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Minor Rta - What To Do?

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Yesterday I was involved in a minor accident whilst parking on Phahonyothin Road, opposite the Newsagents near the Junction for the Government Hospital. The only damage was a twisted rear corner bumper on my truck, and similar to the other vehicle, an old battered yellow Datsun pick up.

The inevitable mr Busybody appeared and there was lots of shouting and waving of arms. After about 5 minutes the man who claimed to own the Datsun appeared on a Motorcycle.

He demanded my Passport, I refused. He then demanded money, I refused.. I exclaimed in my broken Thai and his very limited English that I was happy to pay for the damage to his truck, he should contact me and I would arrange for the mechanic who maintains my truck to effect the repairs.

I gave him my mobile no. and my address (which I now regret), and explained that I had to go as my wife was at the hospital, her uncle had died that morning, and I was taking his ID Card and Tabian Ban to the hospital so that they could release the body. He said I had to pay him. Again I refused, he said he would call the police, I said fine, they could find me at the Hospital and drove off. The Police never came, and when I returned about an hour later to photograph the damage the Datsun had gone.

This morning someone claiming to be a policeman telephoned. All he could manage to say was "pay money" and when I asked for his name and station he hung up.

Any suggestions? Should I go to the Police or just sit tight and wait for them (if it is them!) to come to me?


For a recent accident with a tour bus that rear ended me, I contacted the police and My insurance company. both arrived. Driver was sited, my insurance will pay to fix my truck.

As a side note, my insurance company also covered the Bus company. They have only base insurance and covers no loss or injury to any passenger. Nice to know with all the bus accidents we hear about. Seems the passengers are on their own if something happend


1 Go to the central police station and file a report that You were involved in an accident and were unable to settle as the other vehicle owner had disappeared.

2 Take a copy of this report to your insurance company.

3 file a claim to getvyour car fixed thru your insurer. Assuming there's no no claim bonus lost.


I'm some what intrigued to know how many accidents onthedarkside has had to justify using the term "I always...".

2 times in 16 years here in Thailand tongue.png

//edit - I meant to write 'I always recommend ......' as that's what I do.


Quote...This morning someone claiming to be a policeman telephoned. All he could manage to say was "pay money" and when I asked for his name and station he hung up.

I had worse than this, One evening i got on my bicycle for quick ride to 7/11, On the way down the moo baan i hit quite a large dog sleeping in the middle of the road with a muzzle over his mouth, I nearly went over the handle bars and did a pirouette on the front wheel for a few meters...the dog ran around in circles yelping and i stopped for a moment but decided there was nothing i could do, A woman living opposite the dog owner seen what happened so i just shrugged my shoulders and went on my way,

Next morning a woman together with a policeman knocked on the door and pushed a vets bill in my face for 8500bht, the policeman only kept repeating (must pay)

I asked them in the house and put the bill in the scanner and mailed it to a lawyer friend then called her, She said pass your mobile to the police now i need to talk with him, I offered him the phone and he asked who, I told dont worry its only the lawyer...she needs to talk,

He refused and so did the dog owner then they both got up off the sofa and went out the door, while walking away the lady dog owner kept repeating....why do like that....why do like that,

Later that day i found the bill was fake...infact the animal clinic on the bill had never seen the dog or the owner and the policeman was the womans brotherbah.gif


The farang is always wrong. Normally when there is an acccident a mob of on lookers collect and start pointing the finger at you and tell the police and and others that you were to blame. I have had this happen to me before when my car was stopped. No social or legal protection sometimes is the norm.


The farang is always wrong. Normally when there is an acccident a mob of on lookers collect and start pointing the finger at you and tell the police and and others that you were to blame. I have had this happen to me before when my car was stopped. No social or legal protection sometimes is the norm.

