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Thailand Will Have World's Largest Warning Labels On Cigarette Packs


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Finally the Government has done something positive with no downside. From the number of people that continue to smoke it necessitates some education on the dangers and consequences of tobacco use. For non smokers and former smokers looking at users usually invokes empathy, pity or hate. Now if this filthy addiction could be confined to residences without children present... Yes I did. Quit in 1977.

One of lesser reasons I decided to retire to Thailand was to get away from bigots and anti anything I don't agree with

people like yourself, smokers have just as much right to smoke as you have not to. And no I don't smoke!!!!

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Finally the Government has done something positive with no downside. From the number of people that continue to smoke it necessitates some education on the dangers and consequences of tobacco use. For non smokers and former smokers looking at users usually invokes empathy, pity or hate. Now if this filthy addiction could be confined to residences without children present... Yes I did. Quit in 1977.

One of lesser reasons I decided to retire to Thailand was to get away from bigots and anti anything I don't agree with

people like yourself, smokers have just as much right to smoke as you have not to. And no I don't smoke!!!!

Fully agree with you.

But I just wish that people would kill themselves slowly with cigarettes in the comfort of their own homes. So that I do not have to breathe the filthy air that emanates from their filthy habit.

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Cigarette warning labels to get even bigger

Puangchompoo Prasert

The Nation

BANGKOK: -- Thailand will have world's largest warning labels on cigarette packs.

The size of the warnings, which are dominated by scary photos that show the unhealthy consequences of smoking, will be expanded to cover 85 per cent of the pack, up from the current 55 per cent, Public Health Minister Pradit Sinthawanarong said yesterday.

After a meeting with national tobacco control board, Pradit said the board agreed to issue a ministerial declaration to increase the size of the warnings.

And to contact his family printing shopwhistling.gif

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Finally the Government has done something positive with no downside. From the number of people that continue to smoke it necessitates some education on the dangers and consequences of tobacco use. For non smokers and former smokers looking at users usually invokes empathy, pity or hate. Now if this filthy addiction could be confined to residences without children present... Yes I did. Quit in 1977.

One of lesser reasons I decided to retire to Thailand was to get away from bigots and anti anything I don't agree with

people like yourself, smokers have just as much right to smoke as you have not to. And no I don't smoke!!!!

Fully agree with you.

But I just wish that people would kill themselves slowly with cigarettes in the comfort of their own homes. So that I do not have to breathe the filthy air that emanates from their filthy habit.

If you have a problem with smoke or smokers then I would suggest that it is up to you to avoid smokers and

areas where smoking is a legal pastime, or as you suggest do your non-smoking in the comfort of your own

home, or go live up a mountain somewhere. Now maybe your getting the idea how smokers feel????

Edited by phuketjock
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Finally the Government has done something positive with no downside. From the number of people that continue to smoke it necessitates some education on the dangers and consequences of tobacco use. For non smokers and former smokers looking at users usually invokes empathy, pity or hate. Now if this filthy addiction could be confined to residences without children present... Yes I did. Quit in 1977.

One of lesser reasons I decided to retire to Thailand was to get away from bigots and anti anything I don't agree with

people like yourself, smokers have just as much right to smoke as you have not to. And no I don't smoke!!!!

Fully agree with you.

But I just wish that people would kill themselves slowly with cigarettes in the comfort of their own homes. So that I do not have to breathe the filthy air that emanates from their filthy habit.

If you have a problem with smoke or smokers then I would suggest that it is up to you to avoid smokers and

areas where smoking is a legal pastime, or as you suggest do your non-smoking in the comfort of your own

home, or go live up a mountain somewhere. Now maybe your getting the idea how smokers feel????

And I would have to stay home because smokers have an addictive problem!!!!!

So yes I get the idea how smokers think....

And I still wish smokers kept their problems to themselves...

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When are they going to put a picture obese belly fat on a cartons of donuts, french fries, pizza and litres of sugar-filled sodas?

Because you can see those fat bellies in real life, everywhere, everyday. Thais are among Asia's fattest Asians. 30% of population. Just 5.7% behind rotund Americans!

I was for a few days back in Austria and I doubt it....you can go in a supermarket and see a lot people and not one of them is not overweight.

While in Thailand there is still a lot slim one.

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One of lesser reasons I decided to retire to Thailand was to get away from bigots and anti anything I don't agree with

people like yourself, smokers have just as much right to smoke as you have not to. And no I don't smoke!!!!

Fully agree with you.

But I just wish that people would kill themselves slowly with cigarettes in the comfort of their own homes. So that I do not have to breathe the filthy air that emanates from their filthy habit.

If you have a problem with smoke or smokers then I would suggest that it is up to you to avoid smokers and

areas where smoking is a legal pastime, or as you suggest do your non-smoking in the comfort of your own

home, or go live up a mountain somewhere. Now maybe your getting the idea how smokers feel????

And I would have to stay home because smokers have an addictive problem!!!!!

So yes I get the idea how smokers think....

And I still wish smokers kept their problems to themselves...

So it is OK for you to ask smokers to stay home because you don't like their habit.

but god forbid you should have to take any avoiding action to support your dislike

of that habit?

