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Will True 3G Work On My Samsung Ace 2?


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My friend was told that his Samsung Ace will not be able to use True move 3g in the town I live. I live in a town called Kaset Wisai in Roiet, I thought that I wold be able to use the phone to connect anywhere that other phones could connect to 3g. Is this possible in your views or would I need to upgrade my phone. My friend upgraded his phone to a Samsung Galaxy, so maybe it was a ploy by the shop?

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I think there may be two separate issues:

1.) Does your particular version of the Samsung Galaxy Ace 2 support 850 MHz 3G, which is what TrueMove H/Cat My and DTAC/Happy use?

2.) Is there 3G available from TrueMove H/CAT My in your location?

Can you go in to Settings, About phone, and post the Model number?

Some versions of the SGA2 support 850 MHz 3G while others support 900 MHz 3G.

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I think there may be two separate issues:

1.) Does your particular version of the Samsung Galaxy Ace 2 support 850 MHz 3G, which is what TrueMove H/Cat My and DTAC/Happy use?

2.) Is there 3G available from TrueMove H/CAT My in your location?

Can you go in to Settings, About phone, and post the Model number?

Some versions of the SGA2 support 850 MHz 3G while others support 900 MHz 3G.

The model number of my phone is GT-I8160

True 3G is available in my area as a friend uses it all the time, though that is on his I-phone

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I am fairly certain your version of the SGA2 supports 900/2100 MHz 3G so would not work with TrueMove H, which operates on 850 MHz.

You could investigate if AIS/One-2-Call (900 MHz 3G) or TOT/MVNOs (2100 MHz 3G) have service in your location.

Or you could get an 850 MHz 3G-compatible handset. I think the 850 MHz 3G version of the SGA2 is the GT-I8160L.

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Or you could get an 850 MHz 3G-compatible handset. I think the 850 MHz 3G version of the SGA2 is the GT-I8160L.

Yeap, the wife and I have Ace 2's on DTAC...there model number is indeed GT-I8160L (850/2100Mhz...850Mhz works on DTAC and True).

Edited by Pib
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Or you could get an 850 MHz 3G-compatible handset. I think the 850 MHz 3G version of the SGA2 is the GT-I8160L.

Yeap, the wife and I have Ace 2's on DTAC...there model number is indeed GT-I8160L (850/2100Mhz...850Mhz works on DTAC and True).

Ok thanks for that. Is there any 3G that will work on my model (which is the GT-I8160)?

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Or you could get an 850 MHz 3G-compatible handset. I think the 850 MHz 3G version of the SGA2 is the GT-I8160L.

Yeap, the wife and I have Ace 2's on DTAC...there model number is indeed GT-I8160L (850/2100Mhz...850Mhz works on DTAC and True).

Ok thanks for that. Is there any 3G that will work on my model (which is the GT-I8160)?

One more thing. I can connect to google (slowly), but it comes with a warning about extra carges for connecting through facebook and something else. is this because I am just connecting through edge or something? Also when connected in the packet data an icon comes up with 2 arrows and a G above it, any ideas what this means?

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First of all do you have a mobile data plan or just paying for voice minutes? While a person can still surf the net with just a voice plan, the data charge on such a plan is usually kinda/very pricey per minute/megabyte used...and usually a voice plan is limited to an Edge (E) data connection.

That G with arrows means a 384Kb max connection with the arrows means data flowing in and out. When first making the mobile data connection you will first see the G (basic 3G speed), or H (Higher speed 3G or also known as 3.5G+...speeds well above 384Kb...usually up around 7.2Mb or higher with a good connection), or E (for Edge with speeds around 220Kb with a good connection but down around 100Kb is not uncommon) appear and then once there is actual data flow (like with browsing, emailing, some App talking to the internet, etc) you'll see the arrows blinking indicating data flow back and forth between your phone and the cell phone tower.

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First of all do you have a mobile data plan or just paying for voice minutes? While a person can still surf the net with just a voice plan, the data charge on such a plan is usually kinda/very pricey per minute/megabyte used...and usually a voice plan is limited to an Edge (E) data connection.

