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Attempted Robbery 5Am This Morning


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i was driving my son to the airport on my bike at 5am this morning when i noticed 4 thai kids on 2 bikes tailing us in chalong. anyhow, i didn't see them at central/tesco so forget about them. but on the bypass with no traffic around they came up on us again from behind and one pulled in front to stop us. they asked for money but i said we didn't have any. i was adamant, in thai, so i guess they believed me. one little douche bag pointed a gun at me but i don't think it was real. anyhow, i turned around and drove back to the tesco as fast as my bike could go and they didn't follow us so i guess i was lucky.

anyhow, word of warning, don't drive around on a motorbike at night/early morning.

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yes i should have but forget to put diesel in my truck yesterday and didn't know if anyplace would be open that early.

i didn't get plates, not really focus on that. we did make the flight on time so no problems.

but i will certainly not be driving around on a motorbike very late or early again

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Did you reassure your son that Dad does live in a nice place, and this is a very isolated incident and there are smiling Thai people everywhere on Phuket. smile.pngsmile.png

Seriously, you were very lucky. If the kid with the gun was high on drugs, strung out for drugs, drunk or wanted to be the big man in front of his friends, maybe you would have found out if the gun was real or not.

Unfortunately, there's every chance in the future that some unfortunate tourist will find out.

Edited by NamKangMan
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That sucks. Sorry to hear .I've seen some crazy stuff between 2300 and 0530. I avoid being out at those times.

Always top off your tank when it hits 1/3wai.gif

Yes, sad to say, we are losing some freedom that we once enjoyed here. Risk management is now incorporated into everyday living on Phuket.

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Any thread like this brings out NKM and his Phuket negativity.

Isolated incidents like this happen everywhere. Be vigilant of your surroundings.

I used the term, "isolated incident" sarcastically. smile.pngsmile.png Robbery is an everyday occurence here now.

By your own admission, your advice is to "Be vigilant of your surroundings." My question to you, Hans, is do you now have to be MORE vigilant now than you had to be in the past? If the answer is yes, and the crime trend continues, where will this island be in 5 years time?

We have no real policing here on Phuket. It's open season on tourists.

Edited by NamKangMan
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That's one bad experience. Luckily neither of you did not get hurt.

Better to make an police report out of the situation and perhaps, if you wish, give an hint to the local press to make an story out of the incident.

I still like to believe that the more publicity these things get, the more people will eventually demand to get things in order in Phuket.

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Any thread like this brings out NKM and his Phuket negativity.

Isolated incidents like this happen everywhere. Be vigilant of your surroundings.

I used the term, "isolated incident" sarcastically. smile.pngsmile.png Robbery is an everyday occurence here now.

By your own admission, your advice is to "Be vigilant of your surroundings." My question to you, Hans, is do you now have to be MORE vigilant now than you had to be in the past? If the answer is yes, and the crime trend continues, where will this island be in 5 years time?

We have no real policing here on Phuket. It's open season on tourists.

Vigilant of your surroundings everywhere and not just phuket.

I feel much safer on the streets of Phuket than my homeland so it ain't all bad.

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Glad you came out of it OK mate.

You don't get any of that mallarcy over here.People are actually nice to you and even stop to let you cross the road

Best move I have made in years moving away from that ever increasing hole (Phuket).

Pity it used to be such a nice place.

Edited by starkey_rich
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Glad you came out of it OK mate.

You don't get any of that mallarcy over here.People are actually nice to you and even stop to let you cross the road

Best move I have made in years moving away from that ever increasing hole (Phuket).

Pity it used to be such a nice place.

Ah yes, the "Phuket is a hole" crowd piping in.

SR-where is "over here" you refer to?

To the OP, yes, riding a motorbike to the airport at 5AM, probably not the best move, but glad all went safely in the end.

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Any thread like this brings out NKM and his Phuket negativity.

Isolated incidents like this happen everywhere. Be vigilant of your surroundings.

No it does not happen everywhere and its not isolated. The news mention youth gangs involved in crime weekly and that did not happen here only a few years back. Nor did you regularly see a bunch with youths on the most remote areas in Phuket at times of day when even the most hardcore partygoers have got enough.

Edited by Felt 35
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Glad you came out of it OK mate.

