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Going "all In" In Thailand........

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How many come to Thailand with an open mind but soon find a long haired lovely and settles down?. Next come the kids and any man with morals will find escape is not an option.

Would the blether's situation change if an unplanned child came along?. If your lady wanted to stay in Thailand with baby would it still be up to her?.

All I am saying life rarely goes as planned.

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I'm reasonably young, so "for the rest of my life" is (I hope), a very long time.

Thus going "All in" isn't really practical for me as change blows like the wind.

I've been living here fulltime for 2 1/2 years, and working here as well. I've brought a car and intend on building a house, but by no way shape or form would I want to go "All in" on Thailand. I'm prepared to risk a bit of money here, but if something were to change, I could very easily return to NZ and only be a little bit worse for wear.

I wouldn't advise anyone to go "All in" on Thailand, investments here would have too much risk attached to them due to the political climate. Where there's risk, there's also the potential for large rewards, but you wouldn't want to come out on the wrong side if things did hit the fan.

I agree on the all in part but their are thousands upon thousands of sucsessful companys in Thailand that don't find the ever changinging political climte a problem at all, or any reason to move away. My opinion is that your opinion is overstated and bisness in Thailand is more concerned about making and selling, marketing and logistics than any coups, or red or yellow shirt demonstrations of changing of parties in Bangkok.

If was was really all that bad you wouldn't see everything from Seagate Hard drives to Major Grocery chains operating here in the abundance that they do. The reason that their is so much Forien owned manufacturing and bisness is because the political situation is NOT considered a problem not because it is considered a problem. Your opinion is contrairy to the facts on the ground.

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How many come to Thailand with an open mind but soon find a long haired lovely and settles down?. Next come the kids and any man with morals will find escape is not an option.

Would the blether's situation change if an unplanned child came along?. If your lady wanted to stay in Thailand with baby would it still be up to her?.

All I am saying life rarely goes as planned.

Truthfully? Yes it would be up to her until the child was about 7 then the child would find themselves attending a school in Scotland.

In my possibly harsh opinion, when your Thai lady takes you on as a life partner, they need to take on that any child should get the best of both Worlds.

It's my oponion that the child should be subsumed in Thai culture at an early age, then educated in the West. That opinion might annoy some folk but hey.....Up to me.

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How many come to Thailand with an open mind but soon find a long haired lovely and settles down?. Next come the kids and any man with morals will find escape is not an option.

Would the blether's situation change if an unplanned child came along?. If your lady wanted to stay in Thailand with baby would it still be up to her?.

All I am saying life rarely goes as planned.

Truthfully? Yes it would be up to her until the child was about 7 then the child would find themselves attending a school in Scotland.

In my possibly harsh opinion, when your Thai lady takes you on as a life partner, they need to take on that any child should get the best of both Worlds.

It's my oponion that the child should be subsumed in Thai culture at an early age, then educated in the West. That opinion might annoy some folk but hey.....Up to me.

Actually humorous that you assume you are in control of those decisions. smile.png

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...when your Thai lady takes you on as a life partner, they need to take on that any child should get the best of both Worlds.

It's my opinion that the child should be subsumed in Thai culture at an early age, then educated in the West. ...

... that's our plan.

Not identical to your whole post, hence not quoted (I doubt that Scotland accept my offspring ... laugh.png ) ... but mixing the best of both worlds ... sure ... 100%.

Educated in the west with a early education of both the Thai language and the Culture ... thumbsup.gif


Truthfully? Yes it would be up to her until the child was about 7 then the child would find themselves attending a school in Scotland.

In my possibly harsh opinion, when your Thai lady takes you on as a life partner, they need to take on that any child should get the best of both Worlds.

It's my opinion that the child should be subsumed in Thai culture at an early age, then educated in the West. That opinion might annoy some folk but hey.....Up to me.

Actually humorous that you assume you are in control of those decisions. smile.png

Truthfully ... chiangmaikelly ... yours and my mileage vary remarkably.



How many come to Thailand with an open mind but soon find a long haired lovely and settles down?. Next come the kids and any man with morals will find escape is not an option.

Would the blether's situation change if an unplanned child came along?. If your lady wanted to stay in Thailand with baby would it still be up to her?.

All I am saying life rarely goes as planned.

Truthfully? Yes it would be up to her until the child was about 7 then the child would find themselves attending a school in Scotland.

In my possibly harsh opinion, when your Thai lady takes you on as a life partner, they need to take on that any child should get the best of both Worlds.

It's my oponion that the child should be subsumed in Thai culture at an early age, then educated in the West. That opinion might annoy some folk but hey.....Up to me.

Actually humorous that you assume you are in control of those decisions. smile.png

More humorous that you believe you should not be....or cannot be.

