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Invoice Numbering


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In the nature of my business I have to handle three different currency, THB, EUR and USD, I can adjust in my software different currency accounts but the software will not number the invoices for different currency continuously as every different currency is linked to a different account.

Now I thought to go around this problem with number my invoices with a different syntax, i.e. for EUR: E-0001, for THB: T-0001 and USD: U-0001, then I would have for every invoice a differnet number as required and the software will number the invoices continuously behind the different syntax. But my accounting tells me that the revenue department will not agree to that, according to them they just agree on continuously numbering, for which every time the last digit needs to change.

intended syntax system: 3 invoices with three differnt currency will result in E-0001; T-0001 and U-0001, but according accounting it shall be 0001; 0002; 0003

How to say, I trust my accounting, but I know they are not open to any new, before they even start thinking about it, they first refuse with the explaination that it is not common.

Can I run my invoices with the above syntax system or do I need to run the numbers as my accounting says?

Thanks for any feedback on above

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