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Thai Govt Wants Youtube Sex Spoof Removed


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Has Thailand just realised what the world has known for 40 years. Thailand is the sex and sleaze capital of the world. You see old fat 70 yrs old men gropping and slobbering over teenage girls and young women on every street corner and nook and cranny in places like pattaya and phuket. geez you even see them dribbling over them in places lice Big C food courts around the country it is disgusting to se these old men with girls that could be thier great great grandchildren. Thailand has encourage and built this reputation for decades so no use complaing about it now. Thailand sells it's young girls/children to western tourists.

I'm shocked that some people can't be happy for older guys who are living out their twilight years with a sexy young girl!

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In the not to be mentioned newspaper, Thailand's number one columnist remarked:

The culture minister is upset about Thailand being portrayed as a sex destination, but his family runs Pattaya.....

What more can we possibly say about this farce?

Edited by nidieunimaitre
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That's pretty incredible. I've been coming to Thailand a lot longer than your 9 posts would indicate that you have been here, and I've yet to see much of what you describe.

Get out of a very small part of Bkk, Pattaya beach area and Patong, and you'll be unlikely to see much along that line at all.

BTW, plenty of young farang men with Thai girls now- or is it only offensive if it's old men?

I agree with all of what you wrote but I have to comment on less important (and admittedly off topic aspect of your post)as it has to do with a pet peeve of mine: going by what was written I'd not be at all surprised if the guy who wrote it hadn't spent much time in Thailand or was just trollin'. But suggesting that post count is an indicator of how long someone has been in Thailand or how well they know it is just ridiculous.

Consider this: when I joined last year, I pointed out some hugely inaccurate points someone had made about an aspect of Thailand that I know quite a lot about. His immediate response was to dismiss the possibility that I know anything about the topic or Thailand because I only had a few posts.

At the time I had been been visiting, and studying Thailand (language, history, culture. politics, sociology) for 30 years and lived here about 25.

I think it clearly very silly for people on this forum to equate expat life in Thailand with membership of this forum or to (consciously or not) conflate post count with knowledge of Thailand - and yet I've seen more than one member do so.

I agree completely. This same poster used to do it on the Lonely Planet forum too. Apparently according to him, if you havent been posting on a particular forum you can't have possibly spent any time in the country. What makes this all the more amusing is that he often gets his 'facts' mixed up and cant speak the language or read it. Baffling logic (or lack of it) to say the least. Very funny though.

Indeed! Not to mention imagined involvement in certain conflicts in Indochina...

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Has Thailand just realised what the world has known for 40 years. Thailand is the sex and sleaze capital of the world. You see old fat 70 yrs old men gropping and slobbering over teenage girls and young women on every street corner and nook and cranny in places like pattaya and phuket. geez you even see them dribbling over them in places lice Big C food courts around the country it is disgusting to se these old men with girls that could be thier great great grandchildren. Thailand has encourage and built this reputation for decades so no use complaing about it now. Thailand sells it's young girls/children to western tourists.

That's pretty incredible. I've been coming to Thailand a lot longer than your 9 posts would indicate that you have been here, and I've yet to see much of what you describe.

Get out of a very small part of Bkk, Pattaya beach area and Patong, and you'll be unlikely to see much along that line at all.

BTW, plenty of young farang men with Thai girls now- or is it only offensive if it's old men?

I appreciate going by the number of your posts you are probably a veteran of Thailand with 20+ yrs and a person of vast experience. I know I haven't earnt my stripes yet to qualify for an opinion on here as this is only my 10th post and I have only been in Thailand for 18 months but I do have one thing in my favour. I have not become complacent of my surroundings, I am still observing and looking at everything around me. I pay attention and I'm amazed with everything I see. I want to observe more. Whilst everything around you is normal, to me it is an adventure and I look at everything and everyone. You were once like me and I will be like you in time.

