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Tough Guy's In Thailand


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I was in a pub eating peanuts, got up to leave and took a final handful of nuts before walking out. Some aggressive guy ordered me to put them back. I had to kick his ass...or maybe I saw that in a Clint Eastwood movie?? Sometimes I just can't remember.

wow you are sooo cool!!! can I be your friend?

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I had a european guy try so hard to wind me up, I don't know what his problem was but he had it in for me.

I was with my muay thai instructor and my Brazilian jujitsu instructor, he had no idea who we were, we went and drank elswhere.

He was quite old to,

Strange, on the other thread where you were kicking lots of Thai ass you said you didn't do jujitsu. Jim
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Crikey so many on here as 6ft 4, Martial arts experts, im just an assassin. .... But Sukhumvit and similar areas aren't the fun slightly edgy places they used to be, the edginess has been replaced by something outright nasty.

If you go there trouble is a possibility that comes with the territory, maybe time to go somewhere more civilised.

Edited by Thailand1977
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Unfortunately, sometimes this sort of behavior tends to go on while people are on holidays.

Men drinking excessively while on holiday’s with little to no regard to local customs or traditions.

For example, if you have a bunch of mates travelling to Thailand to do the Thai thing, lady’s, drink, club’s and partying all day and night, knowing that in 2 or 3 week’s you will be home, they will feel like they are on top of the world and they can do and say as they like.

Don’t get me wrong, you can go out on a Friday, Saturday night in Brisbane and still find yourself in a fight for no apparent reason.

The driving force behind a lot of violence is alcohol. In Australia if you’re deemed to have had too much, the publican can refuse you entry into their establishment and bar staff by law can/must refuse to serve you any more alcohol.

I doubt that a bar/club in Thailand would stop serving alcohol to someone who was so paraletic (drunk).

I was in a bar in Bangkok about a year or so ago and there was a bunch of 4 to 5 young Brit’s, very drunk and having a good time. I don’t mind having a drink like the next person. But as I observed them they became very aggressive, abusive and started to speak to the Thai bar girls in a derogative manner and tone. They had ordered drinks but then proceeded to argue with the Bar girls that they had only ordered 1 beer and they refused to pay for the other’s beers that they were happily drinking while they were arguing with the bar staff.

Not sure what happened as we soon left the bar once the atmosphere started to change with all the commotion that was going on.

I guess at the end of the day it takes a bigger man to walk away than to go toe to toe…

Edited by cdnvic
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I had one idiot like this so far. He was from the UK.

Have you thought about going into a career as an author? Edge of the seat stuff rolleyes.gif

Oh and well done to the OP.

Short and to the factual point, good stuff.

Better than wind baggin on about how tough you are.

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I've had similar experience last year. I was walking along Sukhumvit Road at Nana on a lunch break., just minding my own business. There was a guy who I think looked in his late 50's, overweight and looked as if many years of heavy drinking had taken its toll on him.

Basically the guy was looking at DVDs on a little stall, and he stepped backwards into my path. I tried to swerve but he banged into my shoulder, knocking me sideways. Instead of apologising, he started shouting in the middle of the street, calling me a pr*ck etc.. I kept walking and he kept shouting come on then, well come on.

I turned around, shook my head at him to let him know he was embarrassing himself, and I continued walking.

Im only 36 yrs old, Im fit and healthy. I didnt feel threatened in the slightest. But never would I stoop to the level of shouting or fighting in the street

Edited by Beyond Brawn
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Not yet, knock on wood.

But its nice to see such levelheadedness, in one so young.

Nicely done my friend!

Was this a Thai guy? Thais would need about another six with them before they would fight with a Farang, especially a young guy at 6ft 2.
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Not yet, knock on wood.

But its nice to see such levelheadedness, in one so young.

Nicely done my friend!

In Thailand, I'd never walk away from a fight, I would run, even from one person. You take on one Thai, then you take on about six more.
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Don't worry about it, we have all heard the Ex SAS / CIA / FBI / MI5 / MI6 jerks here in the bars.

Bet you he was an FBI = FAT,BALD AND IMPOTENT.

The bars are full of them.

Well done for walking away from the <deleted>.

I assumed it was a Thai, no, if it was a Farang, I would have decked him there and then, I know most of you will say I'm wrong, I am a very easy going mild mannered guy, but if any Farang who I do not know, even as much as threatens me with violence of any kind, I will hit him, and when he hits the ground I will hit him again to make sure he doesn't get back up. he may have a knife. I'm sorry if I sound angry here, but violence or threats of violence is something I will not tolerate.
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Not yet, knock on wood.

But its nice to see such levelheadedness, in one so young.

Nicely done my friend!

In Thailand, I'd never walk away from a fight, I would run, even from one person. You take on one Thai, then you take on about six more.

Why don't you read the OP, nothing to do with Thai guys.

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Spend most of my working life in one type of blue suite or other and can usually pick who is for real is not. Real ones are not picking fights in bars.

Some crazy people out there that are just mean bad asses, but they spend most of their time in prison. Jim

unfortunately some good fighters do pick fights, i know a pro boxer who goes out looking for fights evey weekend, I know him but i certainly dont hang with him.

Would that be the Scottish boxer who done or is doing time in Spain?
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I am a very easy going mild mannered guy, but if any Farang who I do not know, even as much as threatens me with violence of any kind, I will hit him, and when he hits the ground I will hit him again to make sure he doesn't get back up. he may have a knife. I'm sorry if I sound angry here, but violence or threats of violence is something I will not tolerate.

So the solution is then to proceed with violence yourself? wai2.gif

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Crikey so many on here as 6ft 4, Martial arts experts, im just an assassin. .... But Sukhumvit and similar areas aren't the fun slightly edgy places they used to be, the edginess has been replaced by something outright nasty.

If you go there trouble is a possibility that comes with the territory, maybe time to go somewhere more civilised.

I did karate when I was younger and reached a green belt, but there is no way I would have beaten an experienced street fighter. Martial arts don't mean a lot, they have rules in fighting, but street fighters do not have rules.
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I am a very easy going mild mannered guy, but if any Farang who I do not know, even as much as threatens me with violence of any kind, I will hit him, and when he hits the ground I will hit him again to make sure he doesn't get back up. he may have a knife. I'm sorry if I sound angry here, but violence or threats of violence is something I will not tolerate.

So the solution is then to proceed with violence yourself? wai2.gif

Yes, that's right.
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