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Police Urge Thai Women To Beware Of African Drug Traffickers


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Oh great - I'm going on assignment there in few months FOR a few months. Now, as a black Canadian I gotta worry about idiots thinking I'm an African drug dealer? The first moron who comes up to me trying to score drugs is going to get embarrassed reaaalll quick....

I'd laugh at the absurdity of it except the sad fact is that you may indeed have to deal with that sort of perception (or other manifestations of prejudice) based on your ethnicity.

Which sucks (both for you personally and for everyone that such a situation even exists).

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa ap

Meh, dealing with racist idiots comes with the territory, I just don't take that crap. HOWEVER, I'm supposed to be helping teach Thai techs to further develop their 4G network. I've been there before and understand their racism is borne more from ignorance than anything else. However, if I'm out getting some food and Mr. Druggy McDrugster tries to cop from me under the assumption I'm a dealer then I might just take their money to teach them a lesson - but then again that might just further feed the stereotype so I'll probably just stick to publicly shaming them.

My question is how the EFF do all the Africans get there? It was easy for me due to my business visa as well as being Canadian but how are they all living there? I'm sure that not all of them are dealing drugs...

My question is how the EFF do all the Africans get there?

I would imagine they get on an aeroplane and fly into the country? Are Africans not allowed to travel to Thailand?

That's a strange post, and a strange turn of logic.

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Bitish Male tourists at risk of being used as mules by Thai Women, they are duped into bringing large amounts of cash into the country, then are met by their employers at the Airport and whisked away to the nearest bar to unload the cash.

I always knew I'm hung like a donkey. :rolleyes:

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Bitish Male tourists at risk of being used as mules by Thai Women, they are duped into bringing large amounts of cash into the country, then are met by their employers at the Airport and whisked away to the nearest bar to unload the cash.

I always knew I'm hung like a donkey. rolleyes.gif

You obviously hamsum man giggle.gif

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They are starting to spread through BKK and not just limited to lower Sukhumvit. When I stayed in Pra Khanong there were a few living in my condo block; all African and all involved in the drug trade.

They are also quite prominent in Phnom Penh but the government seems to do regular purges and deports 50 of them at a time, something the Thais should be doing IMO.

Nice for once that things are called for what they are. Be tuffer and harder. If people are dealing in drugs just throw them out, back to their home-countries ASAP..........


"...back to there home countries ASAP"

And there lies the big problem for Thai authorities. A nation such as Thailand cannot deport foreign nationals to their home country unless they can prove what their home country actually is. Many of the Africans arrive on rented or phony passports which they then dispose of, leaving no way for the Thai govt. to prove where they came from or what their port of entry was. Yes; they could arrest them all but Thai prisons are vastly overcrowded with over 500 African nationals as it is. Various international human rights groups have been blasting the Thai Government for prison overcrowding and human rights abuses so there is no easy way for them to deal with the situation.

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Thai women should beware of Africans who want to marry them, because their true intent is to force them to smuggle cocaine, the Royal Thai Police warned.

That is an incredibly ignorant statement to make.

And your supprised considering the source of this statement...?

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One must presume they are in bed with the cops, just look at the Corner of Soi 13 and Suk in the evening. coffee1.gif

Yeah, I know I get a little tired of "Wassup man" "Wassup bro" or even "everything,everything". Enjoy the "hey baby" from their female counterparts even less.

Well go and buy your drugs somewhere else then...try the BiB, and all you will get is "Hey you Farang"

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I hope my gf does not heed this warning and decides not to come back to Nigeria next week with my pikin.

Just like every other government, some simple tasks are the most difficult one that they would rather kick down the line for the next guy.

Drugs are a major problem in Thailand, Thais, whites, browns and black, all in it. those mules are all complicit as they are doing for a fee and not for the love of tanned brothers. And those street corner types, those dudes are just plain hungry and the real drug dealers they are labelled as.

