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Has The Govt Got More Nasty Surprises For Expats?

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I've been here a long time, and all that I can say is, wait and see; One never really knows.

The Gulf War, SARS, Chicken Flu. Under these circumstances, anywhere else, the Government would want to keep around the revenues generated by Farang residents, at least until they really know which way the wind is blowing financially, but here, cutting off one's own nose could be the National Sport.


I think that you know that there is no way to know this :o , but if countries all over the World try to attract retirees to live there, it seems like there must be a significant income in it.

Add all the successful farang owned and managed businesses in Phuket, Bangkok, Chiang Mai and elsewhere, and it doesn't seem like money to sneeze at, particularly when having all the problems that Thailand has been having in other sectors.

I'm an expat, yet I haven't had any government-sponsored nasty surprises over the past 12 months. Have I missed something?

A few fee increases that were well overdue...eg. visa fees remained unaltered for 18 years, and foreshadowed income / banking needs for caring for a Thai spouse or retirement, and talk of hobbling the 30 day impoverished walking brigade people. Hardly the end of the world.


I'd call the new entertainment restrictions nasty, though maybe not much of a surprise. Visa fees were increased in the 90s, and don't see why they were overdue just because they hadn't been increased for a few years. The banking needs are a pain in the @ss. I've no problem with the notion that a visa applicant has to have the funds, just don't want them in a Thai bank. I wonder what else they've got lined up.

I'd call the new entertainment restrictions nasty, though maybe not much of a surprise. Visa fees were increased in the 90s, and don't see why they were overdue just because they hadn't been increased for a few years. The banking needs are a pain in the @ss. I've no problem with the notion that a visa applicant has to have the funds, just don't want them in a Thai bank. I wonder what else they've got lined up.

The visa fee increases were actually intoduced on 26 August 2003 not the 90's. The increases were the first for 18 years.

I've been here a long time,

Why does Georgie always have to drop this line into is statements, is he insecure about something?

I too have been here a long time, but you don't see me dropping it in, in a 'superiour' demeanour.

Should we all have a pissing contest to see who can piss highest? lol

I suspect you're a bit of a expat snob on the quiet Porgie. :o


My 1 year multi entry O class visa is about to expire, I will be sending off my passport back to the UK to get another stamped in, it only costs £90.00, that's about 6300 baht at roughly the going rate.

http://www.thaiconsul-uk.com/Bvisas.htm (for the brits interested)

The equivilant UK visa for a my wife is around 2 x 2500 = 5000 baht, that 2 x 6 month multi entry visa plus postage etc, to the UK embassy and or the price of a return flight to/from Phuket. (for you pedants out there, I roughed the prices to make the maths easier)

Sounds like we get a normal deal with the Thai visa or at least it is a similar price range anyway. Plus I don't have to go for an 'interview' before getting it stamped in, though the Uk embassy have been pretty good to us and over the years we have only had to sit 1 interview, the rest of the visas being send in and stamped by mail.

I do remember reading in the post last year that the minister in charge of immigration said something about the charges being brought in line with the cost of visa purchaced by Thais (Pedants copy and paste here with your reserch)

Ok chaps that was my 10 penneth, will pop in again soon


I've no problem with the notion that a visa applicant has to have the funds, just don't want them in a Thai bank

David M

The Funds do not have to be in a "Thai Bank"

although that is what the English Translation of

the rules does say.

But the Funds do have to be in a Bank in Thailand.

There are several Foreign Banks.

CitiBank - American

HSBC - British

Standard Chartered - British

UOB - Singaporean

Also I thought that the Funds had to be in Thai Baht,

however someone did claim that his deposit in US Dollars

was accepted - of course he might have been a TROLL !!


I've been here a long time,

Why does Georgie always have to drop this line into is statements, is he insecure about something?

I too have been here a long time, but you don't see me dropping it in, in a 'superiour' demeanour.

Should we all have a pissing contest to see who can piss highest? lol

I suspect you're a bit of a expat snob on the quiet Porgie. :D


My 1 year multi entry O class visa is about to expire, I will be sending off my passport back to the UK to get another stamped in,

I thought we had established on another

thread that to mail your passport out of

Thailand, violates the Thai Immigration rules?


I thought we had established on another

thread that to mail your passport out of

Thailand, violates the Thai Immigration rules?


My apologies, I will be sending my passport from Nigeria where I am presently under contract, plus I am the lucky holder of 2 passports, (Gloat gloat) specifically for the visa reasons as stated, 'you can't send out your passport while in country'.

