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My situation:

arrived 4 yrs ago and have been teaching at the same school.

recently obtained Thai citizenship.

still officially in LOS on my western passport w/non b visa and still using a work permit. These 2 items expire Sept 2013.

don’t want to deal with immigration and 90-day reporting anymore. I understand I must leave the country using my western pp and then return on my Thai pp.


(1)Do I need to notify my employer about my departure and return?

(2)I understand my visa and work permit will be canceled automatically upon exiting with my western passport. Is there anything I must do or anyone I must contact? Labor Dept?

(3)Will my Foreign Teacher’s License be affected in any way?

(4)Will my school try to scale me down to a Thai teacher’s salary?

(5)Does it matter if I depart LOS from Swampy or Don Mueng Airport?

(6)Can anyone recommend a destination? Siem Reap, Phnom Phen? Which place is quickest, easiest?

Is there anything I’m forgetting? Please advise

Thanks in advance


Not sure of the exact procedures but you should not have to leave the country. Just go to immigration with the documents proving citizenship and they will cancel out the extension and etc.

You can cancel your work permit the labor office.

I can't not answer other questions about teacher license and etc.


1. What you do in your free time is no concern of them.

2. workpermit must be cancelled, just visit their office and explain why. Forget about immigration, unless you have a valid re-entry permit.

3. I don' think so, but you can contact the Thai Teacher Council by email to make sure. I believe the requirements are the same for a teachers license, but they may want to update your nationality.

4. Up to the school. If you have a contract they must honour that.

5. No.

6. Just choose the cheapest one, most convienient one.

As Ubonjoe said, you can try to change your status at immirgation first. Most people (including me) say that you must leave the country, but I have seen a few reports about people being able to change their status at immigration. So maybe you will be lucky. a report about your experience would always be welcome.



Went to my local immigration office located at Rai Khing, Nakhon Pathom. They said they can change my Visa to "dual-national visa," which means I would still have to do the 90-day reports. I am not interested in that option.

I telephoned The Teacher's Council about my teacher's license. They said there would be no problems renewing my teacher's license without a work permit and visa extension. I can use my Thai ID Card and US Passport.

I will cancel the work permit "after" leaving and returning to LOS.

The Visa Extension of Stay will automatically cancel upon getting the "exit stamp" when leaving LOS with my US Passport.


I assume now you gained Thai nationality by birth. My first post was with the thought that you had gotten it by going through application process.

You will need to make a trip out of the country (by air is best) and back again using your US passport and then return using your Thai passport.

Why would you need to show your US passport with Thai ID card for teaching license? The only time you should need to show that is for trips to the US (or other countries that Thai's need visa for) or the embassy.


Out of curiosity, how come you managed to get Thai Citizenship in just 4 years? It seems just too quick.

I'm half Thai. was born in Ubon Ratchathani and raised in the US. father was US soldier stationed in Thailand.

I simply went to the amphur office with my Thai birth certificate. No problem for me.

I decided to go ahead and get my Thai citizenship because I plan on living here probably forever. I initially came here thinking I would only stay 3-5 yrs and then return to the US. I like LOS and enjoy teaching.


Why would you need to show your US passport with Thai ID card for teaching license?

This is what the lady I spoke with over the phone at The Teacher's Council told me.


Additional Update:

My initial attempt to contact The Teacher's Council was via email. Below is their responce.

Thank you for your email.

1. Accually, both work permit and visa for working are important supporting documents for foreign teacher in license renewal.

2. Both Thai and foreign teachers are the same requirements for license renewal but different in personal attached documents. Therefore, if you meet the renewal requirements, you can renew your license.

3. Now requirements and required documents for license renewal are as follows:


- Hold Bachelor’s degree or higher in Education field or

- Hold Bachelor’s degree in other fields + teaching experience of not less than 5 years or

- Hold lower than Bachelor’s degree + teaching experience of not less than 10 years

- License holder must supply reasonable documentation of not less than 3 professional development activities during the 5-year validity period of the license

- The school director examines the accuracy and approve that the license holder meets the qualification

Required documents:

- Completed application form (KS 02)and Qualification Declaration form (KS 02.10)

- Copy of all used passport

- Copy of Thai Citizen ID Card (in your case you must enclose also)

- Copy of Employment Contract

- Copy of documents/ certificates of not less than 3 professional development activities during

the 5-year validity period of the license as identified on the application form

- Fee payment receipt: 200 Baht




Why would you need to show your US passport with Thai ID card for teaching license?

This is what the lady I spoke with over the phone at The Teacher's Council told me.

probably because the license is tied to the passport.

You can check your license status online with the TCT, based on your name/passport number.



Went to my local immigration office located at Rai Khing, Nakhon Pathom. They said they can change my Visa to "dual-national visa," which means I would still have to do the 90-day reports. I am not interested in that option.

Forgive me for asking but what the h*ll is "dual-national visa" ? when living in a particular country you can't be a "dual" national per se...you need to be one or the other...so you would need to be either Thai and not require a visa or be a US citizen and you would require a visa or extension of stay


They would provide a one year extension of stay on the basis of his Thai citizenship for the normal 1,900 baht - many Thai use this method after arriving on a foreign passport.


It is an extension of stay that is for Thai's that have gave up their citizenship or never claimed it.

Have a look at police order 777/2551


They would provide a one year extension of stay on the basis of his Thai citizenship for the normal 1,900 baht - many Thai use this method after arriving on a foreign passport.

Ok..I get it...but have to say this is a messed up system then, they are recognising his citizenship and his right of abode in Thailand, but yet make him get an extension of stay...obviously they dont understand that right of abode for a citizen of country has little to do with the passport they carry ...rolleyes.gif


Reason for this type of extension from police order.

2.23 In the case of a person who used to have Thai nationality or whose parent is or was of Thai nationality visiting relatives or returning to his or her original homeland:

It is a good option for a person returning to Thailand without a passport who needs time to get all of their documents together to gain or regain citizenship.

It also does not require a non immigrant visa.


Re cancellation of work permit, I understand that is no longer necessary under the 2008 Working of Aliens Act that attempted to separate work permits from immigration status. It also ended the concept that a WP is property of the Labour Ministry that has be returned. You are now permitted to retain expired or cancelled WPs for your records.

Basically the only reason now to cancel a WP is when you are changing jobs with a still valid WP and need to cancel the old one and get a new one with the name of the new employer in it. Those who have obtained Thai nationality through naturalisation have been advised by the police nationality department they can just let their WPs expire without bothering to inform the Labour Ministry.

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