I will get down to Bangkok one day as from what you infer, it is even more of an eye opener.

Hopefully my friend you will find this is a great country with great people like most of us have. We old farts and young farts here on TVF like to point out the good and bad of LOS. Welcome to the club.
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Has Thailand just realised what the world has known for 40 years. Thailand is the sex and sleaze capital of the world. You see old fat 70 yrs old men gropping and slobbering over teenage girls and young women on every street corner and nook and cranny in places like pattaya and phuket. geez you even see them dribbling over them in places lice Big C food courts around the country it is disgusting to se these old men with girls that could be thier great great grandchildren. Thailand has encourage and built this reputation for decades so no use complaing about it now. Thailand sells it's young girls/children to western tourists.

I'm shocked that some people can't be happy for older guys who are living out their twilight years with a sexy young girl!

I promise you men are such liars and are no different then you. Some guy is sitting with his present girlfriend saying "Oh, honey what is wrong with these men who like sex with many young beautiful women when all I need is you" LOL.

The reality is that all men want sex and when some young idiot gets a bit older and can have sex with a younger woman he is a huge fag for not doing it. I just hate when guys try and act like they are above it all, and it's likely that they are full of BS.

What people like us know is that when we are dying it is not what we did that we will regret, but what we did not do (or who we did not do!!!)

As a side note I do NOT condone child abuse, but if a 70 year old can still get down with a 25 year old, who cares. It's fine everywhere else in this world as long as it is a rich man doing it, then it is the woman that is called a gold digger, but in Thailand the man is considered a perv. Funny. If I am 70 and can still get it up, you bet I'll bang a 25 year old if she is willing, though it might kill me. And you would too!!

Edited by Whidbeyboy
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Simple solution. Stop the sex trade, and Thailand will cease being the butt of jokes as the prostitute capital of the world.

Ooops that would cost Thailand billions of baht, cannot have that. Guess better to complain to America and press You Tube

to stop showing the clip. Sort of shows the lack of understanding Thailand has about free speech. The clip was not really that

funny, they could have done a lot better if they tried harder.

Thailand has many enemies and as usual the Thai bashers are using the theme of this thread as a platform to air they’re anti Thailand views.

There is a thriving sex industry in Thailand, but so does have many other countries, Holland and Germany for example, plus in some states of Australia and America brothels and prostitution is actually legalised, yet, these are hardly given a mention.

It is possible to visit Thailand without ever seeing any sex establishments, like anywhere else in the world it`s only there for those who go seeking that sort of thing.

Most of the bad publicity given to Thailand by the West, especially from the United States and Australia is based on lies and exaggerated media reports.

Those casting the stones should first sort out the problems in their own back yards, before trying to preach to other nations how they should behave and shape they’re societies. America is number one in the world for considering themselves as the righteous among nations, but you only need to study the reports to see what sort of society that has transpired into.

As the wise man says; those living in glass houses shouldn't throw stones and the West has an abundance of glass.

And if you have a glass house, and your neighbor has a glass house someone is throwing stones at, be careful about helping defend his house, as some stones may be directed at your house....cheesy.gif

I will say this one more time. 90% of the sex trade that occurs in Thailand is by and for Thai men.

If you do not know that, you know NOTHING about Thailand. So I am always irritated when Thailand or its TV supporters upcountry try to put on the illusion that the face of prostitution in Thailand is the fat guy waddling down the street with his arm wrapped around a gogo girl... Regarding the reputation of Thailand regarding prostitution it is all about scale. There are over a million girls involved in the sex trade here. Your arguments about sex trade in other countries and specifically America is specious and weak. I doubt there is 1000 girls working in houses of prostitution on the outskirts of Vegas and Reno.

A speck of sand on the beach compared to Thailand... Thailand has earned this reputation, so just live with it.

Side note: A friend of mine told me one time that Thailand should erect a statue of a bar girl in Isan somewhere, as a tribute to the sacrifices they have made in the name of their families..

