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What Do Thai People Find Funny?


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This thread has been pretty entertaining and informative so far, thanks - If you see some crazy young white guy making silly noises and faces in BKK/Chiang during April, don't be afraid to say hello!

I'll just be myself, leaving out the usual sarcasm and dark humor.

Don't leave out the dark humour, but only play it as you would back home. I know plenty of Thais with a TRULY dark sense of humour. You can play politics lightly too if you have been here a while but keep 200000 steps away from certain families whatever you think their feelings on the matter.

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(By the way, rene123, in my early days in Thailand, when I did indeed indulge with ladies of the night, I went with five different girls from the same bar, no problems and no drama. You're the customer. They will only act like that if they think you are some daft old fool who is likely to fall in love with them)

Ah, then you were one of the "butterflies" that the bar girls all talk about. I think the bar girls only get jealous if the customer is considered "special" and they don't want to lose him.

Being considered special by prostitutes has never been a goal of mine. I think it's actually the money you are paying them that they don't want to lose. If you don't fall for their jealous act, they soon give up the pretence.

It's not an act, inthepink. The bar girls are no different than women everywhere; they've just been hardened by the men they've been with. And, as far as actiing goes, the men do it too. How many BS artists are there sitting on bar stools? The bar gals have feelings the same as all women do. They get hurt, angry and jealous, some more than others. The ones that have been in the trade a long time cover their feelings with a hard exterior, but they still get hurt. Unlike puritanical westerners who are mostly hypocrites when it comes to sex, the bar girls don't consider payment for sex to be wrong. I've found them to be a fun loving group of women who like to share a laugh with their friends. If a man turns himself into a "mark" then that is his problem.

I've had heart to heart talks with several of the bar girls and their goal in life is not much different than mine. They hope to meet a nice man and maybe settle down somewhere and live out their life in comfort. But, they also have a duty to their family who they want to take care of. That is the biggest difference between westerners and Thails. Westerners raise their children to be independent. Thais raise their children to look after the parents when they get old.

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You are asking two entirely different questions. Thai people seem to enjoy that stupid slapstick crap that went out with the three stooges. However, the question being asked is how to fit in easily with Thai women. That is entirely different from slapstick humour, if you can actually call it humour. Women enjoy a man who is confident without being pushy. They like an easy smile and not a person who leers at them. Women CAN tell the difference. Once you get to know a woman then that is the time for the funny stuff and the joking. Just don't over do it. And, like most women everywhere, Thai women are jealous. You can flirt with all the women, but don't start being serious with any one particular gal unless you intend to make her the only one. Although it is alright for any woman in a bar to go with multiple men, a man can only go with one woman from any one particular bar. If he does so then there is bound to be trouble. Many men don't understand this. And, it is VERY difficult to meet Thai women outside the bar scene unless you can speak the language.

Aren't you the one that knows 3 words of Thai?

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Try learning some Thai words from them, your efforts will probably provide a lot of entertainment.

Yeah that was something I was thinking of doing, purposely saying a phrase wrong in broken Thai. Like saying "I am a pretty girl" instead of "You are".

I don't see anything wrong with being a little prepared. It's in my personality to overanaylze and overprepare (something I'm hoping to break when I get there, and just go with the flow).

If it gets a smile/laugh great, if not ah well.

Edited by LionMG
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(By the way, rene123, in my early days in Thailand, when I did indeed indulge with ladies of the night, I went with five different girls from the same bar, no problems and no drama. You're the customer. They will only act like that if they think you are some daft old fool who is likely to fall in love with them)

Ah, then you were one of the "butterflies" that the bar girls all talk about. I think the bar girls only get jealous if the customer is considered "special" and they don't want to lose him.

Being considered special by prostitutes has never been a goal of mine. I think it's actually the money you are paying them that they don't want to lose. If you don't fall for their jealous act, they soon give up the pretence.

It's not an act, inthepink. The bar girls are no different than women everywhere; they've just been hardened by the men they've been with. And, as far as actiing goes, the men do it too. How many BS artists are there sitting on bar stools? The bar gals have feelings the same as all women do. They get hurt, angry and jealous, some more than others. The ones that have been in the trade a long time cover their feelings with a hard exterior, but they still get hurt. Unlike puritanical westerners who are mostly hypocrites when it comes to sex, the bar girls don't consider payment for sex to be wrong. I've found them to be a fun loving group of women who like to share a laugh with their friends. If a man turns himself into a "mark" then that is his problem.

I've had heart to heart talks with several of the bar girls and their goal in life is not much different than mine. They hope to meet a nice man and maybe settle down somewhere and live out their life in comfort. But, they also have a duty to their family who they want to take care of. That is the biggest difference between westerners and Thails. Westerners raise their children to be independent. Thais raise their children to look after the parents when they get old.