I don't think smokers have the problem, but perhaps you do with your selfish and

unbending attitude towards them?

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My attitude is not aimed towards them, as you say, but towards the stench. I just wish they would be selfish and keep to themselves the stinking air that emanates from their filthy habit .

Hope this clarifies it....

Stand upwind.
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Dirtiest thilfiest most disgusting habit ever......can't understand anyone who smokes...wish I could stop

Darn, that is a funny post.

Well, then there are some smokers I do like then.

Some people will just never be able to quit. A chomosome was identified to be linked to such a difficulty, or its absence.

Hope you will be able to make it. I did, years ago.

Life is nice here, just trying to live in a healthy fashion, so as to perhaps extend it...perhaps...

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My attitude is not aimed towards them, as you say, but towards the stench. I just wish they would be selfish and keep to themselves the stinking air that emanates from their filthy habit .

Hope this clarifies it....

Stand upwind.

Last Friday I ate in a nearby restaurant. As soon as my meal was served, the server walked about three meters from my table to the front of the open-front restaurant and relaxed with a smoke. The breeze entering the restaurant blew most of his smoke, including the stale-smelling stuff recycled from his lungs directly over me and my table. Not so easy to gather my meal and sit "upwind" from him out on the sidewalk. I ate about four bites and couldn't stomach the combination of eating with his disgusting addition to my meal.

Rather than create a scene (a no-no in Thai culture) I simply voted with my feet--left, never to return.

Another time, I sat right behind a Thai bus driver on a crowded bus where there were no more available seats. The driver decided to smoke his way through the entire trip. Of course, half his smoke went out the window and the other half wafted over me, less than a meter behind his puffing. The only way to avoid this cretin would have been to get off the bus in the middle of the Loei mountains at 2 a.m.

To all the arrogant smokers that advise, "Just stay away from us, then,"

I say: "Get real! Many of you just cannot be avoided. Start looking around yourself and see how miserable you are making nearby air-breathing mammals. Since many of you don't bother to do so, I am forced to assume you just don't care, and couldn't give a $hit about anyone else other than your little self-centered universe."

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My attitude is not aimed towards them, as you say, but towards the stench. I just wish they would be selfish and keep to themselves the stinking air that emanates from their filthy habit .

Hope this clarifies it....

Stand upwind.

Last Friday I ate in a nearby restaurant. As soon as my meal was served, the server walked about three meters from my table to the front of the open-front restaurant and relaxed with a smoke. The breeze entering the restaurant blew most of his smoke, including the stale-smelling stuff recycled from his lungs directly over me and my table. Not so easy to gather my meal and sit "upwind" from him out on the sidewalk. I ate about four bites and couldn't stomach the combination of eating with his disgusting addition to my meal.

Rather than create a scene (a no-no in Thai culture) I simply voted with my feet--left, never to return.

Another time, I sat right behind a Thai bus driver on a crowded bus where there were no more available seats. The driver decided to smoke his way through the entire trip. Of course, half his smoke went out the window and the other half wafted over me, less than a meter behind his puffing. The only way to avoid this cretin would have been to get off the bus in the middle of the Loei mountains at 2 a.m.

To all the arrogant smokers that advise, "Just stay away from us, then,"

I say: "Get real! Many of you just cannot be avoided. Start looking around yourself and see how miserable you are making nearby air-breathing mammals. Since many of you don't bother to do so, I am forced to assume you just don't care, and couldn't give a $hit about anyone else other than your little self-centered universe."

So what are your views on Thailand putting large warning labels on cigarette packets?
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Good luck, they have shown warnings on the packs for some reason increases sales!

Who are " they " ? and where was this result published ?

A GATS survey conducted for the WHO using data from 2008-10 and involving a survey of 250,000 individuals in many countries (including Thailand) concluded ...

  • .....Countries with the highest number of quitters were the U.S. and the U.K., “where tobacco control activities are strongest.”

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Good luck, they have shown warnings on the packs for some reason increases sales!

One would wonder what that says, about the smoker...

Albert Einstein was a smoker. I believe he was credited as being fairly intelligent.

Albert Einstein died in 1955

He was undoubtedly a brilliant man, but the relationship between cigarette smoking and cancers was not generally understood at that time.

The US Surgeon General first gave public warnings of the harmful effect of cigarette smoking in 1964.

The following year, the US Congress passed legislation about Cigarette packet labelling with health warnings.

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Come on guys, you need to stop hating on every single thing the government does, if anything this is a good step forward. Of course there is A LOT more that can be done (e.g. heavy tax on tobacco).

I don't think anyone hates the government (in this case) for their actions. What I hate is the hypocrisy of all governments that continue to allow a product that has been proven (apparently!) to cause death to its users to be sold across the counter only for the tax return it puts into the coffers of that country.

The decals they intend to use (covering 85% of the packet instead of the current 55%) won't, IMHO as a smoker myself, deter anyone more than it does at present. Personally, I use a cigarette case; I have used that for years to stop the soft packets getting crushed in my pockets, and not because of the pictures, so it really doesn't mean anything to me.....................thumbsup.gif

So your'e health doesn't mean anything to you? It's the most important thing in your'e life while you've still got it.

