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Toilets In Thailand!


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You are such a wimp.

Left hand or 2 Baht for paper....biggrin.png

You are such a wimp.


Only a total wimp goes into a public toilet.

Real men stand outside and piss against the wall.

Not in Patong. A couple years ago, we were coming back from a night out and my 2 friends and I all needed to void. I said, come on lads hold it in, we're almost home, but no, the 2 boneheads, had to run up the soi near the entrance to a resort off of Beach road. They were certainly letting a wizz, when all of a sudden the security guard came running up at them screaming. Well off they went in mid stream, as apparently, Thais do not like to be disturbed when they have the nozzles open. I was most embarrassed to have to walk in to my condo lobby and have people see me with 2 inebriated chaps with significant wet spots on their crotches and legs. And of course I was blamed for this because I made them walk as I had refused to pay for a 10 minute tuk tuk ride.

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In all the bus station toilets I've been in there is a woman washing the floors constantly. My only complaint is there is no place to hang your bag or coat when you need to use the squat toilet and the floor is all wet. And, it's difficult to bunch your clothes around your legs so they don't drop on the floor and get wet. You guys have it easy.

Occasionally, we also have to do #2.

Oh come on. No one does that in a public facility in Thailand unless they have dysentery or something. It's totally disgusting.

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My (Thai) wife and I were heading south on highway 41. We were both taken short and called in at a petrol station Asia something or other. WE both walked in and out at the same time. Neither of us could face using the toilets. They were disgusting.

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In all the bus station toilets I've been in there is a woman washing the floors constantly. My only complaint is there is no place to hang your bag or coat when you need to use the squat toilet and the floor is all wet. And, it's difficult to bunch your clothes around your legs so they don't drop on the floor and get wet. You guys have it easy.


When using a squat toilet we have exactly the same problem(s) as you do. OK without the handbag. But as locals have the same problem there is usually a nail or something somewhere. Somehow we get around the problem and get on with our lives.

As you know this is a problem why don't you carry a small hook in your bag? Then it would be much easier.

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I quite enjoy watching the local fauna doing its business around my feet and above my head whilst immobilised.

Oh Cooked, you are such a wonder with words, I was enjoying my self until I read this...LOL

As werriod as it sounds, what you say is actually to true. This is one part of Thailand I just can not get my head around. I may as well join your club and enjoy it too !!! giggle.gif

Thanks for the inspiration Cooked. thumbsup.gif

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For road trips, we only use PTT service stations that have 7-elevens on site as their toilet facilities tend to be well maintained and regularly cleaned. My experience with other gas brands and the older PTT pump stations has been pretty grim.

But generally, public toilets in most places in Bangkok and provincial cities are decent in my experience. My shock at how bad some can be in the region was the non fee-paying toilets at Suria KLCC, the pearl of Kuala Lumpur's malls at the bottom of the Petronas twin-towers. Absolutely shocking considering the high-dollar stores and virtually 100% tourist shopping there. The pay-to-use toilets were marginally better.

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In all the bus station toilets I've been in there is a woman washing the floors constantly. My only complaint is there is no place to hang your bag or coat when you need to use the squat toilet and the floor is all wet. And, it's difficult to bunch your clothes around your legs so they don't drop on the floor and get wet. You guys have it easy.


When using a squat toilet we have exactly the same problem(s) as you do. OK without the handbag. But as locals have the same problem there is usually a nail or something somewhere. Somehow we get around the problem and get on with our lives.

As you know this is a problem why don't you carry a small hook in your bag? Then it would be much easier.


I shouted that because it's one of the best ideas I've ever heard. A simple little steel "S" hook would hang on top of toilet doors or the partitions between stalls. Then, you could hang up anything you needed and keep it from getting wet. The S hook would easily fit in any pack or purse.

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I prefer to pay the 3 or 4 baths for public toilet.

Free toilets are disgusting to a point I have to pull up my shirt to cover my nose.

I pee with my Tshirt on my nose and mouth, and when finished take a big breath and go out.

I clean my hand with a gel purchased at 7/11 that I carry in my leg pocket.

Sometimes I can not enter in their toilet so strong the ammonia odor is.

I have never been in Saudi but I heard the walls are covered with excrement. is that true?

Edited by screwit
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Once did a visa run to Sadao, needed a leak so went to the toilets only to be harassed by a guy sitting at the door demanding bht10. Paid money and went in..............OMG the stench was terrible, just about the worst i have ever met ! So 'gagging' like hell i rushed out and went across the border to a Malaysian toilet where there were ladies keeping it so clean that i could have eaten a meal there. And no charge. What a "Welcome to Thailand" wake up that was. They should be ashamed but Mai pen rai as usual !

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The cafe toilets in Mexico were far worse than anything I've ever seen in Thailand. I just about gagged when I went in one. The whole floor was running in excrement.

