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Thaksin Announces House Dissolution, New Election

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Is it beyond your comprehension that a farang could care about Thailand and the Thai people. We are not all so shallow as to only care about our money. I am sorry to say he probably will be re-elected but by a much smaller majority. The uneducated are waking up to his B.S that is doing nothing but hurting them. He is slick with this move and unfortunately it will probably work in his favor! I do not know enough specifics about the system here to know how they might stop him from running again but certainly there should be a way.

i just had it explained to me why vote-buying is so successful in the povinces.

basically, the guys with the money essentially tell anybody receiving money

that they can verify who votes for who. even though there is no record of

who voted for who, the people are poorly educated and will tend to defer

to those that supposedly 'know'.

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Just came from AFP

Thaksin Shinawatra, un Thaïlandais d'origine chinoise qui aime

jouer gros (PORTRAIT)


BANGKOK, 24 fév 2006 (AFP) - Après avoir bâti un empire dans

les télécoms revendu par sa famille en janvier pour 1,9 milliard de

dollars et dirigé la Thaïlande pendant cinq ans d'une poigne de fer,

le Premier ministre Thaksin Shinawatra a décidé vendredi de remettre

son mandat en jeu.

"Patron" incontesté du pays depuis 2001, réélu triomphalement en

février 2005, M. Thaksin peut se targuer d'avoir relancé et dynamisé

l'économie après la crise financière de 1997, mais son style ne lui

a pas valu que des amis.

Energique, ambitieux, sûr de lui, ce Thaïlandais de 56 ans est

l'incarnation même du self-made man touche à tout.

La famille Shinawatra d'origine chinoise a fait fortune dans le

commerce de la soie mais avant de devenir lui-même l'un des hommes

les plus riches de Thaïlande, M. Thaksin a porté plus d'une

casquette, à commencer par celle d'un officier de police.

Docteur en droit pénal d'une université américaine, la trentaine

venue, il se sent vite à l'étroit dans une police "trop

bureaucratique" et se lance dans les affaires où il subit plusieurs

fois de cuisants échecs.

Mais sa vie semble ensuite ne le porter que vers le succès.

Grâce aux franchises gouvernementales et à un réseau croissant

d'amis fortunés et influents au sein des grandes dynasties des

affaires sino-thaïes, il édifie en quelques années un empire dans

l'informatique, les portables et les satellites, avec son groupe

Shin Corp.

Peu importe que M. Thaksin, qui a pris de l'étoffe, fasse

ensuite au gouvernement trois passages aussi brefs que peu

convaincants, il décide qu'il sera Premier ministre. Il construit

donc ex-nihilo le parti Thai Rak Thai, machine de guerre aux gros

moyens financiers avec laquelle il se lance à la conquête de la


Et celle-ci, lasse des hommes politiques falots, se laisse

totalement séduire par ce "quinqua" moderne au discours nouveau: le

TRT rafle aux élections de 2001 le score le plus élevé jamais obtenu

par un parti.

M. Thaksin se met alors à gouverner le royaume tel un "CEO", un

directeur général, et impose le style et les méthodes de

l'entreprise à la bureaucratie gouvernementale.

"Une compagnie, c'est un pays. Un pays, c'est une compagnie",

lance-t-il, "la gestion est la même".

Premier ministre depuis six mois, il est acquitté de justesse

par la Cour constitutionnelle après avoir été accusé de

malversations et sauve in extremis sa carrière politique.

Cet homme immensément riche qui se dit près du peuple n'a pas

peur de verser dans le populisme. Il soigne les petits paysans, qui,

pour beaucoup, l'adulent. Mais les élites urbaines ne l'aiment pas.

Certains ont décelé chez lui une fâcheuse tendance à gaffer, à

provoquer et à museler ses opposants.

Alors que les critiques s'accumulent, M. Thaksin s'étonne avec

une fausse naïveté de leur "malveillance".

Il se fait le chantre d'une Thaïlande décomplexée, débarrassée

de la pauvreté, de la corruption et de l'humiliation du naufrage de

la crise financière de 1997. Une Thaïlande à la fois fière de sa

culture, leader en Asie du Sud-Est et capable de tenir son rang à

l'heure de la mondialisation.

Sa gestion apporte une nette embellie économique, les

investisseurs sont rassurés par la stabilité politique, alors que le

rouleau compresseur du TRT a absorbé trois de ses quatre partenaires

de la coalition gouvernementale.

