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Police Urge Thai Women To Beware Of African Drug Traffickers


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I hate to be the one to break it to you, but generally Thai people are very racist... from what i understand it stems from the culture of "Poor people work in the fields/sun, so the darker your skin the poorer you are"

Correct. Old news though. A well known Thai saying even amongst the Thai kids goes "Black Skin, Black Heart". Underneath the famous Thai smile they are an exceptionally racist society, sad but true.

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I hate to be the one to break it to you, but generally Thai people are very racist... from what i understand it stems from the culture of "Poor people work in the fields/sun, so the darker your skin the poorer you are"

Correct. Old news though. A well known Thai saying even amongst the Thai kids goes "Black Skin, Black Heart". Underneath the famous Thai smile they are an exceptionally racist society, sad but true.

RIGHT. Some believe that the darker you are, the worse you smell, too.

Furthermore, the more likely you are to have nasty crusty dreadlocks or cornrows.

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They are starting to spread through BKK and not just limited to lower Sukhumvit. When I stayed in Pra Khanong there were a few living in my condo block; all African and all involved in the drug trade.

They are also quite prominent in Phnom Penh but the government seems to do regular purges and deports 50 of them at a time, something the Thais should be doing IMO.

Nice for once that things are called for what they are. Be tuffer and harder. If people are dealing in drugs just throw them out, back to their home-countries ASAP..........


"...back to there home countries ASAP"

And there lies the big problem for Thai authorities. A nation such as Thailand cannot deport foreign nationals to their home country unless they can prove what their home country actually is. Many of the Africans arrive on rented or phony passports which they then dispose of, leaving no way for the Thai govt. to prove where they came from or what their port of entry was. Yes; they could arrest them all but Thai prisons are vastly overcrowded with over 500 African nationals as it is. Various international human rights groups have been blasting the Thai Government for prison overcrowding and human rights abuses so there is no easy way for them to deal with the situation.

Have seen no signs whatever that "prison overcrowding" or "human rights groups..blasts" are even noticed by the Thai govt or police when it comes to putting away Africans caught in a spot - esp if Africans cannot pay their way. Many Africans in Thailand are a desperate dodgy bunch going from first hand accounts with the female versions. Not my cuppa. However, throwing away their one life-line (ie: a home passport) if things go pear shaped here seems most unlikely. Getting consulates to pay for repatriation is the difficult bit requiring Thai authorities to lock up Africans - caught in the act - for long spells.
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why African drug dealers? they should aware of all drug dealers not just using some racist words here.

most of these girls are prostitutes doing drugs already. i think the police should do their job better because they know where these drugs dealers are.

True, but in a country and region for that matter which doesn't know about nor understand the western concept of multiculturalism you can't blame them for using ethnic stereotyping. In the same vein that the word "farang" is often used a bit too liberally (although no harmful intent is intended for the most part) it doesn't surprise me that the police (and society in general) have singled out African drug dealers, particularly since they do have a certain reputation in this field.

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Nice one. coppers. Do I detect embarrassment at your Thai image getting into the international press?

Thais being mules in the drug trade are as common as rubbish on the street.

Why the show of concern for Thai women being mules all of a sudden?

You know they are there.

You know what they do.

You know who they are.

You allow it.

You encourage it.

You nurture it with your own behavior.

So why? Where is sincerity?

Why focus on Africans?

You know they are there.

You know what they do.

You know who they are.

You allow it.

You encourage it.

You nurture it with your own behavior.

So why? Where is sincerity?

Why no warning against Thai men?

You know they are there.

You know what they do.

You know who they are.

You allow it.

You encourage it.

You nurture it with your own behavior.

So why? Where is sincerity?

The hypocrisy is so thick you can cut it with a razor blade.

You mooks suddenly decide to warn your citizens against the very thing which you allow to come about, and you laughably pin the blame on a foreign criminal element which you set up as the patsy. You are not fooling anyone. Only your sheer stupidity precedes you.

I think you are doing this as a PR effort to protect the Thai image from being publicized internationally in a very negative light when these "mules" are caught in countries who don't give a dam_n about FACE. Say... aren't these the same countries that will be forming their own AEC in 2015; the same one that you choose to not be a part of?

It's funny how Thailand prepares for showing the world how developed and forward thinking they are by issuing warnings and pointing fingers at foreigners to the delight and approval of their uneducated citizenry. You ignorantly and stubbornly refuse to evolve with the rest of the world, and now even your neighbors are pulling ahead of you.

They are educating their citizenry in legitimate schools, so those warnings become moot in the minds of their educated, English-speaking graduates and general population. They actively engaged in preventing the criminal element from entering into their countries. They are actively apprehending the criminal element within their own citizenry.

It sounds to me like something has slipped, and the boat is leaving with or without you; and all you can do is shut the world out further with more denials and accusations on anything non-Thai.

Edited by cup-O-coffee
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It's not an "African" problem. It's Thai cultural problem. Thai women thrashing about at the first ray of hope of breaking free of the chains of poverty. Second question is how are all these distinguished "African" guys getting on and about through Thai customs and hanging out around Bangkok and other places? They must have Thai connections in high places. It's unreasonable to speculate that they are here legally. When was the last time you saw a black person actually working a permitted job in Thailand or teaching? No doubt about it, the Thai police are getting a slice off their black market activities and/or Thai Mr. Bigs are in on it. So the newspaper should start facing reality, and point the finger in the right direction.