But a naughty way around this is if you have a jolly friend who is leaving, get him to hand carry it, when in country mail it to the Consul, and then get someone to DHL it back to you.

It works well, as DHL are only obliged to check passports on the way out... not in.

Of course I wouldn't do this as it might be illegal... :o


I've been here a long time,

Why does Georgie always have to drop this line into is statements, is he insecure about something?

I too have been here a long time, but you don't see me dropping it in, in a 'superiour' demeanour.

Should we all have a pissing contest to see who can piss highest? lol

I suspect you're a bit of a expat snob on the quiet Porgie. :D

That is quite easy to answer. So many of the posters on this forum have been in Thailand for just a few weeks, or live elsewhere, but are fond of Thailand, however know very little about it.

There are others, possibly like yourself Basher, that base themselves here, but actually spend little time in country. I know that when I tell people how long I've lived in Thailand, I don't include the years that I spent part of the time here, and part abroad. I didn't really start to understand the place until I was here full time.

Usually, when I say that I have been here a long time, I am giving advice about Thailand. I want people to know that I do have a lot of experience with the place.

By the way, you were in the SAS with the "gentleman"? You two seem quite different. Were you sort of like the officer in the movies, that used to go and get Rambo out of jail all the time, clean him up and send him on missions? :o

I've been here a long time,

Why does Georgie always have to drop this line into is statements, is he insecure about something?

I too have been here a long time, but you don't see me dropping it in, in a 'superiour' demeanour.

Should we all have a pissing contest to see who can piss highest? lol

I suspect you're a bit of a expat snob on the quiet Porgie. :D

That is quite easy to answer. So many of the posters on this forum have been in Thailand for just a few weeks, or live elsewhere, but are fond of Thailand, however know very little about it.

There are others, possibly like yourself Basher, that base themselves here, but actually spend little time in country. I know that when I tell people how long I've lived in Thailand, I don't include the years that I spent part of the time here, and part abroad. I didn't really start to understand the place until I was here full time.

Usually, when I say that I have been here a long time, I am giving advice about Thailand. I want people to know that I do have a lot of experience with the place.

By the way, you were in the SAS with the "gentleman"? You two seem quite different. Were you sort of like the officer in the movies, that used to go and get Rambo out of jail all the time, clean him up and send him on missions? :D

Still sounds like a pissing contest to me

By the way did you hurt your pets when you were young? put kittens in sacks and drown them? that sort of thing? :o

As for time 'in' country, I guess I may lose on the days actually in country but, I would like to emphasize this, it is usually about the quality of the time not the quantity isn't it?

So saying, I don't hang around the bars much mate, part of our training is infiltration tactics, it's in my nature to 'get native' so hanging around with a bunch of bloated westerners wasn't really the real deal, also I had to improve my Thai to stretch beyond 'You very handsome man' and "I want you smoke me"

(though I can say in vietnamese "I love you long time") :D

My time with The Gent, well I can't really go into that too much can I, but I did like your little Rambo bit, we do have a little story like that.... anyway it made me laugh out loud, nice one.

He drew 1st blood don't ya know, and all that!! :D

Smithers bring the bally tea!!!

Gent, You will laugh when you read this one mate.


By the way did you hurt your pets when you were young? put kittens in sacks and drown them? that sort of thing?  :o

As for time 'in' country, I guess I may lose on the days actually in country but, I would like to emphasize this, it is usually about the quality of the time not the quantity isn't it?

Actually, I was the little kid that use try to fight off the bigger kids, to keep them from sticking cheery-bombs up the kittens butts and lighting the fuses(jing-jing). :D

As far as quality time in Thailand, I agree with that, and if you've been in and out of the country for a long enough period of time, you usually figure it all out anyway (as much as anyone ever does). :D


Dr. I'm well aware of the Aug 26 increase but they were not the first for 18 years. Not even close. The feees for non-immigrant "O" were incresed in the 90s. Other visa fees have been increased in more recent times. As you are an Aussie expat in Thailand, I suspect we both know another Aussie who used to "assist" with obtaining visas and could verify what I'm saying. No big deal, though. At the end of the day, the visa is still affordable and that's what matters most.

it's in my nature to 'get native'

How on earth does a Brit get native in Thailand? I had enough trouble passing for a Pushtu tribesman wearing a turban and local dress. Think I'd stand out like a sore thumb in a paddy field.

it's in my nature to 'get native'

How on earth does a Brit get native in Thailand? I had enough trouble passing for a Pushtu tribesman wearing a turban and local dress. Think I'd stand out like a sore thumb in a paddy field.

