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Missing Swiss Student Tourist Alive And Well, In Thai Prison

Lite Beer

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I am at a Net cafe and I don't have time to read all the pages. So, I am sorry if someone pointed this out earlier.

In the original article, it says :

''She had entered Thailand on December 8 with a tourist visa, which allowed her to stay for 15 days, explained Cpl Rungroj, who was called to aid Ranong Immigration as an interpreter.''

As far as I know, a tourist visa is a standard one and it always gives the holder 2 months of stay in Thailand. Now, if they had actually meant 'visa on arrival', that would give the person 30 days, not 15 (I am pretty sure that for Swiss nationals, visa-on-arrival gives 30 days of stay).

Hello old friend. wink.png Only 15 days if you enter TH at a land border.thumbsup.gif

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its weird enough to see someone refusing to pay the 3 days overstay fees, top of that stealing a camera when one is gonna face potential deportation.

something is not right, could be with the girl but must be real naive and had a heck of a arrogance to pull this off

something is not right, i agree. swiss citizens can stay in thailand for 30 days without needing a visa. considering this, as a tourist i would probably not see the need for paying overstay fees, either. however, you can definitely not blame the girl for the police forgetting to inform the relevant embassy about her being in jail, and this omission is the real newsworthy thing in this story and should deserve rather more attention and comments than comments about students, swiss girls and their characters.

Only 15 days -also for Swiss Passport holders-,wink.png if they arrive to TH at a land border!

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Have to say from knowledge gained over the years one of the most feared words in Thailand is interpreter.


PS Anyone met a Swiss citizen under 50 who couldn't speak English?

The Thai Immigration and Police? Officers, could not speak enough "enough" English. I presume.rolleyes.gif

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If this entry is correct, and she is already back home, then she has done the smart move.

Sorry, that is a never really, special with Thai! language, Google translate.

"Reported home", means only, that she contacted somebody at home! rolleyes.gif

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The governments of these young tourist really need to do more to educate these ones before they travel.

Is it not common sense that one must not steal? Is it not something that a child is taught at home, long before it goes to school?

I did really refer to advising them about how you cannot get away with certain things in Asian country like at home..being abusive/ or swearing / or just being argumentive to officials, police ect

i didnt mean stealing, of course everyone knows

But it seems to me the young ones think they can get away with anything. I hear how they talk to thais sometimes and even immigration officers, if they do not get what they want and throw a tantrum..no wonder they get in trouble like this

maybe they need to be educated on this loss of face thing..can get you in big trouble and will not realize until its to late.

just the fact: in a lot of countries it is considered more serious a chrime if you commit it at night time..for some reason.!!

I dont think many youth who travel would know these things.

I remember reading some time ago about some fool tourist walking around Khao san road smoking marijuana, and wonder why he land in big doo doo

maybe give them some warning booklet on travel, like the Australian government do when you apply for passport...might keep them out of gaol!! rolleyes.gif

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The governments of these young tourist really need to do more to educate these ones before they travel. Especially the younger ones. They grow up in the society that condition them to think I AM THE CUSTOMER AND THE CUSTOMER IS ALWAYS RIGHT

Also many young think its cool to abuse any official they want because in most cases the officials in their own country are trained properly in confrontation and are not allowed to retaliate to these brats and must cop it sweet.

Then they will come over here with their haughy taughty attitude and think they are superior to all...them will find themselves in VERY hot water if they try it on with the wrong official here.

Regardless of who is right and wrong there is a time to shut up and toe the line. I guess this is where the folly of youth does come to a big downfall. I suspect this one probably sitting in the cell right now pondering these things

She may be sitting there a while. If she is able to prove she bought the camera, then the goal of the police will be to try to save

face by keeping her for a long long time in the hopes this story will blow over.

There is also the folly of old age. I was sitting in the roadside office of a ranking policeman who was trying to extort money from me for nothing. I told him in Thai he was simply a mafia person in a police uniform, and all the Thais hated him. He turned beet red, and the officers around him had their jaws hanging down in astonishment. Guess I was lucky he did not shoot me on the spot..... :-)

wow you certainly have b@lls of brass to try that one....yes but maybe if your old you can get away with it..they just think you a silly old fool and will be dead soon anyway so no need to worry about beating you up cheesy.gif

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What might be a lot to a Thai, might not be so significant to a Swiss national.

I see Thais every day driving ferraris, Porches, benz, BMW, I pass two ferrari dealerships on my way to work every day.