But shows whom wears the pants in your neck of the valley.

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How many come to Thailand with an open mind but soon find a long haired lovely and settles down?. Next come the kids and any man with morals will find escape is not an option.

Would the blether's situation change if an unplanned child came along?. If your lady wanted to stay in Thailand with baby would it still be up to her?.

All I am saying life rarely goes as planned.

Truthfully? Yes it would be up to her until the child was about 7 then the child would find themselves attending a school in Scotland.

In my possibly harsh opinion, when your Thai lady takes you on as a life partner, they need to take on that any child should get the best of both Worlds.

It's my oponion that the child should be subsumed in Thai culture at an early age, then educated in the West. That opinion might annoy some folk but hey.....Up to me.

Actually humorous that you assume you are in control of those decisions. smile.png

Lets just put it down to a tourists naivety


How many come to Thailand with an open mind but soon find a long haired lovely and settles down?. Next come the kids and any man with morals will find escape is not an option.

Would the blether's situation change if an unplanned child came along?. If your lady wanted to stay in Thailand with baby would it still be up to her?.

All I am saying life rarely goes as planned.

Truthfully? Yes it would be up to her until the child was about 7 then the child would find themselves attending a school in Scotland.

In my possibly harsh opinion, when your Thai lady takes you on as a life partner, they need to take on that any child should get the best of both Worlds.

It's my oponion that the child should be subsumed in Thai culture at an early age, then educated in the West. That opinion might annoy some folk but hey.....Up to me.

No offence to the blether, it shows just how out of touch with the reality of western newspeak terminoligy that living in Asia for all these years has caused.

But <deleted> is a "life partner", could the blether or anyone else please put this up in Thai script.

Its a bit like some coming on and talking about a de facto relationship, again please put this up in Thai script, in all these years I have never heard of such terms.

Gawd bless Thailand at least I am free from the western PC BS so many now find themeselves living under these days.


How many come to Thailand with an open mind but soon find a long haired lovely and settles down?. Next come the kids and any man with morals will find escape is not an option.

Would the blether's situation change if an unplanned child came along?. If your lady wanted to stay in Thailand with baby would it still be up to her?.

All I am saying life rarely goes as planned.

Truthfully? Yes it would be up to her until the child was about 7 then the child would find themselves attending a school in Scotland.

In my possibly harsh opinion, when your Thai lady takes you on as a life partner, they need to take on that any child should get the best of both Worlds.

It's my oponion that the child should be subsumed in Thai culture at an early age, then educated in the West. That opinion might annoy some folk but hey.....Up to me.

No offence to the blether, it shows just how out of touch with the reality of western newspeak terminoligy that living in Asia for all these years has caused.

But <deleted> is a "life partner", could the blether or anyone else please put this up in Thai script.

Its a bit like some coming on and talking about a de facto relationship, again please put this up in Thai script, in all these years I have never heard of such terms.

Gawd bless Thailand at least I am free from the western PC BS so many now find themeselves living under these days.

Koo Tae ...... would be close enough in Thai for life partner or soul mate ......... Are you really so daft as to think Thai people don't have words or understand the concept of life partner ?
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From a mental perspective I am absolutely all in.

From a financial perspective the bulk of my wealth remains outside of Thailand.

It is easy to renew ones perspectives.

It is significantly more problematic to renew ones net worth.

From an emotional perspective ?



How many come to Thailand with an open mind but soon find a long haired lovely and settles down?. Next come the kids and any man with morals will find escape is not an option.

Would the blether's situation change if an unplanned child came along?. If your lady wanted to stay in Thailand with baby would it still be up to her?.

All I am saying life rarely goes as planned.

Truthfully? Yes it would be up to her until the child was about 7 then the child would find themselves attending a school in Scotland.

In my possibly harsh opinion, when your Thai lady takes you on as a life partner, they need to take on that any child should get the best of both Worlds.

It's my oponion that the child should be subsumed in Thai culture at an early age, then educated in the West. That opinion might annoy some folk but hey.....Up to me.

Actually humorous that you assume you are in control of those decisions. smile.png

More humorous that you believe you should not be....or cannot be.

But shows whom wears the pants in your neck of the valley.

Perhaps it is the voice of experience and raising teenagers in a place they did not want to be.smile.png Oh well you will learn......That discussion and give and take and compromise is the basis of sound life decisions. Or maybe not.


humorous that you assume you are in control of those decisions. smile.png

More humorous that you believe you should not be....or cannot be.

But shows whom wears the pants in your neck of the valley.

Perhaps it is the voice of experience and raising teenagers in a place they did not want to be.smile.png Oh well you will learn......That discussion and give and take and compromise is the basis of sound life decisions. Or maybe not.

