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Thai Militants Kill Teacher In School Canteen


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Sadly there are two wars that can never be won..... against drugs and religious fanatics.

Beg to differ: the war against drugs could be lessened, if drugs were legal, and social services were left to deal with druggies. It's more complicated than that, but there doesn't need to be a 'war on drugs.'

The killing in the OP is despicable, plus it will emotionally scar all those kids (and others) who witnessed it. Here's a suggestion which may only help a bit: trained dogs which can sniff out weapons and ammmo. I also suggest small groups of armed authorities go with such dogs - to villages where suspected terrorists hole up, and do searches, house to house.

Is there any place in Thailand where dogs are being trained to detect explosives/weapons? I doubt it, as it's too far 'outside the box' for Thais to consider.

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All the murders are done by the Muslims them selves.
I'm pretty sure the Thai forces are carrying out their own operations. It's one of the reasons it's difficult for them to gain the trust of the local people.

Because you are pretty sure the Thais are caring on their own operations, As a matter of fact they are did you think they were down there for a Holiday.

There is nothing evil about there activities they are not planting road side bombs to get any one they are not storming in to schools and shooting teachers.

They are trying to protect the teachers a task they say is hard to do as in the village it is them and no one else they have no idea where the attack can come from.

I seem to remember when Abhist was the PM they had some social programs going to help the civilians. Not sure if that is still going on now or not,

I don't think they're down there for a holiday. This conflict needs to be brought to an end. I was just making the point that tactics used by the Thai military are unlikely to bring out local cooperation.

Murders in custody, disappearances, torture. Not to mention piling people on top of each other in the back of trucks and leaving them to suffocate. If incidents are the work of rogue officers, no action is ever taken even when these abuses are made public.

Edited by KhaoNiaw
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This is not an eye-for-eye retaliation as some have suggested. The vast majority of people living in the conflict zones are Thai by nationality but not by ethnicity. They are different than most of the Thai Muslims that you will meet elsewhere in Thailand (who are generally ethnic Thai/Chinese, with some other minorities as well). The deep south Thais look Malay, speak Malay, and have basically a Malay culture even though they are Thai citizens.

But some don't want to be Thai nationals, perhaps for historical reasons (the provinces were seized by Thailand not that long ago) and perhaps because they see themselves having little in common with the rest of the country (where Buddhism plays such a key role). A minority want to form an independent country, and perhaps some want to join with Malaysia in some way.

Why do they target teachers? Because the only two extensions of central government influence in these provinces are 1) the army and 2) teachers (one might also add health care workers). Teachers are simply easier targets. Moreover, since most teachers are Thai Muslims from the deep south, the terrorists consider them to be collaborators ... tools by which the government way up in Bangkok keeps the local population 'brain-washed' (through national curriculum etc). That's how they see it. And they're willing to kill innocent people and impoverish their communities all in the name of creating a Muslim state. Unfortunately, this is a familiar story from Mali to Afghanistan.

These teachers are incredibly courageous to carry on with their work after so many years of such atrocities. I worked with the police in Canada for many years and they would go on about how dangerous their job was. Nothing compared to what teachers in the deep south of Thailand face every day. The numbers tell the story.

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There is crime, and there is organized crime. The platform in which organized crime rides on is not important, whether it be a syndicate, an organization, or a gang. Religion is merely one platform, and the easier of all forms of organized crime, as religion has the hearts and minds of the people, unlike a syndicate or gang.

Organized crime in Thailand kills far more people annually than this Southern-based religious crime syndicate does, but the fuss is all focused on the religion. That is the problem to the solution.

When good law enforcement attacks the syndicate, they do not focus on business. Newspapers do not focus on how evil businesses are. Instead everyone focuses on names and faces, and good business people have nothing to fear.

When an informant against the syndicate or a gang is not given some kind of witness protection, they are publicly assassinated. When this happens, everyone does not focus on how evil business is, or how untrustworthy we must all be of the general public. Instead good people focus on names and faces, and good business people and good citizens have nothing to fear because their names and faces are protected.

This has nothing to do with focusing on business, or focusing on people who frequently gather together into groups or even focusing on how people choose to worship an invisible friend. It has everything to do with focusing on names and faces. Criminals hide behind those things which society holds dear. They use good things as a guise to blend in. These methods should not be the focus but rather the trail which leads to the apprehension of the people behind the names and faces.

