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" Amazingly Clean Thailand" Campaign Comes To Pattaya

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"Amazingly Clean Thailand" campaign comes to Pattaya


PATTAYA: -- A company specializing in food and refuse bags held an event in Pattaya on Friday to promote their product and to award those who have assisted their fellow citizens and local community.

Khun Sugamon, former Minister for Culture and Khun Itipon, the Mayor of Pattaya, attended the event held at Pattaya School Number 1 to promote a clean and healthy environment for everyone.

The event was organized by the DPAC Inter Corporation through their “Hero” brand of refuse and food bags which they have just introduced to supermarkets all over Thailand.

Full story: http://www.pattayaon...mpaign-pattaya/


-- Pattaya One 2013-01-28

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Well, it has to start somewhere. We have "Don't mess with Texas" and the education programs and ad campaigns seem to help- less polluted than it used to be.

The event was organized by the DPAC Inter Corporation through their “Hero” brand of refuse and food bags which they have just introduced to supermarkets all over Thailand.

Just what Thailand needs ... more plastic bags.

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The one amazing fact about this report is that everyone managed to keep a straight face throughout the farce. Clean and pattaya cannot be mentioned in same sentence, sadly. And that bloody mayor, apparently foreign educated, ought to know better. Because under his watch many of our beaches and neighbourhoods have become rubbish strewn.

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It boggles the mind that the people making a living on the beach and sea are some of the worst offenders.

The jet ski rental guys leave a pile of styrofoam, plastic, bottles and general trash all over their work area every day.(beach)

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Well, it has to start somewhere. We have "Don't mess with Texas" and the education programs and ad campaigns seem to help- less polluted than it used to be.

And in New Hampshire, they have "Live free or die" on license plates.


The one amazing fact about this report is that everyone managed to keep a straight face throughout the farce. Clean and pattaya cannot be mentioned in same sentence, sadly. And that bloody mayor, apparently foreign educated, ought to know better. Because under his watch many of our beaches and neighbourhoods have become rubbish strewn.

Developers, builders and others, dump truckload after truckload of trash almost anywhere and everywhere in Jomtien and Pratamnak Hill neighborhoods. The sides of the roads and every empty lot now looks like a slum landfill.

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Great no more smut and dirt in Pattaya, just put it all in a special plastic bag....

Is this really about cleaning up Pattaya or just a clever company's advertising scheme ?


The one amazing fact about this report is that everyone managed to keep a straight face throughout the farce. Clean and pattaya cannot be mentioned in same sentence, sadly. And that bloody mayor, apparently foreign educated, ought to know better. Because under his watch many of our beaches and neighbourhoods have become rubbish strewn.

Developers, builders and others, dump truckload after truckload of trash almost anywhere and everywhere in Jomtien and Pratamnak Hill neighborhoods. The sides of the roads and every empty lot now looks like a slum landfill.

Amazingly clean Pattaya...ha ha...what a joke...rampant sewer smells everywhere...rampant garbage can smells and diesel fumes from the countless coaches and baht buses!!!
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If they fill the plastic bags with trash, they can send them to Bangkok to use to hold off the flood waters. Great flood prevention plan.....

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I wish a campaign like this would come to Samui. It is perhaps the most neglected tourist area in all of Thailand. Trash everywhere. Very, very few of the beautiful beaches are not covered with trash, and plastic bottles. Where is the pride? Why such neglect? When so much money is being made, why are so few willing to give anything back? Where is the mayor? Why does the surat Thani governor not care? For as little as $2500 per month, every beach could be cleaned once a month. Every beach on this island! It feels as if samui is being mismanaged at nearly every level. What a crime, and what a shame. I love samui, but it feels as if it going downhill, quickly.


There are many words I could use to describe Thailand, clean however, is not one of them. I don't need to list reasons or give examples, it's obvious to all.

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There are many words I could use to describe Thailand, clean however, is not one of them. I don't need to list reasons or give examples, it's obvious to all.