So you take your orders from a 7yo and base your life decisions on that huh ?


How many come to Thailand with an open mind but soon find a long haired lovely and settles down?. Next come the kids and any man with morals will find escape is not an option.

Would the blether's situation change if an unplanned child came along?. If your lady wanted to stay in Thailand with baby would it still be up to her?.

All I am saying life rarely goes as planned.

Truthfully? Yes it would be up to her until the child was about 7 then the child would find themselves attending a school in Scotland.

In my possibly harsh opinion, when your Thai lady takes you on as a life partner, they need to take on that any child should get the best of both Worlds.

It's my oponion that the child should be subsumed in Thai culture at an early age, then educated in the West. That opinion might annoy some folk but hey.....Up to me.

No offence to the blether, it shows just how out of touch with the reality of western newspeak terminoligy that living in Asia for all these years has caused.

But <deleted> is a "life partner", could the blether or anyone else please put this up in Thai script.

Its a bit like some coming on and talking about a de facto relationship, again please put this up in Thai script, in all these years I have never heard of such terms.

Gawd bless Thailand at least I am free from the western PC BS so many now find themeselves living under these days.

Koo Tae ...... would be close enough in Thai for life partner or soul mate ......... Are you really so daft as to think Thai people don't have words or understand the concept of life partner ?

Thanks for the answer, never heard of it before.

Would be interested to see how the terminology would be recieved when applying for a married mans visa.

400k if married or 800k if not married, what price for Koo Tae?


humorous that you assume you are in control of those decisions. smile.png

More humorous that you believe you should not be....or cannot be.

But shows whom wears the pants in your neck of the valley.

Perhaps it is the voice of experience and raising teenagers in a place they did not want to be.smile.png Oh well you will learn......That discussion and give and take and compromise is the basis of sound life decisions. Or maybe not.

So you take your orders from a 7yo and base your life decisions on that huh ?

I have raised two daughters in locations they did not want to be raised in. I have insisted on them going to schools they did not want to attend. These women are now in their 20's and 30's. I have seen the results of my decisions. If you have any similar experience I am sure we would all like to hear it.smile.png Huh?


How many come to Thailand with an open mind but soon find a long haired lovely and settles down?. Next come the kids and any man with morals will find escape is not an option.

Would the blether's situation change if an unplanned child came along?. If your lady wanted to stay in Thailand with baby would it still be up to her?.

All I am saying life rarely goes as planned.

Truthfully? Yes it would be up to her until the child was about 7 then the child would find themselves attending a school in Scotland.

In my possibly harsh opinion, when your Thai lady takes you on as a life partner, they need to take on that any child should get the best of both Worlds.

It's my oponion that the child should be subsumed in Thai culture at an early age, then educated in the West. That opinion might annoy some folk but hey.....Up to me.

Actually humorous that you assume you are in control of those decisions. smile.png

I hold the money Mr CMK......remember I'm Scottish. This Piper calls the tune. thumbsup.gif

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How many come to Thailand with an open mind but soon find a long haired lovely and settles down?. Next come the kids and any man with morals will find escape is not an option.

Would the blether's situation change if an unplanned child came along?. If your lady wanted to stay in Thailand with baby would it still be up to her?.

All I am saying life rarely goes as planned.

Truthfully? Yes it would be up to her until the child was about 7 then the child would find themselves attending a school in Scotland.

In my possibly harsh opinion, when your Thai lady takes you on as a life partner, they need to take on that any child should get the best of both Worlds.

It's my oponion that the child should be subsumed in Thai culture at an early age, then educated in the West. That opinion might annoy some folk but hey.....Up to me.

Not a harsh opinion, sounds like you would put the kid first.

I often wonder how many guys coming to Thailand think this far ahead.

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I bought a one way ticket around 10 years ago on my only travel single abroad,

i was not going to die freezing.

In hindsight, i should have kept open for a relocation to Cambodia the moment visa hassle increased a notch, and i think i'll do that when my commitment here finally end

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I spent 3 years getting to know my Mrs and family, got married and four years on we are still very happy. Mrs has been to Uk and I /we do not want to live there, it bugs me out big time , stupid politics ,pc mania, reality tv drivel, huge expense and no enjoyment..just my take..I know a place is what you make it, but really!

So if the Mrs wasn't Thai I might not be here, but she is so making a stand here.

We have just built a house. I now live here full time..with the caveat that if I need to go back to work I can. I guess I am all in but I see it like this: We own our properties outright , have no debt and live a very comfortable life . I have always been confident in other countries having been bought up as an army brat and as an adult lived in Denmark, France and Spain..Denmark was brilliant.

In Uk I would have mortgage/rent/tax/ be a workaholic to survive, no ta.