It's more about the farang has the money to pay compensation and the mob wants a cut. Actually this is also true for Thais driving expensive cars, so it's more about money than anything else. My wife always told me if I have an accident make sure it's with a Benz or BMW and not an old pick-up tongue.png


I had one minor accident similar to the OP. I just called my insurance company and after awhile a man from my company showed up on a motorcycle. He noted what happened (I backed into the other car) took a bunch of pictures, I then signed some papers and he sorted it all out for me. Never heard anything else after that from anyone including my Ins company. My advice, get good car insurance it is not that expensive and if you get in an accident just call them and they will sort it out as other posters have stated.

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1 Go to the central police station and file a report that You were involved in an accident and were unable to settle as the other vehicle owner had disappeared.

2 Take a copy of this report to your insurance company.

3 file a claim to getvyour car fixed thru your insurer. Assuming there's no no claim bonus lost.

If you don't have an insurance company to handle it, consider going to the Tourist Police first before the regular police. They should have English speakers there, and will write up your version of the incident in both English & Thai and give you copies of the report (ie, what you told them). Then if you feel necessary, take a copy of these reports to the regular police. This eases the potential language problems with the regular police, & is a good start should other negative things develop.


1 Go to the central police station and file a report that You were involved in an accident and were unable to settle as the other vehicle owner had disappeared.

2 Take a copy of this report to your insurance company.

3 file a claim to getvyour car fixed thru your insurer. Assuming there's no no claim bonus lost.

If you don't have an insurance company to handle it, consider going to the Tourist Police first before the regular police. They should have English speakers there, and will write up your version of the incident in both English & Thai and give you copies of the report (ie, what you told them). Then if you feel necessary, take a copy of these reports to the regular police. This eases the potential language problems with the regular police, & is a good start should other negative things develop.

It would amaze you that not many ( probably 10%) of the Tourist Police can speak English. I had to see them about 4 years ago after a good friend had passed away and there were 4 T/Police in the office and they had to get an interpriture to find out what I was there for. I speak very good clear Aussie English.


A few years back I was in a car that was involved in a collision with a truck at Wiang Papou.

The accident was witnessed by a police officer and within minutes no less than a dozen coppers were on the scene including a very attractive woman from the Tourist Police.

Much to their, what seemed like considerable, disappointment it soon become apparent that not only were neither of the farangs in the car driving but it wasn't registered in either of their names.

So they contented themselves with arresting the hapless truck driver, who seemed devoid of any kind of personal personal or automotive paperwork, and confiscating the truck.

The twenty odd hills tribes workers who had been in the back had disappeared like smoke into the gathering dusk.


You have all missed the first step in any RTA, anywhere in the world.

Ask to see his driving license. If he doesn't have one, you don't have to pay anything.

In Thailand, it's surprising the percentage of Thais driving without a license.


1 Go to the central police station and file a report that You were involved in an accident and were unable to settle as the other vehicle owner had disappeared.

2 Take a copy of this report to your insurance company.

3 file a claim to getvyour car fixed thru your insurer. Assuming there's no no claim bonus lost.

If you don't have an insurance company to handle it, consider going to the Tourist Police first before the regular police. They should have English speakers there, and will write up your version of the incident in both English & Thai and give you copies of the report (ie, what you told them). Then if you feel necessary, take a copy of these reports to the regular police. This eases the potential language problems with the regular police, & is a good start should other negative things develop.

It would amaze you that not many ( probably 10%) of the Tourist Police can speak English. I had to see them about 4 years ago after a good friend had passed away and there were 4 T/Police in the office and they had to get an interpriture to find out what I was there for. I speak very good clear Aussie English.

This is why the Tourist Police now have a group of foriegn (not necessarily farang) volunteers who are able to assist with tanslations. At the last count there are 17 languages covered and I daresay Ozzie Strine is amongst them. If anyone does need assistance, ask to see the volunteer table and contact the volunteer in question directly.

[AND before the flak starts...NO Tourist Police volunteers DO NOT require work permits other volunteer work does though]

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