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Big Bike Ban In Khao Yai


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Now I know why I rarely post here. I was merely trying to warn other bikers they may be turned away when trying to enter Khao Yai National park. I wasn't expecting all the drivel, such as the type of monkeys I encountered, or that I could take another route following all the truck drivers. That's all I need is more trucks on the same road as me. My plan was to go THROUGH Khao Yai, not around it. You would probably advise me to go to Mogadishu instead if I was planning a trip to London! And comments regarding racing and redlining? More drivel.

Thanks to RubberSideDown for some useful db information. If those are the standards/limits set by the local authorities, then I'll have to abide by them. I still feel there should be a grace period of at least one year and warn bikers their motorcycles are too noisy for the Khao Yai butterflies. I also realize this is Thailand where rational is rarely considered.

Edited by ragpicker
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The standard I noted is actually US-spec, but I would imagine that it's a de facto world-wide standard (to one degree or another) as all Japanese, European, and American manufacturers use the same exhaust systems on their bikes regardless of where they're sold (with some differences that don't affect sound, like the inclusion or deletion of O2 sensors and catalytic converters, i.e.)- it would seem likely that the same limits are used in LOS.

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where did you read that there is a ban on motorcycles ? Only vehicles that make excessive noise are not allowed ( be real now, most of the time these are big bikes) . There is a ban though for trucks...

Edited by pokerkid
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This thread is one year old. So noone can say there wasn't a warning. And noone said that loud (private) cars are allowed to enter the park.

Talking about bribes and discrimination just because they enforce a rule to protect the park is childish. Wanting them to stop thai people from having fun while singing in the evening is childish. Claims like "my bike is not so noisy" are irrelevant. In case of doubt the db meter will decide, pretty simple smile.png

Grow up and take your responsibility in the society. Especially if you are a guest in a country. I may can try to understand why some people think "loud pipes save lifes", but if you want to use a loud pipe than please accept it when you cannot enter a sensible area like Khao Yai anymore. Its your choice. But sadly all bikers will suffer on the long term, even the bikers with stock pipes.

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This thread is one year old. So noone can say there wasn't a warning. And noone said that loud (private) cars are allowed to enter the park.

Talking about bribes and discrimination just because they enforce a rule to protect the park is childish. Wanting them to stop thai people from having fun while singing in the evening is childish. Claims like "my bike is not so noisy" are irrelevant. In case of doubt the db meter will decide, pretty simple Posted Image

Grow up and take your responsibility in the society. Especially if you are a guest in a country. I may can try to understand why some people think "loud pipes save lifes", but if you want to use a loud pipe than please accept it when you cannot enter a sensible area like Khao Yai anymore. Its your choice. But sadly all bikers will suffer on the long term, even the bikers with stock pipes.

Yeah db meter and a 500 thb pribe will decide your entrance, right? Do you really believe only db meter decides this? It sounds naive my friend!

And dont be funny, you guys are talking like how macaques get disturbed etc. They dont get disturbed by karaoke parties until the morning? Or from buses full of people and loud music? So for you karaoke is a must in a national park?

You dont see it wantan?

Sent from my GT-N7100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Now I am going to be punished with my stock bike because of all the hooligans with their loud exhausts racing through the park.....

Not fair!!

Ohh, I just read that they will do a DB test! Good, I should be OK with my TIS approved exhaust. thumbsup.gif

Edited by Nickymaster
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Personally, I'm not a fan of loud exhausts. I also do not subscribe to the belief that loud exhausts saves lives. Yes, other road users can hear you. But that does not mean you are any safer. Every rider is responsible for their own safety and by far, the best way is to ride defensively and to study the traffic situation and ride accordingly. Just because traffic is light does not mean that it's safe to go faster. A car or another bike can pull out on you even if they see or hear you because they misjudge the speed at which you are travelling. This happened to a friend of mine last weekend when a small bike moved out in front of him because the other rider misjudged his speed.

Having said that, some exhausts sound better than others. Of course, this is a personal preference, same like with music. To me, Def Leopard or Mettalica sounds bad at any volume but Vivaldi's 4 seasons sounds better the louder it is. I like the sound of Akrapovices and Yoshis, don't like the sounds of some others.

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When one looks at a map of Khao Yai National Park on Google Earth/Maps it appears roads make up a minute and insignificant amount of area and in reality any vehicles traveling through should have absolutely zero effect on the wildlife, the vast majority of which- those bastard monkeys excluded, obviously inhabit the interior. All this 'loud pipes scare away the animals' is just bluster.

