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Night Shots, Outdoor In Thailand

Kan Win

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The first and 3rd photo should be printed out and given to these fighters, Tangaroa. I whish I could get them as sharp as you didsad.png. It's very tricky.

Meanwhile, This is what happened to a Muay Thai event his weekend in Phetchabun after just a short downpour.. ^ ^


Managed to get this shot using full flash.


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Thanks, DAL! As you say ... it's not so easy.

I shot these with available light only which, since we were in the middle of a field, amounted to not much more than four bare bulbs over each corner of the ring. I shot 100% manually. For the first couple of these images, I used a 35mm f/1.4 prime lens and shot at f/2.0, 1/500s ISO 5000 . For the rest, I shifted to a 16-35mm f/2.8 zoom and shot wide open at f/2.8, 1/500s, upping the ISO to 6400. I liked the results I was getting with the prime lens, but I was missing out on action that came close to me (the lens wasn't wide enough). Actually, you can see the difference in the images ... the light looks softer, less shadowy with the 35mm. Throughout, I kept switching focus points to try and ensure I stayed focused on the face of the fighter who was facing me. I've got loads more shots if anyone's interested to see them.

Here's a (very unflattering) pic my wife took of me as I was setting up!


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Last night was Lahu (Muser) New Year, at least it was for the remaining Buddhists amongst them. I've never shot anywhere with such little light. Just a single two-foot fluorescent tube to illuminate more than 100m²!

I like it i see enough light and shadow to make a good image with a little editing


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Great shot(s), as usual, MrH ... Sathorn bridge is such an iconic BKK landmark.

A couple of questions, though... when you say exposure blend, are you talking HDR (-1, 0 +1 merged together in Photomatix or similar)? Or is it some other process? And, did you consider correcting the verticals?

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Great shot (as per), MrH ... Sathorn bridge is such an iconic BKK landmark.

When you say exposure blend, are you talking HDR (-1, 0 +1 merged together in Photomatix or similar)? Or is it some other process?

Sathorn Bridge what a nightmare thai guys with cameras everywhere in frame constantly, OMG

Anyway process is simple, tripod take whatever frames you want

photoshop blend and layer mask, and edit with Luminosity masks I can add a tutorial and the files if anyone interested, though I not see any forums where to post the info?

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Great shot (as per), MrH ... Sathorn bridge is such an iconic BKK landmark.

When you say exposure blend, are you talking HDR (-1, 0 +1 merged together in Photomatix or similar)? Or is it some other process?

Sathorn Bridge what a nightmare thai guys with cameras everywhere in frame constantly, OMG

Anyway process is simple, tripod take whatever frames you want

photoshop blend and layer mask, and edit with Luminosity masks I can add a tutorial and the files if anyone interested, though I not see any forums where to post the info?

I'd call that an HDR image, and that's NOT intended as an insult, MrH. It's not an insult because you've done it with subtlety. One of my pet hates are HDR images that are tremendously over-saturated/overly contrasty/over-processed. The kind of processing that give every contour a white ghost. I will where necessary, blend multiple exposures into a single HDR image, though I'd hate for anyone to be able to recognise it as such. For me, the final image should match what my eyes saw when the image(s) was captured. If I've done that, I think I've done a fair job. This is not the right forum, but a good example might be THIS shot. I'm not declaring it the best image ever made, but it would have been impossible to make from a single frame. If you expose for the highlights, the interior of this unlit temple would have been more or less black, expose for the shadows and the highlights entirely burned out. This image was made using seven bracketed exposures (-3, -2, -1, 0 +1, +2, +3). I hope it's an image that looks natural to the eye. HDR, when used with a light hand, is a tremendously powerful tool. Please post more, haha!

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Interesting, though cityscapes need the extra work, as in the image I was going for the futuristic kinda feel blue filters etc, the process worked well in my opinion love it or hate it without blending multiple exposures it would only look like the image everyone took that day^^

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Interesting, though cityscapes need the extra work, as in the image I was going for the futuristic kinda feel blue filters etc, the process worked well in my opinion love it or hate it without blending multiple exposures it would only look like the image everyone took that day^^

That's kinda my point. You've created the image that you 'saw' that night. You didn't see the same image as those other guys. The world would be a very dull place if we all viewed it the same way. Love the image, love the processing.

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Image below was the initial shot


without post edit it would be terrible sure you see that?

I have wrote a few pluging to do this, though not perfect the actions work well

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Great shot (as per), MrH ... Sathorn bridge is such an iconic BKK landmark.

When you say exposure blend, are you talking HDR (-1, 0 +1 merged together in Photomatix or similar)? Or is it some other process?

Sathorn Bridge what a nightmare thai guys with cameras everywhere in frame constantly, OMG

Anyway process is simple, tripod take whatever frames you want

photoshop blend and layer mask, and edit with Luminosity masks I can add a tutorial and the files if anyone interested, though I not see any forums where to post the info?

That's the problem, we have asked for a general of sorts sub forum but the bosses don't care and don't want to know.

Just post it where you see fit, there will be no penalty for it, otherwise the photo subforum would die overnight.

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