Don`t know where you obtain your statistics from?

Depends on which website you look at:


Wrong. I am told by credible NGO sources, that the sex industry in the US is larger than in Thailand. It is all underground. If you take into account massage, escorts, strip clubs, porn, etc, etc, I do not doubt it. Granted, it is a huge industry here, but it is there too!

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Wrong. I am told by credible NGO sources, that the sex industry in the US is larger than in Thailand. It is all underground. If you take into account massage, escorts, strip clubs, porn, etc, etc, I do not doubt it. Granted, it is a huge industry here, but it is there too!

Perhaps. But it's not what the USA is known for internationally. Instead the USA is mostly known for Hollywood movies, high tech industry especially Apple/Microsoft, and military weapons industry. Thailand might also be known by some for rice exports, but it is mostly known for Thai food and Thai sex. This could be a clue on how Thailand can work on this. I think there is potential here for a major international movie industry but they'd of course have to adjust the product. This among many other things has helped the image of South Korea. Edited by Jingthing
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Simple solution. Stop the sex trade, and Thailand will cease being the butt of jokes as the prostitute capital of the world.

Ooops that would cost Thailand billions of baht, cannot have that. Guess better to complain to America and press You Tube

to stop showing the clip. Sort of shows the lack of understanding Thailand has about free speech. The clip was not really that

funny, they could have done a lot better if they tried harder.

Thailand has many enemies and as usual the Thai bashers are using the theme of this thread as a platform to air they’re anti Thailand views.

There is a thriving sex industry in Thailand, but so does have many other countries, Holland and Germany for example, plus in some states of Australia and America brothels and prostitution is actually legalised, yet, these are hardly given a mention.

It is possible to visit Thailand without ever seeing any sex establishments, like anywhere else in the world it`s only there for those who go seeking that sort of thing.

Most of the bad publicity given to Thailand by the West, especially from the United States and Australia is based on lies and exaggerated media reports.

Those casting the stones should first sort out the problems in their own back yards, before trying to preach to other nations how they should behave and shape they’re societies. America is number one in the world for considering themselves as the righteous among nations, but you only need to study the reports to see what sort of society that has transpired into.

As the wise man says; those living in glass houses shouldn't throw stones and the West has an abundance of glass.

And if you have a glass house, and your neighbor has a glass house someone is throwing stones at, be careful about helping defend his house, as some stones may be directed at your house....cheesy.gif

I will say this one more time. 90% of the sex trade that occurs in Thailand is by and for Thai men.

If you do not know that, you know NOTHING about Thailand. So I am always irritated when Thailand or its TV supporters upcountry try to put on the illusion that the face of prostitution in Thailand is the fat guy waddling down the street with his arm wrapped around a gogo girl... Regarding the reputation of Thailand regarding prostitution it is all about scale. There are over a million girls involved in the sex trade here. Your arguments about sex trade in other countries and specifically America is specious and weak. I doubt there is 1000 girls working in houses of prostitution on the outskirts of Vegas and Reno.

A speck of sand on the beach compared to Thailand... Thailand has earned this reputation, so just live with it.

Side note: A friend of mine told me one time that Thailand should erect a statue of a bar girl in Isan somewhere, as a tribute to the sacrifices they have made in the name of their families..

Don`t know where you obtain your statistics from?

Depends on which website you look at:


Wrong. I am told by credible NGO sources, that the sex industry in the US is larger than in Thailand. It is all underground. If you take into account massage, escorts, strip clubs, porn, etc, etc, I do not doubt it. Granted, it is a huge industry here, but it is there too!

Amazing NGO sources. Bullshit pure and simple. My dog is bigger than your dog syndrome.

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Simple solution. Stop the sex trade, and Thailand will cease being the butt of jokes as the prostitute capital of the world.

