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Square Head Get Out!


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A friend gave me a badge today of a man with a square head and letters reading "Get Out!

I wear, it making a stand against the current goverment.

My question is what do Thai people think of farang making political statements?

Do/would you make a political statement in LOS?

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My question is what do Thai people think of farang making political statements?

In most conuntries that is seen as rude. In some it is dangerous. How would you feel if foreign tourists in your country insulted a politician you liked?

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Taksin is a Nationalist, he has played on the fear Thais have of foreigners controlling Thailand (a smoke screen to his own corrupt behavior).


Taksin supporters are likely to be afraid of Foreigners or have a dislike of foreigners, more than a few will be the same kind of people who join Nationalist parties back home (BNP/National Front - Right Wing Skinheads) - Yes they exist in Thailand but they don't dress up the same.


If you are wearing an anti Taksin badge then you are increasing your chances of problems with some very nasty people.


That said


I do think that taking part in public debate (writing to news papers, discussing political issues with Thai friend etc) is not only valid but to be encouraged. Foreigners are part of Thailand, they have been for centuries and consequently will have an impact on Thai society.

Take part, bring new ideas from your own culture, but do so in a way that does not put you at risk and moreover projects Farang views as valid, considerate and possitively contributing to the country we have come to love.

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Good advice all. Definitely not worth the potential trouble and GuestHouse makes a good suggestion as to alternative forms of airing your views to induce change. If you want to go to war and are willing to expose yourself to personal suffering at least don't put yourself out in the open as you'll make yourself an easy target.

Great of you to want to speak your mind, Neeranam, but be cautious. Wouldn't want to read about you in the News Clippings section. :o

Edited by Tippaporn
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seeing as unless you have citizenship, you have no voting rights, then no, opions yes, but air them in public, its not worth it :o

I would have to agree with this .

As much you would like to change a country that you love , who would really take you seriously and the ones that do might hurt you .

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When the new constitution was being pushed for, a colleague put a large sticker supporting constitutional reform on my bag. It made the wife nervous but I didn't remove it. One morning on the songtaew I used to take to work, I was given a bit of a lecture by a fellow passenger, who I know worked in local government, about how inappropriate it was. We were already on nodding terms and she went about this in quite a friendly way and we remained on nodding terms afterwards (with the sticker still on the bag).

If you were wearing an anti-Thaksin badge I'm sure some people would notice. Most wouldn't say anything but you might get some comments directed towards you. How would you respond if someone asked you to remove it?

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How would you respond if someone asked you to remove it?

You could say that you don't like the humor/humour of Sponge Bob and want his images to get out of Thailand:



errr.... wait a sec.... that's square pants, not square head (even though he DOES have a square head)... hmmm... have to come up with a different response, I suppose.

Edited by sriracha john
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How would you feel if foreign tourists in your country insulted a politician you liked?

If you are in Thailand as a tourist then you are there to observe and experience the country and not get involved. However, I believe, if your future is with the country and it's people you will inevitably become involved in its politics. I am frequently asked my opinions by friends and neighbours in Thailand and invited to become involved in representing our village politically - my input is taken seriously and appreciated.

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although, I have to admit there is a strong family resemblance to Sponge Bob:


The Thais are punning here because the first word in Thai above 'get out', namely เหลี่ยม liam-means tricky, untrustworthy, as well as square- see(4) liam, the shape of Taksin's head.

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My question is what do Thai people think of farang making political statements?

I asked my maid, whom I also regard as a friend, as to what she thought.

Her reply was polite, but immediate and succinct: "Not your country, not your business."

Bless her... :o

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Let the Thais sort this out. You can join protests or wear a pin, but like greg said " you will probably get you butt kicked". I join the protests and openly express my opinion about Doc Tox. Not too many Thais try to kick my butt though. It really depends on how you are positioned in Thailand and how you conduct yourself. Good luck anyway! :D

I can't imagine why ANYONE would have an axe to grind with Dr. Thaksin as a more honest, intelligent, and caring man doesn't exist.

:o That's funny!

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