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Arrest Made In Russian Assault And Robbery Case By Pattaya Police

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Pattaya reconstruction of Russian Abduction Assault and Robbery case


PATTAYA:--Early on Thursday Morning the three suspects who have been arrested in connection with the Christmas Day abduction, assault and robbery of two Russian Tourists in South Pattaya took part in a reconstruction of events for evidential purposes.

Police Major General Katcha, the Chonburi Provincial Police Commander, oversaw the reconstruction which concentrated mostly on the location of the alleged sexual assault and robbery in the Huay Yai area, inside a disused security guard post.

Khun Tongchai aged 20 and Khun Wichien aged 35 who are both accused of conductingthe sexual assaults on the two Russians went through what they claimed had taken place using two Thai females as actors.

Full story:http://www.pattayaon...t-robbery-case/


-- Pattaya One 2013-01-03


I just don't get all this re enactment bull shit that the media/ police always do ,,, it's all a big joke to me ...for sure If I were a criminal of any sort I certainly wouldn't first of all admit that I am the culprit nevermind participate in a re enactment as i would claim my innoncence till the end hoping for a Godfather type of lawyer to get me off the hook... this is Bollywood at the heights to me ...sick.gif

If you are poor in Thailand - admission of guilt is often the only way to get a reduction in a sentence This means many are tempted to admit offences if they are told it is an open and shut case, even if they are innocent. This applies particularly to capital offences when they are induced to admit an offence to get off the death sentence. This admission of guilt is then taken to be absolute proof that they are guilty. Simple. Case closed, everyone is happy, happy.


Wonder if they test these guys for STDs or HIV. I'd imagine the Russian girls would sleep better knowing they were not infected with something.

Right, never mind about the simple minded perps and their cell mates. cheesy.gifcheesy.gif Why not just make them dig their own graves. Better yet hang them on crosses then burn them.

Admittedly I don't know enough about the evidence and should probably keep my mouth shut, but an awful lot of grandstanding going on and given the external political climate, sure wouldn't be the first time that even the "Royal Canadian Mounted Farce" (Dudley Doright family) always got their man quickly under pressure.

..............Half thought about not posting this, until looking into it a bit more

  • Anyone who believes this crapola is quite naive to the ways of law and disorder in LOS

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    • I kinda have to agree, original case had four assailants, green Mighty Max pick-up.... and to quote the Police, "The single image of the man wanted in connection with the sexual assault has been released to the public despite earlier reports that the image would be kept secret as Police thought they knew who he was." Can someone point to the person matching the photofit image? Where is the fourth person being sought? (shopping for new wheels and a haircut?) Have the assaulted women made a Statement confirming these are the men?

      There truly is no other place like Patts..................

    • 11 months ago
  • well it could have been them it could have been that car .. we could have been raped .. or it could have been a dream ... still well done the bib case solved !!!!

  • 11 months ago

    And of course they re-enacted the incident EXACTLY as it occurred.

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