Ooops that would cost Thailand billions of baht, cannot have that. Guess better to complain to America and press You Tube

to stop showing the clip. Sort of shows the lack of understanding Thailand has about free speech. The clip was not really that

funny, they could have done a lot better if they tried harder.

Thailand has many enemies and as usual the Thai bashers are using the theme of this thread as a platform to air they’re anti Thailand views.

There is a thriving sex industry in Thailand, but so does have many other countries, Holland and Germany for example, plus in some states of Australia and America brothels and prostitution is actually legalised, yet, these are hardly given a mention.

It is possible to visit Thailand without ever seeing any sex establishments, like anywhere else in the world it`s only there for those who go seeking that sort of thing.

Most of the bad publicity given to Thailand by the West, especially from the United States and Australia is based on lies and exaggerated media reports.

Those casting the stones should first sort out the problems in their own back yards, before trying to preach to other nations how they should behave and shape they’re societies. America is number one in the world for considering themselves as the righteous among nations, but you only need to study the reports to see what sort of society that has transpired into.

As the wise man says; those living in glass houses shouldn't throw stones and the West has an abundance of glass.

And if you have a glass house, and your neighbor has a glass house someone is throwing stones at, be careful about helping defend his house, as some stones may be directed at your house....cheesy.gif

I will say this one more time. 90% of the sex trade that occurs in Thailand is by and for Thai men.

If you do not know that, you know NOTHING about Thailand. So I am always irritated when Thailand or its TV supporters upcountry try to put on the illusion that the face of prostitution in Thailand is the fat guy waddling down the street with his arm wrapped around a gogo girl... Regarding the reputation of Thailand regarding prostitution it is all about scale. There are over a million girls involved in the sex trade here. Your arguments about sex trade in other countries and specifically America is specious and weak. I doubt there is 1000 girls working in houses of prostitution on the outskirts of Vegas and Reno.

A speck of sand on the beach compared to Thailand... Thailand has earned this reputation, so just live with it.

Side note: A friend of mine told me one time that Thailand should erect a statue of a bar girl in Isan somewhere, as a tribute to the sacrifices they have made in the name of their families..

Don`t know where you obtain your statistics from?

Depends on which website you look at:


Wrong. I am told by credible NGO sources, that the sex industry in the US is larger than in Thailand. It is all underground. If you take into account massage, escorts, strip clubs, porn, etc, etc, I do not doubt it. Granted, it is a huge industry here, but it is there too!

Amazing NGO sources. Bullshit pure and simple. My dog is bigger than your dog syndrome.

I have to agree with you the sex industrie in Thailand is ilegal and so small compared to the rest of the world that the authorities in Thailand can't even find the prostitutes. Oh sorry they arrested a lone universtity girl last week which has put a huge dent in the industry.thumbsup.gif
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Wrong. I am told by credible NGO sources, that the sex industry in the US is larger than in Thailand. It is all underground. If you take into account massage, escorts, strip clubs, porn, etc, etc, I do not doubt it. Granted, it is a huge industry here, but it is there too!

YOU are told? That's interesting. In what capacity are these NGOs dealing with you? Which ones are they? And when you say larger, is that per capita? What kind of statistics or other data do they have on the underground industry and how did they come by them?

I am in absolutely no position to speak on the US industry with the sort of authority I might have on the Thai industry but though it is frankly quite limited, I do have SOME interest in it so I'd be interested to hear more from you on this.

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa ap

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Wrong. I am told by credible NGO sources, that the sex industry in the US is larger than in Thailand. It is all underground. If you take into account massage, escorts, strip clubs, porn, etc, etc, I do not doubt it. Granted, it is a huge industry here, but it is there too!

YOU are told? That's interesting. In what capacity are these NGOs dealing with you? Which ones are they? And when you say larger, is that per capita? What kind of statistics or other data do they have on the underground industry and how did they come by them?