Regrettably, because all people in Thailand do not trust the ones who are sworn to protect them, it will be nigh impossible to ever end this syndicate, simply because were a trail of evidence to lead to the apprehension and capture of a man or woman wearing a thobe, a burqa, a jilbab, a chador or a hijab (respectively), then it is likely possible that those people who have been tricked into believing the criminal is a friend would side with that criminal.

This is the problem, people. The ones who are sworn to save us all from false assumptions against the Muslim religion are themselves helpless to do anything simply because the one primary resource for their success - the trust of the people - is non-existent.

All a criminal has to do is blend in among the people; those very people who themselves hate crime and terror, yet will protect whom they think are their friends and neighbors from any police presence because it is the police whom the people view as the terrorists, and not the criminals who live among the people and who disguise themselves with balaclavas when they terrorize during the day and dine with their victims at night.

It is easier to blend in with a religion than it is to blend in with a business syndicate (to be an employee) or a gang (to be initiated and recognized member by others). Religion gets one instant approval simply by where you are and what you wear.

So perhaps it is possible that the Muslims in the South have good cause to mistrust the police and military presence, who have earned their reputation for abandoning their oaths, and instead trust those who have more in common with their own personal lives and beliefs, regardless of their alter, disguised identities.

Let's ask ourselves the question, "Were you a good Thai person and a practicing Muslim, would you be more inclined to believe your kindly old Mullah, or a police man with a gun or soldier with an AK-47 (all painted with a broad brush as being absolutely corrupt to the bone, and as putting their own interests before those of the people); and what have the police and military done recently to instill trust in the hearts and minds of the people, which would demand a trust and loyalty that would supercede their hopes and dreams of the hereafter?"

Edited by cup-O-coffee
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North America was full of tribes that had taken there land from another nation so I wouldn't use them as an example. The white man was just a continuing on of a long established process. Stick with Australia and the Abo's.

Your views of the history of the 3 areas shows a lot of bias and quite a bit of hypocrisy (and ignorance). Please desist.

No Bias just facts.

It was my understanding that Australia would not admit that it was settled by convicts from England until the early 1990s. It apparently is a sore point with them. We won't go into who was there first or who helped out. I have not studied there history that much.

You need to get a better understanding before you open your mouth...

Australia always acknowledged it was settled by the English... I think you are referring to then PM Kevin Rudd, apologised to 'The Stolen Generation' in his first speech as PM in 2007... 'The Stolen Generation' being aboriginal children, taken from their families to live in orphanage type homes where it was believed they had better access to 'a proper upbringing' and education... aside from being removed from their families and loosing that part of their identity, many were subject to physical and sexual abuse in these 'homes', mostly run by Christian religious organisations...

I think Thailand could learn something from what Australia has been doing in Indonesia to combat these religious fanatics...

Australia became a major target for Indonesian Muslim Jihadi (Bali Bombing x 2, Jakarta Embassy Attack)... The Islamists had a huge advantage in that they were in many poor areas the ones who controlled the schools and therefore access to education... funded by Saudi and Jordanian extremists... they used that power to push their own ideologies...

Australia acknowledged that fighting back with force (through the disjointed Indonesian military) was useless...

Australia fought them at their own game, using their already substantial foreign aid to build competing schools in the same areas... offering a better standard of education, and at the same time educating the kids about what Australia is really about... This has resulted in a quantum change in attitudes towards Australia, and through that information about extremists cells...

Instead of a firm hand, which Thailand has unsuccessfully tried for decades, Bangkok needs to embrace the diversity in the South, and at the same time, educate them about what it is to be part of Thailand...

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Thai's retaliating for the recent murder of Thai school teachers. An eye for an eye as etched in their psyche. If Islam wants a chance at all, it has to stop those in violence and then the Thai's will back down but they will not give over land won in historic battles or seizure. The communities can live in harmony but the Muslim population must give up their separatists or get them to stand down from this idiotic hatred or this will be simply continuing and ongoing. It has to start within the Muslim communities, as dictating garbage and rules from Bangkok gets nowhere.

Are you suggesting that these particular murdering scum were of a different religion when you say Thais? (There are many Thais who follow islam). If so, and you may be right, what makes you say this?