For me, 20 million baht is a lot of money to spend on a car. Is that a lot for a thai? Enough of them seem to have them. Perhaps you could explain.

Perhaps you could also explain the amount of bail required for wealthy thais, such as the red bull story etc.

Care to elaborate?

A quick fact check with the world bank website shows Thai per capita income at $4,440 (in US dollars) and Switzerland at $76,400. I see Thais everyday walking or riding old, rickety bicycles. I'm guessing you live in Bangkok, I live in Isaan. I'm guessing if you were to put the number of Thai owners of 20 million baht cars in terms of population percentage, it would be a fraction of a percent.

You did not state what the bail was in ther red bull story, so I don't know how it compares. Again, the concept behind bail is to assure the defendants appearance at trial. A foreign national is logically a higher risk to flee, than a wealthy Thai native.

Your turn to elaborate. BTW, steal any mirrors lately, Kilgore?

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The governments of these young tourist really need to do more to educate these ones before they travel. Especially the younger ones. They grow up in the society that condition them to think I AM THE CUSTOMER AND THE CUSTOMER IS ALWAYS RIGHT

Also many young think its cool to abuse any official they want because in most cases the officials in their own country are trained properly in confrontation and are not allowed to retaliate to these brats and must cop it sweet.

Then they will come over here with their haughy taughty attitude and think they are superior to all...them will find themselves in VERY hot water if they try it on with the wrong official here.

Regardless of who is right and wrong there is a time to shut up and toe the line. I guess this is where the folly of youth does come to a big downfall. I suspect this one probably sitting in the cell right now pondering these things

She may be sitting there a while. If she is able to prove she bought the camera, then the goal of the police will be to try to save

face by keeping her for a long long time in the hopes this story will blow over.

There is also the folly of old age. I was sitting in the roadside office of a ranking policeman who was trying to extort money from me for nothing. I told him in Thai he was simply a mafia person in a police uniform, and all the Thais hated him. He turned beet red, and the officers around him had their jaws hanging down in astonishment. Guess I was lucky he did not shoot me on the spot..... :-)

wow you certainly have b@lls of brass to try that one....yes but maybe if your old you can get away with it..they just think you a silly old fool and will be dead soon anyway so no need to worry about beating you up cheesy.gif

Hahaha yes it was not one of my better moments in Thailand......But in fairness to me, the guy set me off. As I am sitting there quietly , and saying politely in English that I did not want to pay the imaginary fine, he turned to my girlfriend and told her in Thai that her boyfriend had " bak ma", a dog mouth. That is a SEVERE insult in Thailand, and I was well aware of that. That was when I launched off in Thai on him.

The looks on the faces of his subordinates was priceless. With the clarity of hindsight, I now use a more subdued approach with the police.... I do not think I would have been beaten up. More likely just shot on the spot..........

Edited by EyesWideOpen
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The governments of these young tourist really need to do more to educate these ones before they travel. Especially the younger ones. They grow up in the society that condition them to think I AM THE CUSTOMER AND THE CUSTOMER IS ALWAYS RIGHT

Also many young think its cool to abuse any official they want because in most cases the officials in their own country are trained properly in confrontation and are not allowed to retaliate to these brats and must cop it sweet.

Then they will come over here with their haughy taughty attitude and think they are superior to all...them will find themselves in VERY hot water if they try it on with the wrong official here.

Regardless of who is right and wrong there is a time to shut up and toe the line. I guess this is where the folly of youth does come to a big downfall. I suspect this one probably sitting in the cell right now pondering these things

She may be sitting there a while. If she is able to prove she bought the camera, then the goal of the police will be to try to save

face by keeping her for a long long time in the hopes this story will blow over.

There is also the folly of old age. I was sitting in the roadside office of a ranking policeman who was trying to extort money from me for nothing. I told him in Thai he was simply a mafia person in a police uniform, and all the Thais hated him. He turned beet red, and the officers around him had their jaws hanging down in astonishment. Guess I was lucky he did not shoot me on the spot..... :-)

wow you certainly have b@lls of brass to try that one....yes but maybe if your old you can get away with it..they just think you a silly old fool and will be dead soon anyway so no need to worry about beating you up cheesy.gif

Hahaha yes it was not one of my better moments in Thailand......But in fairness to me, the guy set me off. As I am sitting there quietly , and saying politely in English that I did not want to pay the imaginary fine, he turned to my girlfriend and told her in Thai that her boyfriend had " bak ma", a dog mouth. That is a SEVERE insult in Thailand, and I was well aware of that. That was when I launched off in Thai on him.

