and opens most times 2 of everything, right click works when it feels like it. or will highlight word or object.............. could have bought 3 x cheap one for the price and lasted 2x longer !

Got a logitech wireless one 2500 bt or so always lasts a year or 2 . same with the keyboard pay top price but they last. I work more with the computer then anything else so spending money on it is ok.

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I have to say again that all of this surprises me. I've never had a single mouse fail. I have a shoebox full of them dating back to the 90's. I've had to clean the laser port and take a trackball apart (easy) and clean the rubber ball and rollers with alcohol, but I dumbfounded by the number of failures. I get a new one only when I "want" something different like this Logitech M505 wireless laser. Cost me US $49 a couple of years ago.

For the poster who asked about a mouse for photoshop, I'm a big fan of photoshop. I find that any good mouse works fine and the defining issue is whether I'm in practice. I can get rusty with, say, the polygonal lasso tool, or I can be a wizard with it if I'm doing a lot of it. Do you know that several manufacturers have a pencil board which lets you use a pencil tool? I've never used one but some people swear by them. Here -

Here's a tutorial I did on selecting and chopping a bike in a Harley forum, spokes and all. Scroll down if interested. It takes up several posts and the whole page. I did this with a wired laser mouse.

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Once you learn how to use the pen tool to draw paths, you will wonder how you ever coped using the polygon lasso.

Could be. I haven't tried it. Can you recommend one?

I'm so danged fast and accurate with the lasso and elliptical tool after hundreds and hundreds of hours that I don't even think about it. Did you glance at my tut?

I'd like to try a pen tool if you say it's that good. thumbsup.gif

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Once you learn how to use the pen tool to draw paths, you will wonder how you ever coped using the polygon lasso.

Could be. I haven't tried it. Can you recommend one?

I'm so danged fast and accurate with the lasso and elliptical tool after hundreds and hundreds of hours that I don't even think about it. Did you glance at my tut?

I'd like to try a pen tool if you say it's that good. thumbsup.gif

The pen tool is one of your Photoshop tools, about 11 down from your polygonal lasso. It is a difficult tool, but worth it to learn.

The difference between creating a path with the pen tool, and creating a selection with the lasso is that the path remains tweakable for as long as you want, giving you unlimited ability to fine tune your selection, which can be turned off and on whenever you wish.

I saw your tutorial and I have to give credit for finding ways to get the job done and you did a nice job, but I would say that you didn't have to work that hard. I would suggest you watch a few tutorials on making paths and using layer masks. Then the power of Photoshop will really open up for you. I worked Photoshop professionally, daily, for about a decade, and this is just my advice.

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Once you learn how to use the pen tool to draw paths, you will wonder how you ever coped using the polygon lasso.

Could be. I haven't tried it. Can you recommend one?

I'm so danged fast and accurate with the lasso and elliptical tool after hundreds and hundreds of hours that I don't even think about it. Did you glance at my tut?

I'd like to try a pen tool if you say it's that good. thumbsup.gif

The pen tool is one of your Photoshop tools, about 11 down from your polygonal lasso. It is a difficult tool, but worth it to learn.

The difference between creating a path with the pen tool, and creating a selection with the lasso is that the path remains tweakable for as long as you want, giving you unlimited ability to fine tune your selection, which can be turned off and on whenever you wish.

I saw your tutorial and I have to give credit for finding ways to get the job done and you did a nice job, but I would say that you didn't have to work that hard. I would suggest you watch a few tutorials on making paths and using layer masks. Then the power of Photoshop will really open up for you. I worked Photoshop professionally, daily, for about a decade, and this is just my advice.

Yes, I've used the pen tool but not enough. I do this stuff only as a hobby, but I thought you were talking about the physical pen tool you can buy. The photoshop pen tool is nice because you can still bend lines, etc. after you lay them down.

I don't do it much any more, and that's what I meant by practice. I used to let guys send me a good photo of their bike, and I'd chop it and put it on some new background, add their screen name maybe in "3D" and then they'd have a signature pic for the forum. I haven't done that in at least a year.

Here is one of the first I ever did. It's my Harley Deuce, and a poor snapshot - hard to work with. One of the challenges was windshields. Making them look round, but transparent, but still be there took some experimentation but now it's a breeze.

I had to mess with the perspective, aspect ratio, etc. of this bike a ton, but it really is the same pic.



Edited by NeverSure
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Don't you hate it when in a game, your mouse has drifted too close to your keyboard, just when you need to make a quick decisive movement.

Isn't this drifting a bit off OP topic from:

"Wired Mouse to your PC/Laptop how long dose it last ?

What make ?

Appears mine always starts to play up after a few months, non that I have bought last that long ?"

Just sayin'...

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