My reading of this was the execution of a Muslim teacher. The ongoing problem, as with Burma, is Buddhist Vs Muslim. With the report saying Thai people took her life I would assume Buddhist retaliation against the execution of the Thai lady some weeks back.

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Sadly there are two wars that can never be won..... against drugs and religious fanatics.

Beg to differ: the war against drugs could be lessened, if drugs were legal, and social services were left to deal with druggies. It's more complicated than that, but there doesn't need to be a 'war on drugs.'

The killing in the OP is despicable, plus it will emotionally scar all those kids (and others) who witnessed it. Here's a suggestion which may only help a bit: trained dogs which can sniff out weapons and ammmo. I also suggest small groups of armed authorities go with such dogs - to villages where suspected terrorists hole up, and do searches, house to house.

Is there any place in Thailand where dogs are being trained to detect explosives/weapons? I doubt it, as it's too far 'outside the box' for Thais to consider.

Bringing dogs into the homes of muslims is considered to be offensive, OTOH there are many things that offend them and the list grows longer every day.

I would think that successful sniffer dogs would be even more offensive. Perhaps a trained goat.

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NARATHIWAT, Thailand, Jan 23, 2013 - Thai insurgents shot dead a teacher in front of dozens of children

Cholathee Charoenchol, a 51-year-old Muslim, was shot in the head

He was the 158th teacher and other school staff killed

The government's response:

January 24, 2013

Defence Minister: no change in southern teacher protection measures

Defence Minister: no change in southern teacher protection measures; 21 Narathiwat schools closed after another teacher slain



Edited by Buchholz
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R.I.P. what a stupid and tragic loss...

It begs three questions:

1) why?

2) Why?

3) WHY?

Is it evil for someone to teach maths, according to the Qur'an?

Why the XXXX are they killing kids and teachers? What point are they trying to make?

What do you think? How many terrorist has the Thai army created up to today, including those created with the the Kru Se massacre 7 years back, or by the murdering of 85 innocent muslims in Tak Bai back in 2004 (please check youtube "Tak Bai")??

Do you think, that the Thai army is capable to control, or even better the situation in the southern provinces? Do you think twenty years of wilful neglect of Thai politics, except sending the army down, can do any good? Have Thai politics at any time considered, that the southern provinces used to be independent sultanates with their own cultural identity? Could the exploitation of the natural resources of the southern provinces be the reason for Thailands army to be there?

Riddles, riddles riddles....

Indeed riddles and they will never be solved by dwelling on the past. Not sure of how many the Army slaughtered at those two massacres. But I certainly know that it wasn't even in the ball park of the over 5,000 the terrorists have racked up. How many people do they have to kill to even the score if that is as you hint at they are doing it for revenge,

As we all know, our social, mental, intellectual, and physical existence is being formed by the society we live in, by the education and influences we do receive and process. Therefore we, or the politicians in charge, have to recognize the heritage and culture of the people living in the South when negotiating with them. The bitter hatred will not disappear by shooting more bullets from either side. Peace can only be installed by considering the past history of the people in the South, by stopping the forced economic disparity, by giving them their cultural identity back, as well as the sole responsibility of their natural resources, and some of their occupied land. The South is the Tibet of Thailand, just for those, who do not understand.


But if you look at there past history this is pretty much what it has been one empire to another. As for there culture I can not say. I was not aware that Thailand was trying to change there culture as far as I know they have always been allowed there culture with in a set of guidelines that have only changed when they changed empires or were in the transition period. They are the same as the mountain tribes. All though now the Government wants them to go to school. Take notice I did not say get an education that is another story.

They have always had freedom of religion what they have not had or should I say have is the freedom to indiscriminately kill.sad.png

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NARATHIWAT, Thailand, Jan 23, 2013 - Thai insurgents shot dead a teacher in front of dozens of children

Cholathee Charoenchol, a 51-year-old Muslim, was shot in the head

He was the 158th teacher and other school staff killed

The government's response:

January 24, 2013

Defence Minister: no change in southern teacher protection measures

Defence Minister: no change in southern teacher protection measures; 21 Narathiwat schools closed after another teacher slain



I can not find fault with that. What can they do the people live in neighborhoods where the identity of the terrorists is known but the people refuse to divulge it for fear of being dead them selves.

