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Why Do Posts Always Degenerate Into An Off Topic Discussion?


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Thailand is a country on its own with good points and bad points. It seems there are people on this forum that think it's either all bad, or all good. But, facts are facts. It doesn't matter what happens 'in the west' , or that America has started some wars that you may or may not disagree with. If you told me breath smelled, or someone else's breath smelled, it's either true or false. It doesn't matter if someone else has sweaty armpits, or if you have acne. It may however be interesting to talk about why my breath smelled. I didn't brush my teeth, i have a medical condition, I just drank 3 cups of coffee, etc etc.. But, in defense of your smelly breath, some of you would mention that your neighbor hit his wife. It actually has nothing to do with it, and is counterproductive to talk about it..

examples of typical TV threads

A: 'There's a lot of littering in Thailand..'

B:' America pollutes the world with it's factories and burning of fossil fuels'

-- I mean, can we not all agree that littering is bad? I'm not saying why it happens, or having a holier than thou standpoint, but if we can't at least agree that it's gross to look at, what could we possibly agree on to start with a logical discussion?

A: 'My wife just got handed cash to vote for a local candidate'

B ' In the west we're all bought through media advertising'

B may or not be true, but it actually has nothing to do with A. Again, can we not all agree that this is not the practice in an ideal world? And another thing, in 'the west', a lot of people are working at curbing campaign contributions... For example, it could make sense to just give each candidate a certain amount of $$ to work with, and have them manage the budget.. The difference is, it could happen, and if it does, the rules will for the most part be followed, and if they're broken, the law will most likely be enforced.

Also note, Thai people don't like these elections being bought like this either.

A:' IMy neighbors boyfriend left her with three kids and he doesn't send any money to help support them'

B: ' It happens everywhere, you don't understand Thai Culture.'

These are the people that love to explain to everyone the differences in eastern and western culture.. They know everything, and have seen it all, and anyone the least bit disturbed or confused by something is an ignorant farang looking to impose their values on these happy and kind people.

A: Wow, these roads are crazy, I just saw two horrible accidents on the way home.

B: Car accidents happen everywhere.

Yes, but, it's a matter of rates.. You could meet a German person in Thailand, or you could meet one in Germany... Where are your chances greater of it happening? I

In a slightly different topic, there was even a recent thread a guy started where he said that since he was able to buy his way into school for his wife's kid, that corruption sometimes works!!! Are some of you really in need of an ethics class this badly that you can't see the problem with this?

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I wrote a similar thread last year but I have come to realize that threads will never stay on topic, people just love to show off there 'knowledge' of all things irrelevant...

I must admit it does make reading them more fun though, never know where it's gonna go smile.png

Seriously? You believe the 'usual suspects' and their total meanderings on sweet sod all to do with the original post 'fun'? I'll take the trouble to click on a headline if I find it mildly interesting but hardly ever bother to follow the thread after a certain number of boring bickering posts.
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America pollutes the world's environment with clothes washing soap.

I blame America for Thailands rubbish problem. Ive seen plenty of Coke and McDonalds on the ground in Bangkok.

That's because of gun laws.

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Speaking of diversions, your own thread isn't even about the title of it.

As for the MO of Thai ex pat discussion forums whaddaya expect from a group that is 98% male and 90 % of them here for cheap sex with economically disadvantaged women?

Edited by MacChine
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The zit on my ass seems to be getting bigger....last week it was about the size of small pea....now it is nearly double that....I would consider popping it but I prefer corn. Then again a good shot of coffee and I am good as gold, at perhaps 20 baht, I may have gotten ripped off!

Any suggestions!

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Because there are many people who cannot except other peoples views , wether right or wrong , Many good posters do not post now because of it, they Just lerk in the back ground,Some times I think i am right but when some person posts different, i think again , that's the difference some people don't.

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Speaking of diversions, your own thread isn't even about the title of it.

As for the MO of Thai ex pat discussion forums whaddaya expect from a group that is 98% male and 90 % of them here for cheap sex with economically disadvantaged women?

So does that mean because i am in the other 10%....I am missing out ???...does that make me different?

Why are people so unkind...I wear rose coloured glasses,but cant see a thing when they are on.

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Because there are many people who cannot except other peoples views , wether right or wrong , Many good posters do not post now because of it, they Just lerk in the back ground,Some times I think i am right but when some person posts different, i think again , that's the difference some people don't.

You missed a couple of commas. You need a period after "back ground" instead of a comma, and it this case I think background should be one word and not two. You need a gap between a period and the next sentence. The correct spelling is "lurk", not "lerk". And, "wether" needs an "H" after the "W".


Carry on

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Have you ever seen a thread about fish where no-one mentioned bicycles?

Have you ever seen the monty python word association football thread?

Two weeks to go to the start of Superleague, bytheway, getting back on topic (though not this topic)


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