Jamais un chef de gouvernement démocratiquement élu n'aura

concentré autant de pouvoirs en Thaïlande.

Mais pour beaucoup, M. Thaksin en abuse.

Ses ennemis accusent cet homme sans états d'âme d'être

autoritaire et d'utiliser les mêmes vieilles combines de la

politique clientéliste thaïlandaise, mêlant politique, affaires et


La brutalité d'une campagne antidrogue qui a fait plus de 2.000

morts en 2003 a choqué, de même que la poigne de fer utilisée dans

le Sud contre le séparatisme musulman et la totale absence de

remords chez M. Thaksin après le massacre de civils par l'armée.

Marié et père de trois enfants, M. Thaksin avait affirmé la

semaine dernière, dans un entretien avec l'AFP, qu'il cherchait un

successeur "qui soit bon pour le pays et puisse contrôler le parti"

mais n'avait pas exclu de solliciter un troisième mandat.


AFP 241428 GMT FEV 06

It seems to me that the people in bangkok are quite misinformed. Believing in a general old style like chamlong or a crook like Sondhi who is using the masses to solve his own business conflicts seem to me misinformed. informed seem to me, a very high economical growth, a universal health schedule, and a great funding of schools this time also in the country side. A better minimum wage and so on. Thaksin will make a great come back and because kingmakers like Sanoh cannot run! They will the one who loses out.! let;s hope that the uniformed masses in Bangkok respect the results of an election this time. After all it is just plain jealousy what is the real reason here!

Well lets hope that your dead wrong. Sondhi may be a crook, but I can assure Thaksin is a much bigger one, one who is only interested in making himself and his family richer. I look forward to the time when he will be living in exile and reflecting on his greedy errors!


It seems to me that the people in bangkok are quite misinformed. Believing in a general old style like chamlong or a crook like Sondhi who is using the masses to solve his own business conflicts seem to me misinformed. informed seem to me, a very high economical growth, a universal health schedule, and a great funding of schools this time also in the country side. A better minimum wage and so on. Thaksin will make a great come back and because kingmakers like Sanoh cannot run! They will the one who loses out.! let;s hope that the uniformed masses in Bangkok respect the results of an election this time. After all it is just plain jealousy what is the real reason here!

Well lets hope that your dead wrong. Sondhi may be a crook, but I can assure Thaksin is a much bigger one, one who is only interested in making himself and his family richer. I look forward to the time when he will be living in exile and reflecting on his greedy errors!

Unfortunately it won't be anytime soon or in our lifetime. :o


and the Portuguese...

Tailândia: Eleições antecipadas marcadas para 02 de Abril - Oficial

Banguecoque, 24 Fev (Lusa) - Eleições legislativas antecipadas

vão realizar-se na Tailândia dia 02 de Abril, em consequência da

dissolução do Parlamento pelo Primeiro-ministro Thaksin Shinawatra,

informa um decreto real hoje publicado.

"A data das eleições foi fixada para 02 de Abril", diz-se no

decreto lido na televisão.

Thaksin, um homem de negócios de 56 anos eleito em 2001 e

reeleito triunfalmente em 2005, decidiu provocar novas eleições em

vista da vaga de pressões e protestos sem precedentes de que foi alvo.

Em causa está a venda por 1,9 mil milhões de dólares, pela

família do chefe do governo, de todas as acções que detinha na Shin

Corp, conglomerado que incluía a empresa de telecomunicações criada

por Thaksin antes de se lançar na política.

Actualmente, o partido do Thaksin, o Thai Rak Thai, controla 375

dos 500 lugares da Câmara baixa.



241329 POR FEV 06


Just came from AFP

Thaksin Shinawatra, un Thaïlandais d'origine chinoise qui aime

jouer gros (PORTRAIT)

And who is going to post the Greek, Russian, Portuguese, etc. versions now?

So sorry, kyselak, but I shall not pardon your French :o



The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place. — George Bernard Shaw



I am sick of the farangs whose hatred of Thaksin stems from nothing more than them having to pay a few more satang for their visas :D:D:o

Iam a Farang (correct name) and may I apologize for those Farangs that constantly take great delight in shooting their mouths off about somthing that they know diddly squat about.

Their verbosity outshines their viscosity,.

Fulungs do not have any right to comment about how Thailand runs it's affairs,we are guests in your country and should show respect, once again I apologize for those fulungs who know now better.



Here you go again "Breconman" I'll thank you very bloody much for not speaking (far less apologizing) on behalf of all us Farangs ! ! !