The problem will never end until the people stop ignoring it and cooperate with the authorities. Even if it means leaving there home to live in the north. As it is they are either to afraid or don't care (every thing is OK in my village)

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Thai's retaliating for the recent murder of Thai school teachers. An eye for an eye as etched in their psyche. If Islam wants a chance at all, it has to stop those in violence and then the Thai's will back down but they will not give over land won in historic battles or seizure. The communities can live in harmony but the Muslim population must give up their separatists or get them to stand down from this idiotic hatred or this will be simply continuing and ongoing. It has to start within the Muslim communities, as dictating garbage and rules from Bangkok gets nowhere.

Are you suggesting that these particular murdering scum were of a different religion when you say Thais? (There are many Thais who follow islam). If so, and you may be right, what makes you say this?

My reading of this was the execution of a Muslim teacher. The ongoing problem, as with Burma, is Buddhist Vs Muslim. With the report saying Thai people took her life I would assume Buddhist retaliation against the execution of the Thai lady some weeks back.

A lot of Muslims have been murdered by their nominally co religionists in this conflict. These scum don't care about the religion of those they kill, they will not accept any form of dissent or criticism. Teachers who oppose them are murdered regardless of their faith.

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North America was full of tribes that had taken there land from another nation so I wouldn't use them as an example. The white man was just a continuing on of a long established process. Stick with Australia and the Abo's.

Your views of the history of the 3 areas shows a lot of bias and quite a bit of hypocrisy (and ignorance). Please desist.

No Bias just facts.

It was my understanding that Australia would not admit that it was settled by convicts from England until the early 1990s. It apparently is a sore point with them. We won't go into who was there first or who helped out. I have not studied there history that much.

You need to get a better understanding before you open your mouth...

Australia always acknowledged it was settled by the English... I think you are referring to then PM Kevin Rudd, apologised to 'The Stolen Generation' in his first speech as PM in 2007... 'The Stolen Generation' being aboriginal children, taken from their families to live in orphanage type homes where it was believed they had better access to 'a proper upbringing' and education... aside from being removed from their families and loosing that part of their identity, many were subject to physical and sexual abuse in these 'homes', mostly run by Christian religious organisations...

I think Thailand could learn something from what Australia has been doing in Indonesia to combat these religious fanatics...

Australia became a major target for Indonesian Muslim Jihadi (Bali Bombing x 2, Jakarta Embassy Attack)... The Islamists had a huge advantage in that they were in many poor areas the ones who controlled the schools and therefore access to education... funded by Saudi and Jordanian extremists... they used that power to push their own ideologies...

Australia acknowledged that fighting back with force (through the disjointed Indonesian military) was useless...

Australia fought them at their own game, using their already substantial foreign aid to build competing schools in the same areas... offering a better standard of education, and at the same time educating the kids about what Australia is really about... This has resulted in a quantum change in attitudes towards Australia, and through that information about extremists cells...

Instead of a firm hand, which Thailand has unsuccessfully tried for decades, Bangkok needs to embrace the diversity in the South, and at the same time, educate them about what it is to be part of Thailand...

You are exactly what I was talking about. Yes Australia was settled by the English. They loaded up all there criminals and sent them to Australia. Where right from the start they started to push the natives aside and play the superior being to them. That problem was around long before the lost generation. I am not talking about 2007. I am talking about the early 90s when there history like you omitted the fact that they were settled by criminals not settlers.

The Bali bombing was at a nightclub in which people from all over the world would go. It was not aimed at Australia. Bali is a Hindu island and it could have been against the Hindus allowing such an unMuslim thing to exist. Who knows they like to bomb things. It is almost a daily affair in some part of the world a Muslim uses a bomb to try to kill innocent people.

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I don't have sympathy for the Muslims in this situation even though they have been the indigenous people of that area for a very long time. This is fairly unique among the numerous jihadist uprisings worldwide. But, I am still not sympathetic primarily because of the cultural attitude Muslims display that 'we can kill you and it is okay - but if you kill back - we are outraged...

This enraged illogical craziness is going on in Gaza, the West Bank, in Western Burma, in a dozen countries in Africa, in India, China, much of Western Europe, Russia, the U.K. and many other places. Not all these countries have gratuitous violence going on - but the strategy is much the same. Establish a presence (or revive old grievances), increase the numbers, become outraged at every 'slight' that comes about as done by a non believer, insist on isolation from the greater community, insist on their own laws, etc. Then scream out that everyone else is the problem.

