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Is It Possible To Get Dell Products In Thailand?

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Im in the market for a Dell 24 inch widescreen monitor. I cant seem to find a single Dell product anywhere in Bangkok. Is it possible to find this here or am I going to have to ship it over from USA?


Our company uses nothing but Dell computers and peripherals... and yes... we're based in Thailand.

I'll check with our IT dept tomorrow when I get to work, and provide contact info if I can.

Taoism: shit happens

Buddhism: if shit happens, it isn't really shit

Islam: if shit happens, it is the will of Allah

Catholicism: if shit happens, you deserve it

Judaism: why does this shit always happen to us?

Atheism: I don't believe this shit


I wasn't aware that Dell sell anything via retail outlets - I thought their business model was based entirely on direct sales thereby cutting out the middle-man.

So...on that note...why not try...

www.dell.co.th !!!

I've been buying Dell stuff in HK for years via their AsiaPac site and never had any problems.

Jai Dee: That would be very kind of you. Please let me know!

Will do. :o

Taoism: shit happens

Buddhism: if shit happens, it isn't really shit

Islam: if shit happens, it is the will of Allah

Catholicism: if shit happens, you deserve it

Judaism: why does this shit always happen to us?

Atheism: I don't believe this shit

Jai Dee: That would be very kind of you. Please let me know!

I went to that dell website but they have almost nothing on it

If you click through one of the computers as if you're going to buy one, you'll see the message below with spaces to put contact info into:

"We do not provide online ordering for this country. Please fill in the form below and a Sales Representative will contact you.

Thank you! "


I think the original question, which I share, is whether there is really a consumer-level Dell sales channel here.

We are accustomed to being able to view models and prices online for all available products before ordering, whereas the Dell TH website has only a pathetically small number of computers and then a phone number or web form. The website leaves me with the impression that they are only interested in corporate sales where large numbers of devices are sold in one order and pricing is negotiated for that one sales contract.

I would also be interested to see pricing for the larger Dell LCDs.


Well, I am hoping that Jai Dee knows a source of products here.

The alternative is getting them shipped to my home in USA and then having them reshipped. But how much is UPS/FEDEX going to charge to reship a Huge monitor, full desktop computer, and a laptop? Im guessing it will be like $600 shipping here, and then will I have to pay customs duty on top of that? GAH.

Well, I am hoping that Jai Dee knows a source of products here.

The alternative is getting them shipped to my home in USA and then having them reshipped. But how much is UPS/FEDEX going to charge to reship a Huge monitor, full desktop computer, and a laptop? Im guessing it will be like $600 shipping here, and then will I have to pay customs duty on top of that? GAH.

I do apologise as I do not have the info with me as I am not in the office but: Yes there is a toll free number to order all DELL equipment here in Thailand.

Also a service number (they give a 5 year warr. on their kit and we had some optiplexs fixed 4 years into it the other day all free of charge).

They provide good sales and after service.

EDIT - I rang my office;


Their Thai web site is here: http://www1.ap.dell.com/content/default.aspx?c=th&l=en&s=gen

Their toll free number in Thailand is: 1800-00-6045


It's been discussed before, and the general idea was that Dell Thailand focuses mainly on corporate sales. They're *very* good and very popular in that area. However, normal "your average Joe" consumer sales aren't so great, and you can see examples of why that is so on their website. They're based in Malaysia.


I just received my 24" Dell Monitor here in Tahiland and all I can say is WOW!

For contact with Dell use the following information:

Supot Pradupkul

Dell Corporation Thailand

Account Manager

Tel: 02-6707200 Ext. 4105

Toll Free: 1800-006-006 Ext. 4105

Thailand Fax: 02-6700029

Direct Malaysia Fax: 007 +604-6338105

Email: [email protected]

Good Luck!

P.S. Do not import from USA for you stand to experience a 100% import duty. Dell Thailand ships from Malayasia that are a little higher than the USA but within reason.


Well done mouse. :o

I'm still waiting for our IT procurement rep to get back to me... :D

Taoism: shit happens

Buddhism: if shit happens, it isn't really shit

Islam: if shit happens, it is the will of Allah

Catholicism: if shit happens, you deserve it

Judaism: why does this shit always happen to us?

Atheism: I don't believe this shit


Well I shot an email off to the address that mouse listed, but I dont know if I will get a response.

Import Duty is 100%??? So if I spend 200K baht on equpiment I have to pay another 200k in duty? Thats insane. Sometimes I think fedex can get around it because they have their own customs guys and tend to get things through quickly, we will see.


Great topic guys! I was just about to do a search on Dell Thailand to shop for a complete system and here it is on the front page.