You have been putting your feet in your mouth for a long while now and I believe (and I am NOT speaking for all Farangs -although- ? !) that many of us Farangs are sick and tired of your arrogant crap !

I mean; where the hel_l do you get off stating something so spectacularly stupid as "Fulungs do not have any right to . . . . ." ? ? ? ? ? ?


Get a life, will you !

Likewise ! :D

Breconman, I never voted for you or gave you the right to speak in my name, your views do NOT represent mine or IMHO most other farangs living here.

You have a strange idea, that showing respect means agreeing with everything DL does, however I know many Thais who do not share his point-of-view, and I choose to respect their opinions instead.


It's sad that the Finest Prime Minister ever of Thailand and the whole of South East Asia had to resort to this. His critics will be much worse than Thaksin.

May he win the April Election , God Bless Thaksin The Great :o


The impression I get from most ThaiVisa comments so far is most people prefer he step aside.

If he is removed from office, how might it effect life for retired expats, foreign workers, and tourist living or visiting Thailand?

Since most of us are non-voting residents with passionate opinions, what will a new prime minister mean for Non-Thai citizens living here.


Simple math here - educated are pretty much against him and the poor/uneducated love the man and see he can do no wrong.

Unfortunately the poor/uneducated out number the elite. Unless something miraculous occurs I don't see Thaskin losing. (resignation was their only hope to rid themselves of him and he will never resign)


I know too little about the Thai Prime Minister to hold any definite view about him. What matters most, I suppose, is what the Thai voters think. So. I asked my personal expert on Thai matters for her view. She says that she has mixed feelings about him. He is thought to be involved in personal wealth-making activities that are not popular (I chose my words with care) because of what we in the UK might call 'conflicts of interest'. However, he has done much that benefits the lives of ordinary Thai people such as clamping down on late night drinking, drunken driving and the use of illegal drugs. She also says that it not at all clear who could replace him as a better leader. He certainly seems to be a very intelligent chap.

We are bound to draw comparisons between this man and our own political leaders. Well, I have heard it said, though it is not necessarily my own opinion (acknowledgements to Brian Walden for the expression that I use), that our own PM is not as straight in what he says as he might be. Some people allege that he told untruths in an attempt to persuade us that killing Iraqis would protect the UK from terrorist attack, for example. On the other side of the coin, what has Mr Blair done to improve the lives of ordinary UK citizens? And who might replace him and do things better?

Perhaps the Thai government is not so bad if, amidst the accusations of wrongdoing, Thai people believe that life is a bit better. But, as I said, I don't feel that I have enough knowledge to make a judgement about Mr Taxsin as PM. In any case, politics is one of those topics about which there is much opinion and not so much clear and undisputed fact.


Just came from AFP

Thaksin Shinawatra, un Thaïlandais d'origine chinoise qui aime

jouer gros (PORTRAIT)

And who is going to post the Greek, Russian, Portuguese, etc. versions now?

So sorry, kyselak, but I shall not pardon your French :o



You are right Maestro, I have Russian and Albanian (and some others) up my sleeve...but we better return to English, just wanted to show that this story (incl. the Sunday demonstrations) is closely watched the world over,



We have to keep in mind that this man won a general election only 1 year ago, with a landslide majority.... !

I don't remember in the past any similar situation in a democratic country.

You are impressed by his last political trick ? Well, I believe it's rather a huge loss of face. A total shame.

I only hope now that TRT will have a small majority. It will allow a censure debate in the future.

And Thaksin could be ousted.

Of course, before, we will have a short or long period of dirty tricks, instability, etc...



294 User(s) are reading this topic (215 Guests and 1 Anonymous Users)

78 Members: -xxxx-, jaapfries, chownah, ChiangMaiSky, godforhire, thongdee, stendhal, tod-daniels, henry, GG-, TBWG, Jomtien, khall64au, dan10400, easy_jim, griser, asd, Michael W, Sumppen, desmond, craigoaus, marquess, cowboypunter, camerata, Prakanong2005, Kaojai, Fossil, Hollywood, Hermano Lobo, Namlay, farangnoi, Dawn, John Galt, Gordon MacRaild, Siripon, Gluestick, Fraktalkid, Bull, thaipro_pattaya, thommy1111, drbones666, ulfnied, sumnuek, JT65, Puma, tracman, tweedy85, Polobg, Ki Lin, Limbo, swervie2000, schmokinn, bubba, Virgil, RJJ, Thug, Stacking Zeds, Thaitraveller, fxe1200, yorkman, keithee, bggg, bkkweb, steppenfaerie, Joey Boy, wozza, db1, VanZam, NordicMan, birago23, dugdale, happyrob, Bangkokbutcher, wolf5370, rosslakin, globalmax2, Ronnok, spog




