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Question About Timing For A Uk Visa. Need Accurate Info!

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If we want a six month visa for my Thai wife for the UK and we apply now:

1. Does the Visa s tart immediately?

2. Can we ask the for the start date of the Visa to be postponed?

For example: If we apply in January for a 6 month visa but are not travelling until August (it'll be a 3 week trip) do we have to wait until, say May for example, to apply, or can we explain the situation and make sure the visa is valid on the dates of trave;l????

Thanks so much for this urgent info.

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You should apply up to three months before the intended date of travel and the visa is valid from the date of issue, you can ask for the visa to be post dated for three month forward, but you need to make if clear in the applacation.

What the UKBA actually say is:

When to apply

You can apply for a visa up to 3 months before your date of travel to the UK. We strongly advise you not to confirm your travel arrangements until you have received your visa.


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If you do ask for the visa to start from a specific date, check it immediately the visa is received as they do sometimes miss such requests.

If the date is wrong, contact them immediately as mistakes cannot be rectified later.

BTW, UKBA service standards say that 90% of non settlement applications, which includes visits, should be decided within 3 weeks. However, the volume of applications at the time of year you will be applying may mean they have difficulty in meeting this target.

Thailand figures for decisions made in December 2012 show that for family visits, which this will be, 98% were made within 15 working days, 100% within 40 working days. Remember though that past performance is no guarantee of future performance.

However, the visa will be valid for 6 months even though you only intend a 3 week trip. So applying in plenty of time, say late May or early June, means that she should receive the visa in time for your trip and even without asking for the start to be post dated she will still have plenty of time left on the visa for a 3 week trip in August.

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