The looks on the faces of his subordinates was priceless. With the clarity of hindsight, I now use a more subdued approach with the police.... I do not think I would have been beaten up. More likely just shot on the spot..........

I'll have to learn the Thai term for dog's anus in case I ever need to retaliate!
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What might be a lot to a Thai, might not be so significant to a Swiss national.

I see Thais every day driving ferraris, Porches, benz, BMW, I pass two ferrari dealerships on my way to work every day.

For me, 20 million baht is a lot of money to spend on a car. Is that a lot for a thai? Enough of them seem to have them. Perhaps you could explain.

Perhaps you could also explain the amount of bail required for wealthy thais, such as the red bull story etc.

Care to elaborate?

A quick fact check with the world bank website shows Thai per capita income at $4,440 (in US dollars) and Switzerland at $76,400. I see Thais everyday walking or riding old, rickety bicycles. I'm guessing you live in Bangkok, I live in Isaan. I'm guessing if you were to put the number of Thai owners of 20 million baht cars in terms of population percentage, it would be a fraction of a percent.

You did not state what the bail was in ther red bull story, so I don't know how it compares. Again, the concept behind bail is to assure the defendants appearance at trial. A foreign national is logically a higher risk to flee, than a wealthy Thai native.

Your turn to elaborate. BTW, steal any mirrors lately, Kilgore?

So by your logic a thai arrested in switzerland should pay bail based on the average thai income, not what a swiss would pay right?

Not sure what a swiss judge would say about that......

Dont get the mirror coment....

Sent from my GT-S5660 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Whatever the veracity of this story, the underlying distrust of any story regarding law enforcement officials in this country is a problem that will not go away in a hurry. The fact is that the culture of police corruption/extortion will always cloud the perception of what did or didn't happen. Life is not always rosy for the cops either, especially if they are straight, and even those of the farang community that consider themselves law abiding citizens can find themselves in situations out their control very quickly when dealing with officials whose real duty it is to protect the community rather than line their own pockets. This problem is so deeply entrenched in Thai life that a policeman, who was doing a good job, is in trouble for arresting the 'wrong' person and refusing to accept a bribe. The case involves a drug dealing relative of the mayors wife. The mayor is kicking up a fuss over a cop doing his job well. This is Thailand for sure! It's a double edged sword, one side is known to be corrupt therefore the other side expects corruption as a right.

What? A Thai cop that's straight? Sorry brother in law.

I rest my case. When the reputation precedes, the expectation follows. So a Thai policeman can never be straight!

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From more happy days, 22.11.2012 Seems that she has been in Singapore, should do more flying, than less problems with short time allowances to stay in TH.

Yes, TH does prefer the flying kind of Tourists and want the others stay short! rolleyes.gif

On Facebook,no new comments, no more statements.

If I am very bad cheated, I would be outspoken and share my point of view. whistling.gif

Even people accused of murder say, they did not do it, no?



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Firstly I think there is more to this story than reported, the girl's side has not been aired and why would the immigration officer have a camera on his desk? Where did he appropriate it from?

Secondly the question arises on how they come up with the figure of 130,000 THB bail? The Thai actor who shot and killed a 'friend' in a car park a few days ago was initially released on 200,000 THB bail!

I do not agree with her actions (if totally true), she must of really pissed off the immigration guy to be charged with overstay!

It will be interesting to see if her side of the story is published!

She is a much higher flight risk than a famous Thai actor- he runs and leaves his acreer behind, and murder carries extradition - she runs, return to Uni, and no chase on a 3 day overstay (we can ignore the camera I suspect- but even so it would not justify the cost in retrieving here from Singapore or Switzerland). I would suggest the court is well aware of this, so makes it an inteded fine should she make flight.

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If this girl was holidaying in Thailand, than why did she have to do a visa run to stay longer in the Kingdom if she did not have adequate funds to support herself while on holiday for a longer period?

If the mother had concerns regarding her daughters whereabouts, than why post on a travel guide website and not make inquiries directly to the police in Thailand?

Something not quite right here.

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With seven recent posts discussing the Thai term for dog's anus the time has come to close this topic. If anybody comes across a news article in English language adding something new to this case please click on the report button below this post and give the link to the article.


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