No points are inteded or requested ,my comments are as such just personel observations indeed it could be muted that by decrying the said soicety that we abode in my well lead to lead to an infusion of international distrust. there is a saying from which source I am not aware

"when in Rome do as the Romans do"

Warm Regards,


Are you trying to make a point here, or are you pulling a covert "Breconman" ? ? ? ? :D


because someone has done some good things doesnt excuse his midemeaners. Thaksin is very corrupt, he uses his position to make himself more wealthy. Corruption is a huge problem in Thailand and if the prime minister is getting away with it and condoning it then this sends a terrible message and example to the rest of the country. This is why Thaksin has to go!

After all it is just plain jealousy what is the real reason here!

Remarks like these are what makes it difficult for me to take many pro-Thaksin types seriously anymore. This doesn't dignify a response. Stop wasting our time. I do appreciate disagreements, so long as they're intelligent and reasoned - come back when you have your own ideas, instead of reciting government propaganda verbatim.


I am sick of the farangs whose hatred of Thaksin stems from nothing more than them having to pay a few more satang for their visas :D:D:o

Iam a Farang (correct name) and may I apologize for those Farangs that constantly take great delight in shooting their mouths off about somthing that they know diddly squat about.

Their verbosity outshines their viscosity,.

Fulungs do not have any right to comment about how Thailand runs it's affairs,we are guests in your country and should show respect, once again I apologize for those fulungs who know now better.


dedicated well done

Here you go again "Breconman" I'll thank you very bloody much for not speaking (far less apologizing) on behalf of all us Farangs ! ! !

You have been putting your feet in your mouth for a long while now and I believe (and I am NOT speaking for all Farangs -although- ? !) that many of us Farangs are sick and tired of your arrogant crap !

I mean; where the hel_l do you get off stating something so spectacularly stupid as "Fulungs do not have any right to . . . . ." ? ? ? ? ? ?


Get a life, will you !

Likewise ! :D

Breconman, I never voted for you or gave you the right to speak in my name, your views do NOT represent mine or IMHO most other farangs living here.

You have a strange idea, that showing respect means agreeing with everything DL does, however I know many Thais who do not share his point-of-view, and I choose to respect their opinions instead.


Hi I was not aware that you had contact with most other Farangs ....Gee I expect you are very busy and truly dedicated well done.

Do most other fulungs contact you and tell you their opinion?

You have a nice day

Iam Breconman your not.

because someone has done some good things doesnt excuse his midemeaners. Thaksin is very corrupt, he uses his position to make himself more wealthy. Corruption is a huge problem in Thailand and if the prime minister is getting away with it and condoning it then this sends a terrible message and example to the rest of the country. This is why Thaksin has to go!
Thailand have no great leader currently except Thaksin. He is the man for Thailand. It will be a stupid idea and a great lost for the Kingdom of Thailand to see this man go away. Make sure to see him win in this snap election.

I don't belong to Thailand but to me he is the best after ex-premiere Suchinda


Analysing mosts posts of our single-minded Thaksin fans here i see rather short outbursts with catastrophic syntax and spelling, full of logical errors (a few unfortunately do not restrict themselves to brief statements...), even, and especially when those posts come from native English speakers, mostly of the American persuasion as well.

I think it is rather sad that in this day and time we have to hear these calls for those "great leaders" that should be above any criticism. This attitude presented here does not show much understanding of the egalitarian ideals democracy is supposed to stand for. And yes, even though democracy in Thailand has more than a few regular hickups, it still is within the Thai constitution to criticise the government, and to stage demonstrations.

The ability to type on a keyboard and minimal intellectual capacity appearantly are completely different matters.

i just had it explained to me why vote-buying is so successful in the povinces.

basically, the guys with the money essentially tell anybody receiving money

that they can verify who votes for who. even though there is no record of

who voted for who, the people are poorly educated and will tend to defer

to those that supposedly 'know'.

People here really don't trust the "secret ballot." Most people have heard stories about how candidates use underhanded and devious ways to find out exactly who voted for whom. The police are often either complicit in this or they just look the other way, or they're just simply not enough of them to go around. If you have time, let me suggest the book Democracy, Development and Decentralization in Provincial Thailand by Daniel Arghiros. He covers several elections in the 1990s (local and national) in a village near Ayudhaya. And yes, in these cases, unbeknowst to villagers, the incumbent candidates did devise a clever system for verifying who voted for whom. Those of you who live in rural areas probably could relate to what's described in that book.