Please note: Muslim separatist extremists kill Muslim teachers in the contested south of Thailand - that is - those Muslim teachers who teach in Thai Government Public Schools. The extremists' reasoning is that such Muslim teachers have chosen to endorse and support the Thai Government by teaching in a government school. Thus they have to be made an example. Buddhists in the area have not been killing Buddhist teachers.

If the Thai Government takes the path of appeasement - giving in to the poor pitiful trod upon Muslims in Southern Thailand - then in about ten years from the date of concession the Thai Government will be sitting in Hua Hin negotiation a settlement for every square kilometer south of Sam Roi Yot to 50 kilometers past Surant Thani. The end game for the 'Separatists' is not separation but rather long term conquest ... the same as in all the other countries where these malcontents have established themselves.

Well said it is documented many times by Muslim Imen that there goal is to rule the world. If you give them an inch they will take a mile. Unlike the Catholic Church of the medevil times they are continuing to try to take over the world. I believe the only thing that could have stopped them was the mongols but they ceased the attack when Ghengas Khan died and then renewed it against china and let the Muslims off the hook.

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What do you think? How many terrorist has the Thai army created up to today, including those created with the the Kru Se massacre 7 years back, or by the murdering of 85 innocent muslims in Tak Bai back in 2004 (please check youtube "Tak Bai")??

Do you think, that the Thai army is capable to control, or even better the situation in the southern provinces? Do you think twenty years of wilful neglect of Thai politics, except sending the army down, can do any good? Have Thai politics at any time considered, that the southern provinces used to be independent sultanates with their own cultural identity? Could the exploitation of the natural resources of the southern provinces be the reason for Thailands army to be there?

Riddles, riddles riddles....

Indeed riddles and they will never be solved by dwelling on the past. Not sure of how many the Army slaughtered at those two massacres. But I certainly know that it wasn't even in the ball park of the over 5,000 the terrorists have racked up. How many people do they have to kill to even the score if that is as you hint at they are doing it for revenge,

As we all know, our social, mental, intellectual, and physical existence is being formed by the society we live in, by the education and influences we do receive and process. Therefore we, or the politicians in charge, have to recognize the heritage and culture of the people living in the South when negotiating with them. The bitter hatred will not disappear by shooting more bullets from either side. Peace can only be installed by considering the past history of the people in the South, by stopping the forced economic disparity, by giving them their cultural identity back, as well as the sole responsibility of their natural resources, and some of their occupied land. The South is the Tibet of Thailand, just for those, who do not understand.


But if you look at there past history this is pretty much what it has been one empire to another. As for there culture I can not say. I was not aware that Thailand was trying to change there culture as far as I know they have always been allowed there culture with in a set of guidelines that have only changed when they changed empires or were in the transition period. They are the same as the mountain tribes. All though now the Government wants them to go to school. Take notice I did not say get an education that is another story.

They have always had freedom of religion what they have not had or should I say have is the freedom to indiscriminately kill.sad.png

You are right. But as long Thai politics and the army down south are aware or not aware, that they produce more insurgents, there will be no peace.

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I don't have sympathy for the Muslims in this situation even though they have been the indigenous people of that area for a very long time. This is fairly unique among the numerous jihadist uprisings worldwide. But, I am still not sympathetic primarily because of the cultural attitude Muslims display that 'we can kill you and it is okay - but if you kill back - we are outraged...

This enraged illogical craziness is going on in Gaza, the West Bank, in Western Burma, in a dozen countries in Africa, in India, China, much of Western Europe, Russia, the U.K. and many other places. Not all these countries have gratuitous violence going on - but the strategy is much the same. Establish a presence (or revive old grievances), increase the numbers, become outraged at every 'slight' that comes about as done by a non believer, insist on isolation from the greater community, insist on their own laws, etc. Then scream out that everyone else is the problem.

Please note: Muslim separatist extremists kill Muslim teachers in the contested south of Thailand - that is - those Muslim teachers who teach in Thai Government Public Schools. The extremists' reasoning is that such Muslim teachers have chosen to endorse and support the Thai Government by teaching in a government school. Thus they have to be made an example. Buddhists in the area have not been killing Buddhist teachers.

