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Smoke, Smog, Dust 2013 Chiang Mai


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Healthy I guess isn't on alot if peoples agenda here, fair enough but spreading misinformation isn't right, air pollution is deadly and they ways people die from it is slow and horrific, the planet is being screwed over on every corner and that crap ends up in your body no matter what 3-m thing you think is helping you.

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Sawasdee Khrup, TV CM Friends,

Tuesday I was out-doors, and all over town, for many hours, and was definitely reacting to the pollution. When I got home around dusk, the house was baking, on the inside, like the oven it becomes after a day like that.

As usual, returning home, once I turned off the old Chiang Mai to Lamphun Road onto Thanon Ratuit, and approached the Gymkhana Club, there was an immediate change in both the temperature, and the quality of air, for the better. This is true (praise be) almost every day and night of the year.

But, one thing I have noticed, and I wonder if other people are noticing it too, is that is seems, subjectively, to me that, in general, mornings, in this year's March have been relatively cooler than other years.

And, last night, 1~3am, seemed surprisingly cold, as did this morning before 9am. A quick check on WeatherUnderground for Chiang Mai suggests the low last night was 10 degrees (60F) below the average (70F).


Khun Rasseru, I wonder how many hours in the day you actually go outside your air-con, air-filtered house ? Wednesday, and Thursday, I did not leave the house, and spent most of the time in my air-conditioned small office (air-con set to 26~27C) with, yes, an air filter running. And, I'm coughing last night and today, which I blame on Tuesday's excursion from about 10am to 6pm. around the town.

If there's a "silver lining" in the cloudiness, then I think we're probably getting toxic doses of silver, and many of us will soon have argyria, our skin and eyes, and our mucosa, turning bluish-gray.
However, since many residents expats here already resemble zombies, outwardly, it may be hard to tell the difference between those of us with argyria, and the local boozers and degenerates.
I suggest those of us with diagnosed argyria wear a silver (at least "silver looking") bracelet on one wrist engraved in large type with the words "Not a Zombie," in both English and Thai, for use in social gatherings of other expats, to help set us apart from the those who are here as suicides-in-progress; and, to assist the police when they scrape what's left of us up off the sidewalks, the highway, etc., perhaps have our country of birth and passport number micro-engraved in the underside ?
If alive when rendered unto the local mortuary hospital, that tag might prevent us from being treated, by mistake, for the variety of conditions in which cyanosis is present. Unfortunately, treatment for argyria is generally not effective, it's irreversible and, at best, you might be able to modify the skin's appearance slightly. But, what is "make-up" for, if not that ?
yours ~o:37;
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Sawasdee Khrup, TV CM Friends,

. . . . . Khun Rasseru, I wonder how many hours in the day you actually go outside your air-con, air-filtered house ? Wednesday, and Thursday, I did not leave the house, and spent most of the time in my air-conditioned small office (air-con set to 26~27C) with, yes, an air filter running. And, I'm coughing last night and today, which I blame on Tuesday's excursion from about 10am to 6pm. around the town.

If there's a "silver lining" in the cloudiness, then I think we're probably getting toxic doses of silver, and many of us will soon have argyria, our skin and eyes, and our mucosa, turning bluish-gray.

However, since many residents expats here already resemble zombies, outwardly, it may be hard to tell the difference between those of us with argyria, and the local boozers and degenerates. . . . .

yours ~o:37;

Sawadee krap, TV CM friend Khun ~o:37;

I hesitate to wonder about such a frightening possibility, but could one of the consequences of argyria be that the sufferer loses sight, loses the memory, of just-stated facts, such as that I do not have air conditioning in my home?

. . . or that I mistakenly post a post long before it is finished, and must in a panic rush around to figure out how to recall it and edit it? . . .

In any case, I am back.

Yesterday, I spent about five hours outside my delightfully air-filtered residence. Of which perhaps three were spent breathing through a 3M mask or in a large air conditioned mall.

I feel just fine.