That G with arrows means a 384Kb max connection with the arrows means data flowing in and out. When first making the mobile data connection you will first see the G (basic 3G speed), or H (Higher speed 3G or also known as 3.5G+...speeds well above 384Kb...usually up around 7.2Mb or higher with a good connection), or E (for Edge with speeds around 220Kb with a good connection but down around 100Kb is not uncommon) appear and then once there is actual data flow (like with browsing, emailing, some App talking to the internet, etc) you'll see the arrows blinking indicating data flow back and forth between your phone and the cell phone tower.

I paid 349 baht for a small data plan, but the lady in the shop organised it over the phone.

I am confused by the G as that seems to indicate 3G, but I have looked at the specs for my phone and though it supports 850 for GMS it looks like it is 900/1200 for UMTS which I believe is what the 3G runs on. Unfortunately my true is 850MHz for that.

Is it possible to use the money I paid for the package for the net. Or will it just eat the extra money I paid for phone calls?

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The "G" represents GPRS, the "E", EDGE. 3G/H/H+ represents 3G.

Do you have a TrueMove SIM? Or a TrueMove H SIM?

If the former then you are on the legacy TrueMove 1800 MHz GSM network which offers GPRS or EGDE. If the latter, the you are roaming onto the legacy TrueMove 1800 MHz GSM network.

As stated previously, AIS/One-2-Call (900 MHz 3G) or TOT/MVNOs (2100 MHz) may be 3G options for you, at least until 2100 MHz gets deployed - maybe not in your locale any time soon - as a result of the recent 3G auction.

Edited by lomatopo
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On my Ace 2 I've never seen the just a "G" appear....only E, H or 3G. In my earlier post were I said G stands for 3G, that was a brain fart...I was thinking 3G which I see on my Ace 2 quite often in different parts of Bangkok...along with H and E...but my fingers typed G. And when checking the connection speed when it indicates a 3G and using an App like Network Signal Info it gives the network type/speed and the max connection speed indicated is 384Kb. When ever it says H it gives a network speed of 7.2Mb...can't remember the E exactly but it was around 220Kb I think. But to date, have never seen just a G appear on my Ace 2...maybe its just a DTAC thing...that is, using Edge instead of GPRS.

The frequencies a mobile data carrier will use will vary...AIS uses 900MHz and DTAC/True uses 850MHz. Other frequencies are also used but 850 and 900Mhz seem to be the most used right now in Thailand...expect 2100Mhz will become much more used starting this year since the 3G auction licensing the 2100Mhz frequency band finally occurred late last year.

Since AIS is popular with Thais I expect more 900/2100Mhz Ace 2's are sold (for use on AIS) than 850Mhz/2100Mhz Ace 2's (DTAC/True). Now of course if you walk into a True/DTAC store they would only be selling 850/2100Mhz Ace 2's, but when shopping for an Ace 2 in the million different little stores/carts that sell smartphones, the 900Mhz version will far outnumber the 850Mhz version...or at least that is what I found out when I decided on buying an Ace 2 for use on DTAC/True and then went looking for a 850Mhz version.

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On my Ace 2 I've never seen the just a "G" appear....only E, H or 3G. In my earlier post were I said G stands for 3G, that was a brain fart...I was thinking 3G which I see on my Ace 2 quite often in different parts of Bangkok...along with H and E...but my fingers typed G. And when checking the connection speed when it indicates a 3G and using an App like Network Signal Info it gives the network type/speed and the max connection speed indicated is 384Kb. When ever it says H it gives a network speed of 7.2Mb...can't remember the E exactly but it was around 220Kb I think. But to date, have never seen just a G appear on my Ace 2...maybe its just a DTAC thing...that is, using Edge instead of GPRS.

The frequencies a mobile data carrier will use will vary...AIS uses 900MHz and DTAC/True uses 850MHz. Other frequencies are also used but 850 and 900Mhz seem to be the most used right now in Thailand...expect 2100Mhz will become much more used starting this year since the 3G auction licensing the 2100Mhz frequency band finally occurred late last year.

