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Cancer Is Top Killer Of Thais Among All Diseases

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Keep on polluting the country by burning plastics, garbage, rice fields and everything else and the toll will continue to rise......thanks to inept & incompetent government officials!!!

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We can all speculate on and argue about causes...genetics, lifestyle, environment, and others.; and each of us would likely be both partially right and wrong. Some cancers and causes are well understood (for instance, cancers caused by tabacco products, asbestos, UV exposures, HPV, etc.); however, the vast majority of the many cancers are not well understood. In time they, the causes, preventative actions, and more effective treatments will be understood...but that day is not now here. Today's treatments, as is pointed out in the dialogue about nano technology on one of the Discovery Channels, is basically "trying to kill the cancer before killing the patient." As a cancer survivor I can say that is 100% true. Radio and chemical therapies are hell. Moral and message of my posting: quit speculating, eliminate the known carcinogens from your life, and relax. Cheers.


As highlighted lifestyle also to blame; no exercise, poor diet, taking meals at any time of the day... just general indiscipline towards life.

Snacking causes cancer? Really? Can you enlighten us as to how many times and when we should eat to avoid cancer?

BTW my TGF insists toast more than dark brown is a definite cause of cancer. Not sure if this applies to midnight cheese and Vegemite.

Your gf is probably right.

All charred food, which create heterocyclic aromatic amines, known carcinogens. Even dark toast is suspect.


Snacks tend to have a high level of trans-fats and shouldn't be eaten regularly.

Ideally, meal-times should be 3 times per day, with a maximum of 2 snacks in between.

Heterocyclic aromatic amines are produced in high-temperature cooked meat. I very much doubt if I will find any in my toast. http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/factsheet/Risk/cooked-meats

"Snacks tend" is a cop-out. The TGF is almost vegetarian and doesn't eat the high salt/fat rubbish we see consumed in western society. Her 5 or 6 light meals each day also don't conform to western standard meal times, and I still wait for you to indicate why the TIMING should be cancer causing.


It helps to get your mind right. Say every day,with feeling,"I am perfectly healthy in every way".Say this seven times a day and soon you will get a surge of good health. Forbid yourself to be ill! Your sub-concious mind will do its best to keep your mind and body healthy.

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If you have a daughter, arrange for her to have HPV vaccination course before reaching puberty. This is 100% effective in stopping uterine/cervix cancers which are caused by the Human Papilloma(?) virus.


This news report has no meaning to me. We all know that cancer cells are present in our body since birth but our immune system keeps them in check. Cancer cells kill when our immune system is too weak to battle on.

This report can only make me infer that the life span of the average Thai has increased, so weaker immune system and more cancer death.

Maybe it means their immune systems are getting weaker at a younger age.


My mother in law is alive after stage 4, and at 30kgs, survived with complete reversal within a month, my wife also from cervical cancer



I decided to do one of the 'cure' programs myself for 4 weeks to see if it would be too difficult if any member of my family succumbed to Cancer in the future. I was in to it after 3 days and felt completely energised after 7. At 3 weeks, my skin felt like new and skin tags that I had had for two-three years dropped off, a couple of mole types marks on my back disappeared completely. I stopped at 4 weeks, 9kg lighter and feeling like a new person.


So why don't either of you two tell us what were the names of these miracle 'cures'?

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Not a lot of analysis out there on the role of glucose and its fueling of most (but not all) tumors.

All carbohydrates increase glucose levels... Thai's and most cultures sure love sweet tastes and their carbs like rice.


The human body is only 2-3% glucose but humans sure like to eat a lot carbs even if they are not active enough to deplete it.


I just passed the row of food vendors which serve our university campus of 50,000+ students and 1,500+ faculty/staff. Know which vendors are the most popular? The the ones who grill these little meatballs of pork, fish, chicken, and God-knows-what other content; along with all sizes and flavors of hot dogs. For the ten years I've been in Thailand this type of snack food has seemed to only grow in popularity.

