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Google Local Language Annoyance


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It's getting worse and more confusing with all the different devices, and old tricks like the 'no country redirect' seem to be purposely rendered ineffective. 'Google in English' links, when they even appear in English, are often useless when switching among, say, search to analytics. Are u in swahili-land and forget which one is 'log-out' from ur credit card enabled account? Thus Google's policy of serving pages in the local language seems an affront not only to your freedom but your personal account security as well. And getting colleagues to cooperate using Google services is very difficult as some levels of users are quite intimidated by this. And a lot of other internet portals are being 'led by the pack' as usual. Don't bother thinking setting your Google account to your country of choice helps at all. My browser chosen language gets ignored. Don't travel?

Anyone dealing with this ? Anyone have some simple ways to get around it?

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Use something like this for a start page

http://news.google.c...hp?hl=en&tab=wn The hl=en&tab=wn on the end is the key to that

then find and select Google SSL (no filtering) as your search provider.

With this I get none of those issues

Interesting... I must check out that "wn" switch.

My basic Google search shortcut is: htt ps:/ /www.google.com/webhp?complete=0?hl=en&tab=ww

Not sure what the additional stuff is for.

I think it turns off "Google Complete" and/or "Google Instant" and/or "Google Suggest".

So it's basically a "Google B*ggerOff". smile.png

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Use something like this for a start page

http://news.google.c...hp?hl=en&tab=wn The hl=en&tab=wn on the end is the key to that

then find and select Google SSL (no filtering) as your search provider.

With this I get none of those issues

Thanks. I was so used to /ncr that I forgot that '=en' switch (that I use in my GMail bookmark that logs me out just in case) ...


(of course I think GMail is EN regardless).

and for Opera users (other browser search prefs can modify, %s is Opera internal - gets changed back when u update browser):

Tools/Prefererences/Search/Google/Advanced ...


working so far:




of course, for the newbies, kinda difficult to get them to change bookmarks, so STILL an issue (and as devices move more toward becoming appliances, which they should not).


Edited by Ponbkk
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