If the Thai Government takes the path of appeasement - giving in to the poor pitiful trod upon Muslims in Southern Thailand - then in about ten years from the date of concession the Thai Government will be sitting in Hua Hin negotiation a settlement for every square kilometer south of Sam Roi Yot to 50 kilometers past Surant Thani. The end game for the 'Separatists' is not separation but rather long term conquest ... the same as in all the other countries where these malcontents have established themselves.

Well said it is documented many times by Muslim Imen that there goal is to rule the world. If you give them an inch they will take a mile. Unlike the Catholic Church of the medevil times they are continuing to try to take over the world. I believe the only thing that could have stopped them was the mongols but they ceased the attack when Ghengas Khan died and then renewed it against china and let the Muslims off the hook.

You got that wrong, many of the Mongol rulers were Muslims

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R.I.P. what a stupid and tragic loss...

It begs three questions:

1) why?

2) Why?

3) WHY?

Is it evil for someone to teach maths, according to the Qur'an?

Why the XXXX are they killing kids and teachers? What point are they trying to make?

Unfortunately a lot of these terrorist scum have been led to follow a perverted form of Islam that allows them to carry out the crimes they commit in the name of religion. Anyone who preaches or advocates a different interpretation of Islam is a threat to these scum. Teachers are amongst this group of people and are paying the price for being so.

Technically Islam does't preach what so many practice, however what do the so-called moderates do about it? Do they report their bretheren, no. As such they silently condone it. They may believe the extemists go too far. however they are fellow Muslims, and as such a closer match than the infidels they murder. Islam needs to deal with this and they don't seem to be doing such, the alternative is endless US led wars.

Similar in many ways to the horors that Christianity were involved with, again of course in the name of God. If you are on a mission from God all sociopathic tendencies of the ignorant and malicious are released as bliss awaits you.

As do the Islamists believe they are on a mission from God. When are people going to learn, that God loves everyone. Stupid question, I know.

How do you know God loves everyone..... or are you another who seems to be on first name terms with him?

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I don't have sympathy for the Muslims in this situation even though they have been the indigenous people of that area for a very long time. This is fairly unique among the numerous jihadist uprisings worldwide. But, I am still not sympathetic primarily because of the cultural attitude Muslims display that 'we can kill you and it is okay - but if you kill back - we are outraged...

This enraged illogical craziness is going on in Gaza, the West Bank, in Western Burma, in a dozen countries in Africa, in India, China, much of Western Europe, Russia, the U.K. and many other places. Not all these countries have gratuitous violence going on - but the strategy is much the same. Establish a presence (or revive old grievances), increase the numbers, become outraged at every 'slight' that comes about as done by a non believer, insist on isolation from the greater community, insist on their own laws, etc. Then scream out that everyone else is the problem.

Please note: Muslim separatist extremists kill Muslim teachers in the contested south of Thailand - that is - those Muslim teachers who teach in Thai Government Public Schools. The extremists' reasoning is that such Muslim teachers have chosen to endorse and support the Thai Government by teaching in a government school. Thus they have to be made an example. Buddhists in the area have not been killing Buddhist teachers.

If the Thai Government takes the path of appeasement - giving in to the poor pitiful trod upon Muslims in Southern Thailand - then in about ten years from the date of concession the Thai Government will be sitting in Hua Hin negotiation a settlement for every square kilometer south of Sam Roi Yot to 50 kilometers past Surant Thani. The end game for the 'Separatists' is not separation but rather long term conquest ... the same as in all the other countries where these malcontents have established themselves.

Well said it is documented many times by Muslim Imen that there goal is to rule the world. If you give them an inch they will take a mile. Unlike the Catholic Church of the medevil times they are continuing to try to take over the world. I believe the only thing that could have stopped them was the mongols but they ceased the attack when Ghengas Khan died and then renewed it against china and let the Muslims off the hook.

You got that wrong, many of the Mongol rulers were Muslims

That was long after Genghis Khan died. None of them were Muslims while he was alive they were to busy killing Muslims and doing a thorough job of it. All because some dip sh-t Muslim leader sent back the heads of the envoy's Genghis had sent for trade. He pulled his hordes out of China and started in on the Muslim's. It is estimated that he killed 25% of the worlds population. there is still discussion on that figure. Some of the leaders could have been Buddhists they had been in China and had many years of run ins with them as well as some trading with them. Genghis was not particular what religion or no religion you belonged to.