You don't get any of that mallarcy over here.People are actually nice to you and even stop to let you cross the road

Best move I have made in years moving away from that ever increasing hole (Phuket).

Pity it used to be such a nice place.

Ah yes, the "Phuket is a hole" crowd piping in.

SR-where is "over here" you refer to?

To the OP, yes, riding a motorbike to the airport at 5AM, probably not the best move, but glad all went safely in the end.

Don't tell him, Rich!!

I may be joining you soon and don't want the place ruined by too many farangs using up all the locals' good will.

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My point is, robbery isn't really an "isolated incident" on Phuket anymore, is it?


No, it isn't. My next door neighbour was coming home on his bike at 2:30am when he was surrounded by 7 Thai yobs on bikes. This was in Viset road in Rawai.

One of the yobs demanded money and pulled a knife on him, but when my neighbour saw the size of the knife he just laughed and beckoned the yob to have a go at him. They all drove off.

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No, it isn't. My next door neighbour was coming home on his bike at 2:30am when he was surrounded by 7 Thai yobs on bikes. This was in Viset road in Rawai.

One of the yobs demanded money and pulled a knife on him, but when my neighbour saw the size of the knife he just laughed and beckoned the yob to have a go at him. They all drove off.

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what a crazy and horrible situation to find yourself in, thank heavens it ended OK, a gun in your face real or fake is no joke, glad your OK, hindsight a great thing, but a taxi or car sounds like the better option, i know it shakes you up, again glad your OK

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I would think you'd have more of a chance of getting something done about stopping this if you went to the newspapers, rather than the police.

A few incidences like this broadcast to the media and possibly picked up by the ambassadors in Bangkok might have some long lasting positive effect.

Anyway, glad you're OK and they didn't hurt you.

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Glad you came out of it OK mate.

You don't get any of that mallarcy over here.People are actually nice to you and even stop to let you cross the road

Best move I have made in years moving away from that ever increasing hole (Phuket).

Pity it used to be such a nice place.

Ah yes, the "Phuket is a hole" crowd piping in.

SR-where is "over here" you refer to?

To the OP, yes, riding a motorbike to the airport at 5AM, probably not the best move, but glad all went safely in the end.

I am not a crowd, just my personal opinion after seven years I do not find it a nice place to live anymore.And you are one of rose tinted glasses crowd.

I suppose anyone who comes from America would find it safe on Phuket.

You are not even safe in school in the good ole USA.

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Glad you came out of it OK mate.

You don't get any of that mallarcy over here.People are actually nice to you and even stop to let you cross the road

Best move I have made in years moving away from that ever increasing hole (Phuket).

Pity it used to be such a nice place.

Ah yes, the "Phuket is a hole" crowd piping in.

SR-where is "over here" you refer to?

To the OP, yes, riding a motorbike to the airport at 5AM, probably not the best move, but glad all went safely in the end.

Don't tell him, Rich!!

I may be joining you soon and don't want the place ruined by too many farangs using up all the locals' good will.

Don't worry mate keeping this place quiet It's not full of dick's.

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Glad you came out of it OK mate.

You don't get any of that mallarcy over here.People are actually nice to you and even stop to let you cross the road

Best move I have made in years moving away from that ever increasing hole (Phuket).

Pity it used to be such a nice place.

Ah yes, the "Phuket is a hole" crowd piping in.

SR-where is "over here" you refer to?

To the OP, yes, riding a motorbike to the airport at 5AM, probably not the best move, but glad all went safely in the end.

Don't tell him, Rich!!

I may be joining you soon and don't want the place ruined by too many farangs using up all the locals' good will.

Don't worry mate keeping this place quiet It's not full of dick's.

Probably best to remove your location from under your TV profile in that case laugh.png

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I would think you'd have more of a chance of getting something done about stopping this if you went to the newspapers, rather than the police.

A few incidences like this broadcast to the media and possibly picked up by the ambassadors in Bangkok might have some long lasting positive effect.

Anyway, glad you're OK and they didn't hurt you.

Newspapers will not generally run something that hasn't been reported to the police. The ambassadors and wardens can then present the news reports to police when they have their regular meetings with them adnask what they are doing about it. It does make a difference.

Edited by NomadJoe
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