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Thai Advantages Aside From The Norm


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Lots of things:

  • In general, cops leave you alone here. If you see one driving behind you, you don't freak out, get all uptight, and wonder what you're doing wrong (you know this happens in the West!)
  • People around here still get to know their neighbors, and become friends with them. In the West, almost nobody does anymore.
  • Respect is still something to be of valued in society. This is especially great because the kids are much better behaved here. Go to a mall just after school in Thailand, then do the same in West. Quite a bit different.
  • Thanks to its Buddhist society, karma plays a good sized role in people's day-to-day decisions. They're actively looking to be a good person every day.
  • The non-judgmental nature of Thais. As long as you're a decent guy, good hygiene, and have common respect for your fellow human, most people are going to like you. Versus the West where everyone judges you over every single minute detail.
  • The non-confrontational nature of Thais. It's very difficult to get yourself into an altercation here, and if you do, you most likely did something to deserve it.
  • Cheaper living, especially rent. Here I can get a 3bdrm house + office, large yard, veranda, and private pool for cheaper than I can get a 1 / 2 bdrm condo out West.

I don't know, there's lots more, but I'll leave it there.

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I love the street food in the cities. In particular, I like that I can pick up a bag of fresh cut fruit on my way home from the bar.

I love going through the Thai customs/immigration line at BKK with my TG instead of the long farang line. Thanks honey thumbsup.gif oooops, that's an advantage of my TG.....aside from the norm whistling.gif

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I was running for a bus somewhere in Thailand and watched it take a turn down the dual carriage way, I was on the opposite side, waved my arm and someone must have seen me as the bus did a u-turn at the next break in the central reservation came back up and picked me up then carried on its way till next the break and then turned to it's original route.

So blah I am not a bus driver but it was going to Sri bung Reung about a 3 hour journey not much baht but, to fill the bus, that was their aim of the game.


Not to mention the likelihood IMO that the driver was motivated a lot more by his desire to help you out as a human being rather than your cynically assumed motive of getting your warm bum onto an empty seat for the sake of how many baht for the company?

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Street food, cost of Taxi's and BTS/MRT, 24 hour availability of food, very cheap massage, very cheap condo rental (A$100/week) cost of seeing a late release movie, having food courts in every shopping center, beautiful women, lovely musical language, central location to travel anywhere in Asia, welcoming and polite population, variety of food available (restaurants) incredible range of cheap fresh fruit and vegetable, Cheap pork,chicken and seafood, climate.

As far as I am concerned the Pro's far outweigh the Con's. biggrin.png

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Ahh, the good old thread that praises the lack of basic standards and enforcement of some simple regulations Some love it. Well, if I was 60 and in the waning days of my life, I might have the perspective of not caring either. However, for those that value their lives and those of their families and friends, I say phooie. In Thailand,the lack of standards and enforcement impacts our lives on a daily basis. Well water is regularly poisoned because there is no enforcement of basic environmental protection laws. Most well water users are oblivious to the presence of aromatic hydrocarbons and heavy metals that have entered the water table. Those that dump, can do so with no worries as enforced cleanups let alone local authorities concern is non existant. It is inexcusable that the tap water in Thailand is not potable. Thailand has a decent water supply, yet it cannot deliver potable water to its inhabitants.It cannot even provide a secure reliable power grid. How can a country develop when it lacks basics such as this? Yes, there are wonderful aspects of Thailand, but there are wonderful aspects to western countries too. For all the people that grumble about the UK or Australia or USA, where would you rather deal with litigation? In the western court system, where there is some semblance of efficiency and judicial integrity or in Thailand, where it is no secret that foreigners feel thay are treated unfairly.

Sure, the property taxes are not there, but then you get filthy sois, no professional police, a limited fire service and marginal EMS access.

It's wonderful until your house catches fire or are injured. The 30 baht insurance plan is not of much use if you are in a rural area and need cancer care. It won't pay for the additional living expenses when you have to travel to Bangkok to obtain it. Nor does the 30 baht program cover all the extras that quickly add up. My friend is already out of pocket 150,000 for his cancer care despite his 30 baht access.

I suggest that if one wants a decent lifestyle and proper medical care, and to live in a secure clean environment, the costs will add up quickly and will approach the cost of living in some western countries. The most appropriate way of explaining this is the airplane model. Air Asia offers relatively cheap flights, but if you want to take baggage, to change your flight, a decent seat etc., you pay an extra charge. Western living is like flying TG. It's all in, and the service and equipment is creaky and old, but you have the security of knowing that if something happens TG will respond. TG still offers a meal on its short flights, the FAs might not be young and attractive like on FD, but there is a sense of security when flying on TG.

I have no problem with my home country and cannot see myself as renouncing my citizenship or even changing my legal status, just to avoid taxes. I am fortunate to maintain a legal residence that allows me many priviliges and rights that I could never have in Thailand. That doesn't mean I am bashing Thailand. I like Thailand too. The people, the food, and the climate (at times). I am fortunate enough to have a decent income (for now) so that I don't have to worry about taxation or lifestyle options. I suppose when I am terminated or retire or burn out, then my perspective will change.

A very confused account of things. Are you talking about what is best for the local Thais, or whether or not there are (dis)advantages for westerners living here?

As you know, mixing both would be a poisoning of the well.

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