One of the great things about buying a Dell system back in the states is their interactive, informative website and the ease of shopping in the comfort of one's own home - and no smiling saleperson standing next to me. Especially here, where I can't even communicate very well with the sales person. That in addition to Dell's great pricing and quality. Although I'm sure someone can put me in touch with a agent, it sounds like I can't have the same comfortable shopping experience I am used to back home. I might have to go to the computer shops and get a generic one. Too bad. I hope Dell Thailand/Malaysia will get their website up to speed. I have 60k cash burning a hole in my pocket.

I will do some more searching and checking of my own and check back on this thread from time to time.




I eneded up ordering the 24" screen and an X1 Latitude from the USA but I am still waiting to see if I can get the full desktop rig here in Thailand or Malasisa.

Import Duty is 100%??? So if I spend 200K baht on equpiment I have to pay another 200k in duty?
I eneded up ordering the 24" screen and an X1 Latitude from the USA but I am still waiting to see if I can get the full desktop rig here in Thailand or Malasisa.

Actually I suspect ordering form the states will get you the 100% duty unless you carry it in and maybe even then, but, (again I suspect) that there is some type of agreement between Malayasia and Thailand to avoid such a duty between the two nations. Let me know how it turn out.


not related but i think i must share :o , i needed an IEEE 1394 cable also called firewire by Apple and ILink by Sony for my Sony Handycam. I went to Sony show room and they quoted 1090 bath. I went to a non branded shop at pantip and it cost just 100 bath. Sony showroom must have the biggest profit margin in the world lol. I like their product but accessories are ridiculously expensive. By the way the video transferred using IEEE 1394 is much much sharper and better than USB.


Contact Details in BKK:


Taoism: shit happens

Buddhism: if shit happens, it isn't really shit

Islam: if shit happens, it is the will of Allah

Catholicism: if shit happens, you deserve it

Judaism: why does this shit always happen to us?

Atheism: I don't believe this shit

  • 8 months later...

If you purchased a Dell laptop with thier standard 3 year warranty in the US and you need service in Thailand how is that handled. Do they have phone support in Thailand and if it needs to be physically repaired where do you send it in to?

Jai Dee: That would be very kind of you. Please let me know!

I went to that dell website but they have almost nothing on it

That's just because their offer is very limited in Thailand, unfortunately. I had the best experiences using Dell notebooks.


Good luck trying to get an email response from Dell TH. I have sent them many many emails over the last two years just trying to get a simple price quote. They won't bother to reply.

Dell Singapore is a lot more responsive, and they have a lot more to choose from so I'd recommend you to buy it from them instead. Flying to SG to pick it up is cheaper than buying in Thailand anyway (air tickets and hotel included), as long as you unpack it and bring it in as "used"... :o

  • 1 year later...

Has anyone had any problems buying a Dell laptop from the U.S. and having the LCD display go wrong?

I purchased my Dell Inspiron 9200 in Feb 2005 before I relocated to Thailand.

In early 2006 my LCD display started to have these vertical lines coming down.

First it was one line, then two, then multiples. Next I noticed my display was totally out. Couldn't view a darn thing.

I called Dell in Thailand and they told me that they only support businesses and government Dell products.

Hence, they told me that they might not have the parts for the Dell Inspiron that I purchased and that I would have to fly into Malaysia to get it repaird.

Ha! They make it sound like a walk in the park.

First of all, if I had to fly anywhere to get anything fixed, I'd rather buy a new laptop. Why waste time and money?

Second of all, I never been to Malaysia before. So I could imagine it would be like walking around in the dark.

Third, why couldn't they order the parts and fix it for me? What happened to the excellent Dell service?

I think I got the run around and the BS service instead. Excuse my language! But it's the truth.

As a Dell customer, I expect some helpful service. The Dell office in Thailand should have offered me the following:

1) they will order the hardware part and repair the LCD for me.

2) or ship my laptop to Dell in Malaysia to have it repaired.

I would imagine that shipping from Dell Thailand to Dell Malaysia would be fast easy and convenient with all the service tags and ticket orders

labeled to my Dell laptop. The worst part was when I called Dell in the U.S. they told me that I could not directly ship my laptop to them from Thailand.

It would have to come from an address in the U.S. That really ticked me off. That is so totally BS! What kind of service is that?

Turns out I ended up flying back to NY cause something personal came up. So, I brought my laptop with me to ship it to Dell.

It took them 3 weeks to repair and I ended up paying $569.00 dollars for it.

To top it off, the warranty was valid for only 90 days after repair. I was definitely not happy with that.

So, 1 year and 11 months has passed since I had my laptop's LCD repaired.

And guess what? My monitor is displaying the same patterns again. I have had it.

I think Dell's service and hardware parts are a piece of shit.

Sorry, but when I paid $1700 for my laptop in 2005 it was supposed to be one of the top models (a desktop replacement) is what they advertised.

But apparently it's not as sturdy as Dell claims it to be. Really disappointed in Dell.