It's tough to verify how "free and fair" Thai elections under Thaksin are. As an ex-police officer, you can be sure that the police do his bidding. Even a pro-Thaksin friend of mine who works in the media believes that TRT cheated in the Bangkok constituencies in last February's election. It is said that while driving the ballot boxes to the counting center, the police stopped for "breaks" at police stations, where the boxes were stuffed before they were finally delivered to be counted. My friend believes that it was just simply impossible for TRT to win as many as 32 BKK constituencies.

Thailand have no great leader currently except Thaksin. He is the man for Thailand. It will be a stupid idea and a great lost for the Kingdom of Thailand to see this man go away. Make sure to see him win in this snap election.

I don't belong to Thailand but to me he is the best after ex-premiere Suchinda


I wonder how much you were paid to write this drivel.

because someone has done some good things doesnt excuse his midemeaners. Thaksin is very corrupt, he uses his position to make himself more wealthy. Corruption is a huge problem in Thailand and if the prime minister is getting away with it and condoning it then this sends a terrible message and example to the rest of the country. This is why Thaksin has to go!

I have lived this life for 68 years and I yet to meet any person who is not corrupt to a greater or lesser degree, It is my belief that we are all currupt in one form or another.

Saying that, does it matter if the corruption is on a grand scale or a minor chord? after all corruption is corruption, and there is no country that is free from it.

Poeple who live in glasshouses should not throw stones (IDIOM )

Iam Breconman ....your not

I am sick of the farangs whose hatred of Thaksin stems from nothing more than them having to pay a few more satang for their visas :D:D:o

Actually most Farangs on this board don't hate taksin but or rabid members of the FRT party, loosely translated Farang Loves Thailand, I alway wonder about Thais that use the term Farang like a curse word

And yes, in these cases, unbeknowst to villagers, the incumbent candidates did devise a clever system for verifying who voted for whom. Those of you who live in rural areas probably could relate to what's described in that book.

It's actually rather simple how successful vote buying can be veryfied in the villages.

Many mu bans have only very few eligable voters, some not even 100 or 200. Moneys are spent from the provincial party headquarters down to the local canvassers, and down to the puyaibans, or bor dors, or other men of influence.

In most mu bans these men of power are from the dominant clan, know of course each family, have themselves reached their positions more often than not through vote buying or threats as well. In case a ballot box in their polling station suddenly has too many votes against "their" candidate, people whose votes might be doubtful even though they have accepted the money for their vote, are in deep shit. As those men of power will be with the canvassers, as would be the canvassers with provincial party headquarters.

Nohing stays secret for long in those mu bans. Fear and power are integral parts of Thai society on all levels.

Thailand have no great leader currently except Thaksin. He is the man for Thailand. It will be a stupid idea and a great lost for the Kingdom of Thailand to see this man go away. Make sure to see him win in this snap election.

I don't belong to Thailand but to me he is the best after ex-premiere Suchinda


LOL :o:D:D

I don't think this was meant to be taken seriously. I mean, Suchinda??? Who really wants to talk about him now???



294 User(s) are reading this topic (215 Guests and 1 Anonymous Users)

78 Members: -xxxx-, jaapfries, chownah, ChiangMaiSky, godforhire, thongdee, stendhal, tod-daniels, henry, GG-, TBWG, Jomtien, khall64au, dan10400, easy_jim, griser, asd, Michael W, Sumppen, desmond, craigoaus, marquess, cowboypunter, camerata, Prakanong2005, Kaojai, Fossil, Hollywood, Hermano Lobo, Namlay, farangnoi, Dawn, John Galt, Gordon MacRaild, Siripon, Gluestick, Fraktalkid, Bull, thaipro_pattaya, thommy1111, drbones666, ulfnied, sumnuek, JT65, Puma, tracman, tweedy85, Polobg, Ki Lin, Limbo, swervie2000, schmokinn, bubba, Virgil, RJJ, Thug, Stacking Zeds, Thaitraveller, fxe1200, yorkman, keithee, bggg, bkkweb, steppenfaerie, Joey Boy, wozza, db1, VanZam, NordicMan, birago23, dugdale, happyrob, Bangkokbutcher, wolf5370, rosslakin, globalmax2, Ronnok, spog




No points are inteded or requested ,my comments are as such just personel observations indeed it could be muted that by decrying the said soicety that we abode in my well lead to lead to an infusion of international distrust. there is a saying from which source I am not aware

"when in Rome do as the Romans do"

Warm Regards,


Are you trying to make a point here, or are you pulling a covert "Breconman" ? ? ? ? :D


Obviously; you LIKE to have your foot in your mouth ! !