Edited by Rasseru
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Khun Rasseru wrote: "I hesitate to wonder about such a frightening possibility, but could one of the consequences of argyria be that the sufferer loses sight, loses the memory, of just-stated facts, such as that I do not have air conditioning in my home?"

Sawasdee Khrup, Khun Rasseru,

Welcome back from wherever you were, which I assume was not here, and congratulations on your upcoming trip to Bali, that ensorcelling isle overflowing with gamelan.

I must apologize for misreading your post; I want to assure you I have never, once, thought of you as a zombie !

yours, ~o:37;

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I have been ill for two days and my eyes are sore and swollen. Huge amount of toxins in the air.

some tesabans have put posters up about the smoke, smog,

and health risks but they dont seem to have done much good : (

pic 1 .. doi suthep 9 12 am 8 feb 13

pic 2 .. doi suthep 9 33 am this morning

pic 3 .. doi suthep 6 10 pm tonight : (

dave2 ..... going out for a beer : )








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And you think we have problems!


Actually, NASA Firms reported many more than usual major fires yesterday in the Doi Suthep-Pui area. Over the past two or three weeks there have been more forest blazes than in rice paddy areas. Very few of the fires reported by NASA Firms show up on the SOA, NOAA, US Navy, etc. satellite plots.

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Yesterday afternoon was a bit better with the winds pushing visibility to about three miles. This morning is the worst of the season however. Very caustic smell and taste in the air from all the burning going on in the hills above us.

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Wouldn't THAT be a piss off for some unsuspecting tourist thinking they were going to some lovely location only to be stuck in a smog filled valley... and no way out.

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Wouldn't THAT be a piss off for some unsuspecting tourist thinking they were going to some lovely location only to be stuck in a smog filled valley... and no way out.

One only needs to buy the voucher now. Have until end October to use it. Be nice when Pai valley lush & green.

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Smog or not, golf's Asian Tour still promoting the hell out of next week's Chiangmai Classic. http://tinyurl.com/byalbhx

Yes I'm sure the TV pictures from beautiful Chiang Mai of the golf tournament will make everyone want to come here. The course is near Lamphun with beautiful mountainous surroundings, however it won't look good this time of year. I've watched several golf tournaments on TV from China, and every one seemed to be played in a constant 'fog'. Great looking courses but if the air is like that I would not want to go. An Asian PGA Tour event in Chiang Mai is a great idea - just not the timing.

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Same weather pattern as yesterday

The 8-10 kph West Southwest winds seem to have a

nice result on dropping PM10 to 50 or so same as yesterday

Weather forecasts show the same winds pattern to continue for

many days. Hopefully it helps.

If nothing else at least we are getting blown to pretty clear levels

in the afternoons.

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Quoting from Wikipedia - Chiang Mai - air pollution:

"In 2013, the government made a special task force in the army to fight the burning in the first months of the year. Citizens report of markedly reduced pollution."

I wonder if there is any truth in that?

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I suspect the aircon now at night is slowly killing us. should we switch off and just get a fan running?

Wait, what? An airconditioner is a machine that filters air as it cools and dehumidifies it. It's what saves you.

First thing in the morning I recommend you run over to Home Pro and buy a pack of 3M "Filtrete" filter material. You have to then take out the filters in your air conditioner (clean them first) then cut the 3M material to size and stick it to the aircon filters (it comes with double sided sticker thingies to attach it). Then run the aircon in the room you're in and keep doors and windows closed as much as possible.

Just did this myself, thanks for the tip! I had to ask a few folks before I found it; it's in the aisle with the toilet scrubbers, etc, I think, not near the air conditioners at the end of the store. 'Filtrete' on a piece of paper finally worked, though the first person I showed said they don't carry it. I have more than half mine left if someone wants it for 100 baht, it's 200 for the whole thing at the store. Electrostatically filtered air! The smog seemed to be creeping into our room, and the plastic filters didn't look like they were doing much. Looking forward to seeing how much junk is on it in a few months.

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I suspect the aircon now at night is slowly killing us. should we switch off and just get a fan running?

Wait, what? An airconditioner is a machine that filters air as it cools and dehumidifies it. It's what saves you.