I think we are way off topic here but my tip to any woman looking for a nice man, whether they are Thai or from any other country, is not to consider prostitution as a career and certainly not to consider any of their customers as potential husbands.
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Try learning some Thai words from them, your efforts will probably provide a lot of entertainment.

Yeah that was something I was thinking of doing, purposely saying a phrase wrong in broken Thai. Like saying "I am a pretty girl" instead of "You are".

I don't see anything wrong with being a little prepared. It's in my personality to overanaylze and overprepare (something I'm hoping to break when I get there, and just go with the flow).

If it gets a smile/laugh great, if not ah well.

Most Thai women (and men for that matter) that I have met are very easy to get along with and laugh easily too. Chill, man!
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Talking, and gossip about other farangs as if you are not one yourself is always a good one.

To make it really good though, you must complain about farangs in thais own language..

Thammai khon ***** mehn muk muk?

Thammai khon Australia pood siang dang?

Thammai took khon phrathet England bpehn khon kee-bohn?

Thammai took khon faranset kee-niow muk muk

Thammai took farang America ouan muk muk?

ect ect

You get the drift..Basically anything that involve sentence beginning with Thammai and farang is good. thumbsup.gif

Will be sure to get big laughs as most thai have also asked many of these same questions themself laugh.png

Assuming that the OP doesn't understand Thai language, I very much doubt that he would get your drift.

Your suggestions would just appear as gibberish.

As your post, insulting various nationalities, breaks forum rules, I would expect a mod to remove it soon as well as this reply. smile.png

Not sure what you find so insulting? These are just observations you will hear many times from Thais nearly daily.

You will also see other posters on these threads mention these things and even calling each other.

Even i can say myself, i have had many of those things said to me by thais and yet i am not so uptight to run and cry to my mamma smile.png

Maybe the mods have a better sense of humour than you, or a better understanding of Thai language..maybe even both whistling.gif

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Talking, and gossip about other farangs as if you are not one yourself is always a good one.

To make it really good though, you must complain about farangs in thais own language..

Thammai khon ***** mehn muk muk?

Thammai khon Australia pood siang dang?

Thammai took khon phrathet England bpehn khon kee-bohn?

Thammai took khon faranset kee-niow muk muk

Thammai took farang America ouan muk muk?

ect ect

You get the drift..Basically anything that involve sentence beginning with Thammai and farang is good. thumbsup.gif

Will be sure to get big laughs as most thai have also asked many of these same questions themself laugh.png

Assuming that the OP doesn't understand Thai language, I very much doubt that he would get your drift.

Your suggestions would just appear as gibberish.

As your post, insulting various nationalities, breaks forum rules, I would expect a mod to remove it soon as well as this reply. smile.png

Not sure what you find so insulting? These are just observations you will hear many times from Thais nearly daily.

You will also see other posters on these threads mention these things and even calling each other.

Even i can say myself, i have had many of those things said to me by thais and yet i am not so uptight to run and cry to my mamma smile.png

Maybe the mods have a better sense of humour than you, or a better understanding of Thai language..maybe even both whistling.gif

Thammai khon ***** mehn muk muk? Why do ****** smell so bad

Thammai khon Australia pood siang dang? --- Why do Australians speak very loudly?

Thammai took khon phrathet England bpehn khon kee-bohn? --- Why are all the people from England constanly complaining/moaning?

Thammai took khon faranset kee-niow muk muk --- Why are all the French very very stingy?

Thammai took farang America ouan muk muk? --- Why are all Americans obese?

Anything wrong with my understanding of Thai language?

I wouldn't say that anyone who finds this funny would have a better sense of humour than I do. I would, at best, say that they have a different idea of humour to me.

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Of course it will look a little bit offensive if you print out in English like that laugh.png

and no, nothing wrong with your understanding of the language...but now you probably get both of us kicked out cheesy.gif

Actually, to be honest with you, when I read it as Thai language, I thought it nasty and offensive. Reading it in English, doesn't actually come across that way so much :)

I would suggest the use of suan mak to indicate most instead of took implying all.

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Talking, and gossip about other farangs as if you are not one yourself is always a good one.

To make it really good though, you must complain about farangs in thais own language..

Thammai khon ***** mehn muk muk?

Thammai khon Australia pood siang dang?

Thammai took khon phrathet England bpehn khon kee-bohn?