Actually Bangkok is the cleanest city I've ever seen in a third-world country. In fact, Silom, Sukhumvit, Siam Sq. areas are very glean and well manicured. You want to see dirty? Go to India, Pakistan, Jakarta, Mexico City, ....

The one amazing fact about this report is that everyone managed to keep a straight face throughout the farce. Clean and pattaya cannot be mentioned in same sentence, sadly. And that bloody mayor, apparently foreign educated, ought to know better. Because under his watch many of our beaches and neighbourhoods have become rubbish strewn.

Developers, builders and others, dump truckload after truckload of trash almost anywhere and everywhere in Jomtien and Pratamnak Hill neighborhoods. The sides of the roads and every empty lot now looks like a slum landfill.

Amazingly clean Pattaya...ha ha...what a joke...rampant sewer smells everywhere...rampant garbage can smells and diesel fumes from the countless coaches and baht buses!!! I wonder if this is why some call Pattaya "The Big Toilet'' of the world!!!

And yet those farangs that complain the most are the ones who choose to live there.
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I would say that most shops, department stores and convenience stores in Thailand are run by Thai chinese, and clearly the only way to motivate chinese thais is through their pocket book.

Put a tax on plastic bags, and within a year, 7/11 will be asking you if you really want a plastic bag, rather than giving you two for safety, plus a drinking straw just in case.


Put a recycle/scrap value on plastic bags - the place would be picked clean overnight!

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I would say that most shops, department stores and convenience stores in Thailand are run by Thai chinese, and clearly the only way to motivate chinese thais is through their pocket book.

Put a tax on plastic bags, and within a year, 7/11 will be asking you if you really want a plastic bag, rather than giving you two for safety, plus a drinking straw just in case.


Put a tax on plastic bags, and 7/11 will start charging for them.


I would say that most shops, department stores and convenience stores in Thailand are run by Thai chinese, and clearly the only way to motivate chinese thais is through their pocket book.

Put a tax on plastic bags, and within a year, 7/11 will be asking you if you really want a plastic bag, rather than giving you two for safety, plus a drinking straw just in case.


Put a tax on plastic bags, and 7/11 will start charging for them.

They charge you in the UK, LIDL spring to mind among others.

Please no more bloody taxes on things .

how about an anti litter / dumping education program, more employees to clean things up, keep the bins empty and clean,

more money paid for recycled plastic...... maybe some jobswoths handing out fines as a last resort.


Please no more bloody taxes on things .

how about an anti litter / dumping education program, more employees to clean things up, keep the bins empty and clean,

more money paid for recycled plastic...... maybe some jobswoths handing out fines as a last resort.

Yes, the BMA do that and they do a wonderful job of it I might add.


Yes, we complain, and why not? Would it be better if we complained about Nairobi or the smoge in China? We live here, thats why we complain, because it affects us!

Just seen a jet ski engine being being overhauled on one of the rest areas at Jomtien beach, didnt seem to bother them, that they were spreading oil everywhere. Amazing clean Thailand, yes, its amazing if there is a clean spot somewhere. I hope the new bags are dog proof.


Amazingly clean Pattaya awarded themselves the title of "Cleanest beach in S.E. Asia" several years ago, and I often get mistaken for Brad Pitt ! 555555555 ! A friend who,s information I trust said he had seen, about 3 weeks ago, the boys out in the road outside of their bar on Soi 13/4 waving their private parts in public, a stunt obviously designed to improve Pattaya,s clean image.


If they fill the plastic bags with trash, they can send them to Bangkok to use to hold off the flood waters. Great flood prevention plan.....

They will likely burn the bags, if any get filled.

The event was organized by the DPAC Inter Corporation through their “Hero” brand of refuse and food bags which they have just introduced to supermarkets all over Thailand.

Just what Thailand needs ... more plastic bags.

I remember a news report a few years ago where the Thais had invented a machine that made gasoline of waste plastic.

I've been saving plastic bags ever since, as I considered to be a milionare bilionare by now, but I don't hear anything from the invention anymore.

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