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Lying To Mom


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I think we all lie at times to prevent hurt feelings. And, when you have been around certain people enough you get to read between the lines. My mother always knew when I was lying. My red hair complexion gave me away every time. It's no big deal. And, once you learn how to read people you get to understand the different type of lies. Are they trying to manipulate you in some way? Are they trying to impress you? Are they trying to hide something? There are different levels and degrees of lies. Insecure people tend to tell lies to impress you, but they don't mean anything that could harm you in any way. Some people tell lies to embellish an otherwise boring story that may or may not be interesting. Stand up comics do that for a living.

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Ok... So lets flip this question over for a second...

Do Men here on TV (just as a small sample) regardless of culture, ever lie to their Mothers.... and when/if you do... How comfortable would you be if your new GF didn't support you?

In this case we're talking about a HARMLESS lie, we don't want to know about infidelity etc etc. that's for a whole new thread. Perhaps there's a scenario where you didn't want your mum to think you were a womaniser...

Ps. aTomsLife, I think that was a lovely little story that she told her mum about how you met... it wouldn't take much effort to keep Mom happy. The new GF may love you more for supporting her rather then becoming confrontational. Lies fade when the trust kicks in, you can't expect it up front when the relationship is still young.

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