I am in absolutely no position to speak on the US industry with the sort of authority I might have on the Thai industry but though it is frankly quite limited, I do have SOME interest in it so I'd be interested to hear more from you on this.

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa ap

His "factoid" would be hardly surprising given the fact that the US is five times the size of Thailand. Also, if things are underground in a relatively open culture such as America's, you can imagine how they'd be in a country with a culture like Thailand's (regarding honesty and disclosure). Not sure he's thought this one through.

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Simple solution. Stop the sex trade, and Thailand will cease being the butt of jokes as the prostitute capital of the world.

Ooops that would cost Thailand billions of baht, cannot have that. Guess better to complain to America and press You Tube

to stop showing the clip. Sort of shows the lack of understanding Thailand has about free speech. The clip was not really that

funny, they could have done a lot better if they tried harder.

Thailand has many enemies and as usual the Thai bashers are using the theme of this thread as a platform to air they’re anti Thailand views.

There is a thriving sex industry in Thailand, but so does have many other countries, Holland and Germany for example, plus in some states of Australia and America brothels and prostitution is actually legalised, yet, these are hardly given a mention.

It is possible to visit Thailand without ever seeing any sex establishments, like anywhere else in the world it`s only there for those who go seeking that sort of thing.

Most of the bad publicity given to Thailand by the West, especially from the United States and Australia is based on lies and exaggerated media reports.

Those casting the stones should first sort out the problems in their own back yards, before trying to preach to other nations how they should behave and shape they’re societies. America is number one in the world for considering themselves as the righteous among nations, but you only need to study the reports to see what sort of society that has transpired into.

As the wise man says; those living in glass houses shouldn't throw stones and the West has an abundance of glass.

I quite agree with most of the points you make in this post. But how does it relate to the photo of Mr. Obama. Are you implying that he is involved in the prostitution industry?

But wouldn't simply reading the reports about America give an outsider exactly the kind of misshapen view of the country that the media "reports" about Thailand give it?

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Wrong. I am told by credible NGO sources, that the sex industry in the US is larger than in Thailand. It is all underground. If you take into account massage, escorts, strip clubs, porn, etc, etc, I do not doubt it. Granted, it is a huge industry here, but it is there too!

YOU are told? That's interesting. In what capacity are these NGOs dealing with you? Which ones are they? And when you say larger, is that per capita? What kind of statistics or other data do they have on the underground industry and how did they come by them?

I am in absolutely no position to speak on the US industry with the sort of authority I might have on the Thai industry but though it is frankly quite limited, I do have SOME interest in it so I'd be interested to hear more from you on this.

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa ap

His "factoid" would be hardly surprising given the fact that the US is five times the size of Thailand. Also, if things are underground in a relatively open culture such as America's, you can imagine how they'd be in a country with a culture like Thailand's (regarding honesty and disclosure). Not sure he's thought this one through.

I do not know the name of the organization. But. My friend was the founder and director. It was the largest aid organizational in Thailand dealing with HIV infected individuals. She attended alot of international seminars, and had access to top people from large NGO's worldwide. She spoke frankly with me. She stated quite frankly that this was the case. She said if most Americans had any idea how vast the industry was, they would be shocked. Not sure if that was per capita. Does it really matter?

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Wrong. I am told by credible NGO sources, that the sex industry in the US is larger than in Thailand. It is all underground. If you take into account massage, escorts, strip clubs, porn, etc, etc, I do not doubt it. Granted, it is a huge industry here, but it is there too!

YOU are told? That's interesting. In what capacity are these NGOs dealing with you? Which ones are they? And when you say larger, is that per capita? What kind of statistics or other data do they have on the underground industry and how did they come by them?

I am in absolutely no position to speak on the US industry with the sort of authority I might have on the Thai industry but though it is frankly quite limited, I do have SOME interest in it so I'd be interested to hear more from you on this.