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It's not an "African" problem. It's Thai cultural problem. Thai women thrashing about at the first ray of hope of breaking free of the chains of poverty. Second question is how are all these distinguished "African" guys getting on and about through Thai customs and hanging out around Bangkok and other places? They must have Thai connections in high places. It's unreasonable to speculate that they are here legally. When was the last time you saw a black person actually working a permitted job in Thailand or teaching? No doubt about it, the Thai police are getting a slice off their black market activities and/or Thai Mr. Bigs are in on it. So the newspaper should start facing reality, and point the finger in the right direction.

I've seen quite a few black persons working in permitted jobs including teaching. If you feel you're missing out you can come and watch me put a few hours in at my own company..

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Go on any of the Thai dating website and see how many Black guys are on there, this is where these guys hunt for their victims, normal everyday Thai girls, NOT your average bar Hooker


I'd love to know these hookerless dating sites. The ones I've found are full of freelancers, bar girls, ladyboys and chancers with the odd few "normal everyday Thai girls" mostly willing to give it up at first sniff of a relationship - yea e'en to black men!

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Go on any of the Thai dating website and see how many Black guys are on there, this is where these guys hunt for their victims, normal everyday Thai girls, NOT your average bar Hooker


I'd love to know these hookerless dating sites. The ones I've found are full of freelancers, bar girls, ladyboys and chancers with the odd few "normal everyday Thai girls" mostly willing to give it up at first sniff of a relationship - yea e'en to black men!

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Maybe you are one of these people that think every Thai girl is a Hooker?

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Go on any of the Thai dating website and see how many Black guys are on there, this is where these guys hunt for their victims, normal everyday Thai girls, NOT your average bar Hooker


I'd love to know these hookerless dating sites. The ones I've found are full of freelancers, bar girls, ladyboys and chancers with the odd few "normal everyday Thai girls" mostly willing to give it up at first sniff of a relationship - yea e'en to black men!

Sent from Android please allow errors in type or judgment.

Maybe you are one of these people that think every Thai girl is a Hooker?

Maybe you are one of these people that think every Black fellow is scum?

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Pretty much same thing going on around Asia. Where I live currently it seem to be that Nigerians can sell drugs front of main police station of district without any issues. Every single evening you can see them being drunk like hell, shouting each other, fighting and disturbing locals and turists(what's up man, wanna something...). Local women are working for them and everything is possible but you might end to pay high price. Even in country where drugs will cause 20 years or death penalty these guys really don't care. Which means that it's agreed on the some level and very well paid. Mules are often caught but selling continues, even if it seem to be that cold weather has moved them to south for a while. But when spring will come same party goes on and nobody cares...coffee1.gif

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Pretty much same thing going on around Asia. Where I live currently it seem to be that Nigerians can sell drugs front of main police station of district without any issues. Every single evening you can see them being drunk like hell, shouting each other, fighting and disturbing locals and turists(what's up man, wanna something...). Local women are working for them and everything is possible but you might end to pay high price. Even in country where drugs will cause 20 years or death penalty these guys really don't care. Which means that it's agreed on the some level and very well paid. Mules are often caught but selling continues, even if it seem to be that cold weather has moved them to south for a while. But when spring will come same party goes on and nobody cares...coffee1.gif

Like you say, NOBODY cares, especially ''those'' in the cash chain. sad.png
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I was doing the drunken stagger a few months ago between Soi 4 and Soi 23 after hours. Along Sukhumvit where the plastic tables are set up around Soi 13, a Nigerian appeared out of nowhere and put a gun to my forehead. He said "Gimme yo monay!".

I froze. Probably for a good solid 4 long seconds. I looked at him, looked at the gun, started reaching for my wallet, and then looked at him again. He looked menacing and serious and I thought he would shoot me anyway.

I would normally just give the guy my wallet (as this has happend before at knifepoint with more guys), but I was drunk and decided to do "something" ( I also didn't want to give this tool over 2 thousand dollars and ruin my trip) That "something" ended up being a semi-skilled-I must have seen this in a movie kind of thing. Basically, I re-directed his hand, grabbed the barrel of the gun, twisted it, and it was mine. I was as shocked as he was. Wow, that really worked???

It was a fake gun. An airsoft gun actually. Some of his crew came around and told me he was "just joking." Then asked if I wanted to buy some heroin.

No thanks. They wanted me to teach them "the move" I did (apparently they thought I was a badass--I'm not--but I am a full time Muay Thai instructor, so maybe a little. Very little.). I ended up teaching these 5 Nigerians a completely made up martial arts move on the street. They thought I was "cool" and everytime i saw them after that, they gave me the nod, the wink, the "don't mess with that dude--he's a badass" look. Little did they know how much I like unicorns and rainbows.

Bottom line with Nigerians--stay away. Give them a wide berth. I usually do, but sometimes they just pop up out of nowhere.