Thammai took khon faranset kee-niow muk muk

Thammai took farang America ouan muk muk?

ect ect

You get the drift..Basically anything that involve sentence beginning with Thammai and farang is good. thumbsup.gif

Will be sure to get big laughs as most thai have also asked many of these same questions themself laugh.png

Assuming that the OP doesn't understand Thai language, I very much doubt that he would get your drift.

Your suggestions would just appear as gibberish.

As your post, insulting various nationalities, breaks forum rules, I would expect a mod to remove it soon as well as this reply. smile.png

Not sure what you find so insulting? These are just observations you will hear many times from Thais nearly daily.

You will also see other posters on these threads mention these things and even calling each other.

Even i can say myself, i have had many of those things said to me by thais and yet i am not so uptight to run and cry to my mamma smile.png

Maybe the mods have a better sense of humour than you, or a better understanding of Thai language..maybe even both whistling.gif

Thammai khon ***** mehn muk muk? Why do ****** smell so bad

Thammai khon Australia pood siang dang? --- Why do Australians speak very loudly?

Thammai took khon phrathet England bpehn khon kee-bohn? --- Why are all the people from England constanly complaining/moaning?

Thammai took khon faranset kee-niow muk muk --- Why are all the French very very stingy?

Thammai took farang America ouan muk muk? --- Why are all Americans obese?

Anything wrong with my understanding of Thai language?

I wouldn't say that anyone who finds this funny would have a better sense of humour than I do. I would, at best, say that they have a different idea of humour to me.

Here we go, flags have been raised!
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No worries, mate. They will giggle at everything you do. If you slip and fall, really hurting yourself, they will find that quite funny.

After a while though, about a week, it's quite annoying, especially when they are snickering at their easy avoided mistake that has just cost you big.

Edited by MacChine
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Mr Bean seems to rock for a lot of Thai people and he says almost nothing.

When I show his videos to Thais, they love it.

Mr bean and Charlie Chaplin videos are dubbed with a Lao /Isaan soundtrack even when there was no speaking on the original. I guess the silly dubbers make it up as they go along :D

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I think we are way off topic here but my tip to any woman looking for a nice man, whether they are Thai or from any other country, is not to consider prostitution as a career and certainly not to consider any of their customers as potential husbands.

On that we both agree completely. Unfortunately, some of those women are stuck in a time warp. They get pregnant to a Thai boy who doesn't want to be a father at 18 (or younger) and he takes off leaving a young, teenage girl behind. From what I've been told, a Thai school girl who gets pregnant can no longer go to school and is then forced into looking for something else to earn a living while her mother looks after the child. Unless the girl is an exceptional beauty, the available Thai men don't want a girl who already has a child by another man. Without an education how is a young.mother supposed to earn a living? Choices are limited. The bar scene is a dead end with very few palatable prospects for young women.

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I think we are way off topic here but my tip to any woman looking for a nice man, whether they are Thai or from any other country, is not to consider prostitution as a career and certainly not to consider any of their customers as potential husbands.

On that we both agree completely. Unfortunately, some of those women are stuck in a time warp. They get pregnant to a Thai boy who doesn't want to be a father at 18 (or younger) and he takes off leaving a young, teenage girl behind. From what I've been told, a Thai school girl who gets pregnant can no longer go to school and is then forced into looking for something else to earn a living while her mother looks after the child. Unless the girl is an exceptional beauty, the available Thai men don't want a girl who already has a child by another man. Without an education how is a young.mother supposed to earn a living? Choices are limited. The bar scene is a dead end with very few palatable prospects for young women.

Plenty opt to work in factories, on building sites, small restaurants etcetera rather than earn money on their back. All of these are usually dead-end jobs too but ones that allow the girls in question to retain a little more self respect. If working in a bar was all about earning a living to support a child then why waste money on flashy mobile phones and other badges of success? It takes a certain type to do such work and bad luck is not enough to explain their choice of career.

In a vain attempt to stay somewhere near the topic, I would say that our conversation might cause a few Thai females to laugh.

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I think we are way off topic here but my tip to any woman looking for a nice man, whether they are Thai or from any other country, is not to consider prostitution as a career and certainly not to consider any of their customers as potential husbands.

On that we both agree completely. Unfortunately, some of those women are stuck in a time warp. They get pregnant to a Thai boy who doesn't want to be a father at 18 (or younger) and he takes off leaving a young, teenage girl behind. From what I've been told, a Thai school girl who gets pregnant can no longer go to school and is then forced into looking for something else to earn a living while her mother looks after the child. Unless the girl is an exceptional beauty, the available Thai men don't want a girl who already has a child by another man. Without an education how is a young.mother supposed to earn a living? Choices are limited. The bar scene is a dead end with very few palatable prospects for young women.

So after stating this do you also think Thai women you met deserve a better life?

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