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Katoeys: What Does The Police Do?


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The other night, I've been cheased by katoey's on soy 8 in bar 69ers.

I replied, a bit to strongly I must admit, that I am a straight man and I don/t like fakes

He/She was not alone and I've been attacked.Result: Banglamung hospital for their sake I am 60 years old.

They are nothing, not males not females that's why they don't respect anybody. I am 60 years old now that's Thai tradition: respect elder people?

I'd like to know wheter a lawyer could help me pursue them and bring the case to the court.

The owner of bar 69ers is legally responsible isn't he?

Thanks for your help



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The other night, I've been cheased by katoey's on soy 8 in bar 69ers.

I replied, a bit to strongly I must admit, that I am a straight man and I don/t like fakes

He/She was not alone and I've been attacked.Result: Banglamung hospital for their sake I am 60 years old.

They are nothing, not males not females that's why they don't respect anybody. I am 60 years old now that's Thai tradition: respect elder people?

I'd like to know wheter a lawyer could help me pursue them and bring the case to the court.

The owner of bar 69ers is legally responsible isn't he?

Thanks for your help



1) Transexual sex workers aren't likely to be the most stringent adherent to traditional Thai mores.

2) 60 years old may make you an elder but doesn't necessarily mean that if you are verbally abusive - or perceived to be - that you will be immune from any possible repercussions, excessive or not.

3) I personally doubt that the owner of the bar will be held responsible for an action of his/her employees, even if you can prove that the culprits were indeed employees of that bar.

Genuinely sorry that you are injured and wish you a full and speedy recovery but going by what you've said, my guess is that you've been foolish (at best) and (hopefully) learned a hard lesson as a result (Thailand tends to be a good place to learn those sorts of lessons though the teaching methods can be and often are quite harsh.)

I suspect there will be others along shortly who will say otherwise and perhaps give an answer that you prefer.

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You said you were straight and then they chased and attacked you? I think there might be more to the story than you're telling us.

He admitted that he said it "too strongly". But I too think there's more to the story -- and going by the many similar stories I've heard in the past that turned out have been rather different than the initial telling, I have some ideas about what it might be.

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Put in hospital by angry katoeys just for saying you're straight? Doubt it.

It all depends on how you expressed your disinterest.

Just because they do have respect for elders (up to a point) doesn't mean they'll put up with insulting behaviour especially from someone they believe they can kick the shit out of in 10 seconds flat.

Lick your wounds, consider yourself educated and forget pursuing the bar . . . unless you want another kicking

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You will know better next time.

Lesson learned,don't abuse the locals, of any gender,let along the 3rd.

Don't think you were polite in your response,hense hospital visit,was the hospital to your liking.

Your 60.so what,does that entitle you to special treatment.

Don't know where your from, but respect gets respect

In return..

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"I am 60 years old now that's Thai tradition: respect elder people?"

one little word is missing:

respect elder Thai people!

And only in case, they are respectable and not running around in areas, where respectable people wouldn't run around!

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Would you have addressed them in the same manner,in your home country?

Doubt it very much.

So why in Thailand?

I don't know where your 'home country' is (or indeed the OP's) perhaps Thailand is his 'home country'. Do you have ladyboys grabbing you aggressively in your 'home country'?

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You don't have to be homophobic (or straight) to be annoyed by super aggressive prostitutes on the street, no matter the flavor of said prostitutes. More often than not in Pattaya, most of the most aggressive ones tend to be ladyboys. My tactic: walk to the other side of the path/road and walk fast!

Edited by Jingthing
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It sounds like you made two errors of judgement, I am sorry to say. The first was your choice of watering hole and your second was in your admitted response. It may be a bitter pill to swallow, but my best advice would be to chalk it up to experience and learn from the lesson. (The second lesson might be to avoid the virtual kicking you get in TV whistling.gif )

Good luck.... be safe!

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just have a look online at any pattaya news paper and see what katoeys get up to on beach rd pattaya towards tourists. or for that matter nana plaza or bangla rd.

enough said i think.

Strange that the 3 places you have mentioned are all favoured destinations for farang mongers.

I live in a Thai area of Bkk, I see and talk to katoeys on a regular basis, they are just normal people, never felt threatened by them, some of them are staggeringly beautiful, some of them are more feminine than some of the brass that passes for female in the tourist traps you have mentioned, some of them are very generous to their friends, most of all they usually have a sense of humour and are a good laugh and good company.