"I'm not--but I am a full time Muay Thai instructor, so maybe a little. Very little.). I ended up teaching these 5 Nigerians a completely made up martial arts move on the street. They thought I was "cool" and everytime i saw them after that, they gave me the nod, the wink, the "don't mess with that dude--he's a badass" look."

​Seems that you're a part time story teller. Why would anybody with a brain want to "teach" some gangsters to be better gangsters?--w00t.gif

All I can say is I was in an awkward spot. Totally hammered, staggering along Sukhumvit. I didn't want to teach them anything. Just kind of happened that way. Next time I saw them, they had broken the toy gun by practicing disarming each other. That whole strip between Nana and Cowboy is a dump. I never claimed to be a badass, but they thought I was, and I'm ok with that if it keeps me from being robbed again. BTW, there are a LOT of farang's who come to Thailand now to compete in Muay Thai and train. Some run amok on Phuket and act like douchebags. I make a post about drunkenly defending myself and all of a sudden I'm "chest pumping". Hardly. I'm a nerd who can fight--nothing more. I know what it means to be humble, and I am (and I have had my ass kicked many times to help humble me).

Edited by KuhnPaen
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Go on any of the Thai dating website and see how many Black guys are on there, this is where these guys hunt for their victims, normal everyday Thai girls, NOT your average bar Hooker


I'd love to know these hookerless dating sites. The ones I've found are full of freelancers, bar girls, ladyboys and chancers with the odd few "normal everyday Thai girls" mostly willing to give it up at first sniff of a relationship - yea e'en to black men!

Sent from Android please allow errors in type or judgment.

Maybe you are one of these people that think every Thai girl is a Hooker?

Maybe you are one of these people that think every Black fellow is scum?

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Actually no but if the Police are putting warnings out then they obviously have done some research into this and found in the majority of the cases the Thai girl had a Black "boyfriend"

Of the over 100 Thai girls who have been arrested you can bet that most had a Black boyfriend and the Police know this also, hence the warning.

It is not racist for the Police to put out this warning or maybe you are so PC that you think it is wrong?

Wake up, these guys are causing problems, have you been down Suk lately? Soi 3 is now known as Soi Africa down to the amount of Black guys hanging around there, Maybe these guys just enjoy hanging around the streets at night but somehow I doubt that is the real intention of them being there, don't you?

It is not racist for the Police to be warning people, it is just a fact that they are causing problems, if the Police would have said it was white guys would you then play the race card?

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everytime i saw them after that, they gave me the nod, the wink, the "don't mess with that dude--he's a badass" look.

Wow. How long does all that take? Those Nigerians are very good at non-verbal communication, aren't they?

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa ap

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I am not sure I understand why posters are upset about African drug traffickers using women for nefarious transactions. Nothing big goes on in the country without the tacit approval of some influential Thai person. TIT, many shady things go on in the open with everyone (not literally of course) not making a fuss over it. Murder, robbery, scams, drunk driving, garbage buried on some beaches, women being used as drug mules... All things which add to the sleazy tapestry of Thailand. If you are really upset with this, put on your detective hat and investigate who controls the drug trade and make your issues known to him/her.

It would have been more exciting if the police warned foreigners about Thai women. As I suspect that there are many more Thai women duping foreigners than there are Africans duping Thai women.

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It would have been more exciting if the police warned foreigners about Thai women. As I suspect that there are many more Thai women duping foreigners than there are Africans duping Thai women.

Yes, why aren't Thai police looking out for the pitiful foreign men who are helpless victims of those evil masterminds (aka Noi the farmer's daughter from Buri Ram and her colleagues) in the beer bars and such?

And this is a great idea:

"...put on your detective hat and investigate who controls the drug trade and make your issues known to him/her."

Easy enough, isn't it?

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa ap

Edited by SteeleJoe
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Whats the difference drugs from Blacks or from Thais

The difference is that the drug dealers from Africa do not value life, to them BKK is heaven.

No war, no rival clans, no decapitations with machetes, no Kony 2012...

They just sling dope because prison in Thailand is still better than the shit life they had back in Africa running from lions, wild elephants and 12 year olds with AK-47's...

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It would have been more exciting if the police warned foreigners about Thai women. As I suspect that there are many more Thai women duping foreigners than there are Africans duping Thai women.

But then you are asking for a reversal of Thai government policy. Cannot remember who it was, but some Thai politician was encouraging Thai women to hook up with Westerners. Words to the effect of on "easy street for the rest of your life"

Found it, see http://asiancorrespondent.com/88432/did-a-thai-mp-really-told-thai-women-to-better-marry-a-foreigner/

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1 OP and 4 pages full of more or less open rascism!

Not all...but too many!

Hmmmm, my country is going down the pan cos of similar opinions. Open your eyes.


...what are you talking about?

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1 OP and 4 pages full of more or less open rascism!

Not all...but too many!

Hmmmm, my country is going down the pan cos of similar opinions. Open your eyes.


...what are you talking about?

๊ืUnfortunat that l cannot write here my thoughts, BUT sure readers know what my thoughts are. Easy get out you might think smile.png but noooooooooo.
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