Since AIS is popular with Thais I expect more 900/2100Mhz Ace 2's are sold (for use on AIS) than 850Mhz/2100Mhz Ace 2's (DTAC/True). Now of course if you walk into a True/DTAC store they would only be selling 850/2100Mhz Ace 2's, but when shopping for an Ace 2 in the million different little stores/carts that sell smartphones, the 900Mhz version will far outnumber the 850Mhz version...or at least that is what I found out when I decided on buying an Ace 2 for use on DTAC/True and then went looking for a 850Mhz version.

Cheers mate, you have been a lot of help. Looks Like I'm up the river without a 3g connection then.

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The "G" represents GPRS, the "E", EDGE. 3G/H/H+ represents 3G.

Do you have a TrueMove SIM? Or a TrueMove H SIM?

If the former then you are on the legacy TrueMove 1800 MHz GSM network which offers GPRS or EGDE. If the latter, the you are roaming onto the legacy TrueMove 1800 MHz GSM network.

As stated previously, AIS/One-2-Call (900 MHz 3G) or TOT/MVNOs (2100 MHz) may be 3G options for you, at least until 2100 MHz gets deployed - maybe not in your locale any time soon - as a result of the recent 3G auction.

Thanks for this, though I'm still a little confused. I have a True move H sim If I am roaming onto the legacy network is it costing me more money? Also I do seem to be able to get on the net, but is this using my monthly for the 1GB I am supposed to be able to get with 3G or am I paying from my phone call money? I also thought that GPRS was able to go on the net but at much lower speeds. I bought my phone from telewiz which probably explains the 900MHz instead of the 850

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Thanks for this, though I'm still a little confused. I have a True move H sim If I am roaming onto the legacy network is it costing me more money? Also I do seem to be able to get on the net, but is this using my monthly for the 1GB I am supposed to be able to get with 3G or am I paying from my phone call money? I also thought that GPRS was able to go on the net but at much lower speeds. I bought my phone from telewiz which probably explains the 900MHz instead of the 850

With a TrueMove H SIM, and a TrueMove H mobile data plan - I'm guessing 1 GB/capped for 350 baht - you can roam onto the legacy TrueMove 1800 MHz GSM network, assuming you've set that up in your phone (Settings, More settings, Mobile networks, Data roaming). You do not pay anything extra for data use when roaming, in this case. Once you exceed your 1 GB cap you might start to incur per minute or per MB charges, review your terms and conditions for exact details.

You are already roaming for GSM voice and text (Messaging, settings, Roaming auto-retrieve).

So, it's not costing you more money, and you are able to get on the net because you are roaming onto the legacy TrueMove 1800 MHz GSM data network for GPRS (G) and/or EDGE (E). You may be able to se EDGE speeds (200 Kbps), but TrueMove 1800 MHz GSM does not have 100% EDGE coverage so maybe only GPRS is available in your location.

Maybe talk to neighbours to see if AIS/One-2-Call has 3G coverage in your are, or just get an AIS/One-2-Call SIM for 50 baht and subscribe to a daily plan for 49 baht to see if it works for you. I would also enable data roaming on AIS as they have a roaming agreement with TOT.

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Thanks for this, though I'm still a little confused. I have a True move H sim If I am roaming onto the legacy network is it costing me more money? Also I do seem to be able to get on the net, but is this using my monthly for the 1GB I am supposed to be able to get with 3G or am I paying from my phone call money? I also thought that GPRS was able to go on the net but at much lower speeds. I bought my phone from telewiz which probably explains the 900MHz instead of the 850

With a TrueMove H SIM, and a TrueMove H mobile data plan - I'm guessing 1 GB/capped for 350 baht - you can roam onto the legacy TrueMove 1800 MHz GSM network, assuming you've set that up in your phone (Settings, More settings, Mobile networks, Data roaming). You do not pay anything extra for data use when roaming, in this case. Once you exceed your 1 GB cap you might start to incur per minute or per MB charges, review your terms and conditions for exact details.

