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Can One Sue For Harassment & Verbal Threats Here In Thailand?


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OP, so what is the trouble you did have? My thoughts is that if you going against a Thai then it would be rare anyone would make any judgement in your favour?

And if you are go against another farang then i dont think many Thau authority would show much interest really, unless somehow they get money out of both you and the other.

sorry to sound negative but maybe you need to add more detail about this

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Come-on Holysteel, you need to give us more information, otherwise this thread will just go off on a tangent.

Tell us about the harassment and verbal threats, then we can evaluate their level of injustice and give you some sound advice......it's what we do best here at TV.


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I heard not if your complaint is directed at your wife. If I remember corectly it was the wife that told me that, which ended our conversation and any other hopes I might have had.

Makes sense... If you could sue your wife, wouldn't that be like taking money from your left pocket and putting it into your right pocket?

It seems that the only ones to win would be the lawyers collecting their fees...

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All right. Its about the ex- gf.. I have moved on with a new life with a new lady. Last month i got my truck smashed to pulp by the ex. Window shield all broken. Been months before i get it repaired. I made a police report. And that report was sent to her home. I guess asking her to appear in court or something and made her recompensated to the insurance company for the loss.

Today i received a call from her. And she state very clearly & firmly. Last time car was damaged. This time she is going to up the ante & play hard ball & hire some thugs to smash me to smithereens..

Jeez.. I fear for my life.

What im gona do now ?

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All right. Its about the ex- gf.. I have moved on with a new life with a new lady. Last month i got my truck smashed to pulp by the ex. Window shield all broken. Been months before i get it repaired. I made a police report. And that report was sent to her home. I guess asking her to appear in court or something and made her recompensated to the insurance company for the loss.

Today i received a call from her. And she state very clearly & firmly. Last time car was damaged. This time she is going to up the ante & play hard ball & hire some thugs to smash me to smithereens..

Jeez.. I fear for my life.

What im gona do now ?

Two can play that game, but first you are going to have to disappear. If that means moving the new GF somewhere else then so be it.

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Probably a stupid question but what does she actually want ?

Not a stupid question. She wants revenge. She wants to destroy the FARANG-ex. She hates him. She blames him for everything.

She's vindictive; nasty; controlling and manipulative.

Most farangs who come to Thailand in search of a girl will only get the CRAP. They get the CRAP that Thai men don't want. A lot of this CRAP is bad news.

There are two schools of though re: this issue.

School of thought number one

Man up. Grow a pair. Deal with it. You're the man; she's just a Thai bitch

School of thought number two

You might be in serious trouble. Move. Put as much distance as possible between you and your ex. Avoid all future contact. Go anonymous. Vanish.


I vanished. But then the ex found out where I was. I was more than 1000 km away.

She contacted me to say that she'd reported me to the police in Talubo and Baraho (Pattani). I thought she was joking, but she wasn't.


As for me -- things have calmed down now.

As for you -- be careful. And no, you can't sue her for anything. Forget it. Just get away from her. Vanish. You might be in some pretty serious shit.

Edited by andrew
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I was hoping maybe I could put a restraining order on her or something similar.

Does it even exist here in Thailand ?

Dude -- drop it. You won't win. We all make mistakes. You picked CRAP. And the CRAP has turned nasty.

You MUST get away from her.

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Andrew is very right to say OP must get away from her...even just go on a holiday away for a while to clear the head.

But Op, try not to worry to much really, and loose sleep over this as that wont help.most times these girls just blowing hot air.

When it comes to crunch most times they are to lazy to go through with what they say...and 90% bet by me to say she wont do anything that involve spending money, so i would forget about this hitman nonsense.

Being furious they will say and do anything in the heat of the moment but just wait her to cool down.

For sure dont try to contact or soothe things over just get the hell out and leave her alone and will probably all blow over soon enough

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Another approach while you battle with this crazy is LIE LIE LIE. Text or email her saying that you are sorry, it your fault, you didnt look after her enough, and that you now have serious money problem but was to embarrassed to say and didnt want to tell her about this before..and this is what cause all the problems you had...but you still always will love her.

You will know its a bunch of <deleted> but these girls usually so thick and egotistical they fall hook line and sinker.

Remember the more lie the better.

say your mother (or family member) back home is sick and you must take a quick trip back home, maybe she can have some of your stuff as you dont know when you'll be back.