In the west, health-conscious people have shunned these foods for decades due to the nature of their composition--usually the throw-aways of the meat industry. Anyone know if it's different in Thailand (the composition of said balls and tubular objects)? I'm not hopeful or optimistic. sad.png


I just passed the row of food vendors which serve our university campus of 50,000+ students and 1,500+ faculty/staff. Know which vendors are the most popular? The the ones who grill these little meatballs of pork, fish, chicken, and God-knows-what other content; along with all sizes and flavors of hot dogs. For the ten years I've been in Thailand this type of snack food has seemed to only grow in popularity.

In the west, health-conscious people have shunned these foods for decades due to the nature of their composition--usually the throw-aways of the meat industry. Anyone know if it's different in Thailand (the composition of said balls and tubular objects)? I'm not hopeful or optimistic. sad.png

I believe it's a "don't ask, don't tell" situation.

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My mother in law is alive after stage 4, and at 30kgs, survived with complete reversal within a month, my wife also from cervical cancer



I decided to do one of the 'cure' programs myself for 4 weeks to see if it would be too difficult if any member of my family succumbed to Cancer in the future. I was in to it after 3 days and felt completely energised after 7. At 3 weeks, my skin felt like new and skin tags that I had had for two-three years dropped off, a couple of mole types marks on my back disappeared completely. I stopped at 4 weeks, 9kg lighter and feeling like a new person.


So why don't either of you two tell us what were the names of these miracle 'cures'?


Purple Grapes. Nothing but purple grapes and water. But definitely the purple grapes must have seeds, which need to be crushed while being eaten, or broken while blending grapes for a drink. The grapes, grape seed and grape skin must all be consumed. The fascinating thing is HOW it works. Its very simple and very clever, I would type it out now but have a school run to do, so if you can't find anything on google, then later perhaps. :)


All people living in Thailand shouldn't worry too much. In Pattaya there is the savior of cancer patients, Dr. William van Eeuwijk. Already for decades he does research on cancer patients and however his explanations on the cause of all cancer forms sometimes vary from 'parasites' to 'placenta'-related, he is a hero.

It used to be DCA which cures everything or the Gallado Therapy; when you have time, google this famous doctor and you find amazing stuff.

Check the link and see how a Russian machine developed by the KGB detects cancer (again; for Dr. William the hundreds of cancer types are for the easy sake all put together...........) in an early phase. For only 10.000 Thb. p/p.


By the way, Dr William got his Doctor's title in Sri Lanka in the -70's. I suppose with approx. US$5,000 and a ticket to Cokombo, I can develop myself as well as cancer treatment specialist with a certificate on return.


It is very easy to say you have to prevent, you have to check but who pay?. Since I married my thay wife three years ago she is checking breast cancer yearly and, thank God, up to now is free but any time we go to the hospital we pay, becasue is not free as in our countries, between 3000 and 5000 bahts depending if it is only mammography or mammography and scanner too.

How many Thay women can affort this amount?????.


when nobody ever checks the road side food stalls about their oils, maximise profit = use them way to many days and times, that you as a customer gets sick or cancer, that is your problem, i guess, their way of thinking...

what about those people eating spicy everyday = stomac cancer, but hey, they are addicted...

medicine you buy over the counter, antibiotics and others for a cold... no use but can do severe damage, etc...

let's not forget all the chain smokers and drinkers


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I just passed the row of food vendors which serve our university campus of 50,000+ students and 1,500+ faculty/staff. Know which vendors are the most popular? The the ones who grill these little meatballs of pork, fish, chicken, and God-knows-what other content; along with all sizes and flavors of hot dogs. For the ten years I've been in Thailand this type of snack food has seemed to only grow in popularity.