I was able to read the lengthy French press-release, a bit earlier, but the gibberish your have just written here. is truly 'Greek' to me and I am sure a lot of other, what you referred to as "Fulungs" . .

I'll say it again, Breconman; why don't you seriously start looking for a different hobby ! ! But please get off this board - you'll be pleasing more people than you could imagine !


Thailand have no great leader currently except Thaksin. He is the man for Thailand. It will be a stupid idea and a great lost for the Kingdom of Thailand to see this man go away. Make sure to see him win in this snap election.

I don't belong to Thailand but to me he is the best after ex-premiere Suchinda


Analysing mosts posts of our single-minded Thaksin fans here i see rather short outbursts with catastrophic syntax and spelling, full of logical errors (a few unfortunately do not restrict themselves to brief statements...), even, and especially when those posts come from native English speakers, mostly of the American persuasion as well.

I think it is rather sad that in this day and time we have to hear these calls for those "great leaders" that should be above any criticism. This attitude presented here does not show much understanding of the egalitarian ideals democracy is supposed to stand for. And yes, even though democracy in Thailand has more than a few regular hickups, it still is within the Thai constitution to criticise the government, and to stage demonstrations.

The ability to type on a keyboard and minimal intellectual capacity appearantly are completely different matters.



Well put !

If your looking for another candidate...I'm in the U.S.A. and we will give you Bush !!!!!!

( actually,good luck to all)

I am from the US and agree with you. If Thailand thinks they have problems they should look at the US and pray they never get Bush. kkmike


I think it is a Good idea to hold an election to ease political tensions. It seems like a logical move to me. I think it is a smart thing to do. And I have to admire the Thai Government for even considreing it.

Because President Bush is Guilty of many of the same things as Thaksin, and they both are Republicans. Are we beginning to see a pattern here?

But the US would never give in to an election, instead they would rather Threaten and Torment thier own citizens with every means available to them.

So I have to Say I greatly admire the Thai Government for remaining Humble and Compassionate enough to hold a Re-election. I feel like they are setting the example for all the world to follow.

While many of you may be right about Thaksin, I don't believe that the people on this Message Board only hate Thaksin for raising Visa Rates or creating Immigration and Passport Problems, that would be absurd. Politics goes much deeper than just Visa Rates, but most Republican Sympathizers usually DO try to trivialize their Evil Acts. Republicans almost NEVER deal with the Facts, they almost ALWAYS engage in Cover-ups, and Deceptions, their Supporters are ususally the most Ignorant of all the People, making decisions without knowing all the facts, which is the very essence of Ignorance.

I believe that the Oppinions on this Message Board are mostly an accurate Reflection of how people really feel. I Believe that most of the people on this Board are well informed individuals, who can make sense of everything that is going on in the world. Many times a lot of the people on this Board are kinda Sarcastic, but many times the Sarcasm is Justified.

Republicans and Republican Sympathizers will always say they are "sick" of this or "Sick" of that, because Republicans do not believe in FREEDOM, they Believe in Oppressing the people. That is why they say are "Sick" of something to try to use thier influence to CONTROL how YOU Think. That's how they Work, that's how their minds work. That's why I Call Republicans EVIL.

They know very little, yet they act as if They are More Righteous than everyone else, and refuse to accept anyone else who does not believe the way they do. Republicans have always worked to Control and Oppress the people. In the US every time they get a Democrat in Office the Deficit is Decreased, and Social Programs are increased to HELP the people. Everytime a Republican gets in office they Spend all of our Money Killing Thousands of people in Wars, then we are Broke again.

Republicans always use their Postitions in Government for Personal Gain, in Business ventures and Investments, and they do very little to help the people unless they can figure out a way to make money in the process.

So at the very least I think this Election will give some people some glimer of Hope that things can get better.



On behalf of me, my family, my cronies and corrupt business practices I hope that you can find it in your hearts to vote for a party that has led the way in removing illuminated advertising hoardings from the side of motorways and shortened the hours of sin available to our young people in their time of need...(cont)... :o

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