The ones i saw in Flip bars in Davao and Cebu in the PI were like that except the shit smeared bowls and floor were seething with feasting cockroaches that ran off into the shadows when the naked light bulb was switched on. I could not use the toilet even for a piss let alone a crap so I had to go back to the hotel and I've not got a weak stomach.

The airport toilets at Dhaka in Bangladesh take some topping as well.

How those people can live like that is beyond comprehension. No wonder they're considered third world. You can judge the civilised level of a people by the condition of their toilets, decent people respect a toilet and have consideration for those that use it.

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I prefer to pay the 3 or 4 baths for public toilet.

Free toilets are disgusting to a point I have to pull up my shirt to cover my nose.

I pee with my Tshirt on my nose and mouth, and when finished take a big breath and go out.

I clean my hand with a gel purchased at 7/11 that I carry in my leg pocket.

Sometimes I can not enter in their toilet so strong the ammonia odor is.

I have never been in Saudi but I heard the walls are covered with excrement. is that true?

"Free toilets are disgusting to a point I have to pull up my shirt to cover my nose."

Most toilets at fuel stops seem not too bad mostly and they are free.

The most disgusting toilets I have seen are at bus stations and they are not usually free

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I'm in and around Chiang Mai hospitals frequently and I'm amazed at how many don't offer TP or soap in their toilets -- that includes a few private hospitals. You'd think the toilets in a hospital, especially those intended for use by patients would be stocked with these basic supplies.

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I prefer to pay the 3 or 4 baths for public toilet.

Free toilets are disgusting to a point I have to pull up my shirt to cover my nose.

I pee with my Tshirt on my nose and mouth, and when finished take a big breath and go out.

I clean my hand with a gel purchased at 7/11 that I carry in my leg pocket.

Sometimes I can not enter in their toilet so strong the ammonia odor is.

I have never been in Saudi but I heard the walls are covered with excrement. is that true?

"Free toilets are disgusting to a point I have to pull up my shirt to cover my nose."

Most toilets at fuel stops seem not too bad mostly and they are free.

The most disgusting toilets I have seen are at bus stations and they are not usually free

The tiles come "pre-soiled" for the builders to fit!cheesy.gif

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You are such a wimp.

Left hand or 2 Baht for paper....biggrin.png

You are such a wimp.


Only a total wimp goes into a public toilet.

Real men stand outside and piss against the wall.

Nah real men stand outside and piss over the wall

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"And a lot of nice resturants have some dude giving you a back massage and offering you soap and what not ....... It's not the bathrooms ...... it's the places you go."

Yeah I love it when I am just trying to to a pee and some gay guy rubs me up wanting money. You seem to find it appealing. That's ok, It is what makes the world go round.

so do these guys come out and tell you they are gay or is that just your own phobia talking?

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The creator of this thread is entirely right,

many years ago i went to another city, got a diarrhea attack and tried no less than 3 hotels

for an acceptable toilet.

Tuff luck none had toilet paper and IIRC it was the usual hole in the floor too,

so i had to squeeze the entire distance back to pattaya and my home where some relief could be had

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Isn't it obvious why toilets are s***holes? There is no cultural unconscious competence regarding how they should be used.

That is simply because the western style pan is new to Thailand.

Sanitation, H&S, proper drainage and good boggage, exists in the west because of impiricle studies and strategic planning in response to threats to public health including cholera.

All of this started with the industrial revolution (200 years ago). Thailand and in particular Pattaya (and Bangkok) have made this leap from digging a hole in the ground to public convenience over the course of less than 50 years.

Up country sanitation in many villages looks like a bucket.

I have travelled all over the world and this is the first country I have been to where nearly every WC universally carries instructions on the inside of the cubicle door. This is no surprise, it IS public education and although for many westerners it's difficult to believe, we should help and rejoice when we see a good effort. Why not start a thread promoting the cleanest bogs, rather than only sharing the worst bog stories?


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Just to be clear, when referring to Bangkok in my post above, obviously a minority of the populace have had good sanitation for more that 100 years. I meant to make reference in general terms (before anyone picks me up and refers to any of the old colonial hotels in the Capital), access by the majority of the populace. The same can be said for most capital cities in developing countries around the world. Walking through Central Bangkok or Pattaya it's easy to forget just how basic a lifestyle many people live only a short drive away.

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Many years ago when I first started coming to LOS, I was in a bar and got that "emergency warning" that the brain gets. I was too far away from the comfort of my hotel room, and I just knew I couldn't hold it.

Sure enough....squat toilet, and I knew that the way my guts were rumbling that what was about to come out would come out like a flock of racing pigeons just been released. So only thing to do was totally strip off and hang my gear on the back of the door.

Not a pretty sight, but the relief was priceless. Still would not trust my shorts staying clean if they were around my ankles. Thankfully only ever had to use one that once.

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