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa ap

His "factoid" would be hardly surprising given the fact that the US is five times the size of Thailand. Also, if things are underground in a relatively open culture such as America's, you can imagine how they'd be in a country with a culture like Thailand's (regarding honesty and disclosure). Not sure he's thought this one through.

I do not know the name of the organization. But. My friend was the founder and director. It was the largest aid organizational in Thailand dealing with HIV infected individuals. She attended alot of international seminars, and had access to top people from large NGO's worldwide. She spoke frankly with me. She stated quite frankly that this was the case. She said if most Americans had any idea how vast the industry was, they would be shocked. Not sure if that was per capita. Does it really matter?

So it was not sources but a single source and you're not sure the name of the organization.

Was your friend Thai? That would be highly pertinent.

I'd not be the least bit surprised if she was right that most Americans would be shocked at the size of the industry as I doubt any have any knowledge of it or give it any thought (which arguably says something right there). That's not the same as saying it's larger than that of the US - did she indeed say that? I'd not be surprised if that was true, given the relative sizes of area and population.

Yes, of course percentages would matter if you are making comparisons between the 2 countries (not sure why you are).


Couple more minor points: it's my understanding that a not insignificant number of sex workers in the US (and other countries) are (either voluntarily or not) trafficked there from...guess where.

I've read that surveys indicate less than 20% of American men have visited a prostitute. I know that surveys in Thailand have indicated that the number of Thai men who have done the same is 4 times that or more.

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa ap

Edited by SteeleJoe
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Well, they'll be really upset at O'Reilly on Fox this morning. According to him, there are sex tours operating from the States to Thailand specifically for underage sex. The way he puts it, there are underage brothels all over the place.

Considering he is watched by millions of Americans every day, he is probably more damaging to Thailand's reputation than this spoof VDO.

Well I wouldn't worry about too many of the O'reilly Factor viewers post haste packing their bags and heading toward Thailand.

As Keith Olbermann once put it (2008) O’Reilly is “Still Dominating That Important Demographic, 65 to Dead”

Edited by JLCrab
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Prostitution is not illegal. Third party profit is. A very sensible law and one that deserves to be upheld.

Foreigners do not flock to US to procure sex.

Foreigners do flock to Thailand which was the entire premise of the spoof.

I thought it was funny, deserves to be seen and shame on you tube, it was satire.

Where I'm from, people whom you have to tiptoe around their sensibilities are called children.

Thailand is to worried about the wrong stuff IMO All appearance, no substance. As usual.

It also actively uses the sex industry to lure foreign tourists, Pattaya is the global capital of it.And facilitates the industry with spuriously applied tourist visa exemption rules.

And I have to add. If you are using stats to argue a point, capita is everything.

If the Thai govt doesn't like it perhaps they should take action on their own, after all prostitution is ILLEGAL in Thailand! Truth hurts doesn't it.

Not exactly.


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Noticed that since Culture Minister Sonthaya's proclaiming his agency expertly managed to get the blasphemous video removed, it somehow has managed to achieve nearly 95,000 views.

That's quite a lot for something that doesn't exist (according to Sonthaya).


Edited by Buchholz
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he he, video was funny.. and ask how mutch, goes for everything in this country,, maybe the thais should teach their people not to ask 3 times the prices instead , like they do on almoust all you want buy something outside from food shop.. Is to late to change the image, Every grown up over 17 years in western Europe knows what going onin sex buisness in Thailand anyway..Anoher issue is Americans, they hardly know they have 52 states..

Can you name them ?

And I don't mean by looking them up ?

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he he, video was funny.. and ask how mutch, goes for everything in this country,, maybe the thais should teach their people not to ask 3 times the prices instead , like they do on almoust all you want buy something outside from food shop.. Is to late to change the image, Every grown up over 17 years in western Europe knows what going onin sex buisness in Thailand anyway..Anoher issue is Americans, they hardly know they have 52 states..

Can you name them ?

And I don't mean by looking them up ?

American Samoa and um ??
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