Tell her you'll give her whatever cash you have left after paying for your flight so you can help her to get on with life. (Strange enough in Thailand money always seems to soothe the savage beast ive found) whistling.gif

All this <deleted> of course but will buy you emough time to get the hell away from her with testicals intact. Of course you will give her nothing but keep adjusting your lies and kkep changing the story until you are well away, get a new place and can vanish without a chance for her to know the thruth.

and then just hope and prey you never by chance run into her again ermm.gifunsure.png

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I was hoping maybe I could put a restraining order on her or something similar.

Does it even exist here in Thailand ?

The only restraining order in LOS that carries any weight would be delivered by some BiB that you have paid someone further up the chain to deliver.

If you don't have the wherewithal to do that then move. If you can't move then start to think in terms of a financial pay off.

There is a reasonable chance she may not go through on her promise to trash you the way she did your car. On the other hand reasonable people don't trash their ex's truck so don't count on it.

Have to say that having trashed your truck and you then start a topic under the heading

" Can One Sue For Harassment & Verbal Threats Here In Thailand?"

Would suggest to me you know very little about the dark side of the country in which you have chose to live.

Personally, I never forget I'm a farang, their country, their rules.

Edited by roamer
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Thanks for sharing Holysteel, and as you can see, some sound advice.

I agree with the tactic of severing all ties, move far far away from the ex, change your phone number, take a holiday and do not contact her. I cannot say for sure, but reading what seasoned expats have said about restraining orders and the such, I don't think you have much chance. TiT and a whole different outlook towards the law here.

Move away from her.

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Why don't you try what you posted below?

Posted by Holysteel on 2012-08-27 18:50:07 in General topics

Should get two of these tasers. one for yourself & one for the buddy. Zap the next nearest passerby BIBs when they are patrolling on their bike.


Down they fall instantly.. Kick the shit out of the two of them. Handcuff them..take their wallet, their side arms, walkie talkies & patrol bike.

Should be alot of fun zapping those ladyboys.. WAAei.. down they fall.

dam_n..this is dangerous stuff. What if some thai gang teenagers get hold of this?

Zap the next nearest thai university young gal on her bike late 1 night.. carry her up on those tinted dark car..and bang the night away on a forced thai gang bang style party frenzy ?

What if the insurgent use this on the soldiers? ZAP down they fall. steal their weaponry..

Zap zap zap ZAAP... Just saying

Manz.. This thing just be charge accordingly the same of a real gun..

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I was hoping maybe I could put a restraining order on her or something similar.

Does it even exist here in Thailand ?

Yes. However, you need to speak with a competent family law lawyer and not the usual low end types. They need not be in a large law firm, but you want someone with a bit of experience and that has dealt with similar cases. Death threats are to be taken seriously and dealt with appropriately. As much as I do not respect the BiB, they will be legally obliged to respond if legal counsel files the protection order with the court. This may rquire some additional payment to the BiB to pay for their time.

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I was hoping maybe I could put a restraining order on her or something similar.

Does it even exist here in Thailand ?

The simpe solution is to go down to your local copshop with the new GF, who can translate for you, tell the BiB your woes and make a small contribution to the policemans fund and ask them if they would be so good as to have a "word" with her....once this is done, tell your dear EX you have spoken to the BIB and any more problems from her she is going the monkey house...pretty sure it will be the last you hear of her...thumbsup.gif

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All right. Its about the ex- gf.. I have moved on with a new life with a new lady. Last month i got my truck smashed to pulp by the ex. Window shield all broken. Been months before i get it repaired. I made a police report. And that report was sent to her home. I guess asking her to appear in court or something and made her recompensated to the insurance company for the loss.

Today i received a call from her. And she state very clearly & firmly. Last time car was damaged. This time she is going to up the ante & play hard ball & hire some thugs to smash me to smithereens..

Jeez.. I fear for my life.

What im gona do now ?

Get a lawyer. Doesn't need to be super duper expensive, just someone who is a professional and wants to win (I'm not sure how you're going to ascertain this unless you can speak some Thai though). You might not be Thai but the lawyer will be and he or she will know the law, will know which buttons to push with the police and will know whether or not you have the ammunition to have your enemy over a barrel.

Happy hunting.

Edited by Trembly
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