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Danish Driver Arrested And Police Officer Shot In Bizarre South Pattaya Incident


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What a Great Dane ! He doesnt seem too concerned with the cuffs on. Has money for sure.

I agree! The look on his face spills the beans. Probably the most

fun he's had in years. Keystone Cops...hah! The story reminds

me of those old..."you know what you did when you were drunk

last night?" scenarios....


Edited by sunshine51
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I know in the states and uk a cop is not allowed to shoot out tires. This here is exactly the reason it's not allowed.

In the UK, they would rather the criminal gets away. Most people in the UK would be happy for police to shoot at fleeing criminals.

Not really true. They don't chase them to avoid high speed pursuits that often end in tragedy.

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I wonder if he was a refugee from the piss-up condo launch party that was taking place just yards from there last night?

Nope, he wasn't, not dressed like on the photo.

Are you sure?

I was at the piss-up party (purely for research purposes, of course) and I saw a few people dressed like that, mingling with the media barons and property magnates.

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This drunk idiot was in charge of a lethal weapon - perhaps if some of you that find this story funny had lost someone close to you by this lunatic you'd be crying the hang him high song - by the sounds of the report it was very possible he could have killed or seriously injured someone - lock him up and throw away the key, there's nothing funny here

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I wonder if he was a refugee from the piss-up condo launch party that was taking place just yards from there last night?

Nope, he wasn't, not dressed like on the photo.

Are you sure?

I was at the piss-up party (purely for research purposes, of course) and I saw a few people dressed like that, mingling with the media barons and property magnates.

So was I and I didn't see anyone in shorts and tshirt.

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I know in the states and uk a cop is not allowed to shoot out tires. This here is exactly the reason it's not allowed.

Well they wouldn't do it in the UK as we are not a nation of gun toting nutters so normal police wouldn't be armed.

In the States they use the 'pit' tactic by ramming the rear quarter panel and spinning the offender around. But that's difficult to do on a bike.

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I must say that I am embarrassed that a fellow country man drive around shit faced like that, shame on him.

Sadly many expats are very quick to adapt to the bad/dangerous habits of the locals.

First time I read about the police shooting at car tires here in Patts., maybe they better train the senario before just firing away and in a small Soi, what on earth are they thinking about? Maybe seen too many action movies, eh.

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I must say that I am embarrassed that a fellow country man drive around shit faced like that, shame on him.

I long ago stopped being embarrassed by what my countrymen do, but I am British and one can hardly assume responsibility for so many idiots.

Just like so many of US are embarrassed by the number of snobs who travel abroad.

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BTW what is extremely intoxicated? They developed a method about...oh, I don't know....30 years ago....to determine blood alcohol level. What, do they just guess here?

I saw a guy in Kata driving a motorbike, stopping to greet a friend, fell down because he forgot to put one foot on the ground to maintain balance. Just looking at him, did not need any other methods to determine that he was ''extremely intoxicated''.

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As I was reading 'as two officers on either side of the road opened fire', I was thinking jeez, lucky they didn't shoot each other, but sure enough (reading on) one shot the other.

So you missed the huge title on the thread stating "Police Officer shot in bizarre South Pattaya incident"?

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As I was reading 'as two officers on either side of the road opened fire', I was thinking jeez, lucky they didn't shoot each other, but sure enough (reading on) one shot the other.

So you missed the huge title on the thread stating "Police Officer shot in bizarre South Pattaya incident"?

That heading doesn't say by whom. coffee1.gif
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I would think with all the corruption money flowing into police coffers, that they could afford better firearm training...cheesy.gifcheesy.gif

Every month I tell myself that the police could not possibly lower the bar for wacky behavior , yet each month

they still do.

Edited by EyesWideOpen
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