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Boeing 787 Dreamliner Incidents Raise Safety Concerns


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And again a problem with a Dreamliner, http://news.sky.com/story/1117696/dreamliner-turns-back-after-fuel-pump-warning. These things do happen, but all in all does not help the reputation of the plane at all.

Keeping it in perspective -- this is a brand new technology so Boeing are going through more teething pains than is usual with a new aircraft. Remember what happened when the airbus first went to "fly-by-wire" -- there were *lots* of problems including a disasterous crash, but the plane came good and now is accepted and acknowledged to be excellent.

There's no progress without pain...... wink.png

So? These incidents do the reputation of the plane no good.

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And another one with an extended downtime because of a fire.

Although the incident was described by Qatar Airways as minor the jet has not flown for a week now ! Companies don't just park an aircraft which is supposed to be fuel efficient, and during the downtime not an earner for a `minor` problem.


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