Ok Ok you got me there, I did laugh out loud then, with scenes from the 'Four Feathers' rushing through my head.

What I ment was to live the Thai lifestyle, to live as they do, and I don't just mean drinking Mekong and krating dang...

I really had my eyes opened as to how basic you can live whilst enjoying the lifestyle and how happy a simple life can be.

I was ina little muslim village just outside Trang for many many years (just put that last line in for Georgie) and it was an idylic lifestyle, but then the village got electricity and TV, the evil big square tranquilizer that sucks you in and gets you believing that maybe you should have that big mercedes and the mansion..... hang on I am getting a bit Talking Heads here, "where is my beautiful wife, where is my beautiful car"

Naa really all I mean is going native, though I do look rather fetching in a sarong!!

But thanks for the laugh



Actually, I was the little kid that use try to fight off the bigger kids, to keep them from sticking cheery-bombs up the kittens butts and lighting the fuses(jing-jing). :o

How bizarre, I was the one sticking bangers (cherry bombs) up frogs <deleted> ( I think you call them ass's).....

Maybe that's how I got into my line of work.... I always did like the blood and guts side of it..

I thought we


But a naughty way around this is if you have a jolly friend who is leaving, get him to hand carry it, when in country mail it to the Consul, and then get someone to DHL it back to you.

It works well, as DHL are only obliged to check passports on the way out... not in.

Of course I wouldn't do this as it might be illegal... :D


And if he gets nabbed at UK customs carrying it, then what? If you've read other threads about DHL you'll have noticed they have been known to use the Thai postal system.

If I got caught doing this the Canadian passport office would sieze the passport and it would take a lot of cajoling to get another one. The mossad uses our passports enough as it is.

Best to fly home and get some decent fish&chips :o



Actually, I was the little kid that use try to fight off the bigger kids, to keep them from sticking cheery-bombs up the kittens butts and lighting the fuses(jing-jing). :o

How bizarre, I was the one sticking bangers (cherry bombs) up frogs <deleted> ( I think you call them ass's).....

Maybe that's how I got into my line of work.... I always did like the blood and guts side of it..

Well, if nothing else, it might have something to do with how you got your name. :D

I thought we


But a naughty way around this is if you have a jolly friend who is leaving, get him to hand carry it, when in country mail it to the Consul, and then get someone to DHL it back to you.

It works well, as DHL are only obliged to check passports on the way out... not in.

Of course I wouldn't do this as it might be illegal... :D


And if he gets nabbed at UK customs carrying it, then what? If you've read other threads about DHL you'll have noticed they have been known to use the Thai postal system.

If I got caught doing this the Canadian passport office would sieze the passport and it would take a lot of cajoling to get another one. The mossad uses our passports enough as it is.

Best to fly home and get some decent fish&chips :D


oye Vey!

yes fish and chips...mmmm great British cusine, black puddings too mmmmm.

Ok good point on the illegality, so don't anyone listen to me for gawds sake, I would hate anyone to get dropped in it because of me.

I will check out the DHL thing, just so long as it wasn't on www.rense.com which I am sure a lot of blokes get their 'facts' from :o

thanks Cv

Dr. I'm well aware of the Aug 26 increase but they were not the first for 18 years. Not even close. The feees for non-immigrant "O" were incresed in the 90s. Other visa fees have been increased in more recent times. As you are an Aussie expat in Thailand, I suspect we both know another Aussie who used to "assist" with obtaining visas and could verify what I'm saying. No big deal, though. At the end of the day, the visa is still affordable and that's what matters most.

Enlighten me. The ONLY change to O visa's in the 90's was the introduction of multiple entries at $AUD 60 with a one year validity, rather than the previous $30 per entry and 6 months validity, effectively a reduction. Spoil me...educate me.


Positive thinking!

A few years ago a re-entry permit cost you Baht 500 for each entry.

Make that 5000 for 10 re-entries per year. Today you get a multiple for 3800 a saving of 24% :o

Positive thinking!

A few years ago a re-entry permit cost you Baht 500 for each entry.

Make that 5000 for 10 re-entries per year. Today you get a multiple for 3800 a saving of 24% :D

Negative thinking!

How much was a multiple re-entry permit pre 26 August Axel ? :o

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