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My apologies to ADMIN if this post is in the wrong place.

I posted it first in the Classifieds Section, but thought I might reach my target here as well.

Thanks for such a super cool board!

El D

--------------DREAMWEAVER GURU REQUIRED--------------

I require someone familiar with Dreamweaver MX 2004 who will be willing to work on a per project basis.

I'm not destitute, but I'm not rich.

I'm willing to pay a fair wage for work done. I'm willing to pay Western wages, but I will expect Western promptness and quality of work.

I've had one Aussie price gouge me, one Swedish guy contract "brain damage" (no joke--that was his excuse for not returning my calls nor doing any work 2 weeks after I'd had a laptop to laptop meeting with him at his home).

I found a very nice Austrian guy that did 6,000 baht of work for me, for 1,000 baht.

Only problem with my Austrian friend is that he doesn't answer his phone, nor his email, nor the SMS messages I send him. His work was superb, and I'd like to pay him the remaining 5,000 baht. I hope he's still alive.


Requirements are---

Proficiency with Dreamweaver MX/ MX 2004.

Answer emails, phone calls, and/or SMS messages within 48 hours, and have a fair hourly rate.

Look, I've spent 4,000 baht on Dreamweaver "How To" books recently, but I inevitably run into problems which work out better for me to just call someone and say "Fix this", than it does for me to sit around scratching my head on the subject.

I need to concentrate my efforts on other areas of my business.

If you're interested,

email me at [email protected]

I have other, more reputable email addresses than the hotmail thing, but this is a screening process at this point.

If you are in Bangkok or Pattaya I can pay in cash, if you're located elsewhere, then I can pay via Paypal.


El D


My images are NOT coming thru on my website and I've wasted an entire Sunday (should've been at the beach!) trying to get this to work.

I just did my 3rd FTP of my images to my host, but the live images only show placeholders.



where are the URL to your website


You need to double-click on one of your images within Dreamweaver and when the images properties box comes up, check that the 'Relative to' option at the bottom is set to 'site root' and not 'document'.

You may also want to set the site properties so the your remote web site is included. The will enable you to use the publish facility within Dreamweaver. The advantage of this is that Dreamweaver will automatically change the URL to point to the remote site.

Hope this helps.

phuket Mike


Well there is a good solution also :

when you build your site with Dreamweaver (it's also true for Frontpage), sometimes (often? always??) forget to use the graphical interface, and jump to the coding interface.

Then you will check by yourself, and not let a stupid program (all the programs are stupid, they don't think) to do it. Verify that allthe url are relative like :

<href="../images_folder/my-picture001.jpg>, also thant help for the debigging.

Another advice, to upload your files, as I suppose if I read you well it must be a professional and not a personnal website, to upload, do it manually, at least you will be sure the files are in the ftp, for that :

1) open Internet Explorer

2) type the address of your ftp

3)click on FILE and select log as

4) enter your password and login name

5) from your computer, select the folder where your files are , and move it in Internet Explorer, the upload will immediatly start, and you will be sure the structure will be identical, and all the files are uploaded.

If you don't verify what the program (dreamweaver or other ) do , you will never be sure of what happend.

Go the this thread, what are you looking for? Webdesigner/webbuilder? or just someone who will tell you what to do? I can, and we are a lot here, be able to help for the first solution.


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