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W T F Is Going On With True?


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(Probably) starting today I can't open some sites.

Access Denied (policy_denied)

Your system was configured to deny access to this URL.Because this url was and improper/obscene website or your package is localnet

For assistance, contact your network support team.

Okay, some of the sites are adult related. But it was fine until few days ago. New policy?

If this getting worse, I'm starting to think to change to other broadband provider. Not that I'll be sick can't access those sites, but we are paying for the service and we are not underage to take the responsibility.

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Changing ISPs isn't going to help. All Thai ISPs block a long list of sites at the 'request' (demand) of the government. I noticed somewhere recently that some government ministry was proudly claiming that the number of block sites would soon pass one million. They seemed very, very proud of that.

Yes, the list does seem to have expanded quiet a lot recently -- and, yes, whether a particular site gets blocked seems to vary from one ISP to another and even from day to day on the same ISP -- and, yes, they will no doubt continue to expand the list. Your only option? Move or learn to use a proxy server (many of which are also blocked).

Welcome to Thailand.

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A proxy server won't help you much. Not only are particular web sites being blocked, but the government is "sniffing" return traffic and blocking pages it finds to have objectionable content.

If you get this page:

Cyber Clean

then the page was blocked based on content, not because it was on some list.

I'm using an anonymous, secure, password protected proxy in the US and I still get the above page. Sometimes totally innocuous pages are being blocked.

The "Access Denied (policy_denied)" message means that the site or IP address itself was blocked based on a list.

Can I guess that this thread won't last very long?

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Yeah.. but I mean... come on, the govt shouldn't be so naive. They block adult related website but not the adult-related practice at bars or on the street? Got to be kidding :D
Surely you're not asking for consistency and/or logic from the Thai government?


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I am getting a whole new experience now and don't know if it's happening on purpose or just the sh**ty servers.

Many downloads over about 4MB are coming down corrupted. Including some AVG updates, D/L Programs get corrupted, D/L movies clips corrupted and will not play, all kinds of stuff is happening to make me wonder if something? Is putting a line of code in there to stop them working.

Do you think it is part of the plot because it never used to happen?

IPStar tell me my system is perfect..

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yep, they love to block sites and not just the ones with adult content. my favorite european newspaper was also blocked since about two weeks ago, i enquired to them about it and they said it was because of "obscene material". well, they feature a new topless model on a sub-page every day ...that must have been it. sucks...whatever, i'm using proxies and nobody can stop me :o

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A few days back I started a thread here about the new Thai censorship technology and the thread was deleted by our lovely mods for unexplained reasons - so we should perhaps tread lightly around this topic.

Tis True though, proxy servers no longer work as a quick fix to bypass the new blocks. There ARE simple and free and effective solutions which involve encrypting your traffic so that it can't be sniffed. My guess is if I mention what they are, in the context of a discussion about proxy servers at least, that this thread will also be deleted. Utter paranoia abounds in this forum, now it's rubbing off on me. :o

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Whilst we are being encouraged not to discuss how to get round censorship here in LOS. The point is that the level of censorship is getting ridiculous, so much so that even the reading of some newspapers seems to be blocked. Man is a naturally inventive individual, thus anything you devise, I will devise a way of getting round it! The whole censorship campaign is misguided and pointless.

Personal responsibility, of parents to censor what their children view or watch, is the way forward. Being an adult usually means that you free to conduct your own affairs and veiw what you wish, providing it is doing no harm to others. Anything not based on this premise, is morally flawed and ought to be vehemently circumvented at every available opportunity! Those members of society that feel that certain sites are "inappropriate," simply need not view them and allow others to decide for themselves. Afteral I thought that's why we are all here?

Edited by marquess
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There ARE simple and free and effective solutions which involve encrypting your traffic so that it can't be sniffed. My guess is if I mention what they are, in the context of a discussion about proxy servers at least, that this thread will also be deleted. Utter paranoia abounds in this forum, now it's rubbing off on me. :o

Give it a shot. At worse this thread will be deleted. So what.

I think it's worth knowing who stands up for free speech and who buckles under to fear tactics....

Or, PM me with the information and I'll post it.

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Give it a shot. At worse this thread will be deleted. So what.

I think it's worth knowing who stands up for free speech and who buckles under to fear tactics....

Well I'm always one for speaking my mind, however, let me point out to the mods that the following information does not contain links to any specific sites (neither did my previously deleted post :o ), nor is this technology easily applicable to the present censorship situation by most people - it requires some understanding of the process.

Three words: Hamachi, iPig, OpenVPN

You won't find the sites by adding .com at the end. You'll need to looooook for them elsewhere.

Of the 3, iPig can be setup fairly painlessly. Drawback is you are granted limited bandwidth, so you should switch it on only when necessary. When you run out of your allocation you'll need to apply for a new free account. Or do what I did and setup a server in the USA and host the free iPig server there. Obviously that's not an option for most people.

Hamachi and openVPN options also require a server outside LOS if you want to bypass filters here, however if you have an external server, hamachi works like a charm.

I encourage everyone in Thailand to use encrypted methods for ALL forms of communications such as email and filesharing (uTorrent and Azureus now encrypt traffic so it can bypass the local ISP traffic wardens), and not just to bypass censorship filters.

Personal responsibility, of parents to censor what their children view or watch, is the way forward. Being an adult usually means that you free to conduct your own affairs and veiw what you wish, providing it is doing no harm to others. Anything not based on this premise, is morally flawed and ought to be vehemently circumvented at every available opportunity! Those members of society that feel that certain sites are "inappropriate," simply need not view them and allow others to decide for themselves. Afteral I thought that's why we are all here?

Thank you. I couldn't have said it better myself!!

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  • 3 years later...
as well as some of my own sites which are programming and game related!

Same here, my sites won't come up, which are 3d art related.

Same goes for microsoft.com yahoo.com etc etc. The service has been painfully slow for the last few weeks as well.

By the way if you want to get through to True, I advice going through sales, rather than report a fault. More likely to pick up the phone.

Just pathetic.


Edited by RLM2008
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I use to like watching ninemsn.com.au live stream news broadcasts at 6pm, kind of made feel at home but cant get it ever since that stupid red neck stole the bar mat :) just kidding but don't know why they banned it

Edited by zorro1
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Yeah.. but I mean... come on, the govt shouldn't be so naive. They block adult related website but not the adult-related practice at bars or on the street? Got to be kidding :D

hehe, its perfectly OK to allow the stuff on the street to happen and condone it (especially if you make a buck) so long as it happens in the dark

AS LONG as we all acknowledge that it doesnt exist :)

same same as the things we cant talk about :D

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I use to like watching ninemsn.com.au live stream news broadcasts at 6pm, kind of made feel at home but cant get it ever since that stupid red neck stole the bar mat :) just kidding but don't know why they banned it

hehe yeh and it wont be long before we are banned from taking pics of kingpower and customs at the airport.(ahh i never did dat)

but next time i go through the toll booth im gonna paint a funnelweb spider silver and give it to the toll collector yeh yeh

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