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Thais better figure out something fast before the UN and NGOs get more involved and make the Thais look even more inept and corrupt.

Can you be any more corrupt and inept than the UN

I don't agree. Generally, UN forces do a pretty good (albeit thankless) job.

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As we all know, our social, mental, intellectual, and physical existence is being formed by the society we live in, by the education and influences we do receive and process. Therefore we, or the politicians in charge, have to recognize the heritage and culture of the people living in the South when negotiating with them. The bitter hatred will not disappear by shooting more bullets from either side. Peace can only be installed by considering the past history of the people in the South, by stopping the forced economic disparity, by giving them their cultural identity back, as well as the sole responsibility of their natural resources, and some of their occupied land. The South is the Tibet of Thailand, just for those, who do not understand.

I do not mean to be rude, but have you ever been to the Southern States of Pattani, Yala and Narathiwat?

The first thing you will notice, as that 90% of women are wearing head scarves. The second thing you will notice, is that the Thai written and spoken language is rarely used. The third thing you will notice, is that everyone stares at you - it is not just because you are a foreigner. It is because you are not one of them.

As you drive through the south, you will notice huge Mosques' along the sides of the road. I can assure you, the Muslim inhabitants of the south have their cultural identity. They have never lost it.

Government schools, which are shared by Bhuddist students and Muslim students alike, as well as Police stations, are guarded by armed guards and often barricaded with sand bagged forward military positions.

It is a crime to lose your cultural identity under sharia law, in converting to another religion. It is not allowed to marry into a Muslim family without yourself first converting to Islam. You then must confirm to the cultural identity of the South. No buildings taller than 2 stories, little industry and subservience by all women to the wills of men. They have their culture.

What they want is for the so called "occupation" to end, and the right to excommunicate members of the Buddhist community from the lands of the south. It has never been disputed (at least that I am aware of) that Buddhists legally obtained their lands, however are now being forced off with acts of terror in fear for the lives of their families. This, because they do not confirm to the beliefs of Islam. If they were good people serious about semi-autonomy, they would work hard and ensure they could get high up enough in Political circles to set wheels in motion. They have not, and are not trying to accomplish this. Their resistance is not over land, it is over religion.

They have their culture. Have you forgotten yours? Or is your modern day liberalism so entrenched in your own mind that you are ready to sell your soul to appease the apparent victimised every time someone claims to be a victim? Or are you so weak that you now see yourself as a servant to someone you fear? I assure you, given enough ground, you would eventually find a jihadi at your door, mortar through your roof, or car bomb through your work foyer.

No other civilized country with a strong modern military would stand for acts of terrorism against any of its' population (regardless of the excuse), by the way. If the government were not forcing back the hand of the army, I am sure that in time, things would be much better for those willing to contribute to the good of the country.

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In the other English language newspaper it says the killing was at an Islamic school, not a Thai government school. It alleges the killers spoke to their victim and then shot him. So you could speculate that either their was a personal dispute or that the teacher was an informant and the killing was a warning to others.

The report goes on to say that the killers have been identified & know to the security forces. It begs the question when in so many attacks security agencies say they know the identity of the attackers, yet they are not being picked up.

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the ballistics on the bullets are revealing another message being sent.... :unsure:

Narathiwat Deputy Police Chief Police Colonel Krisda Kaewchandee said the 9mm bullets which were fired into the slain teacher at Ban Tanyong School came from the pistol of Police Sergeant Asisol Hemna, a traffic police officer in the provincial seat.

Sargeant Asisol was killed on May 25 last year and his weapon was stolen.

(MCOT online news)


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The government's response:

January 24, 2013

Defence Minister: no change in southern teacher protection measures

Defence Minister: no change in southern teacher protection measures; 21 Narathiwat schools closed after another teacher slain


Exactly like the Rohingya refugee situation, the more local and international focus there is on an topical subject, the more the contradictory twitching goes on with Yingluck's Cabinet Ministers statements.

January 25, 2013

Education Minister says safety measures for southern teachers to get boost

The government is ready to deploy more state personnel to provide safety to schools and teachers in violence-plagued areas in Thailand’s far South, a senior official said.