Nuff said I think.

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just have a look online at any pattaya news paper and see what katoeys get up to on beach rd pattaya towards tourists. or for that matter nana plaza or bangla rd.

enough said i think.

Strange that the 3 places you have mentioned are all favoured destinations for farang mongers.

I live in a Thai area of Bkk, I see and talk to katoeys on a regular basis, they are just normal people, never felt threatened by them, some of them are staggeringly beautiful, some of them are more feminine than some of the brass that passes for female in the tourist traps you have mentioned, some of them are very generous to their friends, most of all they usually have a sense of humour and are a good laugh and good company.

Nuff said I think.

Well, sorry, living in Pattaya, I DO feel threatened by aggressive LB prostitutes, especially walking alone late at night. They group in gangs and they are looking for drunk people to victimize/pickpocket, etc.. Not all LBs of course. The thieves. The criminals. I want them OFF THE STREETS. I'm very liberal but not towards thieves. And what happens so often to people who take them back to their place? So often DRUGGINGS that some people die of. That is murder in my book. I don't think such criminals can really ever be tolerated. I read a recent item from Stickman about Pattaya. He said rarely comes here any longer because it is too crazy and he felt he was lucking to get out alive. That might be extreme but the problems are real.

That seems an odd post to me.

On the one hand, you make a point of pointing out that not all LBs are a menace to society just the thieves and (redundantly) the criminals; those are the ones you very emphatically want off the streets. Well, if you object only to the presence of the criminal element among the LBs, why even specify the LBs at all? Surely you want ALL dangerous criminals off the streets? Specifying this one subculture -- that can only be distinguished from other criminals by their appearance, but which appearance is shared by both the benign and the malign -- that seems insidious, dangerous and creepy.

And Stickman?! Seriously? Why would Stickman's ridiculously exaggerated fear of Pattaya be of any relevance at all? (I confess, even in his less extreme comments, I often wonder why people seem to regard him as unimpeachable authority to the extent they so often do.)

Now, having said that, I expect you will write something that either completely refutes my understanding of what you've written or dispels my ill feelings about it -- if you are anything like the smart liberal you appear to be.

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Maybe if someone is not 100% sure about his sexuality,trying to suppress his true colors,easily finds himself in conflict situations.


It's been known to happen.

A lot.

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Edited by SteeleJoe
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just have a look online at any pattaya news paper and see what katoeys get up to on beach rd pattaya towards tourists. or for that matter nana plaza or bangla rd.

enough said i think.

Strange that the 3 places you have mentioned are all favoured destinations for farang mongers.

I live in a Thai area of Bkk, I see and talk to katoeys on a regular basis, they are just normal people, never felt threatened by them, some of them are staggeringly beautiful, some of them are more feminine than some of the brass that passes for female in the tourist traps you have mentioned, some of them are very generous to their friends, most of all they usually have a sense of humour and are a good laugh and good company.

Nuff said I think.

Well, sorry, living in Pattaya, I DO feel threatened by aggressive LB prostitutes, especially walking alone late at night. They group in gangs and they are looking for drunk people to victimize/pickpocket, etc.. Not all LBs of course. The thieves. The criminals. I want them OFF THE STREETS. I'm very liberal but not towards thieves. And what happens so often to people who take them back to their place? So often DRUGGINGS that some people die of. That is murder in my book. I don't think such criminals can really ever be tolerated. I read a recent item from Stickman about Pattaya. He said rarely comes here any longer because it is too crazy and he felt he was lucking to get out alive. That might be extreme but the problems are real.

Your problem is Pattaya, not katoeys.

Are there no straight hookers, gay hookers causing problems?

As for SM I have no idea, I was in Pattaya earlier this month and certianly didnt feel threatened, then again I wasnt visiting places of ill repute for a sleazy mongers guide.

I walked along Beach rd on my way back to the Siam Bayshore, no problem, then again I wasnt looking at the side show as if I was visiting a zoo, I wasnt gawking at the goods on display.

Sorry as to the places you frequent I am in no position to comment.

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Not to excuse aggressive street ladyboys harassing or attacking people, but for your own sake, it's best to keep your opinions about them not being real females to yourself. The ones working the street can be dangerous and unstable and it's best to just tell them politely thank you but you already have a girlfriend waiting for you.

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