It is a big gamble and I see other situations that go pear shaped and sure it could happen...I often wonder who really causes the collapse of the relationship as some people have built in failure mode in their genes . I see the dangers here very clearly indeed and try to navigate a sensible course through it all..

I could start over back there but I am giving it my best shot here, seeing it for what it is and having seen all the failures over the years gives me a situational awareness that perhaps is an advantage. Having a strong relationship and a wife that is a best friend too is really a plus. Good luck to everyone who is trying to make it whorl .here (edit)


How many come to Thailand with an open mind but soon find a long haired lovely and settles down?. Next come the kids and any man with morals will find escape is not an option.

Would the blether's situation change if an unplanned child came along?. If your lady wanted to stay in Thailand with baby would it still be up to her?.

All I am saying life rarely goes as planned.

Truthfully? Yes it would be up to her until the child was about 7 then the child would find themselves attending a school in Scotland.

In my possibly harsh opinion, when your Thai lady takes you on as a life partner, they need to take on that any child should get the best of both Worlds.

It's my oponion that the child should be subsumed in Thai culture at an early age, then educated in the West. That opinion might annoy some folk but hey.....Up to me.

No offence to the blether, it shows just how out of touch with the reality of western newspeak terminoligy that living in Asia for all these years has caused.

But <deleted> is a "life partner", could the blether or anyone else please put this up in Thai script.

Its a bit like some coming on and talking about a de facto relationship, again please put this up in Thai script, in all these years I have never heard of such terms.

Gawd bless Thailand at least I am free from the western PC BS so many now find themeselves living under these days.

It's an indicator that I'm not in a rush to the altar.......so she might bear me children but hey, there ain't likely to be a ring on her finger. Just as she knows I'll not be buying a house in Chiang Mai too.

Maybe I'm better at managing expectations than some of you guys. coffee1.gif


I have raised two daughters in locations they did not want to be raised in. I have insisted on them going to schools they did not want to attend. These women are now in their 20's and 30's. I have seen the results of my decisions. If you have any similar experience I am sure we would all like to hear it.smile.png Huh?

Then you did a bad job of it didn't you.

But your reply was in context to the OP not having any say in where his child would be raised....out of his control so to speak....that might be your experience, but most people I know have some gonads to do what is best.....when did you lose your gonads kerry ?


How many come to Thailand with an open mind but soon find a long haired lovely and settles down?. Next come the kids and any man with morals will find escape is not an option.

Would the blether's situation change if an unplanned child came along?. If your lady wanted to stay in Thailand with baby would it still be up to her?.

All I am saying life rarely goes as planned.

Truthfully? Yes it would be up to her until the child was about 7 then the child would find themselves attending a school in Scotland.

In my possibly harsh opinion, when your Thai lady takes you on as a life partner, they need to take on that any child should get the best of both Worlds.

It's my oponion that the child should be subsumed in Thai culture at an early age, then educated in the West. That opinion might annoy some folk but hey.....Up to me.

Actually humorous that you assume you are in control of those decisions. smile.png

I hold the money Mr CMK......remember I'm Scottish. This Piper calls the tune. thumbsup.gif

In my case it was a judge who played the pipes.biggrin.png


I have raised two daughters in locations they did not want to be raised in. I have insisted on them going to schools they did not want to attend. These women are now in their 20's and 30's. I have seen the results of my decisions. If you have any similar experience I am sure we would all like to hear it.smile.png Huh?

Then you did a bad job of it didn't you.

But your reply was in context to the OP not having any say in where his child would be raised....out of his control so to speak....that might be your experience, but most people I know have some gonads to do what is best.....when did you lose your gonads kerry ?

Are you talking from experience of raising children from infancy to adulthood or your thoughts on what might happen in the future.


They would say the price for Koo Tae is the same for no Koo Tae ..... Show me the marriage cirtificate or get in the single mans line ! lol

Just asked the mrs, she told me, neua koo (gan), apologise for the lack of Thai script.

I had to use, rak gan talot chewit, chat na duay for her to understand.

TV is great a free language lesson.


I have raised two daughters in locations they did not want to be raised in. I have insisted on them going to schools they did not want to attend. These women are now in their 20's and 30's. I have seen the results of my decisions. If you have any similar experience I am sure we would all like to hear it.smile.png Huh?

Then you did a bad job of it didn't you.

But your reply was in context to the OP not having any say in where his child would be raised....out of his control so to speak....that might be your experience, but most people I know have some gonads to do what is best.....when did you lose your gonads kerry ?

Are you talking from experience of raising children from infancy to adulthood or your thoughts on what might happen in the future.

I was talking about your comment re the OP and not having a choice.

You may not have, but no need to base your thoughts of others on your own failings.

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