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P A D Demands Govt Reject International Court Of Justice Role In Temple Dispute


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PAD demands govt reject ICJ's role in temple dispute

The Nation

BANGKOK: -- The People's Alliance for Democracy (PAD) yesterday submitted a seven point demand that the government reject the jurisdiction of the International Court of Justice in the border dispute with Cambodia.

PAD spokesman Parnthep Pourpongpan submitted the demand to Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra via the public service centre of the PM's Office Permanent Secretariat.

Parnthep said the government must clearly express its stand that it would not accept the ICJ's jurisdiction in the dispute between Thailand and Cambodia over a 4.6-square kilometre plot around the Preah Vihear temple.

Cambodia has asked the ICJ to interpret the 1962 ruling as to whether the ancient temple is located on Cambodian soil or not. Thailand and Cambodia are scheduled to provide oral arguments to the ICJ in The Hague from April 15 to 19.

Parnthep said the government should reject the ICJ's jurisdiction before April 15.

The seven points of demand are:

1. The government must announce that Thailand regards the ICJ has no authority to make the interpretation and Thailand will not accept the ruling. The government must point out that Thailand has not accepted the international court's jurisdiction since 1962.

2. The government must not observe the injunction of the ICJ that requires it to pull out troops and border patrol policemen from the disputed area. Instead, the government must rush to push Cambodians from the area around the temple.

3. The government must speed up restoring ties with members of the UN Security Council as a guarantee that no country would violate Thailand's sovereignty.

4. The government must cite Article 2 of the UN charter to announce that no UN members can interfere in the matter of Thailand's sovereignty. The government must also cite Article 2 of the Asean charter that Asean members must respect sovereignty of other countries and must not interfere in their internal affairs.

5. The Thai government must not return to being a party to the UNESCO World Heritage.

6. The government must stop using services of some academics working with the Foreign Ministry and who have been launching propaganda in favour of Cambodia. The government must allow the public members, who want to defend the country's sovereignty, to use the state media to air their opinions as well.

7. The government must rush to free Veera Somkwamkid and Ratree Pipattanapaibul, who have been jailed in Cambodia for spying and trespassing in the country.

Parnthep said the ICJ was not fair to Thailand and it was a political court, not a court of justice.

He said the PAD's demands were based on suggestions of Sompong Sujaritkul, the last Thai lawyer who defended the Preah Vihear case in 1962 and is still alive.

Parnthep said if the government ignored the seven-point demand, it would be considered as collaborating with Cambodia to give away Thai sovereignty over the disputed area.

He added that PAD would not join a planned rally of the Thai Patriots, another yellow-shirt group, on January 21. The Thai Patriots plan the rally to pressure the courts and the military to act against the government for failing to defend Thai sovereignty over the land around the Preah Vihear.

Meanwhile, Banharn Silapa-archa, chief adviser to the Chart Thai Pattana Party leader, said the PAD should not hold more protests as they would cause the country to regress.

Banharn said the country would have to accept the ICJ's ruling or else it would not be able to stay in the international community.

Maj General Prawit Hukaew, spokesman of the Second Army Area, denied that Cambodia was building up troops on the opposite side from Surin's Kabchoeng district.

He said Cambodian troops were having a war exercise on the Cambodian side and the two armies still had good ties.


-- The Nation 2013-01-09

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Is there a way to shoot them and put them out of there misory. Maybe set up a instalartion on the area in dispute and move them all into it.

Well, possibly a more legal way would to jail their money backer - it's not as if there isn't an outstanding jail sentence awaiting him, the Corporate Fraud 20 year sentence would do. Or they could just hit Sondhi for his share in the Airport Occupation Fine of $17 Million still outstanding from March 2011. That should calm things down a bit on the funding arrangements but there are other fund raisers out there...........

Given that he's brassic lint, your dastardly plan fails and the pigeon goes on

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect App

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Round up all the yellow shirt neo fascist supporters of the PAD bus them to Cambodia, lay land mines around the temple or check how their parents and grand parents go Thai nationality and if it was not according the rules, sent them back to China. It solves all of Thailand's problems.

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Round up all the yellow shirt neo fascist supporters of the PAD bus them to Cambodia, lay land mines around the temple or check how their parents and grand parents go Thai nationality and if it was not according the rules, sent them back to China. It solves all of Thailand's problems.

Your xenophobia not only marks you out as a fascist but a hypocrite to boot

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect App

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Is there a way to shoot them and put them out of there misory. Maybe set up a instalartion on the area in dispute and move them all into it.

Well, possibly a more legal way would to jail their money backer - it's not as if there isn't an outstanding jail sentence awaiting him, the Corporate Fraud 20 year sentence would do. Or they could just hit Sondhi for his share in the Airport Occupation Fine of $17 Million still outstanding from March 2011. That should calm things down a bit on the funding arrangements but there are other fund raisers out there...........

And while they are at it...how about geting in touch with interpol and get a certain gentleman in Dubai arrested and extradited back to Thailand to serve his sentance as well...whistling.gif

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Slightly off topic (OT) here, but the PAD might want to take a look at the current situation in Thailand:

1: The current government is under heavy criticism (even from some Red supporters) due to its' heavy censorship of Nua Mek 2 beautiful Thai Soapy story.

2: The current Thai government is attempting to disband the high court and reduce the miltary authority within the Kingdom (being careful not to reduce Royal Authority).

3: The Thai government is being run by a puppet master, Thaksin Shinawatra (otherwise known as Takky Shengra according to his Moroccan passport), who is a wanted fugitive in Thailand. Depending on whose side you are on, as to why he is wanted and how badly.

4: An array of court cases on both Yellow/PAD/PTP/Red sides are clouding and limiting the abilities of any politican with the will to provide better to the country and its' people.