You are already roaming for GSM voice and text (Messaging, settings, Roaming auto-retrieve).

So, it's not costing you more money, and you are able to get on the net because you are roaming onto the legacy TrueMove 1800 MHz GSM data network for GPRS (G) and/or EDGE (E). You may be able to se EDGE speeds (200 Kbps), but TrueMove 1800 MHz GSM does not have 100% EDGE coverage so maybe only GPRS is available in your location.

Maybe talk to neighbours to see if AIS/One-2-Call has 3G coverage in your are, or just get an AIS/One-2-Call SIM for 50 baht and subscribe to a daily plan for 49 baht to see if it works for you. I would also enable data roaming on AIS as they have a roaming agreement with TOT.

You are being very helpful here and I thank you for that. I am a bity worried about switching on roaming, or does this not matter as long as I stay in Thailand. Do I need to have my "use packet data" enabled all the time? or can I roam over the telephone network?

Edited by nellyp
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As a TrueMove H customer you are automagically enabled for GSM roaming onto the legacy TrueMove 1800 MHz GSM network, for vocie and text. If you want data access you will have to enable data roaming. There should be no fear of this, until you exceed your monthly data allotment (1 GB?), after which you will (possibly) be paying by the min or MB for data usage. This would also happen if you were not roaming and on the TrueMove H entwrok, assuming your phone supported that. You should disable all forms of roaming and even remove the SIM card if/when you travel to other countries, unless you have enabled int'l roaming and are prepared to pay the associated high fees for it.

You can enable or disable Mobile data (Settings, Wireless and networks, Mobile networks) as required to manage usage towards your monthly cap.

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As a TrueMove H customer you are automagically enabled for GSM roaming onto the legacy TrueMove 1800 MHz GSM network, for vocie and text. If you want data access you will have to enable data roaming. There should be no fear of this, until you exceed your monthly data allotment (1 GB?), after which you will (possibly) be paying by the min or MB for data usage. This would also happen if you were not roaming and on the TrueMove H entwrok, assuming your phone supported that. You should disable all forms of roaming and even remove the SIM card if/when you travel to other countries, unless you have enabled int'l roaming and are prepared to pay the associated high fees for it.

You can enable or disable Mobile data (Settings, Wireless and networks, Mobile networks) as required to manage usage towards your monthly cap.

Ok you are the man. I have actually given up on it and swapped SIM s back as even when I get on to the net it says I will incur extra charges for connecting through face book and whatsapp. It then asks how I will pay or if I want to cancel notifications. Whatever I do this keeps coming up. I will go to True and Samsung when I go to a proper town but until then I'm back on One 2 call.

Thanks again, youv'e helped a lot

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as even when I get on to the net it says I will incur extra charges for connecting through face book and whatsapp. It then asks how I will pay or if I want to cancel notifications. Whatever I do this keeps coming up. I will go to True and Samsung when I go to a proper town but until then I'm back on One 2 call.

This honestly doesn't make any sense. Who, or what, is "it" that is notifying you of extra charges? Is is TrueMove? TrueMove H? Can you post a screen-shot?

As you have, I have come to understand, a pre-paid TrueMove H SIM, and a one month/1 GB/350 baht mobile data plan, then you should not incur any extra charges, nor is there a billing mechanism to account for this.

Are you able to get 3G from One-2-Call?

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As a TrueMove H customer you are automagically enabled for GSM roaming onto the legacy TrueMove 1800 MHz GSM network, for vocie and text. If you want data access you will have to enable data roaming. There should be no fear of this, until you exceed your monthly data allotment (1 GB?), after which you will (possibly) be paying by the min or MB for data usage. This would also happen if you were not roaming and on the TrueMove H entwrok, assuming your phone supported that. You should disable all forms of roaming and even remove the SIM card if/when you travel to other countries, unless you have enabled int'l roaming and are prepared to pay the associated high fees for it.