For those who understand the concept of liberty, there is nothing more important in a man's life than the freedom to choose his own destiny. When others start telling you what "should" be important to you or what you "should" do for "your own good," then tyranny is at the door. I know that alcohol can cause health problems, but I still choose to drink. That is my choice and, as a free man, I will live with any consequences of that choice. Worry about your own life and the things you value. Nobody wants to be "should" on.

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Giving up smoking is the easiest thing in the world. I've done it thousands of times.

... Mark Twain wink.png

I personally like this one:

“My daughter told me she wasn't afraid of spiders but that she was afraid of my smoking. She said that she was afraid of my dying. So i went downstairs, picked up a pair of pliers and a blowtorch and showed her what real fear was.”

- Robert Clar

whistling.gif ... takes coat from hanger and exits stage.

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they should print like not smoking increases your libido , not smokers get more girlfriends and sex

but hey if that aint true who cares the warnings are based on "made" research there is also lots of that that claims the opposide

not saying smoking is healthy absolutely not ,, neither are chemtrails , combustion engines , wild burning of canefield your garbage incl.plasics and so on , in comparison is healthier to smoke a pack a day than to drive a bycicle in bangkoktraffic

I don't recall any of the research which demonstrates the opposite, as you claim. Will you tell us, please ?

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Come on guys, you need to stop hating on every single thing the government does, if anything this is a good step forward. Of course there is A LOT more that can be done (e.g. heavy tax on tobacco).

I don't think anyone hates the government (in this case) for their actions. What I hate is the hypocrisy of all governments that continue to allow a product that has been proven (apparently!) to cause death to its users to be sold across the counter only for the tax return it puts into the coffers of that country.

The decals they intend to use (covering 85% of the packet instead of the current 55%) won't, IMHO as a smoker myself, deter anyone more than it does at present. Personally, I use a cigarette case; I have used that for years to stop the soft packets getting crushed in my pockets, and not because of the pictures, so it really doesn't mean anything to me.....................thumbsup.gif

So your'e health doesn't mean anything to you? It's the most important thing in your'e life while you've still got it.

For those who understand the concept of liberty, there is nothing more important in a man's life than the freedom to choose his own destiny. When others start telling you what "should" be important to you or what you "should" do for "your own good," then tyranny is at the door. I know that alcohol can cause health problems, but I still choose to drink. That is my choice and, as a free man, I will live with any consequences of that choice. Worry about your own life and the things you value. Nobody wants to be "should" on.

Are you saying no government "should" provide the medical facilities for those dying with smoking-induced cancers, or clinics for liver diseased drinkers ? What tyranny.

How many of these free men, exercise their Liberty and reject medical help at some later stage of their lives?

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And zero provable effect on consumption so far.

This can't be messured - if the warnings was never introduced there might have been more smokers...

Of course it can be measured to see if it has a statically significant effect

I 'll assume you meant to write statistically. Bearing in mind the Country we are discussing, The government is not known for any type of accurate statistics. Generally speaking however seeing a dissected cancerous lung pictured on a package of cigarettes is generally off-putting . Unless you happen to be a pathologist.

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And zero provable effect on consumption so far.

This can't be messured - if the warnings was never introduced there might have been more smokers...

Of course it can be measured to see if it has a statically significant effect

I 'll assume you meant to write statistically. Bearing in mind the Country we are discussing, The government is not known for any type of accurate statistics. Generally speaking however seeing a dissected cancerous lung pictured on a package of cigarettes is generally off-putting . Unless you happen to be a pathologist.

Its been studied elsewhere for years.


What it does do is make it harder for the companies to launch new brands and it reduces brand recognition among youngsters.

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Visionchaser45 wrote:

For those who understand the concept of liberty, there is nothing more important in a man's life than the freedom to choose his own destiny. When others start telling you what "should" be important to you or what you "should" do for "your own good," then tyranny is at the door. I know that alcohol can cause health problems, but I still choose to drink. That is my choice and, as a free man, I will live with any consequences of that choice. Worry about your own life and the things you value. Nobody wants to be "should" on.

Agree. and in addition, if we consult J.P. Sartre and philosophy on this one.

The freedom of one stops where the freedom of others start. (Freedom to breathe fresh air in this instance)

''Freedom is defined as the possession of free will, in the absence of any constraints'.

So in a philosophical point of view, smokers do not possess freedom, they are constrained to getting their fix every now and then.

And this constraint is so strong, that it makes smokers negate the freedom of others.

Nobody would try to convince someone else to try a new activity that they have discovered, called smoking, Of course unless they are still 16....

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Am I saying no government should help people with self enduced Illness's through smoking or drinking? No, I never said that and I don't believe that, and I can't understand what makes anyone think I did. My post has not been read properly or there has been a mess up somewhere.

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My attitude is not aimed towards them, as you say, but towards the stench. I just wish they would be selfish and keep to themselves the stinking air that emanates from their filthy habit .

Hope this clarifies it....

The "stench" does not differ much from some Thai food. sad.png

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