If the PAD were very serious, the would stop putting the PV Temple in the news, and begin proper global politics and start shooting down the oppoositions activities and faults. They may even win some supporters from the other side if they are diligent and show non-bias approaches to reaching TRUE reconsiliation - meaning that anyone from either side be tried by a court which is non-bias, and that the government be made up of supporters of both parties, on an even playing field. A serious attempt to tackle corruption (e.g. no Politician shall own ANY business interests outside of his/her role as a minster) within Political and civil circles must be made, for Thailand to reconciliate and progress.

It is about time that Thai's actually realised that a short term gain guarantees long term loss - only when this is realised will the gun pointing, road blocking and mall burning end.

Edited by TheGhostWithin
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Round up all the yellow shirt neo fascist supporters of the PAD bus them to Cambodia, lay land mines around the temple or check how their parents and grand parents go Thai nationality and if it was not according the rules, sent them back to China. It solves all of Thailand's problems.

Similar practices have been performed before, but with people from the other side:

Expulsion of Cambodian refugees

"On June 12, 1979, the government of General Kriangsak Chomanan, who had come to power in Thailand by a military coup, informed foreign embassies in Bangkok that it was going to expel a large number of Cambodian refugees. He would allow the governments of the United States, France, and Australia to select 1,200 of the refugees to resettle in their countries. Lionel Rosenblatt, Refugee Coordinator of the American Embassy, Yvette Pierpaoli, a French businesswoman in Bangkok, and representatives of the Australian and French governments rushed to the border to select the refugees that night. In three frantic hours the foreigners picked out 1,200 refugees for resettlement from among the thousands being held by Thai soldiers behind barbed wire in a Buddhist temple and loaded them on buses to go to Bangkok. The remaining refugees were then loaded on buses and sent away, their destination unknown.

It later became known that Cambodian refugees had been collected from many locations and sent to Preah Vihear. An American Embassy official stood beneath a tree along a dirt road leading to the temple, counted the buses, and estimated that about 42,000 Cambodians were taken to Preah Vihear.[10]

Preah Vihear is situated at the top of a 2,000 foot high escarpment overlooking the Cambodian plains far below. The refugees were unloaded from the buses and pushed down the steep escarpment. “There was no path to follow,” one said. “The way that we had to go down was only a cliff. Some people hid on top of the mountain and survived. Others were shot or pushed over the cliff. Most of the people began to climb down using vines as ropes. They tied their children on their backs and strapped them across their chests. As the people climbed down, the soldiers threw big rocks over the cliff.”[11]

At the foot of the cliffs were minefields, placed by the Khmer Rouge during their rule in Cambodia. The refugees followed a narrow path, the safe route indicated by the bodies of those who had set off land mines. They used the bodies as stepping stones to cross the three miles of mined land to reach the Vietnamese soldiers, occupiers of Cambodia, on the other side. The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees later estimated that as many as 3,000 Cambodians had died in the push-back and another 7,000 were unaccounted for. General Kriangsak's objective in this brutal operation apparently was to demonstrate to the international community that his government would not bear alone the burden of hundreds of thousands of Cambodian refugees. If so, it worked. For the next dozen years the UN and Western countries would pay for the upkeep of Cambodian refugees in Thailand, resettling thousands in other countries, and devising means by which Cambodians could return safely to their own country.[12]"



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Oh dear..

* The government must not...

* The government must not...

etc etc

As the two groups have more in common with each other than the Government, he Red Shirts and Yellow Shirts should unite in a single front.

As for the Cambodian incursion, it was the French who created this situation. After the plague destroyed Khmer, Siam built Cambodia - this link (http://www.google.co.th/imgres?imgurl=http://www.csmngt.com/siem%2520reip%25201882.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.csmngt.com/thailand_history.htm&h=373&w=372&sz=22&tbnid=zb3mwtKulPZsJM:&tbnh=90&tbnw=90&prev=/search%3Fq%3D1900%2Bmap%2Bsiam%26tbm%3Disch%26tbo%3Du&zoom=1&q=1900+map+siam&usg=__rhm8j-OiwHhlB4qtyVcY6J4GbL4=&docid=AHbG2TqZZqabkM&hl=en&sa=X&ei=r2HuUKmwIoGXkQWg0YDYBg&ved=0CEUQ9QEwBA&dur=0)shows a British map of the area in 1885, showing the official border (550 years) prior to the French interference.

Note Batambang (Prah Tabong) and Siem Reap (Siam Ra Yap) are well within Siam's borders.

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Oh dear..

* The government must not...

* The government must not...

etc etc

As the two groups have more in common with each other than the Government, he Red Shirts and Yellow Shirts should unite in a single front.

As for the Cambodian incursion, it was the French who created this situation. After the plague destroyed Khmer, Siam built Cambodia - this link (http://www.google.co...EUQ9QEwBA&dur=0)shows a British map of the area in 1885, showing the official border (550 years) prior to the French interference.

Note Batambang (Prah Tabong) and Siem Reap (Siam Ra Yap) are well within Siam's borders.

"Thailand ( Siam ) History as understood by a Farang."

from your link; top of the page, left.

All countries in the world might as well start changing ALL borders, back to the situation 1 or 2 centuries ago.

That's good for the weapon industry whistling.gif

BTW: The Khmer started building the temple complex more than 1,100 years ago, back in the 9th century.

This topic is about the irrational demands from the PAD in 2013.


Did YOU make this blog? blink.png

I ask this because this blog/site isn't to be taken serious since there is more than one mistake.

It says also:

In 1962, when a Dutch court ruled French colonial water shed edicts valid, the Dutch (Holland) had colonies ruled by colonial edict.

That's absolute and utter nonsense!


The Netherlands has NO influence whatsoever in the outcome of the judgings by the ICJ.

Edited by LaoPo
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