At this point I'm considering taking my laptop to a local Thai computer hardware center to fix my monitor.

Where they might have to order the parts from Dell which is fine by me. Better than flying anywhere and paying rediculous prices like the first time around.

If anyone has any suggestions on a good computer repair shop in Bangkok? Appreciate your advise.

I would prefer to buy a new laptop since they are getting cheaper and cheaper but if fixing is cheaper then I'd rather fix it.

Plus, I don't want to put my laptop to waste just yet. It hasn't made it's 5 year mark for a replacement. At least that's my standard for cost savings.


Wen :o


I was looking at a Dell XPS 630 on their USA website - anything close to that is 100% more expensive in SE Asia with the Dell brandname. Dell is a great company- I bought an Inspiron laptop 7 years ago and still have it - but I don't see any reason to have anything shipped over here considering s/h and customs tariffs.


I sympathize. I had a problem with my Dell laptop when I was in Korea and called tech support in the USA - of course they were no help. I rtill have this laptop as my spare - it has a problem with the VGA I was told by a techniciain here - it was going to cost 12,000THB to repair. SO of course i didn't get it repaired - basically every other column of pixels is missing but it's 7 years old now and has taken a beating.

As to the original post, I think Dell is a great company and generally make great products and have decent customer care but still if I had to get a computer or whatever, I would get it locally in the city I was living. It's a lot easier to get service from someone who is right in front of you even if the communication is not optimal - when I have a problem I don't want tech support from a guy across the world.

Has anyone had any problems buying a Dell laptop from the U.S. and having the LCD display go wrong?

I purchased my Dell Inspiron 9200 in Feb 2005 before I relocated to Thailand.

In early 2006 my LCD display started to have these vertical lines coming down.

First it was one line, then two, then multiples. Next I noticed my display was totally out. Couldn't view a darn thing.

I called Dell in Thailand and they told me that they only support businesses and government Dell products.

Hence, they told me that they might not have the parts for the Dell Inspiron that I purchased and that I would have to fly into Malaysia to get it repaird.

Ha! They make it sound like a walk in the park.

First of all, if I had to fly anywhere to get anything fixed, I'd rather buy a new laptop. Why waste time and money?

Second of all, I never been to Malaysia before. So I could imagine it would be like walking around in the dark.

Third, why couldn't they order the parts and fix it for me? What happened to the excellent Dell service?

I think I got the run around and the BS service instead. Excuse my language! But it's the truth.

As a Dell customer, I expect some helpful service. The Dell office in Thailand should have offered me the following:

1) they will order the hardware part and repair the LCD for me.

2) or ship my laptop to Dell in Malaysia to have it repaired.

I would imagine that shipping from Dell Thailand to Dell Malaysia would be fast easy and convenient with all the service tags and ticket orders

labeled to my Dell laptop. The worst part was when I called Dell in the U.S. they told me that I could not directly ship my laptop to them from Thailand.

It would have to come from an address in the U.S. That really ticked me off. That is so totally BS! What kind of service is that?

Turns out I ended up flying back to NY cause something personal came up. So, I brought my laptop with me to ship it to Dell.

It took them 3 weeks to repair and I ended up paying $569.00 dollars for it.

To top it off, the warranty was valid for only 90 days after repair. I was definitely not happy with that.

So, 1 year and 11 months has passed since I had my laptop's LCD repaired.

And guess what? My monitor is displaying the same patterns again. I have had it.

I think Dell's service and hardware parts are a piece of shit.

Sorry, but when I paid $1700 for my laptop in 2005 it was supposed to be one of the top models (a desktop replacement) is what they advertised.

But apparently it's not as sturdy as Dell claims it to be. Really disappointed in Dell.

At this point I'm considering taking my laptop to a local Thai computer hardware center to fix my monitor.

Where they might have to order the parts from Dell which is fine by me. Better than flying anywhere and paying rediculous prices like the first time around.

If anyone has any suggestions on a good computer repair shop in Bangkok? Appreciate your advise.

I would prefer to buy a new laptop since they are getting cheaper and cheaper but if fixing is cheaper then I'd rather fix it.

Plus, I don't want to put my laptop to waste just yet. It hasn't made it's 5 year mark for a replacement. At least that's my standard for cost savings.


Wen :o


Dell laptops are very unreliable in terms of overheating. I've had three Dell laptops overheat all within a year. They are fine for someone who only uses them for a few hours per day, but not for extended use. They are also well known to have cosmetic problems with their cases, especially the recent line of inspiron and XPS notebooks. While they are technically very good and often outweigh their competitors, I would not recommend Dell laptops to anyone looking for a robust machine. For robustness and reliability you can't beat IBM/Lenovo.

  • 2 years later...

Dell Thailand does not sell to private customers (via their own website), but Dell computers and laptops are readily available from retailers in Thailand.

Have a look here for a list of online stores.

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