As I said earlier, you want to watch birds (Christ knows why!), take the trails into the interior and set up camp far away from the roads. No amount if bitching on TV is going to prevent bikers, the vast majority if whom are Thai, from riding there.

So has anyone ridden there recently and can give an update on bike-entrance policy? Is the db measuring device being used or was it just a temporary and typical knee-jerk measure?

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Good to see them banning noisy bikes....I witnessed it yesterday, several got turned away.

were they banning noisy cars or buses or trucks? or doing a decibel check on a karaoke events echoing every night at the national park?

were you and/or macaques feeling satisfied when they were turning the bikes?

a total bs imo, another bs to bribe your way in. I am sure especially if you are a farang, they will not let you in without paying a bribe so it goes as they pleases and sad to see some foreigners here to accept this discrimination as tomorrow it will turn to you in another way.

Do you really trust their db meter as well?

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Good to see them banning noisy bikes....I witnessed it yesterday, several got turned away.

were they banning noisy cars or buses or trucks? or doing a decibel check on a karaoke events echoing every night at the national park?

were you and/or macaques feeling satisfied when they were turning the bikes?

a total bs imo, another bs to bribe your way in. I am sure especially if you are a farang, they will not let you in without paying a bribe so it goes as they pleases and sad to see some foreigners here to accept this discrimination as tomorrow it will turn to you in another way.

Do you really trust their db meter as well?

Yes i do....cheesy.gif

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Good to see them banning noisy bikes....I witnessed it yesterday, several got turned away.

were they banning noisy cars or buses or trucks? or doing a decibel check on a karaoke events echoing every night at the national park?

were you and/or macaques feeling satisfied when they were turning the bikes?

a total bs imo, another bs to bribe your way in. I am sure especially if you are a farang, they will not let you in without paying a bribe so it goes as they pleases and sad to see some foreigners here to accept this discrimination as tomorrow it will turn to you in another way.

Do you really trust their db meter as well?

Yes i do....cheesy.gif

life is sure easy for macaquesclap2.gif

but not for us riders!

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Well, I'm still up for a Sat-Sun ride sometime to test out the resolve of the entrance guys. And also to stick it to some on this thread.

My pipes are still stock but not for much longer. Hili may be up for it even though he has Akra's on his R6.

Anyone else? II2?

Free beer for the first rider to hit a monkey!!

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Well, I'm still up for a Sat-Sun ride sometime to test out the resolve of the entrance guys. And also to stick it to some on this thread.

My pipes are still stock but not for much longer. Hili may be up for it even though he has Akra's on his R6.

Anyone else? II2?

Free beer for the first rider to hit a monkey!!

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

i m in guys. my aftermarket pipe is i think legal. they tested it t hua hin before and no problems.

this sunday i perfect for me.

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Technically of course it is illegal to modify a motorbike/motor vehicle so the park guys may just take one look and...

I would take the dB killer that came with the exhaust whistling.gifand install it before I got to the park gates.

Best of luck.thumbsup.gif

Edited by VocalNeal
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H1w4yR1da (can't you just call yourself Joe or something), if you make that trip (or anybody else), can you try and find out the db limits? I got no explanation at all, only "start" and "no". He held the db meter about a meter away from the exhaust side with the bike at idle. He only looked at the meter for a split second before his "no" and walked away. I don't even know if the meter was turned on! Thanks

Edited by ragpicker
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^^ I bet you're the kind of bikie that nobody waves to ??
For some strange reason, the police wave at me all the time.
Technically of course it is illegal to modify a motorbike/motor vehicle so the park guys may just take one look and...
...wouldn't have a clue what they were looking at. Unless they've suddenly become experts on big bike modifications.Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app
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Well, I'm still up for a Sat-Sun ride sometime to test out the resolve of the entrance guys. And also to stick it to some on this thread.

My pipes are still stock but not for much longer. Hili may be up for it even though he has Akra's on his R6.

Anyone else? II2?

Free beer for the first rider to hit a monkey!!

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Lets see if i can make it just got a racing air filter so the sound is a little bit more loud now. But i don't think its too loud, well we have a db meter my company i could test. Compared to a Ducati with a dry clutch its nothing...

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Well, I'm still up for a Sat-Sun ride sometime to test out the resolve of the entrance guys. And also to stick it to some on this thread.

My pipes are still stock but not for much longer. Hili may be up for it even though he has Akra's on his R6.

Anyone else? II2?

Free beer for the first rider to hit a monkey!!

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Would love to join but I'm afraid I can't keep up with Hili so I'm afraid I'll pass as I don't like holding anyone back.

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