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How The Imigration Law Will Change, When Asean Comes?

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I look many time the English Seachannel on thaicom

Talk every day about ASEAN , but mean question the never answer?

1. Why there is no election in each member state want join ASEAN or not?

Often I read, when it comes to a single visa, then visa run, only possible over India Dubai or Australia !

When Burma also join, then all today's problems are not same now, we will see!

Is there also a single currency for all member states in the pipeline , when more details about this come to the public?

I think the culture and everything , of ever member state will change, nothing will be same before, Is it better or not I don't know!

The future will tell us..

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

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There will be no change for everyone else non ASEAN, why should there be?

The ASEAN citizens will be visa exempt and free to travel or work no doubt with some registration while all others will still be under the same regulations as now if not more strict

Edited by lemoncake
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I expect absolutelty no change for us non ASEAN foreigners.

There will be no visa excempt travel for everybody, remains a far away dream.

You will still get the chance to waist some money and time for visaruns smile.png

(an industry would breakdown otherwise)

Just remember the hype about the "single visa" for Thailand and Cambodia which was introduced lately?

Have you seen any reports on changes of the visarun procedure?

Edited by KhunBENQ
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In the short term, not much will change for non-Asean citizens. In the long term, things will change. But that is really long term. Things like a single currency, uniform immigration laws etc do not happen in one day. That will take a long time, if ever. The EU also took a long time to come to where they are now, with gradually giving more and more power to the EU instead of their own government.

Within ASEAN all will have to be decided by all governments and then confirmed by their parlements. That is a long process. The so-called single visa for Thailand and Cambodia is an example, where the two countries agreed to something but despite being already officially implementated the details are still sketchy and the details known sofar is that not much really has changed.

An interesting ponit will be an ASEAN human rights instrument. That might really change something (including for foreigners), but only in the long term.

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There will be no change for everyone else non ASEAN, why should there be?

The ASEAN citizens will be visa exempt and free to travel or work no doubt with some registration while all others will still be under the same regulations as now if not more strict

The AEC agreement is not open ended with regards to employment opportunities. The only occupations that the AEC currently permits across member countries are doctors, dentists, nurses, engineers, architects, surveyors, tour guides and accountants. BTW hasn't the AEC implementation for Thailand now been postponed until 2016?

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The AEC will have none of the financial controls or "central government" controls that the EU has. There is no talk of a single currency.

All the AEC will do is reduce trade and employment restrictions for ASEAN countries / businesses / citizens.

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More about ASEAN here: http://www.asean.org

As set out in the ASEAN Declaration, the aims and purposes of ASEAN are:

  • To accelerate the economic growth, social progress and cultural development in the region through joint endeavours in the spirit of equality and partnership in order to strengthen the foundation for a prosperous and peaceful community of Southeast Asian Nations;
  • To promote regional peace and stability through abiding respect for justice and the rule of law in the relationship among countries of the region and adherence to the principles of the United Nations Charter;
  • To promote active collaboration and mutual assistance on matters of common interest in the economic, social, cultural, technical, scientific and administrative fields;
  • To provide assistance to each other in the form of training and research facilities in the educational, professional, technical and administrative spheres;
  • To collaborate more effectively for the greater utilisation of their agriculture and industries, the expansion of their trade, including the study of the problems of international commodity trade, the improvement of their transportation and communications facilities and the raising of the living standards of their peoples;
  • To promote Southeast Asian studies; and
  • To maintain close and beneficial cooperation with existing international and regional organisations with similar aims and purposes, and explore all avenues for even closer cooperation among themselves.

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Some more information:

JFCCT Member Chambers have previously been provided background information on the plans for the ASEAN Economic Community or AEC. The date for many of the changes to be completed by is January 1st 2015, although it appears that the date has informally at least been put back by one year to December 31st 2015.


The 10 ASEAN countries have undertaken to implement a range of changes for the purposes of ensuring stability and raising living standards across the region. The changes under the AEC area are covered in the following 5 categories:

  • Free flow of Goods
  • Free flow of Services
  • Free flow of Investments
  • Freer flow of Capital
  • Free flow of Labour


Also, an interesting press release from the JFCCT. (pdf) http://www.jfcct.org/files/2012/11/AEC-Press-Release-201208.pdf

Edited by whybother
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There will be no change for everyone else non ASEAN, why should there be?

The ASEAN citizens will be visa exempt and free to travel or work no doubt with some registration while all others will still be under the same regulations as now if not more strict

The AEC agreement is not open ended with regards to employment opportunities. The only occupations that the AEC currently permits across member countries are doctors, dentists, nurses, engineers, architects, surveyors, tour guides and accountants. BTW hasn't the AEC implementation for Thailand now been postponed until 2016?

you may well be right, i stopped to follow it long time ago as it will not affect me or my business at all.

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Good article in the newspaper we are not allowed to mention this morning about the myths surrounding the AEC.

In terms of EU style freedom of movement for labour basically there is no change for most. Even for those who qualify (eg doctors lawyers etc) local qualification regulations still apply, meaning little real freedom of movement.

For trade, well many barriers have already come down for intra asean trade.

So this AEC thing seems much ado about not very much.

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Good article in the newspaper we are not allowed to mention this morning about the myths surrounding the AEC.

In terms of EU style freedom of movement for labour basically there is no change for most. Even for those who qualify (eg doctors lawyers etc) local qualification regulations still apply, meaning little real freedom of movement.

For trade, well many barriers have already come down for intra asean trade.

So this AEC thing seems much ado about not very much.

You can mention the Bangkok Post, but they do not allow linking or quoting of their articles.

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