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It's becoming more of a certainty that the bigger the light shining on an issue, the more Cabinet Ministers continue their flailing contradictions of one another ... :ermm:

24 January 2013 - Deputy Prime Minister Chalerm Yubamrung has proposed a plan to recruit border patrol police officers as teachers in the Deep South

25 January 2013 - Education Minister says no need at the moment for border police to teach in southern provinces


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As we all know, our social, mental, intellectual, and physical existence is being formed by the society we live in, by the education and influences we do receive and process. Therefore we, or the politicians in charge, have to recognize the heritage and culture of the people living in the South when negotiating with them. The bitter hatred will not disappear by shooting more bullets from either side. Peace can only be installed by considering the past history of the people in the South, by stopping the forced economic disparity, by giving them their cultural identity back, as well as the sole responsibility of their natural resources, and some of their occupied land. The South is the Tibet of Thailand, just for those, who do not understand.

I do not mean to be rude, but have you ever been to the Southern States of Pattani, Yala and Narathiwat?

The first thing you will notice, as that 90% of women are wearing head scarves. The second thing you will notice, is that the Thai written and spoken language is rarely used. The third thing you will notice, is that everyone stares at you - it is not just because you are a foreigner. It is because you are not one of them.

As you drive through the south, you will notice huge Mosques' along the sides of the road. I can assure you, the Muslim inhabitants of the south have their cultural identity. They have never lost it.

Government schools, which are shared by Bhuddist students and Muslim students alike, as well as Police stations, are guarded by armed guards and often barricaded with sand bagged forward military positions.

It is a crime to lose your cultural identity under sharia law, in converting to another religion. It is not allowed to marry into a Muslim family without yourself first converting to Islam. You then must confirm to the cultural identity of the South. No buildings taller than 2 stories, little industry and subservience by all women to the wills of men. They have their culture.

What they want is for the so called "occupation" to end, and the right to excommunicate members of the Buddhist community from the lands of the south. It has never been disputed (at least that I am aware of) that Buddhists legally obtained their lands, however are now being forced off with acts of terror in fear for the lives of their families. This, because they do not confirm to the beliefs of Islam. If they were good people serious about semi-autonomy, they would work hard and ensure they could get high up enough in Political circles to set wheels in motion. They have not, and are not trying to accomplish this. Their resistance is not over land, it is over religion.

They have their culture. Have you forgotten yours? Or is your modern day liberalism so entrenched in your own mind that you are ready to sell your soul to appease the apparent victimised every time someone claims to be a victim? Or are you so weak that you now see yourself as a servant to someone you fear? I assure you, given enough ground, you would eventually find a jihadi at your door, mortar through your roof, or car bomb through your work foyer.

No other civilized country with a strong modern military would stand for acts of terrorism against any of its' population (regardless of the excuse), by the way. If the government were not forcing back the hand of the army, I am sure that in time, things would be much better for those willing to contribute to the good of the country.

I stayed some time in all southern states and also in Kelantan, Kedah, and Perlis.. And if you compare the economic power of Kelantan with the economic power of i.e. Perlis, you probably know why Kelantan is such a poor state.

Let them folks in the south have their own land, let them pray towards mecca five times a day, close the borders, and lets see how they can live in peace and in accordance with God's will. These southern states will then also be the host of the Mujahideen Pattani Movement (BNP), the Pattani United Liberation Organization (former (PULO), the Pattani Islamic Mujahideen Movement (GMIP), the Mujahideen Islamic Pattani Group, the National Revolution Front (BRN), the Pattani Liberation National Front (BNPP), the Jemaah Islamiyah (JI), the Runda Kumpulan Kecil (RKK). All those folks the will then be obsolete and could work for the good of the southern states or on the implementation of the Sharia, connect the states to Kelantan, or enjoy their holiday an the gulf coast. I wouldn't care.

By the way, "Buddhists" or better Thais from the north could acquire land legally according to Thai laws, but I doubt that even I would accept a law, which allows you to buy land which had been illegally annexed (1904) beforehand.

"They have their culture. Have you forgotten yours? [...]

..this is an interesting article, which might give you an insight of the history and implications of Thai politics in the south (it might take a little to load):


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