You can enable or disable Mobile data (Settings, Wireless and networks, Mobile networks) as required to manage usage towards your monthly cap.

Ok you are the man. I have actually given up on it and swapped SIM s back as even when I get on to the net it says I will incur extra charges for connecting through face book and whatsapp. It then asks how I will pay or if I want to cancel notifications. Whatever I do this keeps coming up. I will go to True and Samsung when I go to a proper town but until then I'm back on One 2 call.

Thanks again, youv'e helped a lot

The reference to extra charges is simply informing you that you will be using an internet connection and some/all cellular operators charge for this. But it is included in any internet bundle or add on deal eg: 1gb net

Note if like me you use your phone internet A LOT then it would pay to get an unlimited package so as not to incur additional charges when/if you use up the allowance. I believe 1gb in your case.

sent from my Q6

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as even when I get on to the net it says I will incur extra charges for connecting through face book and whatsapp. It then asks how I will pay or if I want to cancel notifications. Whatever I do this keeps coming up. I will go to True and Samsung when I go to a proper town but until then I'm back on One 2 call.

This honestly doesn't make any sense. Who, or what, is "it" that is notifying you of extra charges? Is is TrueMove? TrueMove H? Can you post a screen-shot?

As you have, I have come to understand, a pre-paid TrueMove H SIM, and a one month/1 GB/350 baht mobile data plan, then you should not incur any extra charges, nor is there a billing mechanism to account for this.

Are you able to get 3G from One-2-Call?

if i log onto the internet on my phone it will come with a Google search bar on the top and writing underneath with the info. What I thought it meant was that if i went to websites through FB or whatsapp then I would have extra charges. To be honest I can do a screen shot of my computer but not my mobile. It doesn't actually give any method of payment but as I have changed my SIM back I can't see it at the moment. One 2 call do 3 G but I don't think it will work in my town.

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as even when I get on to the net it says I will incur extra charges for connecting through face book and whatsapp. It then asks how I will pay or if I want to cancel notifications. Whatever I do this keeps coming up. I will go to True and Samsung when I go to a proper town but until then I'm back on One 2 call.

This honestly doesn't make any sense. Who, or what, is "it" that is notifying you of extra charges? Is is TrueMove? TrueMove H? Can you post a screen-shot?

As you have, I have come to understand, a pre-paid TrueMove H SIM, and a one month/1 GB/350 baht mobile data plan, then you should not incur any extra charges, nor is there a billing mechanism to account for this.

Are you able to get 3G from One-2-Call?

if i log onto the internet on my phone it will come with a Google search bar on the top and writing underneath with the info. What I thought it meant was that if i went to websites through FB or whatsapp then I would have extra charges. To be honest I can do a screen shot of my computer but not my mobile. It doesn't actually give any method of payment but as I have changed my SIM back I can't see it at the moment. One 2 call do 3 G but I don't think it will work in my town.

See my post for explanation.

sent from my Q6

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as even when I get on to the net it says I will incur extra charges for connecting through face book and whatsapp. It then asks how I will pay or if I want to cancel notifications. Whatever I do this keeps coming up. I will go to True and Samsung when I go to a proper town but until then I'm back on One 2 call.

This honestly doesn't make any sense. Who, or what, is "it" that is notifying you of extra charges? Is is TrueMove? TrueMove H? Can you post a screen-shot?

As you have, I have come to understand, a pre-paid TrueMove H SIM, and a one month/1 GB/350 baht mobile data plan, then you should not incur any extra charges, nor is there a billing mechanism to account for this.

Are you able to get 3G from One-2-Call?

if i log onto the internet on my phone it will come with a Google search bar on the top and writing underneath with the info. What I thought it meant was that if i went to websites through FB or whatsapp then I would have extra charges. To be honest I can do a screen shot of my computer but not my mobile. It doesn't actually give any method of payment but as I have changed my SIM back I can't see it at the moment. One 2 call do 3 G but I don't think it will work in my town.

See my post for explanation.

sent from my Q6

Cheers mate
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