Thailand is a very complicated place. there is a whole system of disconnect which makes it spin .

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One must presume they are in bed with the cops, just look at the Corner of Soi 13 and Suk in the evening. coffee1.gif

But they do have a verbal work permit, issued by some cops. How else could a darker person sell class A drugs on daily basis.

Edited by sirchai
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I was doing the drunken stagger a few months ago between Soi 4 and Soi 23 after hours. Along Sukhumvit where the plastic tables are set up around Soi 13, a Nigerian appeared out of nowhere and put a gun to my forehead. He said "Gimme yo monay!".

I froze. Probably for a good solid 4 long seconds. I looked at him, looked at the gun, started reaching for my wallet, and then looked at him again. He looked menacing and serious and I thought he would shoot me anyway.

I would normally just give the guy my wallet (as this has happend before at knifepoint with more guys), but I was drunk and decided to do "something" ( I also didn't want to give this tool over 2 thousand dollars and ruin my trip) That "something" ended up being a semi-skilled-I must have seen this in a movie kind of thing. Basically, I re-directed his hand, grabbed the barrel of the gun, twisted it, and it was mine. I was as shocked as he was. Wow, that really worked???

It was a fake gun. An airsoft gun actually. Some of his crew came around and told me he was "just joking." Then asked if I wanted to buy some heroin.

No thanks. They wanted me to teach them "the move" I did (apparently they thought I was a badass--I'm not--but I am a full time Muay Thai instructor, so maybe a little. Very little.). I ended up teaching these 5 Nigerians a completely made up martial arts move on the street. They thought I was "cool" and everytime i saw them after that, they gave me the nod, the wink, the "don't mess with that dude--he's a badass" look. Little did they know how much I like unicorns and rainbows.

Bottom line with Nigerians--stay away. Give them a wide berth. I usually do, but sometimes they just pop up out of nowhere.

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Thai women should beware of Africans who want to marry them, because their true intent is to force them to smuggle cocaine, the Royal Thai Police warned.

That is an incredibly ignorant statement to make.

No it isn't it is simply a good warning from the Police who can see what everybody else can see, some of these people are scum and if the Police are warning it's own citizens to be careful of this scum then good for them

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I was doing the drunken stagger a few months ago between Soi 4 and Soi 23 after hours. Along Sukhumvit where the plastic tables are set up around Soi 13, a Nigerian appeared out of nowhere and put a gun to my forehead. He said "Gimme yo monay!".

I froze. Probably for a good solid 4 long seconds. I looked at him, looked at the gun, started reaching for my wallet, and then looked at him again. He looked menacing and serious and I thought he would shoot me anyway.

I would normally just give the guy my wallet (as this has happend before at knifepoint with more guys), but I was drunk and decided to do "something" ( I also didn't want to give this tool over 2 thousand dollars and ruin my trip) That "something" ended up being a semi-skilled-I must have seen this in a movie kind of thing. Basically, I re-directed his hand, grabbed the barrel of the gun, twisted it, and it was mine. I was as shocked as he was. Wow, that really worked???

It was a fake gun. An airsoft gun actually. Some of his crew came around and told me he was "just joking." Then asked if I wanted to buy some heroin.

No thanks. They wanted me to teach them "the move" I did (apparently they thought I was a badass--I'm not--but I am a full time Muay Thai instructor, so maybe a little. Very little.). I ended up teaching these 5 Nigerians a completely made up martial arts move on the street. They thought I was "cool" and everytime i saw them after that, they gave me the nod, the wink, the "don't mess with that dude--he's a badass" look. Little did they know how much I like unicorns and rainbows.

Bottom line with Nigerians--stay away. Give them a wide berth. I usually do, but sometimes they just pop up out of nowhere.

"I'm not--but I am a full time Muay Thai instructor, so maybe a little. Very little.). I ended up teaching these 5 Nigerians a completely made up martial arts move on the street. They thought I was "cool" and everytime i saw them after that, they gave me the nod, the wink, the "don't mess with that dude--he's a badass" look."