In the west, health-conscious people have shunned these foods for decades due to the nature of their composition--usually the throw-aways of the meat industry. Anyone know if it's different in Thailand (the composition of said balls and tubular objects)? I'm not hopeful or optimistic. sad.png

I have never heard of anyone croaking due to the contents of the 'balls and/or tubular objects.' I have, however, had many acquaintances die here from heart or stroke events due, I am sure, in no small part to all the fried foods they loved (including the balls and tubular objects). sad.png


I just passed the row of food vendors which serve our university campus of 50,000+ students and 1,500+ faculty/staff. Know which vendors are the most popular? The the ones who grill these little meatballs of pork, fish, chicken, and God-knows-what other content; along with all sizes and flavors of hot dogs. For the ten years I've been in Thailand this type of snack food has seemed to only grow in popularity.

In the west, health-conscious people have shunned these foods for decades due to the nature of their composition--usually the throw-aways of the meat industry. Anyone know if it's different in Thailand (the composition of said balls and tubular objects)? I'm not hopeful or optimistic. sad.png

I have never heard of anyone croaking due to the contents of the 'balls and/or tubular objects.' I have, however, had many acquaintances die here from heart or stroke events due, I am sure, in no small part to all the fried foods they loved (including the balls and tubular objects). sad.png

As you have so aptly described, there IS a connection. I stand corrected in my original post that most of those little objects are deep-fried rather than grilled--particularly the little balls.


It is very easy to say you have to prevent, you have to check but who pay?. Since I married my thay wife three years ago she is checking breast cancer yearly and, thank God, up to now is free but any time we go to the hospital we pay, becasue is not free as in our countries, between 3000 and 5000 bahts depending if it is only mammography or mammography and scanner too.

How many Thay women can affort this amount?????.

I have read that mammograms are at best useless.

By the time they detect something, it's too late.

Further more the regular doses of radiation is just the thing to promote cancer.

Oh, and not to mention the pressure the machine exerts on the breast.

Do some checking and see if you can get infra-red photography.

Totally non-invasive.

It shows hot spots and when you compare them over time, you can quickly see if anything is changing for the worse and you can take action if necessary at the early stages.

As to cures for cancer - there are many and the American BigPharma and the medics association stomp on those cures as hard and fast as possible.

Cures lose money for the health industry.

Mammograms are still used cos the machines are expensive and now we have em, they must generate revenue!


Listening to 'The Cure', avoiding grey balls, getting an HPV jab and eating grapes, or this:

Not a lot of analysis out there on the role of glucose and its fueling of most (but not all) tumors.

All carbohydrates increase glucose levels... Thai's and most cultures sure love sweet tastes and their carbs like rice.


The human body is only 2-3% glucose but humans sure like to eat a lot carbs even if they are not active enough to deplete it.

Spot on Cobra.


Listening to 'The Cure', avoiding grey balls, getting an HPV jab and eating grapes, or this:

Not a lot of analysis out there on the role of glucose and its fueling of most (but not all) tumors.

All carbohydrates increase glucose levels... Thai's and most cultures sure love sweet tastes and their carbs like rice.

http://www.canceract...se feeds cancer

The human body is only 2-3% glucose but humans sure like to eat a lot carbs even if they are not active enough to deplete it.

Spot on Cobra.

Aaaah, now we get somewhere, you are all thinking. Glucose does indeed play a massive part in feeding tumour cells. There is a toxin contained in grape seed that cause a communication break in the link between the two mitochondria in cancer cells (healthy cells have only one mitochondria). When the link is severed between the two in a cancer cell, the cell will die. The problem has always been how to get the toxin into the cancer cell, which will reject it under normal circumstances. Bring in the humble grape !!! The purple variety being the most potent. The grapes must be eaten either whole or mulch up a glass full in the blender and take every two hours, between 0830 and 2000 hrs ONLY. After 8pm nothing at all but water must be consumed.