First thing in the morning I recommend you run over to Home Pro and buy a pack of 3M "Filtrete" filter material. You have to then take out the filters in your air conditioner (clean them first) then cut the 3M material to size and stick it to the aircon filters (it comes with double sided sticker thingies to attach it). Then run the aircon in the room you're in and keep doors and windows closed as much as possible.

Just did this myself, thanks for the tip! I had to ask a few folks before I found it; it's in the aisle with the toilet scrubbers, etc, I think, not near the air conditioners at the end of the store. 'Filtrete' on a piece of paper finally worked, though the first person I showed said they don't carry it. I have more than half mine left if someone wants it for 100 baht, it's 200 for the whole thing at the store. Electrostatically filtered air! The smog seemed to be creeping into our room, and the plastic filters didn't look like they were doing much. Looking forward to seeing how much junk is on it in a few months.
Yeah, it's fun taking it out again. What struck me was how clean the actual aircon filters remained behind the 3M material.

Don't keep the 3M stuff in too long, I'd take it out again end of April.

Edited by WinnieTheKhwai
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It's not all that bad really

Sawasdee Khrup, Khun Aristide,

I hope that if you do attend the golf tournament, it will have no impact on your health, and you'll have a great time.

However, if (may it not be so) you end up hospitalized for respiratory distress of some kind, please PM me your hospital name and room number; I like bringing flowers to ailing strangers: makes me feel a lot better (and, I assure you, that is not a form of schadenfreude).

On the other hand, if you are hospitalized for other reasons, such as ingrown toe-nail, or the usual orthopaedeic injuries resulting from mistaking concrete areas on the sides of Thai streets for "sidewalks:" while I'll extend to you my deepest sympathies, you don't get the visit and the flowers (sorry, you have to set limits somewhere).

yours, ~o:37;

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Winnie the Khwai wrote: "Don't keep the 3M stuff in too long, I'd take it out again end of April."

Sawasdee Khrup, Khun Winnie the Khwai,

Thanks very much for the information about "Filtrete" !

3M has a FAQ (English) on its Filtrete site here: http://www.filtrete.com/wps/portal/3M/en_US/FiltreteUS/Filtrete/Resources/Faq/

The information on that site seems to suggest Filtrete is a replacement for existing fiberglass, or whatever, filters, not something you add-on to the existing filter. Am I mis-interpreting your words: " You have to then take out the filters in your air conditioner (clean them first) then cut the 3M material to size and stick it to the aircon filters (it comes with double sided sticker thingies to attach it)," by assuming you do not mean "replace" ?

thanks, ~o:37;

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the not so good side effect of adding filter paper to an A/C unit is that it puts more strain on the blower motor and can cause it wear out faster.

It isn't actually paper it's more like rockwool or fibreglass and it's unlikely to constrain the airflow to any meaningful degree, looking at the stuff makes you wonder how it can be so effective but it does work very well.

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the not so good side effect of adding filter paper to an A/C unit is that it puts more strain on the blower motor and can cause it wear out faster.

It isn't actually paper it's more like rockwool or fibreglass and it's unlikely to constrain the airflow to any meaningful degree, looking at the stuff makes you wonder how it can be so effective but it does work very well.

not my experience. I use one layer of 3m filtrete sheets and it strains the motor. Can definitely hear the difference to the motor.

I have a LG Inverter type A/C bought about a year ago.

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the not so good side effect of adding filter paper to an A/C unit is that it puts more strain on the blower motor and can cause it wear out faster.

It isn't actually paper it's more like rockwool or fibreglass and it's unlikely to constrain the airflow to any meaningful degree, looking at the stuff makes you wonder how it can be so effective but it does work very well.

not my experience. I use one layer of 3m filtrete sheets and it strains the motor. Can definitely hear the difference to the motor.

I have a LG Inverter type A/C bought about a year ago.

I'm surprised but I don't doubt what you say, I wonder however if using Filtrette doesn't just change the acoustics inside the unit rather than increasing the load, dunno and I'm not an engineer. :)

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