​Seems that you're a part time story teller. Why would anybody with a brain want to "teach" some gangsters to be better gangsters?--w00t.gif

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I still remember when you could call a space a spade and a nigger a nigger and just be happy to be a honkie because that meant you were on the 'right' side.

Time to watch "Blazing Saddles" again :-)

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Bitish Male tourists at risk of being used as mules by Thai Women, they are duped into bringing large amounts of cash into the country, then are met by their employers at the Airport and whisked away to the nearest bar to unload the cash.

I always knew I'm hung like a donkey. rolleyes.gif

You obviously hamsum man giggle.gif

Obviously, we have met? :unsure:

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I was doing the drunken stagger a few months ago between Soi 4 and Soi 23 after hours. Along Sukhumvit where the plastic tables are set up around Soi 13, a Nigerian appeared out of nowhere and put a gun to my forehead. He said "Gimme yo monay!".

I froze. Probably for a good solid 4 long seconds. I looked at him, looked at the gun, started reaching for my wallet, and then looked at him again. He looked menacing and serious and I thought he would shoot me anyway.

I would normally just give the guy my wallet (as this has happend before at knifepoint with more guys), but I was drunk and decided to do "something" ( I also didn't want to give this tool over 2 thousand dollars and ruin my trip) That "something" ended up being a semi-skilled-I must have seen this in a movie kind of thing. Basically, I re-directed his hand, grabbed the barrel of the gun, twisted it, and it was mine. I was as shocked as he was. Wow, that really worked???

It was a fake gun. An airsoft gun actually. Some of his crew came around and told me he was "just joking." Then asked if I wanted to buy some heroin.

No thanks. They wanted me to teach them "the move" I did (apparently they thought I was a badass--I'm not--but I am a full time Muay Thai instructor, so maybe a little. Very little.). I ended up teaching these 5 Nigerians a completely made up martial arts move on the street. They thought I was "cool" and everytime i saw them after that, they gave me the nod, the wink, the "don't mess with that dude--he's a badass" look. Little did they know how much I like unicorns and rainbows.

Bottom line with Nigerians--stay away. Give them a wide berth. I usually do, but sometimes they just pop up out of nowhere.

"I'm not--but I am a full time Muay Thai instructor, so maybe a little. Very little.). I ended up teaching these 5 Nigerians a completely made up martial arts move on the street. They thought I was "cool" and everytime i saw them after that, they gave me the nod, the wink, the "don't mess with that dude--he's a badass" look."

​Seems that you're a part time story teller. Why would anybody with a brain want to "teach" some gangsters to be better gangsters?--w00t.gif

Just a beer, or 2 too many at home! ;)


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No thanks. They wanted me to teach them "the move" I did (apparently they thought I was a badass--I'm not--but I am a full time Muay Thai instructor, so maybe a little. Very little.). I ended up teaching these 5 Nigerians a completely made up martial arts move on the street. They thought I was "cool" and everytime i saw them after that, they gave me the nod, the wink, the "don't mess with that dude--he's a badass" look. Little did they know how much I like unicorns and rainbows.

Bottom line with Nigerians--stay away. Give them a wide berth. I usually do, but sometimes they just pop up out of nowhere.

Oh goodness.................there really are ex SAS/Delta Force/Rangers/SEALS/Marines living in Thailand.

I once had a black dude put his tongue out at me........I gave him my instant made-up street move.......................................the finger. He thought I was a real 'badass'.

He was about 6 years old I think.

Edited by Phatcharanan
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Anucha Romyanan warned that many African drug dealers were using clothing and jewellery businesses as a cover for their activities.

If this information is true then surely, they could be deported for visa offenses?

If 109 got caught I wonder how many got through, returning to Thailand bragging to their friends what easy money it was, and on the circle goes!

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