In the first few days you are taking this nectar of nature, all the cells in your body will become addicted to the sweet, sugary, easy source of glucose. By fasting for 12 hours at night you literally cause the cells to become ravenous with hunger for this grape concoction. Cancer cells are stronger and more hungry than normal cells (think of them as the cuckoo in the robins nest). With your first few glasses or meals of grape mulch/grapes the cancer cells will take all the nutrients first, so hungry they ignore their normal fussy checks. In the grape mulch are the many toxins that we need to get in to the cancer cells (these chemicals are NOT toxic to normal cells), and these are swallowed up in the early morning feeding frenzy by the cancer cells.

Result cancer cells completely eradicated in 5 weeks. This method kills only cancer cells/bad cells it causes no harm to healthy cells. Chemo kills all cells, thats why you get so ill. For serious stage cancer such as 4+ it may be necessary to do 5-6 weeks, then break for 2-4 weeks then do another 5-6 weeks. I know many people that have followed this procedure strictly and every single one now has no trace of cancer left. This is a huge dichotomy for Big Pharma, the humble grape at $3-4 a kilo kills cancer! All BP can do is spread disinformation about real alternative cures to their own.

An adult male will need about 2.5 kilos a day and a woman about 2 kg. Please remember to wash the grapes in warm water with lots of baby soap (you can use baby soap for washing vegetables..look at the bottle), use a soft brush and wash then properly, no need doing all that good to you and then ingesting all the sprays and insecticides is there. Whop them in the fridge and when very cold...wow! awesome as they are or simply blended. Remember to crush and eat the seeds (and no, grape seeds do NOT cause appendicitis ;) ) Good luck!

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In support of the above, once for a week I ingested nothing but red wine and did not get cancer. Further than that, I am speechless.


For anyone really interested in natural health, what constitutes good health and overcoming dis-ease, "google" Dr Herbert Shelton and Alex Burton. No magic potions, creams, black magic, herbs or spices (these are only for KFC) just advice on the body's capability of curing itself.


Not a surprise at all taking into account the air/water pollution levels.

And what would those levels be?


As highlighted lifestyle also to blame; no exercise, poor diet, taking meals at any time of the day... just general indiscipline towards life.

Snacking causes cancer? Really? Can you enlighten us as to how many times and when we should eat to avoid cancer?

BTW my TGF insists toast more than dark brown is a definite cause of cancer. Not sure if this applies to midnight cheese and Vegemite.

Your gf is probably right.

All charred food, which create heterocyclic aromatic amines, known carcinogens. Even dark toast is suspect.


Snacks tend to have a high level of trans-fats and shouldn't be eaten regularly.

Ideally, meal-times should be 3 times per day, with a maximum of 2 snacks in between.

Interesting, Doctor. My nutrionist at Bangkok Heart Hospital tells me 4 small meals a day. I will correct her.


In support of the above, once for a week I ingested nothing but red wine and did not get cancer. Further than that, I am speechless.

Giving you the benefit of the doubt for your normal jocular and witty nature, if you are uninterested or think its crap then try commenting on the biology and the science instead of saying you are speechless. I did not spend 10 mins wasting my time trying to feed you crap (scuse the pun), take it or leave it, I have first hand experience as do others. Your choice, as are the things you do that effect your health both positively or negatively.

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Not sure How many people get out to the country side, and observe how much and how many chemicals are sprayed on just about everything you eat. Not to mention what is fed to animals and how they are medicated, as well as the water that they drink.

For those that dont get out to the country much, and depending on wear you live, it is not only pollution from vehicles that contaminates the air.

I am gonna take a wild guess here, and say it is not burnt toast, that is causing most of the cancer.

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Not sure How many people get out to the country side, and observe how much and how many chemicals are sprayed on just about everything you eat. Not to mention what is fed to animals and how they are medicated, as well as the water that they drink.

For those that dont get out to the country much, and depending on wear you live, it is not only pollution from vehicles that contaminates the air.

I am gonna take a wild guess here, and say it is not burnt toast, that is causing most of the cancer.

I recall having read somewhere that Chiangmai/Chiangrai has the highest incidence (or one of the highest) of lung cancer in the world. One of the main factors in that would appear to be the annual stubble burn off.

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