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Hi all,

I don't have any knowlegde about motorbikes nor the physics of these kind of machines.

I am just wondering if anyone has this of experience.

I drive an 125 CC automatic MIO wich is fair on gas. I used to fill it up with 91 benzine.

Last week I changed to try the 95 nitro that they sell at the BP station's. I feel my bike can make quite more distance on the same

100 baht 95 nitro then on the 91 benzine.

Could that be correct? And if so.. Why is that? Does it mean one of them is more suitable for the bike? Or am i just making things up here.

I did not keep any record yet on about how much more I can actually drive, but will do.


Higher octane fuel gives my PCX more zip at the expense of mileage. With green 95 about 38 baht and red 91 at 43 baht I guess it's swings and roundabouts!


Wifeys Mio runs fine on 91 benzine but like a sack of shit on gasahol 91 same as my cbr250r. Gasahol 95 and both bikes run better than benzine but don't get such good mileage but as 95 is cheaper that's no big deal.

Our local dealer warned not to leave the bike unused for long periods though if using purely gasahol. He said it wasn't good for the carb on the Mio though not sure how it would effect the fuel injection on the cbr.


I've heard that gasohol burns out any rubber gaskets it comes in contact with. I'll stick with 91 because I want my bike to last without too many repairs.


Bikes where gasahol is listed as an acceptable fuel will have gaskets and fuel lines compatable with it.

It is usually older bikes that will have problems running on gasahol.


You say "feel" it can do more. This is speculative. Generally anything cut with ethanol like E-10 gives less fuel mileage.

To verify your feeling you need to test by doing some full-to-full "mileage' runs.

Fill the tank absolutely to the brim with BP and run it until nearly empty, then fill again to the brim with BP . Now the tank has mostly BP 95. This will eliminate any effect of fuel that was in there before. Note the odometer reading and now run again until nearly empty.

Refill to the brim with 91 benzene. Note the kms ridden and the amount of fuel to refill (to the brim). This will be the amount of BP 95 you used and how far you rode. Run again until nearly empty and refill with 91 Benzine. Now the tank has mostly 91.

Run until nearly empty and refill with whatever fuel you wish but note the amount used and the kilometers ridden. This will be the amount of benzene 91 you used and how far you rode

Now you can do the math to see which fuel gave the most Kms and which one cost the least.

This being said if it feels better and you don't care about accuracy just use what you like.


I don't think it's really in dispute that benzine gives better mpg than gasohol, but the OP isn't computing by the litre so to speak, he's using 100B. 100B of gasohol vs 100B of benzine = a lot more gasohol in your tank. The percentage that benzine is more efficient than gasohol is not greater than the cost of the 2 different fuels. Therefore 100B worth of gasohol lasts a lot longer than 100B worth of benzine.

Whether it's better for your engine or makes it go faster is irrelevant, as the op is not asking that.


Thanks for answers! To be honest, I did not really notice the price difference. In fact Macknife is right. The same 100 baht simply gives me me more 95 in the tank.. So I guess that's why. This morning I was driving full speed when suddenly the bike made a schreeching noise, gave some smoke and just stopped completely... Did take a while for him to get back up again, but now it's running like a charm.. Made me think of the whole gas debate, wich maybe could have caused this... But of course it also could have been something else.

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